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A Study on Emerging Issue on Cyber Law

Conference Paper · November 2014

DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.1.3007.8568

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2 authors:

Gunjan Chhabra Kanika Chhabra

University of Petroleum & Energy Studies University of Petroleum & Energy Studies


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A Study on Emerging Issue on Cyber Law

Kanika Chhabra Gunjan Chhabra

Student, CoLS, Assistant Professor, CoES,
UPES, P.O. Bidholi via Prem Nagar, UPES, P.O. Bidholi via Prem Nagar,
Dehradun, Uttrakhand-248007 Dehradun, Uttrakhand-248007

Abstract new crime, which is called cybercrime. Internet was

initially developed as a research and informat ion
Today, one and all are moving towards the era of sharing tool and now it is either the tool of the target
digitization and networking, wh ich undoubtedly or both to commit cyber crime. As the time passed by
brings assorted benefits in d ifferent fields such as e- it became mo re transactional with commun ication, e-
commerce, co mmunicat ion, and so on. On at a commerce, e-governance etc. All the legal issues
sudden, it also gives rise to the new criminal related to internet crime are dealt under cyber laws.
methodology, generally known as cybercrime. To As the number of Cybercrime such as unauthorized
stop crimes of such a virtual world, spotlight is access and hacking, Trojan attack, virus and worm
required on related laws and orders. There are many attack, denial o f service attacks etc. are increasing;
laws and measures which are framed and have been the need for related laws and their application has
taken in order to prevent these evils such as IT ACT also gathered great force.Cybercrime has neither the
2000, National Cyber Security Policy etc. Although origin, nor the reference in the law.On the tenth
the term cybercrime has neither origin, nor reference United Nations Congress on the Prevention of Crime
point in law and also the activit ies such as cyber and Treatment of Offenders, in a workshop devoted
vandalism, cyber vio lence and cyber rape are not to the issues of crimes related to cyber space,
categorized and have legal status under cybercrime. cybercrime was divided into two categories and
This paper main ly focuses on the challenges under defined thus:
cyberspace and highlights the urgent need for
reformat ion in India’s cyber edict framework and (a) Cybercrime in a narrow sense that is computer
various issues in which cyber law enforcement lacks . crime in wh ich any illegal behavior done by the
means of electronic operations that targets the
Keywords: Cyber law, Cybercrime. security of computer systems and the data processed.

