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MATA KULIAH : Bahasa Inggris
HARI/TGL : Jumat/ 3 Juli 2020
WAKTU : 120 menit

Mahasiswa yang pada saat UTS terbukti melakukan kecurangan (copy paste)/ jawaban
persis sama, maka peserta ujian yang jawabannya sama tersebut akan dikenakan sanksi
berupa: pembatalan mata kuliah yang bersangkutan (nilai FR), nama mahasiswa tersebut
akan dicantumkan pada papan pengumuman dan majalah kampus News Letter.

Direction: Write your answers on your answer sheet!

A. Read the following dialogue and answer the questions by circling a, b, c or d (20 points).

Mom: Takeshi, we need to talk. Takeshi: Oh. Yeah, yeah, yeah. When he
Takeshi About what? was my age, he had a wife and he
: Your father and I are worried. had kids and he had blah, blah,
Mom: You’re 28, you don’t work, you blah. Mom, times have changed! I
aren’t going to school, you play want to do something REAL with
video games and you lie around the my life. Something creative!
house. You’ve got to do something Mom: Something creative? Like what?
with your life. You need to get a Takeshi: Like making videos. Like the one I
job. made and put online. It doesn’t pay,
Some stupid, boring, part-tim job, but it’s creative.
Takeshi I’ve tried that. Mom: As a hobby that’s fine, but we can’t
: Get a real job! We spent a fortune take care of your forever.
sending you to university and…. Takeshi: You think I like sitting around
Mom: You want me to be like Dad? He here?
comes home late every day, If you would pay me to go get
Takeshi exhausted. He has no vacation. He’s some better equipment or to go to
: a slave to his company. They don’t film school, I could really do
care if he works himself to death. something with my videos.
Now, that’s not exactly true. Mom: You aren’t realistic. But if you get
And anyway, to get into top a real job, you could save your
companies that have interesting jobs money and then you could buy all
Mom: you have to graduate from an elite the…
Takeshi school. The system isn’t fair. Takeshi: Mom, Mom! Stop it! You just
: The system works for people who don’t understand!
work hard—like your father. When Mom: You’re right, I don’t. I don’t
he was your age… understand and it really worries me.

1. Who is Takeshi ?
a) a daughter b) a son c) a boy d) a girl

2. How old is Takeshi next year ?

a) 28 b) 27 c) 29 d) 30

3. What does Takeshi do ? He is ….

a) a part timer b) a student c) a slave d) a manager

4. What does Takeshi think about his father ?

a) He works as a slave. c) He died a year ago.
b) He works like a slave. d) He never valued himself.

5. Why does Takeshi think that “the system is not fair” ?

a) Only people from elite schools get interesting jobs.
b) Only people from private school get interesting jobs.
c) Only people from state schools get interesting jobs.
d) Only relatives of company owners get interesting jobs.

6. What is Takeshi’s comment on his mother praise for his father’s effort ?
a) annoyed b) happy c) cynical d) sad

7. What job does Takeshi feel interested more ?

a) entertaining people c) helping people
b) making movies d) making cakes

8. What does Takeshi’s mother think about Takeshi’s interest ?

a) It’s only to hill the time. c) It’s not important.
b) It’s a hard work. d) It’s useless.

9. How does Takeshi think what his mother needs to do ?

a) helping him realized his dream c) leaving him alone
b) sending him to school again d) finding him a solution

10. Why don’t Takeshi and his mother finally have an agreement ?
a) They have the same perspective.
b) They disagree each other.
c) Takeshi is stubborn.
d) Takeshi’s mother is fussy.
B. Read the following text, and answer the questions in brief (20 points).

Some of the most closely guarded secrets belong to large corporations. Computer companies
carefully guard their software, and most businesses protect the marketing information that they gather
about their customers. The most famous trade secret of all is the formula for the American soft drink,
John Pemberton invented Coca-Cola in 1885. Coca-Cola originally contained coca leaves, the same
plant from which cocaine comes, and an extract of kola nuts, which contain caffeine. These two
ingredients gave the carbonated drink its name. Present-day Coca-Cola has a non-narcotic extract of
coca leaves; for which the company has the only special permit from the U.S. government.
The exact formula for Coca-Cola is th oldest and most famous trade secret in the world. Various
recipes for Coke have been published, but the company insists that all of them are incorrect. Most
experts believe that the formula includes a citrus flavor, for example, from oranges or lemons, as well
as vanilla extract and spices, of which cinnamon and nutmeg are often mentioned.
Another mystery about Cake’s secret formula is the number of people who actually know the whole
formula. The original written formula is kept in the main vault of the Sun Trust Bank in Atlanta,
Georgia, the city in which the Coca-Cola Corporation has its headquarters. Only two executive have
access to the original formula in the vault, although other employees also know the formula.
Coca-colahas done such a good job of using its secret formula in its marketing that the formula has
become an icon of American culture. In 1985, the Coca-Cola Corporation tried to change the formula
to make Coke Sweeter in order to compete with Pepsi, which was increasing its market share. The
Coca-Cola Corporation tested the new formula extensively before trying to sell it. consumers greatly
preferred the taste of New Coke in blind taste-tests, where they did not know which cola they were
drinking. In public, however, the new product was completely rejected. Coke lovers publicly protested,
wrote letters, and even threatened lawsuits. The Coca-Cola Corporation gave up and went back to
selling Coca-Cola Classic, while New Coke disappeared.
With some secrets, it’s the mystery that attracts, rather than the information that is hidden. This may
be the case with the Coca-Cola formula, a secret that has made Coke the most popular soft drink in the

