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A research plan fulfilled for Second Language Acquisition

lecture Lecturer: Dian Misesani, S.S., M.Pd.

Name :
NIM : 0851800
Semester Academic
Year 2020/2021



Research Background

Foreign language learning and teaching refer to the teaching or learning of a

nonnative language outside of the environment where it is commonly spoken. A distinction
is often made between „foreign‟ and „second‟ language learning. A second language
implies that the learner resides in an environment where the acquired language is spoken.
In the area of research, the term second language acquisition (SLA) is a general term that
embraces foreign language learning and investigates the human capacity to learn languages
other than the first language once it has been acquired ( Moeller,et .al, 2015..327).
A language is considered foreign if it is learned largely in the classroom and is not
spoken in the society where the teaching occurs. Study of another language allows the
individual to communicate effectively and creatively and to participate in reallife situations
through the language of the authentic culture itself. Learning another language provides
access into a perspective other than one‟s own, increases the ability to see connections
across content areas, and promotes an interdisciplinary perspective while gaining
intercultural understandings.
Communication is an essential need for human being. Language as a tool of
communication has an important role to reveal an intention to someone else. People will be
able to express their thought and feeling by using language. Language, communication and
life can not be separated from one another. Language can be applied in many aspects, such
as: education, society, politics, economics, and culture, Erisa Kurniati (2012). English also
takes important role of in every aspect of human life, such as education, technology,
communication, economics, and science. The students‟ acquisition in learning English is
determined by several factors namely students‟ strategy in learning English, intelligent,
teachers‟ strategy in teaching English, students‟ experience in learning English,
motivation, students‟ facilities, background of the study(Halimah,2009..3). Schools,
university, and other education institutions serve media to improve the quality of human
resources of a nation.

B. Problem of study
Based on the background of the study above, the problems of the study are as mentioned
below :
1. How is the students motivation in English language learning of eight graders at
MTs Darul Amin Palangkaraya ?
2. What are the factor lies behind the motivation in English language learning of eight
graders at MTs Darul Amin Palangkaraya ?
3. How does the teacher motivate the EFL students ?

Motivation involves attitudes and affective states that influence degree of effort that
learners make to learn an second language.
Various kinds of motivation have been identified:
1. Instrumental motivation
Learners make effort to learn an second language for some functional reason
to pass an examination to get better job or to get a place at university.
2. Integrative motivation
Learners may choose to learn a particular second language because they are

The theory of language teaching and learning (related to your subject on Language
Teaching Method)

Chapter III Research Method

Research Design

References Mention your sources here, at least 5


Adib, Qowimul. 2012. Grammatical Error Analysis of Speaking of English

Department Students (A study at 2010 Speaking Class of ELT Department of IAIN
Walisongo). Unpublished Graduate Thesis. Semarang: IAIN Walisongo.

Aryani, Heni. 2006. The Analysis of Some Mistakes in Writing Paragraph at The
second Years Students of SMA N 1 Babakan Cirebon.Unpublished Graduate Thesis.
Cirebon: STAIN Cirebon.

Ellis, Rod. 2003. Second Language Acquisition. New York: Oxford University Press.

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