(b) Cybercrime in a broader sense which is computer-

1. Introduction
related crime any illegal behavior co mmitted by
In the scenario of technological development, around means of an operating system or network, including
the world, it is rapidly gro wing in a very positive such crimes as illegal possession or distributing
way. But along with that few anti things also comes informat ion by means of a computer system or
to the limelight. One of the aspects is rapid growth of network.
digital and network technology, which helped in
According to the tactical aspect attacks to digital
developing a virtual world of cyberspace. Cyber
networks for the purpose of seizing control or even
space brings great boomin every field of lifestyle and
destroying infrastructures that are vital to
economy but parallel to the same, there is a growth of
governments and sectors areof the crucial committed. There is need to push cyber laws. Our
importance.According to the Norton report frequency system should provide for stern punishment so that
of cyber attacks on Indian assets, with the criminal acts as a deterrent for other. [4]
government and private infrastructure equally
exaggerated. In July 2013 government published Applicability of cyber law increased by IT Act
national cyber security policy and just after that it (amendment) 2008. The defin ition part of evidence
was reported that government official’s emails had act was amended. [5]
been hacked. The NCSP is far fro m answering all
Territorial jurisdiction is major issue which is not
nuances of the cyber threat. It doesn’t maximize its
satisfactorily addressed in IT Act 2000. It is generally
potential fo r optimu m benefit it just only provides
seen that the investigator generally avoid to take the
guidelines for the standard operating procedure. The
complaints on the ground of jurisdiction. [6]
crucial point of security concern related to teleco m
industry which is fully integrated into cyberspace is The growth of the India has not been achieved as all
missing. the faces which include E- courts, online dispute
resolution functionality, good cyber law, cyber
In this a steady increase in number of such crimes in
forensic etc. IT Act needs the revision. And there
this area is expected which demands for greater
should be provision of scientific and technical
attention of lawmakers.
professional training to lawyer in India. [7]
2. Literature Survey Cyber crime is the one of the emerg ing trend of crime
which has the prospective to destroy each and every
Advancement of technology leads to the rise of
aspect of the life as it is easy to commit but it’s really
criminal activ ities and IT Act 2000 p rovides the ways
hard to detect and often hard to locate in jurisdiction
to deal with the cyber crimes. Th is model contains
terms, given the geographical indeterminacy of the
positive aspect from the prospective of e-co mmerce
net. [8]
but it doesn’t solve all the problems and is sue
overnight [1] There is need fo r the Cyber Security to protect the
evolving ICT. The expert group should find and
IT Act considered to the ambiguous law as the area
recommend suitable mix of solutions in critical ICT
of jurisdiction in the context of the internet is unclear.
systems supporting the governance structure of the
Co mputer forensics is gaining significance in the
field of investigation of cybercrime evidence as in the
real world the evidence are tangible but in the virtual By understanding the threat of the cyber developing
world of cyberspace it is difficu lt to expunge the capacity for offensive actions in this cyber domain is
informat ion fro m the co mputer system and for a sine quo non. Nations, non-state actors, terrorists,
handling this computer forensics efficient and groups and individuals pace a challenge to growth
knowledgeable co mputer expert because any which is increasing going to be dependent on the
carelessness leads to the loss of evidence. [2] cyber domain so there is need to identify technology
in this regard.[10]
Though IT (amend ment) Act 2008 tackles moreeven
after its amend ment IPC doesn’t use the term Any person who commits malicious act called
‘cybercrime’ at any point.After the year 2008 it can adversary. Adversary may be outsider and insider.
be seen that there is increase in the cybercrime as Outsiders are other than insider. Insider is one who
criminals d iscover loopholes within that law and they authorizes access to nuclear facility or sensitive
perform the illegal activit ies. Cybercrime can be operations. They complimented by their authority
against the person, property and government[3] such as power to gain ad mittance. Cyber crime is
mu lti-billion dollar problem and for great pro mise of
There are few court precedents to look for guidance
the computer age there is need to enforce effect ive
and old laws d idn’t quit fit the crime being
law to keep drawbacks for over shadowing.[11]
Cyber security is major concern of government and  Legal identification of Electronic document.
private sector around the world. Cyber threat can be  Legal identification of Digital Signatures
in the form of cyber attack, but can also be in result  Offenses and Contraventions Justice
of “mistakes” or even natural disasters. So there  Dispensation Systems for cyber crimes.
should be specific approach to the particular problem
in the framework of cyber security [12] The IT Act 2000 attempts to change outdated laws
and provides ways to deal with cybercrimes as fro m
There are various challenges which need to be the prospective of E-Co mmerce in India, IT act 2000
addressed in cyberspace such as cyber security legal contains many positive aspects like co mpanies
issue, span galore, cloud computing legal issue, shallnow be able to carry out E-Co mmerce using
mobile law challenges, and social media a legal issue. Legal Infrastructure for the authentication and origin
of electronic co mmunication through digital
To keep bay with the fraudsters the makers have to
signatures. But it is considered to be the ambiguous
go ext ra miles and it should be the duty of three stake
law in thearea of jurisdiction in the context of the
