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4, DECEMBER 2007 535

Real-Time Classification of Forearm

Electromyographic Signals Corresponding
to User-Selected Intentional Movements
for Multifunction Prosthesis Control
Kaveh Momen, Sridhar Krishnan, Senior Member, IEEE, and Tom Chau, Senior Member, IEEE

Abstract—Pattern recognition-based multifunction prosthesis from multiple sites on the forearm to control a powered pros-
control strategies have largely been demonstrated with subsets thesis. Past studies have employed two [4]–[7], three [8]–[10],
of typical able-bodied hand movements. These movements are four [6], [11]–[16], and up to eight [17], [18] recording sites
often unnatural to the amputee, necessitating significant user
training and do not maximally exploit the potential of residual with varying levels of success.
muscle activity. This paper presents a real-time electromyography To control multiple functions, it is necessary to map EMG sig-
(EMG) classifier of user-selected intentional movements rather nals corresponding to different muscle contractions to a variety
than an imposed subset of standard movements. EMG signals of prosthetic functions. This mapping has been demonstrated
were recorded from the forearm extensor and flexor muscles of usually through offline pattern recognition [1], [4], [7], [12],
seven able-bodied participants and one congenital amputee. Par-
ticipants freely selected and labeled their own muscle contractions [17]–[19] and in a few instances, with real-time classifiers [5],
through a unique training protocol. Signals were parameterized [6], [11], [20]. For the purposes of this paper, we focus only on
by the natural logarithm of root mean square values, calculated the latter. For offline approaches, the interested reader is referred
within 0.2 s sliding and non overlapping windows. The feature to EMG prosthesis control schemes based on linear classifiers
space was segmented using fuzzy C-means clustering. With only 2 [2], [6], [11], [21], artificial neural networks (ANN) [1], [3]–[5],
min of training data from each user, the classifier discriminated
four different movements with an average accuracy of 92.7% [8]–[10], [12], [14], [15], fuzzy and neuro-fuzzy classifiers [1],
3.2%. This accuracy could be further increased with additional [22], [23], and K-nearest neighbour classifiers [7], [9].
training data and improved user proficiency that comes with
practice. The proposed method may facilitate the development
of dynamic upper extremity prosthesis control strategies using A. Real-Time EMG Classifiers
arbitrary, user-preferred muscle contractions.
A small number of real-time EMG classifiers have appeared
Index Terms—Adaptive, classification, clustering, electromyo-
in the literature. Focussing on the transient EMG, Hudgins et
graphy (EMG), fuzzy c-means, prosthesis, real-time, root mean
square (rms). al. [4], used simple time domain features and a neural network
classifier to achieve 90% accuracy in a four-class problem. The
main drawback was that contractions had to be exclusively ini-
I. INTRODUCTION tiated from rest. This restriction prohibited the user from intu-
itively switching between classes and impeded the coordination
YOELECTRIC prosthetic hands are controlled using of complex tasks involving multiple degrees-of-freedom [12].
M electromyography (EMG) signals. These signals origi-
nate from the depolarization and repolarization of the muscle
Moving away from the transient signal, Englehart et al. devel-
oped a “continuous classifier” using wavelet analysis [6] and
membrane during voluntary contractions and can be measured subsequently with time domain features [11] to process four
at the skin surface using either dry or wet-type electrodes. The channels of steady-state EMG signal. They succeeded in classi-
EMG control signal can be derived from a single site [1]–[3] or fying four classes of motion with an average of 0.5% error, and
six classes with 2% error.
In a subsequent work, Englehart et al. [12] further optimized
Manuscript received February 23, 2007; revised July 29, 2007; accepted Au- the continuous classifier. They processed four channels of EMG
gust 22, 2007. This work was supported in part by the Canada Research Chairs signal, with the task of discriminating six classes of limb move-
program, in part by the REMAD Foundation, in part by Ryerson University, in
part by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada, in
ment. They obtained an impressive 93.25% accuracy using a
part by Bloorview Children’s Hospital Foundation, and in part by the Myoelec- time-domain feature set, with a multilayer perceptron (MLP)
tric service at Bloorview Kids Rehab. classifier. The classes of motion were constrained to six stan-
K. Momen is with the Toronto Rehabilitation Institution, Toronto, M5G 2A2
ON, Canada.
dard able-bodied movements.
S. Krishnan is with Ryerson University, Toronto, M5B 2K3 ON, Canada. In a separate study, Nishikawa et al. [5] proposed a novel
T. Chau is with the Bloorview Kids Rehab, Toronto, M4G 1R8 ON, Canada online learning method for discriminating six different prede-
(e-mail: termined hand movements on the basis of two EMG signals
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online
at harnessed from the palmar and dorsal sides of the wrist. Using
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TNSRE.2007.908376 a variant of the adaptive heuristic critic (AHC) algorithm,
1534-4320/$25.00 © 2007 IEEE

