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‫بسـ ـم اهلل الرمحـن الرحيـم‬

‫ ابو بـكر حميـد حسان‬:‫االســـم‬

‫مجهورية العراق‬
‫ دراما‬:‫المــادة‬ ‫وزارة التعليم العايل والبحث العلمي‬
2020\6\2 ‫التــاريخ‬ ‫جامــعة االنبــار‬

‫كلية تربية للعلوم االنسانية‬

‫قسم اللغة االنكليزية\املرحلة الثالثة‬

Full Book Quiz

1. Who is Orsino in love with at the beginning of the play?

 Olivia
 Viola
 Maria
 Malvolio

2. Complete the quote: "If music be the food of _____, play on."

 Sleep
 Sorrow
 Love
 Joy

3. Where does Twelfth Night take place?

 England
 Illyria
 Ruritania
 Denmark

4. Why is Olivia unwilling to receive any visitors?

 She is hideously deformed

 She is terribly shy
 She cannot speak
 She is in mourning for her dead brother
5. How does Viola come to be at Orsino’s court?

 She is shipwrecked nearby

 She is captured and made a slave
 She is invited to be a guest of Orsino
 She is Orsino’s daughter

6. Why is Sir Andrew Aguecheek staying at Olivia’s home?

 He is her uncle
 He is trying to court Maria
 He is trying to court Olivia
 He is Malvolio’s brother

7. How does Viola disguise herself?

 She puts on makeup to make herself resemble an old woman

 She dresses like a man
 She shaves her head and wears a false beard
 She does not disguise herself

8. What is Malvolio’s position?

 He is Orsino’s fool
 He is Viola’s butler
 He is Sir Toby’s butler
 He is Olivia’s steward

9. What is Sir Toby’s great vice?

 He is a drunkard
 He is a glutton
 He enjoys pornography
 He has no vices

10. Who does Orsino send to carry his messages to Olivia?

 Malvolio
 Feste
 Viola, disguised as Cesario
 Sebastian

11. Who does Viola fall in love with?

 Malvolio
 Orsino
 Sir Toby
 Olivia

12. Who does Olivia fall in love with?

 Orsino
 Malvolio
 Antonio
 Viola, in her disguise as Cesario

13. Who is Sebastian?

 Viola’s brother
 Orsino’s cousin
 Olivia’s fool
 Malvolio’s son

14. Who forges the letter that Malvolio thinks is from Olivia?

 Feste
 Sir Toby
 Maria
 Viola

15. What does the forged letter make Malvolio believe?

 That Maria is in love with him

 That he is going to inherit a fortune
 That Viola is in love with him
 That Olivia is in love with him

16. Who takes care of Sebastian after he is shipwrecked?

 Viola
 Feste
 Malvolio
 Antonio

17. Who challenges Cesario to a duel?

 Orsino
 Sir Andrew
 Malvolio
 Antonio

18. What does Malvolio wear in the hope of pleasing Olivia?

 Green leggings
 Women’s clothing
 Yellow stockings and crossed garters
 A red wig and silver pantaloons

19. Why does Antonio travel to Illyria?

 To be close to Sebastian
 To get revenge on Orsino
 To woo Olivia
 He does not travel

20. Why does Sir Andrew try to fight with Sebastian?

 He thinks that Sebastian has killed Orsino

 He thinks that Sebastian wants to kill Sir Toby
 He thinks that Sebastian is in love with Maria
 He thinks that Sebastian is Cesario

21. What do Sir Toby and the others do to Malvolio?

 They kill him

 They lock him in a dark room and tell him he is mad
 They tar and feather him
 They get him drunk and convince him to sing with them

22. What disguise does Feste wear when he speaks with Malvolio?

 Cesario
 Olivia
 Sir Topas, the curate
 An angel

23. Who does Olivia marry?

 Sebastian
 Antonio
 Orsino
 Malvolio

24. When he realizes that Cesario is a woman, what does Orsino do?

 He orders her executed

 He banishes her
 He betroths her to Antonio
 He decides to marry her

25. Which character does not get married (or plan to) at the end of the play?

 Orsino
 Sir Toby
 Sebastian
 Malvolio

Context Quiz
1 of 5

Shakespeare probably wrote Twelfth Night ___ of his career.