Internet. As sec 1 (2) provides that the act shall
(1) the ruler, regulators and the law makers
extended to the whole of India and save as otherwise
(2) internet and network service provider or bank (3)
provided in this Act, it applies also to any offence or
the user to take care of information security p laying
contravention there under committed outside India by
their respective role.
any person. Similarly, sec 75 (2) provides that this act
shall apply to an offence or contravention committed
3. Cyber Laws
outside India by any person if the act or conduct
The 20th century introduced new requisites and constituting the offence or contravention involves
offenses to the law glossary. Legal provisions should computer, co mputer system or co mputer network
provide assertion to users, enforcement agencies and located in Ind ia. This type of provision appears tobe
deterrence to criminals as it is very important to against the principle of justice. In fact, the term
understand that computer cannot commit a crime but ‘cybercrime’ at any point even after the amendment
act of people. It is the human beings, not machines, by the IT Act A mendment 2008. There is need to
who abuse, demolish and distortinformation. By push the cyber laws.
realizing the need to co mbat with the cyber
violations, the UNCITRA L, i.e. the Un ited Nat ions 4. Various issues under Cyber law
Co mmission on International Trade Law adopted the enforcement
Model Law o f Electronic Co mmerce in 1996. It was
followed by the General Assembly of Un ited 4.1 Issues related with law
Nation’s reco mmending that all states should give
favourable considerations to the State Model law. In  Territorial jurisdiction is not satisfactory in
IT act as jurisdiction has been mentioned in
discharge of its responsibility, Govern ment of India
sec 46, 48 , 57 and 61 in context of
also accepted the need to legislate and has approach
with the new legislat ion Informat ion Technology Act, adjudication process and the appellate
procedure connected with and again in sec
2000. It was amp lified by its amend ments. The major
80 and a part of the police officer power to
acts, which got amended after enactment Informat ion
enter , search a public place for a
Technology Act , are Indian Penal Code ( e.g. 192,
cybercrime etc. Since the cyber crime are
204 ,463, 464 , 468 to 470 , 471 , 474 , 476 etc ) prior
basically co mputer based crimes and
to enactment of IT Act , all evidences in a court were
therefore if the mail o f someone is hacked in
in the physical form only after existence of IT Act ,
sitting on one place by accused sitting on
the electronic records and documents were
recognized. The Act essentially deals with the another Place far in anotherstate, which
police station will take the cognizance is
following issues:
difficult to determine because generally
investigators avoid accepting comp laints on New technology like cloud co mputing is big concern
such grounds of jurisdiction. of cyber threat as for the purpose e-governance and
 Contrary to the real world crimes where storing data cloud computing is used. The measures
tangible evidence in form of weapon of taken are not successful to face challenges and risk of
crime, finger prints etc are easy to find and cloud computing like:
present in court but it is difficu lt in v irtual
world to expunge the informat ion fro m the  Risk of inappropriate access to personal and
computer system that what is generally confidential information.
contemplated. This is done with the help of  Risk of comp ro mise of confidential
the computer forensics. And the process of information and intellectual property
preservation of cyber crime evidence lies  Appropriate privacy and security measures
with the knowledgeable co mputer forensic need to be in place.
expert because any carelessness in the
process can lead to diminutive value of the Another emerging technology, which is highly in use,
evidence. But it is vital by victim to inform is Big Data has critical security and privacy issues.
the law enforcement agency as early as Fro m point of business many works have been
possible. carried out focusing on business, application and
 Experts not only be knowledgeable but also informat ion processing from Big Data. It’s facing
be provided with the technical hardware and many challenges, such as efficient encrypted and
software so that they can efficiently fight the decryption algorithms, encrypted informat ion
cyber crime. retrieval, reliability and integrity of Big Data.
 Law enforcement officers are lack o f tools
According to the record of 52nd report of standing
as the old laws are not capable for the crime
committee on information technology (2013-14) the
being committed in the current scenario,
total number offences under IPC and IT Act 2000
new laws hadn’t quite caught up to what was
recorded as follows:
 There is lack o f cooperation between the law
enforcement agencies and computer
4000 Cases
 The IPC doesn’t reveal a term ‘cyber crime’
at any point even after the IT (amendment) 3000 Register
act 2008. ed
 Lack of security concern in the telecom person
industry which is integrated into cyberspace, Arrested
having advert effect of Internet protocol on 0
mobile devices which is considered to be the 201020112012
primary factor for increasing number of
attacks. Figure 1: Shows offences registered and the
 Unlike other statutes, policies wh ich are person arrested
passed by the Indian legislation are not
Above graph, shows the comparison between the
enforceable or binding but merely prov ide
offences registered and number of criminals
the guidelines for a standard operating
arrestedunder IPC and IT Act 2000. After a brief
procedure. In this regard NCSP doesn’t
research, it shows the scene behind the curtain i.e.
maximize its potential for optimum benefit .
1322 in 2010, 2213 in 2011 and 3477 in 2012 are the
offences registered. But the person arrested are 1191
4.2 Issues related with the technology in 2010, 1630 in 2011 and 2071 in 2012. This figure
out a very clear p icture that there are various issues in
law enforcement wh ich are needed to be resolve to
stop such crimes.
5.Proposed Ideology 200