Nishikwa et al. discriminated six forearm movements with

89.9% accuracy.
More recently, Ajiboye and Weir [20] used heuristic fuzzy
logic to classify up to four forearm movements (i.e., wrist exten-
sion and flexion, ulnar deviation and finger flexion). A trained
prosthetist selected four recording sites for able-bodied partic-
ipants and three sites for amputees. One channel of EMG was
assigned to one expected movement. A simple amplitude-driven
inference rule base, constructed using fuzzy C-means (FCMs),
achieved real-time classification rates from 94% to 99%, during
both steady state motions and transitions between movements.
However, amputees did not participate in real-time testing and
the possibility that they might have been more proficient at gen-
erating other “atypical” movements was not explored.

B. Outstanding Challenges
Based on the above appraisal of literature, some outstanding
challenges in real-time EMG classification can be identified.
1) Dependence on thresholds. EMG classifiers have typi-
cally required the determination of some threshold. With
time domain features [4], [6], [11], [12], [19], thresholds
have been required in the calculation of zero-crossings
and amplitude inflexion points [4]. Thresholds have also
been defined in the estimation of contraction onset [1],
[4] and termination [5]. A very low threshold augments
the system’s susceptibility to noise, while an excessively
large threshold reduces responsiveness to intentional
muscle activity. As muscle and skin conditions change,
Fig. 1. Protocol for system and user training to user-selected movements.
for example, due to perspiration and fatigue, thresholds
need to be adjusted accordingly, a nontrivial real-time
task. However, one could circumvent the onset threshold
by aptly defining a rest class within a pattern recognition the discrimination rate of many EMG classifiers would
framework, as demonstrated in [24]. Alternatively, the drop to about 60% over the course of actual usage [5]. It
effectiveness of a prescribed threshold may be improved is not clear whether or not previously reported classifiers
by amplitude normalization, where the normalization are conducive to real-time adaptation to daily variations
constants are derived from the amplitude statistics of a in EMG signals.
sufficiently-sized training set.
2) Adherence to subsets of admissible movements. Generally C. Overview of the Proposed Method
for prosthesis control, participants must adhere to a subset We propose a new approach to map EMG signals to different
of typical contractions associated with normative hand functions in real-time, whereby the participants freely select
movements of the able-bodied limb (e.g., wrist flexion/ex- and label their own movements. Unlike previous research
tension, finger flexion/extension, pronation/supination) [4]–[6], [11], [12], [19], [25], there are no preset contraction
[3], [5], [6], [11], [12], [17]–[19], [22], [25]. In part, this lengths, amplitude thresholds, or movement sequences for
may be due to the prevalent application of supervised training the system. The user freely performs forearm move-
classifiers, which require accurately labeled movements ments of choice while the machine automatically determines
for correct partitioning of the feature space. Obtaining the most discernible and repeatable muscle signals. Based
such labeled movements necessitates a strict experimental on this subset of usable signals, the user can then choose the
protocol where users can not freely generate contractions preferred assignment of muscle activity to functional output. In
of choice, but must adhere to a predetermined subset of this way, the user’s unique abilities are accommodated and user
normative movements. However, these normative move- training might be minimized. Since, the number and types of
ments may be meaningless and unnatural to the congenital movements are not known a priori, we adopt an unsupervised
amputee, who may be more proficient at generating other approach to classifier construction.
individual-specific contractions. Hence, systems tested
successfully with able-bodied participants may not be
suitable for amputees, as reported in [20], potentially
demanding significant user training.
3) Lack of real-time adaptation. It has been argued that The proposed method is outlined in Fig. 1 and each block is
without the capability to dynamically update over time, discussed below.