 In the beginning
 In the middle
 In the later part
 At the end

2 of 5

What is Twelfth Night's alternate title?

 What You Will

 The Shipwreck
 The Illyrian Youth
 Time and Again

3 of 5

What holiday is the term "twelfth night" probably a reference to?

 Christmas
 Easter
 Epiphany
 Ascension

4 of 5

Along with As You Like It and The Merchant of Venice, Twelfth Night is referred to as one of
Shakespeare's so-called ___ plays.

 Island
 Holiday
 Italian
 Transvestite

5 of 5

Many of the elements in the play seem to be drawn from which earlier work?

 Didon se Sacrifiant (French)

 Gl'ingannati (Italian)
 Fidele and Fortunio (English)
 Med Ora (Spanish)

Plot Overview Quiz

1 of 5

Where is the action of the play set?

 Venice
 Padua
 Illyria
 Athens

2 of 5

Why does Viola disguise herself as a man?

 For a joke
 To find work
 To woo Olivia
 To avoid violence

3 of 5

Who is trying to court Olivia at the beginning of the play?

 Sebastian, Orsino
 Cesario, Orsino
 Feste, Cesario
 Orsino, Sir Andrew Aguecheek

4 of 5

Who tricks Malvolio into thinking that Olivia loves him?

 Maria
 Cesario
 Olivia
 Orsino

5 of 5

Who challenges Cesario to a duel over Olivia?

 Orsino
 Sir Andrew Aguecheek
 Sir Toby
 Sebastian

Character List Quiz

1 of 5

How can Orsino's affections towards Olivia be defined?

 Sincerely in love
 Obsessed with love itself
 Bordering on hate
 Indifferent
2 of 5

Who is Olivia in mourning for?

 Her father
 Her mother
 A lost love
 Her brother

3 of 5

What best describes Malvolio's character?

 An efficient steward
 Priggish and haughty
 Warm and affectionate
 Answers A and B

4 of 5

Who does Sir Toby fall in love with?

 Viola
 Feste
 Maria
 Sir Andrew Aguecheek

5 of 5

What does Maria achieve that Malvolio does not?

 Being an efficient steward

 Rising in the world
 Running the household
 World travel

Analysis of Major Characters Quiz

1 of 5

What does Viola have in common with most of Shakespeare's heroines?

 She is boring
 She is heartless
 She is very likeable
 She is violent

2 of 5

Orsino and Olivia have similar personalities; which trait do they share?

 Wittiness
 Cruelty
 Interest in other people
 Self-involvement

3 of 5

Which character serves to break both Orsino and Olivia out of their self-involvement?

 Sebastian
 Viola
 Malvolio
 Maria

4 of 5

What aspect(s) of Malvolio's personality are revealed through the course of the play?

 His fun-loving side

 His romantic nature
 His wisdom
 His ambition and self-regard

5 of 5

When Malvolio is brought out of the dark room at the end of the play, what do his captors do?

 Apologize
 Give him money
 Refuse to apologize
 Make him sing
Themes, Motifs & Symbols Quiz

1 of 5

How do many of the characters in the play view love?

 As a necessary evil
 As non-existent
 As a curse
 With indifference

2 of 5

In which characters can we find echoes of the homoeroticism between Duke Orsino and Viola
(as Cesario)?

 Sebastian and Malvolio

 Maria and Olivia
 Malvolio and Orsino
 Antonio and Sebastian

3 of 5

What spirit does the feast of Twelfth Night embody?

 Social upheaval
 Loving peacefulness
 Reflection and prayer
 Decorum and order

4 of 5

What purpose do letters serve in the play?

 Sharing everyday news

 Communication and miscommunication
 Clearing up issues
 Business correspondence
5 of 5

What can the changing of clothes in the play symbolize?

 Gender and class shifts
 Changes in style
 The wearer's seriousness
 Changes in weather

Act 1, scenes i-ii Quiz

1 of 5

Olivia refuses to marry for how long?