IT Act is considered to be the toothless so there is 100

need to strengthen it as:- government


 IT Act (amend ment) Act 2008 reduced the hacked
quantum of punishment for majority of
cybercrime. Need to be rectified. Figure 3: Shows number of g overnment websites
 Majority of cyber crimes need to be made hacked during years 2008-13
non-bail able offence.
 There is need to cover cyber war under IT According to the above figure, here is a scenario
Act as an offence. which states the number of websitesgot hacked in
2008 i.e. 90, in 2009 i.e. 201, in 2010 i.e. 303, in
Data protection reg ime needs to be incorporated in 2011 i.e. 308, in 2012 i.e. 308 and in year 2013 up to
the law to make it more effective.According to the June, its number is 371. Thus it is clear fro m this data
record of 52nd report of standing committee on that cybercrime is briskly increasing, for both normal
informat ion technology (2013-14) the rate of website and government’s virtual wo rld. Criminals are
hacked in which there were govern ment websites also indirectly challenging to the security of the nation.
as follows: Thus, there is need of some strong steps to be taken
to stop such an evil disease.

One must ensure that system should provide for

stringent punishment for cybercrimes and cyber
WEBSITE HACKED criminals so that the same act as a deterrent for
20000 Policies passed in NCSP should be made legally
10000 WEBSITE enforceable for effective results.
0 Experts dealing with the cybercrime investigation
should be knowledgeable but also be provided with
the necessary technical software and hardware, so
that they can efficiently fight with the cyber
Figure 2: Shows websites hacked during the year criminals.
There should be the cooperation between the law
According to the above figure, here is a scenario
enforcement agencies and computer professionals.
which states the number of websitesgot hacked in
2008 i.e. 6310, in 2009 i.e. 12161, in 2010 i.e. 20701, New cyber law jurisprudence should be set up. Also,
in 2011 i.e. 21699, in 2012 i.e. 27605 and in year International court for cyber security should be set
2013 up to June, its nu mber is 12693. Thus it is clear up.
fro m this data that cybercrime is briskly increasing.
This case is not only with normal websites but the 6. Future scope
same risk is increasing for govern ment too. Next
figure will more strong idea about the same. After going through all these issues and ideology, one
can hope that in future some hard and fast laws will
be implemented to such crimes so that with the
increase in the quantum of punishment, new laws for [5]Rohitk.Gupta, “An Overview of Cyber laws vs.
reference, laws with the specific approach to Cybercrimes: In Indian Perspective”, 2013.
particular problem, making the individual majority of [6]Rohit k Gupta, “An Overview of Cyber law vs.
punishment non bail-able, will help to diminish the Cybercrimes”, 2013.
rate of cybercrime and the era of technological [7]Prabhat Dalei and Tannya Brahme, “Cyber Crime and
advancement and digitalization can be free from evil. Cyber law in India: An Analysis” ‘International journal of
humanities and Applied science’ Vol.2 (4), 2014.
7. Conclusion
[8] Aashish Kumar Purohit , “ Role of M etadata in Cyber
For the emerg ing trend of cybercrimes,it is important Forensic and Status of Indian Cyber Law” , International
Journal of computer technology application, vol.2(5) sep-
to have a cyberlaw enforceing mo mentu m because
oct, 2011.
cyber crime has the prospective to destroy each and
every aspect of the life as it is easy to commit but it’s [9]M .M .Chaturvedi, M .P.Gupta and Jaijit Bhattacharya
really hard to detect. Though India hasextremely “Cyber Security Infrastructure in India : A Study”pp.1-15
detailed and well-defined legal system but all the [10]IDSA Task Report, “India’s cyber security challenged”
existing laws in place in India was enacted way back M arch, 2012
keeping in mind the relevant polit ical, social,
[11] Angshuman Jana and Kunal Kumar M ondal, “A
economic, and cultural scenario of that relevant time. survey of India Cyber Crime and Law and its prevention
Nobody then could really visualize about the approach” ‘International journal of Advance Computer
Internet.Regardless of the brilliant expertise of our Technology’.
master draftsmen; the necessities of cyberspace could
[12] David Satola and Henry L.July , “Towards a Dynamic
hardly ever be expected. As such, the coming of the Approach to Enhancing International cooperation and
Internet led to the emergence of numerous sensitive collaboration in Cyber Security Framework”, ‘The MW.
legal issues and evils which necessitated the Mitchell law journal’.
ratificationof Cyber laws.Secondly, the law existing
even with the liberal analyse could not be interpreted
in the spotlight of emerging cyberspace. Internet
requires supportive legal infrastructure in harmony
with the era. Th is legal infrastructure can only be
given by the enactment of the relevant Cyber laws as
the existing laws have failed to contribute the
same.All these consideration created encouraging
amb iance for the need for enacting relevant cyber
laws in India.

[1] M aneesh Taneja and Dr. D.B Tiwari,"Cyber Law",
International Referred Research Journal, vol.11 (21)
October, 2010, pp. 63-65.
[2] Yougal Joshi and Ananda Singh, “A Study of Cyber
Crime and Security Scenario”,International Journal of
Engineering and Management Research, vol.3 (3) June,
2013, pp.13-18.
[3]Ravikumar S. Patel and Dr.Dhaval Kathiriya, “Evolution
of Cybercrimes in India” International Journal of
Emerging Trends & Technology in Computer Science,
vol.2 (4) July – August 2013.

[4] Talwant Singh, “Cyber Law and IT” pp. 1-4

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