1. Who invented Coca-Cola ?

2. What ingredients gave Coca-Cola its name ?

3. What is the most trade secret in this world ?

4. Where is the original formula kept ?

5. How did the public react to new coke ?

C. Read the above text once again and state whether the statements are True (T) or False (F)
(10 points).

1. Coca-Cola formula can be seen easily in it’s bottle T / F

2. Although cola leaves come from the same plant which cocaine comes from,
but it doesn’t have narcotic extract. T/ F
3. Various coke recipes published are not correct. T/ F
4. The original formula is kept in a bank in California. T / F
5. It’s a big business, all coca-cola employees need to know the formula. T / F
6. Coca-cola formula has been an icon of American culture. T / F
7. Coca-cola has been made sweeter in order to compete which Pepsi. T / F
8. In blind taste-tests, customers preferred the previous coca-cola with less
sweet taste T / F
9. During the test customers was let know what cola they were drinking. T / F
10. Coca-cola secret formula has mode coca-cola become famous. T / F

II. Find the definitions or the meanings. Match them! (20%)

1. A part of the market A. brand image

2. A plan of how to spend money over
a period of time B. inventor
3. To enter a market and obtain a share of it. C. target
4. A future long – term plan of actions. D. product range
5. Phrases/sentences customers will associate with a product. E. to invest
6. A person who makes something for the first time. F. qualification
7. An examination passed at school or university. G. segment
8. The general idea/impression that consumers have of H. to penetrate
a product I. budget
9. A series of items which gives customers a choice. J. to launch
10. Using money to earn money K. strategy
L. slogan

III. Choose the correct expression to complete the sentences (20%) !

Situation : Lintel, a computer chip manufacturing company, currently has a job opening in its
Finance Department. John Miller is the first applicant to be interviewed this morning by
Lintel’s Finance Manager, Mike GatesMike : Good morning, John. I am Mike.
John : Good morning !
Mike : How ____________ (1) ?
John : _____________ (2). Thank you
Mike : How was the traffic coming over here ?
John : I am so glad that the traffic was light this morning. ________(3) and no accidents.
Mike : That is good. John, let’s start the interview. Are you ready ?
John : Yes, _______(4)
Mike : First of all, let me properly introduce myself. I’ am the Finance Department
Manager. As you know there is open position in my department, and I need
someone________(5) as soon as possible.
John : Please, tell me a little bit about the position.
Mike : It is an entry-level position. The new employee will have to work closely
with the Accounting Department. He will also have to deal with the bank
on a daily basis.
John : What type of _______(6) do you require ?
Mike : I require a four-year college degree in Finance. Some working experience
would be helpful.
John : What kind of experience are you _______(7) ?
Mike : Doing office work is good. However since this is an entry-level position.
I do not require ________(8). I am willing to train the new person.
John : That is great!
Mike : John, tell me a little bit about yourself.
John : I have been working part-time as a payroll clerk for ________(9).
Mike : What are you looking for in a job ?
John : The job should help me see what Finance is all about. I have learned a lot
of Finance theories at school, and now it time for me to put them ________(10).
Mike : Anything else ?
John : No, thanks

a. Qualification g. No traffic jam

b. However h. Into practice
c. Are you doing i. I am
d. A lot of experience j. I am John-Miller
e. The last two years k. To fill this position
f. I am doing fine l. Looking for

IV. Arrange these words into good sentences! (10%)

1. Inventor – who – something – makes – a person – for the first time – is

2. Equipment – to carry – out – things – an activity – needed – is

3. a means of – distributing goods – marketing – Franshising – is – and

4. fast food – outlets – Many – are run – as – franchises

5. them – will you tell – fails? - How – if the business


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