 Ten years
 Three years
 Seven years
 One year

2 of 5

What does Orsino want to do while he pines for Olivia and listens to music?

 Hunt
 Lie on flowers
 Manage his estate
 Socialize

3 of 5

In Act I, scene ii, Viola knows that her brother Sebastian is ___?

 Alive
 Dead
 Missing
 Olivia's true love

4 of 5

Who tells Viola about Duke Orsino?

 Valentine
 Olivia
 A passing shepherd
 The ship's captain

5 of 5

Why does the ship's captain help Viola find a disguise?

 For payment
 Out of kindness
 He loves Viola
 Out of duty

Act 1, scenes iii-iv Quiz

1 of 5

What does Maria think of Sir Andrew Aguecheek?

 He's a drunk
 He's boring
 He's husband material
 He's wise

2 of 5

What does Sir Andrew Aguecheek get wrong about Maria?

 Her social status

 Her job
 Her name
 Her gender

3 of 5

When they meet, what does Sir Toby compliment Sir Andrew Aguecheek on?

 His business skills

 His dancing
 His cleverness
 His wit
4 of 5

Orsino sends Cesario, his new favorite servant, on a very important errand. What is it?

 Spying on Olivia
 Shopping for the household
 Mending farm fences
 Delivering letters to Olivia

5 of 5

Why is Viola reluctant to carry out Orsino's command of delivering a love letter to Olivia?

 It's embarrassing
 It's a long walk
 She loves Orsino
 She loves Olivia

Act 1, scene v Quiz

 Further Study Act 1, scene v Quiz

1 of 5

Where does Feste say Olivia's brother's soul is?

 Heaven
 Hell
 Trapped on Earth
 Nowhere

2 of 5

How does Malvolio react to Feste's humor?

 He is critical
 He finds it funny
 He is angry
 He ignores Feste

3 of 5

Who is talking to Cesario when Malvolio is sent out to meet him?

 Sir Toby
 Sir Andrew Aguecheek
 Orsino
 Olivia

4 of 5

What message does Olivia give to Cesario to deliver to Orsino?

 She loves Orsino

 She doesn't love Orsino
 She loves Cesario
 She loves Malvolio

5 of 5

What token does Olivia send to Cesario after Cesario has left?

 A letter
 A knife
 Her ring
 Her veil

Act 2, scenes i-ii Quiz

 Further Study Act 2, scenes i-ii Q uiz

1 of 5

What does Antonio do with Sebastian after rescuing him from the shipwreck?

 Teaches him manners

 Cares for him
 Locks him up
 Hides him

2 of 5

What do we learn about Sebastian and Viola's family in this scene?

 Their mother is missing

 Their father is dead
 They are English
 They are not noble

3 of 5

What does Antonio feel towards Sebastian?

 Indifference
 Strong dislike
 Affection
 Awe

4 of 5

What does Viola do with the ring that Olivia wants to give Cesario?

 Insists Olivia keep it

 Takes it willingly
 Ignores it
 Throws it at Malvolio

5 of 5

How does Viola feel about Olivia having fallen in love with Cesario?

 Jealous
 Horrified
 Pitying
 Glad

Act 2, scenes iii-iv Quiz

 Further Study Act 2, scenes iii- iv Quiz

1 of 5

Who starts singing late at night?

 Sir Toby
 Sir Andrew Aguecheek
 Feste
 Maria

2 of 5
What does Malvolio warn will happen if Sir Toby doesn't improve his manners?

 Sir Toby must leave

 Olivia will cry
 The neighbors will complain
 Feste will be fired

3 of 5

Who suggests playing the practical joke on Malvolio?

 Sir Andrew Aguecheek

 Maria
 Sir Toby
 Feste

4 of 5

When Orsino says that he can tell Cesario (Viola) is in love, what does Cesario do?

 Denies it
 Admits the truth
 Agrees
 Changes the subject

5 of 5

What kind of song does Feste sing for Orsino?

 A religious song
 A comic song
 An upbeat folk song
 A sad love song

Act 2, scene v Quiz

 Further Study Act 2, scene v Quiz

1 of 5

Who spies on Malvolio and knows that he is approaching Olivia's house?

