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The Old man and the Sea Summary

The story of the novel "The Old Man and The Sea" is about an Old Man. His
name was Santiago. He was a seasoned fisherman. He fished in the Gulf
Stream near the coast of Cuba. He failed to catch any fish for the last eighty-
four days. He was declared 'unlucky' by other fishermen of the locality. A
young boy Manolin used to work with him as an apprentice. His continuous
failure in catching a fish influenced the mind of the parents of Manolin. They
directed their son Manolin not to go with the Old Man for fishing. The Old Man
possessed a great amount of patience and great resolution. He decided to go
to the sea for fishing for the eighty-fifth day. He hoped that he would definitely
hunt some big fish.

The boy Manolin brought some fresh baits for the Old Man and.a few sardines
for him to eat. He pushed the Old Man's boat into the water and wished him
‘good luck'. The Old Man set out on his adventure early in the morning. Before
the sunrise, he had reached that part of the sea which was called `Great Well'
by fishermen. The Old man had dropped four baits of different depths in the
sea. The Fist bait was at the depth of fifty fathoms, the second was at the
depth of seventy-five fathoms, the third at hundred fathoms and the fourth was
held at one hundred and twenty-five fathoms.

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