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 The arts refers to the theory, human application and physical

expression of creativity found in
human cultures and societies through skills and imagination in
order to produce objects, environments and experiences. Major
constituents of the arts include visual
arts (including architecture, ceramics, drawing, filmmaking, pain
ting, photography, and sculpting), literary
arts (including fiction, drama, poetry, and prose), performing
arts (including dance, music, and theatre), and culinary
arts (including cooking, chocolate making and winemaking).
Some art forms combine a visual element with performance
(e.g. cinematography), or artwork with the written word
(e.g. comics). From prehistoric cave paintings to modern-day films,
art serves as a vessel for storytelling and conveying humankind's
relationship with the environment.

 The traditional subdivision of the Arts,

being Architecture, Sculpture, Painting, Literature, Music, Perfo
rming, and Film stories

Benefits of on memory and creativity

People often choose to display art in their home for aesthetic

reasons, but recent studies have shown that engaging with
the visual arts can actually improve stress, memory, and empathy,
whether by viewing art or creating it.

Benefits of Viewing art

1. Decreased stress level
People who spent 35 minuets or more during their lunch break
exploring an art gallery reported feeling less stressed.
2. Increased empathy
Students survey visiting an art museum displayed higher social
tolerance and increased historical empathy.
3. Emotions of love
Neurbiologist Semir Zeki found out that the brain releases
dopamine, the chemical of pleasure when someone is viewing art.
4. Stronger critical thinking skills
Children who visited an art museum experienced a 9-18 percent
increased in critical thinking skills.
5. Relief from mental exhaustion
Psychology professor Jan Parker’s study found that viewing an art
helps relieve people of mental exhaustion and restore focus in the
same way that the out doors can.

Benefits of creating art

1. Relaxation and meditation
The act of creating a work of art draws people’s attention to details
and the environment, mimicking the experience of meditation.
2. Eases the difficulty of health condition
Art therapy helps patients to forget about their illnesses and focus
on the positive emotions while also lowering the stress hormone
3. Increased brain connectivity
Participating complex activities creates new connection between
brain cells leading to an increased in psychological resilience
4. Restore focus and concentration.
Creating art releases dopamine, the neurotransmitter pathway that
boosts drive, focus, and concentration.
5. Improved quality of life in dementia patients
Physician Dr. Arnold Bresky cited a 70% success rate in improving
patients memories and self-esteem.



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