pregelled Ag/AgCl GRASS F-E8SD disposable electrodes. At

each recording site, the electrodes were arranged in a differential
configuration over the muscle bulk to harness the highest ampli-
tude signals [26], as illustrated in Fig. 2. The electrode locations
were photographed for future reference. Wires emanating from
the electrodes were secured to the participant’s forearm via tape.
Likewise, wires running along the table surface to the acquisi-
tion equipment were also secured via tape.
The raw signals were amplified (GRASS Telefactor 15A54)
5000 times, bandpass filtered in hardware with a passband of
30–1000 Hz and then sampled at 2 kHz. This bandpass range en-
Fig. 2. Example of electrode placement on the forearm flexors of the amputee
compasses the useful EMG bandwidth previously reported [26],
[27]. The low cutoff frequency of the filter was chosen to avoid
motion artifact [26]. Additionally, a 60-Hz notch filter was used
to eliminate line noise. The signals were acquired via a personal
computer (P4- 2.8 GHz, 1 GB RAM) equipped with a National
Instruments, 16 bit data acquisition board, PCI-6014. The nec-
essary software for data acquisition was written in MATLAB
To establish a well-defined and repeatable resting position
for each individual, each participant was asked to sit on a chair
and to rest his or her arm in a comfortable position. There was
no visual feedback provided during training. Rather, partici-
pants were instructed to attend to their forearm movements.
When prompted by the computer, the participants produced as
many different forearm movements as they could naturally and
repeatedly create. Movements were generated at the particant’s
own pace without any further prompting, at any desired contrac-
tion level and without reference to a corresponding prosthetic
function. Participants were not specifically instructed to avoid
forearm motion. The bandpass filter mentioned above along
with the securing of wires to the participant and to the table
mitigated contamination due to motion artifacts. Note that
movements did not have to be punctuated with rest states nor
were any specific motions or movement sequences imposed. A
2 min, continous stream of data was collected in this manner
for each channel.

B. System Training
Training of the system involved the partitioning of the feature
space to represent different classes of separable motions.
1) Feature Extraction: The root mean square (rms) value of
each channel was calculated to create a 2-D feature vector. It
has been argued that the response time of the control system
should not introduce a perceivable delay, generally regarded to
be roughly 300 ms [6], [11]. With this general prescription in
mind, we calculated the rms features of each channel within
a 200 ms window in real-time. Additionally, to spread the
concentrated data points while condensing the highly scattered
Fig. 3. Extensor versus flexor feature space. Each point is calculated from 200 points, we invoked a nonlinear transformation, in this case the
ms of data. (a) Feature space based on rms values. (b) Features space based on
natural log of rms values. natural logarithm. The log-transformed feature space, shown
in Fig. 3(b), demonstrates a more uniform scattering of points
compared to the untransformed rms features of an able-bodied
A. Acquisition of Self-Selected Contractions participant shown in Fig. 3(a). Additionally, the fea-
ture is computationally simple and by the monotonicity of the
As most below-elbow myoelectric prosthesis users control logarithmic transformation, nonlinearly related to contraction
their prosthetic appliances via the forearm flexors and extensors, force [28]. The feature extraction was peformed in
the raw EMG signals were recorded from these two sites, using real-time throughout the protocol.

