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Second Language Acquisition







A. Research Background
Have been confirmed by linguists that the language as a communication tool is
genetically only in humans; not found on other living creatures. Language is the main
characteristic that distinguishes humans with other creatures and cannot be separated from
humans. History proves how language affects various aspects of a person's life.
Communication is very important for humans, especially in terms of the learning process
between other people in whereever. Humans interact with each other through communication
in the form of language. Communication occurs either verbally or non-verbally that is by
writing, readings and sign or symbol. Language itself is a complex process that does not just
happen. In this case, the ability to communicate in learning language has empathy skills,
namely Listening, Writing, Speaking and Reading. Of the four skills must be mastered or
developed, so that learner can solve a problem. However, in learning English, especially in
learning speaking skills, there are still many underprivileged learners. Talking human
intelligence to make voices and convey suggestions from their thoughts. Humans communicate
through language requires a process that develops in stages of his age. Language has an
important role in human life. Aside from being a medium for action, language also functions as
a cultural reflection of speakers. Language is the source of life and strength. Language can
control behavior, realize their actions and change the situation. In general, people do not realize
that language is a skill that is very complex. Use ordinary language because it seemed natural
and not taught by anyone, a baby will grow up together with the growth of the language. Every
aspect of language acquisition in the language is very complex, sometimes very young children
already know the system is considered grammar.

B.     Problem Statements

Based on the background above, this problem is:

How about Factors Affecting the Development of Language?

C.    Purpose

    From the problem statements, the purposes is:

To know Factors Affecting the Development of Language.

D. Benefits of Research

1. Academic Benefits
a. Can add insight into the research and research subjects of Language Department
Students. b. This research is expected to provide scientific and knowledge
contributions, both for readers or especially for practitioners involved in household

2. Benefits of Practice
a. For the Government In this study the authors hope to provide input for the
authorities in matters relating to the use of language and also household, so that the
grammar is more focused in communicating.
b. For the General Public Can add new insights and knowledge in this problem, as well
as a comparison between the theory obtained from college with the practice that occurs
in the field.



Language acquisition is closely related to cognitive development, namely. first, if the

child is able to produce utterances which, based on the grammar which are neat, does not
automatically imply that the child has mastered the relevant languages well. Second, the
speaker must obtain the cognitive categories that underlie the various meanings expressive
natural languages.

The following is, identifying a number of factors that influence language development,
1. Knowledge (Cognition)
high or low knowledge of each individual will affect language development more
rapidly than other individuals. This is relevant (related) to the previous discussion that
there is a significant (very important) correlation (relationship) between a person's
thoughts and language.

2. Communication patterns in the family

In many patterns of family communication is an interaction where there is a
relationship between each other, or direct interaction will accelerate the development of
language in the family than those who apply communication and interact indirectly.

3. Number of children or families

In a number of families with many children or many family members, the child's
language development will be faster, because communication varies considerably
compared to having only one child and no other members than the nuclear family.

4. Position of birth order

Children who are born in the middle position, language development will be faster
than the eldest child or the youngest child. This is because the middle child has
downward communication only and the youngest child only has upward

5. Bilingualism
Children raised in families that speak more than one language or better, Language
development is faster than using only one language because children have many
languages to use.


A. Place and Time of Research

1. Research Place The research was conducted in a family at home

2. Research Time This research was conducted for 1 month

B. Research Methods

The method used in this research is the qualitative method.

C. Data Sources

Sources of data taken in this study are primary data (main), which is obtained through
direct interviews with families and also through oral or spontaneous conversations.

D. Data Collection Techniques and Procedures

The data collection techniques used in writing in this study are:

1. Observation
Observation is observing and listening in order to understand, seek answers, for some
time without affecting the phenomenon in order to find data and analysis.
2. Interview
Interview is a form of communication between two people, involving someone who
wants to get information from someone else by asking questions based on specific
3. Documentation
Documentation is a technique of collecting and addressing research subjects. In this
study, the use of data collection techniques in the form of notes, books, agendas, special
notes, photographs and letters, as well as interviews.
A. Teknik Analisis Data

Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan penelitian kualitatif, data yang diperoleh melalui
wawancara dan pengamatan tersebut di deskripsikan dalam bentuk uraian, di mana data
yang telah dikumpulkan dari tulisan-tulisan, baik berupa buku yang terkait pembahasan
kemudian transkip wawancara atau contoh-contoh pengamatan menjadi data yang
mengandung pemahaman peneliti serta ketarikan dengan teori dan subtansi topik
pembahasan. Maksud utama analisis data adalah untuk membuat data itu dapat diamati,
sehingga penemuan yang di hasilkan bisa dikomunikasikan kepada orang lain.

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