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2.Write a program to convert decimal number to binary number by

using stack.
1. #include <bits/stdc++.h>
2. using namespace std;
5. //class for Decimal to binary conversion operations
6. class dtob
7. {
8. public:
9. int temp,i=0,carry=1;
10. string st;
11. double integ;
12. stack<int> s;
13. dtob(int no,bool type)
14. {
15. while(no>0)
16. {
17. temp=no%2;
18. no=no/2;
19. s.push(temp);
20. }
21. if(type==true)
22. {
23. while(!s.empty())
24. {
25. cout<<;
26. s.pop();
27. }
28. }
29. else
30. {
31. while(!s.empty())
32. {
33. int x =;
34. st += x + '0';
35. s.pop();
36. }
38. for(int i=0;i<st.length();i++)
39. {
40. if(st[i] == '0')
41. {
42. st[i] = '1';
43. }

Umar Asghar-70076360


44. else
45. {
46. st[i] = '0';
47. }
48. }
50. for(int i=st.length()-1;i>=0;i--)
51. {
52. if (st[i] == '1' && carry == 1)
53. {
54. s.push(0);
55. }
56. else if (st[i] == '0' && carry == 1)
57. {
58. s.push(1);
59. carry = 0;
60. }
61. else
62. {
63. s.push(st[i]-'0');
64. }
65. }
66. while(!s.empty())
67. {
68. cout<<;
69. s.pop();
70. }
71. }
72. }
73. //function to convert fraction part
74. void fraction(double fract)
75. {
76. fract=fract*2;
77. temp=fract;
78. cout<<temp;
79. fract=modf(fract,&integ);
80. if(i<9)
81. {
82. i++;
83. return fraction(fract);
84. }
85. }
86. };
88. int main() {

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89. ios_base::sync_with_stdio(false);
90. cin.tie(NULL);
91. double no,integ,fract;
92. cin>>no;
93. if(no>0)
94. {
95. fract=modf(no,&integ);
96. if(fract>0)
97. {
98. dtob o(no,true);
99. cout<<".";
100. o.fraction(fract);
101. }
102. else
103. {
104. dtob o(no,true);
105. }
106. }
107. else
108. {
109. cout<<"-";
110. no=no*-1;
111. fract=modf(no,&integ);
112. if(fract>0)
113. {
114. dtob o(no,true);
115. cout<<".";
116. o.fraction(fract);
117. }
118. else
119. {
120. dtob o(no,false);
121. }
122. }
123. }


Umar Asghar-70076360

3. Write an Algorithm to reverse the given string using stack.

Method: This difficult can be resolved not only with the help of the strtok() but
also it can be solved by using Stack Bottle Class in STL C++ by following the given

Make an unfilled stack.

Traverse the whole string, while traversing add the characters of the string into a
variable until you get a space(‘ ‘) and push that provisional variable into the stack.
Duplication the above step until the end of the string.
Pop the words from the stack till the stack is not unfilled which will be in reverse

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1. Draw the flow chart parsing for well-formed parenthesis.


Declare a character stack S.

Now traverse the expression string exp.
If the current character is a starting bracket (‘(‘ or ‘{‘ or ‘[‘) then
push it to stack.
If the current character is a closing bracket (‘)’ or ‘}’ or ‘]’) then
pop from stack and if the popped character is the matching
starting bracket then fine else brackets are not balanced.
After complete traversal, if there is some starting bracket left
in stack then “not balanced”

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Umar Asghar-70076360

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