Fig. 4. Cluster labeling. (a)–(f) Movements chosen by the participant. (g) Corresponding bar graph labels selected by the participant. (h) Cluster labels superim-
posed on the clustered feature space. (a) Rest. (b) Casi rest. (c) Supinated punio. (d) Mano estirada adajo. (e) Puino arriba. (f) Mano estirada right.

2) Clustering: The fuzzy C-means clustering algorithm [29] features were extracted from the corresponding EMG signals
was then used to segment the feature space into regions, in 200 ms intervals. Subsequently, the membership of a feature
where the number of movements was specified by the user. vector , was estimated by [29]
Several different cluster validity algorithms, including the Xie-
Beni index [30] and silhouettes [31], were initially used to deter-
mine the target number of clusters . However, preliminary ex-
periments indicated that these methods yielded cluster numbers (2)
that were too often incongruent with the user’s perception of
the number of achievable movements. Therefore, we elected to
use the participant-specified number of movements as the target where as before is the fuzziness index, is the number of
cluster number. In the next section, this choice of cluster number clusters and is the center of the th cluster. Each vector was
is validated by the user. The fuzzy C-means procedure mini- labeled according to the cluster with the highest membership.
mized the generalized sum-of-squares criterion function For visual feedback during the exploration stage, the different
clusters were represented as vertical bars. Once a movement was
classified as belonging to a certain cluster, the corresponding
(1) vertical bar would be highlighted. If the user judged the system
to be unresponsive to his or her movements after 2 min of explo-
ration, the system would be retrained. As shown in Fig. 1, this
where is the number of points (feature vectors) in the training would mean reiterating data collection, system training and ex-
sample, is the fuzziness index, , is the 2-D ploration until the user deemed the system responsive. Respon-
feature vector, is the degree of membership of observation siveness was judged subjectively, but was generally interpreted
in the cluster , is the center of the th cluster, and is the by users as the provision of correct classifications within a tol-
Euclidean norm measuring the similarity between an empirical erable delay.
data point and a cluster center [29]. Pal and Bezdek [32] showed
the best choice for for a large class of problems lies in the in- D. Cluster Labeling and User Training
terval [1.5, 2.5]. The midpoint, , has often been the pre- Once satisfied with the system’s classification of movements,
ferred choice for many applications. Based on preliminary em- the participants were asked to label the vertical bars, which cor-
pirical investigations, was fixed at 1.8 in this study. Iterative responded to their forearm movements. For this phase of the
optimization of the objective function (1), was achieved through protocol, the participants generated each of their selected move-
successive updates of the membership and the cluster cen- ments in turn and observed which vertical bar was highlighted.
tres as prescribed by [29]. The bars were labeled in any language or with any words which
would help participants to recall the movements. An example
C. Exploration and Validation of six different movements and their corresponding labeled ver-
After system training, the user was given 2 min to explore the tical bars are illustrated in Fig. 4. This labeling step was nec-
relationship between the discovered clusters and forearm move- essary for subsequent system testing. After all the movements
ments. To facilitate this exploration, the system classified new were named, the participants were given one minute to become
movements into one of the learned clusters. First, the accustomed at generating the labeled movements.


Subject 2 repeated the test due to misunderstanding of the protocol. Results from his second trial are presented.
Subject 8 (amputee) was asked to participate in the study twice to investigate the possible improvement from the first to the second session.