 Maria
 Olivia
 Sir Toby
 Fabian

2 of 5

What is Malvolio doing as he walks down the garden path?

 Reading a letter
 Jeering at Sir Toby
 Whistling
 Talking to himself

3 of 5

What does Malvolio find on the garden path?

 A knife
 A letter
 A chest
 A ring

4 of 5

What are the initials of the unknown beloved to whom the letter is addressed?

 M.O.A.I.
 S.O.S.
 M.O.N.I
 M.A.O.I

5 of 5

What sort of stockings does the letter request that the reader wear to prove they return
Olivia's love?

 Woollen stockings
 Green stockings
 Lace stockings
 Yellow stockings

Act 3, scenes i-iii Quiz

 Further Study Act 3, scenes i-iii Quiz

1 of 5

Who does Cesario meet and speak with first outside Olivia's house?

 Olivia
 Malvolio
 Feste
 Maria

2 of 5

What does Olivia do when Cesario politely rejects her message of love?

 Laughs
 Accepts it
 Vows revenge
 Begs for his love

3 of 5

Why does Sir Toby want to keep Sir Andrew Aguecheek around?

 To spend his money

 For safety
 To impress everyone
 To make trouble

4 of 5

What does Sir Toby encourage Sir Andrew Aguecheek to do with Cesario?

 Kick him out

 Duel
 Make friends with him
 Steal his money

5 of 5

Why is Antonio unsafe in Illyria?

 Olivia is his enemy

 Sebastian is dangerous
 Earthquakes are common there
 Orsino is his enemy

Act 3, scene iv Quiz

 Further Study Act 3, scene iv Quiz

1 of 5

What does Olivia think Malvolio can help her with?

 Her strategy
 Her estate
 Her investments
 Her outfit

2 of 5

What do Sir Toby, Fabian, and Maria pretend to believe about Malvolio after Olivia sees him?

 That he is mad
 That he is possessed
 That he loves Olivia
 That he is dying

3 of 5

Where do the servants and Sir Toby lock Malvolio?

 Out on the balcony

 In the kitchen
 In the dungeons
 In a dark room

4 of 5

What new love token does Olivia give Cesario?

 A locket
 A ring
 A book
 A lock of hair
5 of 5

What does Antonio say he will do to Sir Andrew Aguecheek on Cesario's behalf?

 Debate him
 Fight him
 Race him
 Marry him

Act 4, scenes i-iii Quiz

 Further Study Act 4, scenes i-iii Quiz

1 of 5

Who does Feste spot near Olivia's house and try to persuade to return to the house?

 Cesario
 Sebastian
 Malvolio
 Orsino

2 of 5

What does Sebastian do when Sir Andrew Aguecheek attacks him?

 Surrenders
 Nothing
 Beats him
 Runs away

3 of 5

What is the occupation of "Sir Topas", the figure Feste dresses up as in order to torment

 A priest
 A policeman
 A playwright
 A knight

4 of 5
What does Malvolio beg from Feste while in the dark room?

 New clothes
 Entertainment
 Paper, ink, and light
 Proof of his sanity

5 of 5

How does Sebastian feel while Olivia is showering him with affection and gifts?

 Stressed
 Angry and rebellious
 Relaxed and bored
 Dazed but happy

Act 5, scene i Quiz

 Further Study Act 5, scene i Quiz

1 of 5

Who does Antonio mistake for his friend Sebastian?

 Orsino
 Fabian
 Cesario
 The Illyrian law officers

2 of 5

When Orsino threatens to kill her/Cesario for betraying him, what does Viola say?

 That she loves Orsino

 That she curses him
 She tells the truth
 She says nothing

3 of 5

What happens when Viola/Cesario and Sebastian finally come face to face?

 They hug immediately

 They ask many questions
 A fight breaks out
 Orsino and Olivia faint

4 of 5

How does Orsino feel after realizing that Olivia has married Sebastian?
 Indifferent
 Utterly devastated
 Angry
 Pleased

5 of 5

What does Feste do as the last character on the stage?

 Recites a familiar fable

 An elaborate dance
 Juggles
 Sings a sad song

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