The protocol was approved by the Research Ethics Board of
Bloorview Kids Rehab (Toronto, ON, Canada). All participants
provided informed written consent. We recruited seven able-
bodied adults and one below-elbow adult congenital amputee.
Able-bodied participants consisted of a convenience sample of
adults aged 20–30 years with no upper limb deficiencies. A con-
genital amputee without previous experience with myoelectric
control was recruited from the general population. It was partic-
ularly desirable to choose an amputee who was not a powered
prosthesis user since he or she would most likely be unfamiliar
with forearm muscle control. It is generally recognized that re-
liable EMG control necessitates user training (see, for example,
[33]). Therefore, the lack of prior training in our selected par- Table I summarizes the average classification accuracies and
ticipant might present a nontrivial challenge to the automatic the number of discernible movements from all the participants in
separation of EMG signals. this study. Note that the quantity of movements discernible with
To estimate the real-time classification error, the user was re- greater than 80% accuracy (fourth column) is either slightly
peatedly cued by the computer to perform the labeled move- less than or equal to the number specified by the user (second
ments in random sequence. The computer randomly selected column). We refer to this subset of movements as the discernible
one of the movements and highlighted the corresponding ver- subset. This suggests that users were reasonably good at esti-
tical bar in yellow. The user was given 3 s from the time of mating the number of distinct movements they created. Partic-
the cue to generate the corresponding movement. Within the ipants 1, 5, and 8 grossly overestimated the number of move-
random sequence of cues, each movement was requested 10 ments, i.e., by three or more. In these instances, we note that
times. For the purposes of system evaluation, a movement by while the raw accuracies are low, the accuracies of the corre-
the participant would be considered intentional if it generated sponding discernible subset of movements are much higher.
five consecutive feature vectors with the same class label. This The individual movement accuracies for the congenital
condition helped to filter out abrupt spurious movements. amputee and an able-bodied participant are exemplified in
The performance index for the movement was given Tables II and III, respectively. Each row reports the accuracy
by of one movement. The left column is the user-assigned labels,
based on his or her own perception of the movement. Since
participants trained the system based on their self-selected
(3) intentional movements, the number, naming and nature of
movements differed among participants. In this example, it
where is the number of times movement was correctly clas- can be seen that the able-bodied participant created 6 different
sified, is the total number of different movements, and movements, discernible by the system with 96.7% 4.7%
is the number of repetitions of each movement. In the present accuracy. The amputee participant, who had never used a pow-
study, . The accuracy for each participant was simply ered prosthetic hand, created four movements, recognizable by
calculated by averaging the performance indices over all move- the system with 87.5% 13% accuracy, after only 2 min of
ments, i.e., . data collection and 1 min of formal user training.

TABLE III gests that the system may be trainable with self-selected in-
PERFORMANCE RESULTS FROM PARTICIPANT 6 tentional movements from individuals with unique musculature
and aytpical soft tissue configurations. This result emphasizes
the importance of accomodating movements natural to an am-
putee (see movement labels in Table II), which may be very
different from those of typical able-bodied individuals. Inci-
dentally, the amputee participant expressed extreme satisfac-
tion with the system responsiveness. Further studies with larger
sample sizes are required to validate these observations.

C. Prosthesis Control
The proposed algorithm could potentially be used to control
current powered prosthetic hands, which usually only open and
V. DISCUSSION close. The additional movement classes can be mapped to give
the prosthesis enhanced functionality. For example, tight fist and
A. Classification of Multiple Movements soft fist movements expressed by Participant #6, might control
From the second and third columns of Table I, it can be seen the rate of opening or closing the powered prosthetic hand, sim-
that all participants except Participant #5 could produce between ilar to functionality available in conventional myoelectric pros-
four and six movements that were discernible by machine with theses.
an average accuracy of 75% or better. Although Participant #5 Previous studies argued that a participant’s EMG corre-
perceived nine different movements during the initial data col- sponding to a specific movement changes over time [5]. Using
lection, he failed to reproduce the same type of movements later well-established dynamic fuzzy clustering principles [34], it
in the testing session. Participant #5 later revealed that a subset is conceivable that the proposed algorithm might be rendered
of the nine movements produced during the initial data collec- adaptive. However, this remains to be demonstrated and valida-
tion did not feel natural. Therefore, during the testing session, tion of the adaptation process, i.e., that there is indeed improved
he could not remember how to generate those movements. The classification due to dynamic updating, would be a nontrivial
algorithm suggested that he could perform only four repeatable issue.
self-selected movements with more than 92% 4.3% accuracy.
The important point here is that multimovement discrimination VI. LIMITATIONS
was facilitated with all participants and that the system was able As the system uses wet-type electrodes and performs amplifi-
to recommend the most discernible movements to the user. cation distally, the system is susceptible to motion artifact. Such
Since participants selected and labeled their own movements, artifacts can be mitigated by embedding both the amplifier and
it was expected that they could reliably recreate the movements the filters inside the electrode at the skin surface, as in conven-
as required. A few participants however, expressed nervousness tional Otto Bock electrodes.
in responding to the computer prompt. When asked by the com- The system appeared to be sensitive to variations in the
puter to produce a movement during the test session, sometimes resting state. For example, resting one’s forearm with the
users reported that they performed the wrong motion. These user hand closed is interpreted by the system as a different state than
errors would diminish the accuracy of the system. resting with the hand open. From the participant’s point of view,
The current one second delay (0.2 s five consecutive both motions represent the resting state. This discrepancy in
windows of uniform classification) for classifying a movement interpretations inflated within cluster variability and accounted
was imposed for testing purposes only. Preliminary tests sug- for errors relating to the classification of “Rest” signals. Future
gest that it is possible to decrease the 200-ms feature extractor studies may investigate the possibility of employing adaptive
window down to 40 ms without compromising classification clustering [34] to address this limitation through the automatic
performance. merging of multiple rest classes.
Participants 5, 6, and 7 judged the system to be nonrespon-
B. Focus on Natural Movements sive during the exploration and validation stage. This may have
The training did not impose any restriction on the partici- been the result of the user generating movements which he or
pant’s choice of movements. Indeed, the system learned from she could not easily replicate or the fuzzy clustering algorithm
the participant’s self-selected, natural movements. Unlike pre- settling into a suboptimal local minimum. Subsequently, these
vious studies [12], there was no need to train the system with participants retrained the system a second time. While this re-
only the transient or steady-state portions of the signal. Both training extends the overall classifier training time, it is some-
signal components were captured by the cluster representation. what comforting that only a maximum of one retraining was
All the participants in this study encountered the system for required in the present experiments.
the first time and trained the system for only a mere 2 min.
It is expected that the accuracy of the system would increase VII. CONCLUSION
further as the user becomes more proficient at generating indi- We have described a new approach to real-time classification
vidual movements. The surprisingly high accuracy for the lone of forearm muscle signals corresponding to self-selected inten-
amputee participant in this study (Participant #8-Trial 2) sug- tional movements. Unlike previous work, our method admits

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Sridhar Krishnan received the B.E. degree in elec- Tom Chau (S’92–M’97–SM’03) received the BASc.
tronics and communication engineering from Anna degree in engineering science in 1992 and the MASc.
University, Madras, India, in 1993, and the M.Sc. and degree in electrical and computer engineering in 1994
Ph.D. degrees in electrical and computer engineering from the University of Toronto. He received the Ph.D.
from the University of Calgary, Calgary, AB, Canada, degree in systems design engineering in 1998 from
in 1996 and 1999, respectively. the University of Waterloo.
He joined the Department of Electrical and Com- After spending some years in industry, he joined
puter Engineering, Ryerson University, Toronto, ON, the staff of Bloorview Kids Rehab, where he is cur-
Canada, in July 1999, and currently he is an Asso- rently a scientist in the Bloorview Research Institute.
ciate Professor and Chairman of the Department. He He is also an Assistant Professor in the Institute of
holds the Canada Research Chair position in Biomed- Biomaterials and Biomedical Engineering at the Uni-
ical Signal Analysis. versity of Toronto, where he directs the Clinical Engineering Program. He holds
Dr. Krishnan is a recipient of the 2007 Young Engineer Achievement Award a Canada Research Chair in Pediatric Rehabilitation Engineering. His current
from Engineers’ Canada. research interests revolve around innovative access technologies for children
and youth with severe motor impairments who are nonverbal.

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