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Proceedings of the ASME 2011 Pressure Vessels & Piping Division Conference

July 17-21, 2011, Baltimore, Maryland, USA




Ming-Liang Zhu Fu-Zhen Xuan Zhengdong Wang

Key Laboratory of Safety Key Laboratory of Safety Key Laboratory of Safety
Science of Pressurized System, Science of Pressurized System, Science of Pressurized System,
MOE, School of Mechanical MOE, School of Mechanical MOE, School of Mechanical
Engineering, East China Engineering, East China Engineering, East China
University of Science and University of Science and University of Science and
Technology Technology Technology
Shanghai, PR China Shanghai, PR China Shanghai, PR China
ABSTRACT Recently, competing modes of fatigue failure [1, 2] has been
The fatigue properties of a low strength weld metal in a introduced to emphasize the importance of improving fatigue
dissimilar welding joint in high cycle and very high cycle design in components. Nevertheless, the design method
regimes were investigated by fully reversed axial tests in air at optimization would not be realized without the elucidation of
room temperature and 370°C. A clear duplex S-N curve fatigue mechanisms in the very high cycle regime.
existed as a result of the transition of fatigue failure mode During the past few years, very high cycle fatigue (VHCF)
from surface-induced failure to internal-induced failure at has been widely investigated [3, 4, 5], and it was found that
370°C, while the S-N curve was continuously decreased at the traditional fatigue limit did not exist around 107 cycles
room temperature. A new model was successfully proposed to [6, 7, 8]. In addition, duplex or stepwise S-N curve has been
predict fatigue life, and interpret the crack initiation modes obtained together with the transition of crack initiation modes
transition from surface inclusion to interior inclusion. It was from surface to interior. In the very high cycle regime, the
concluded that cracks were initiated by competition among most common interior crack initiation sites always locate at
non-metallic inclusions, welding pores and discontinuous non-metallic inclusions [9, 10], porosities [3, 11, 12] and
microstructures in high cycle regime. While in the very high subsurface non-defects [13, 14]. It has been recognized that
cycle regime, non-metallic inclusions were the dominant many factors such as environment [14, 15], residual stress [16]
crack initiation mechanism which depended on stress level, and loading type [17, 18] can influence VHCF behavior.
inclusion size as well as inclusion depth. These fruitful findings provide prerequisites to understand
INTRODUCTION very high cycle fatigue fracture mechanisms in high strength
In many industries, the structures and materials are materials, but at the same time leaving the VHCF behavior of
undergoing fatigue loading exceeding 10 cycles. The low strength materials under-investigated, especially at higher
traditional safe-life or damage tolerant concepts are temperatures. In addition, up to now, there are still few models
challenged due to the super long life design requirement. proposed to predict fatigue life in the very high cycle regime.

1 Copyright © 2011 by ASME

In evaluating the effect of inclusion on VHCF behavior of
high strength materials, Murakami et al [19] proposed the Table. 1. Chemical composition of the low strength weld
√area parameter model by assuming a non-metallic inclusion metal (wt.%).
being equivalent to a small crack. Although this model was C Si Mn Cr V Mo N Fe
always used to estimate fatigue limit in many circumstances 0.40 0.48 1.29 0.60 0.18 1.34 2.60 Balance
by incorporating micro-hardness values, data scattering was
observed in correlating with fatigue lifetime directly Table. 2. Tensile properties of the low strength weld metal.
[20, 21, 22]. Furthermore, when the √area parameter model Temperature σs (MPa) σb (MPa) δ (%) ψ (%)
was applied to calculate fatigue life by assuming the RT 715.28 782.97 25 68.36
propagation of interior cracks adhered to the Paris law 350°C 620.82 688.16 17.6 63.09
[23, 24], limitations often occurred because it was depended
on the choosing of inclusion size to a large extent.
Fig. 3 shows the stress amplitude versus fatigue life in the
Therefore, in the present work, VHCF tests were
very high cycle regime. Run out data are represented by
conducted in a low strength weld metal under axial loading at
arrows. It can be observed that the shape of S-N curves at
moderate temperature. The influence of welding defects such
as slag inclusions, pores on VHCF behavior was discussed room temperature and 370°C are different. A duplex shape of

and a new model was proposed to predict fatigue life. S-N curve is observed at 370°C while the stress amplitude is
continuously decreased at room temperature. Comparing the
MATERIALS AND EXPERIMENTS fatigue behavior at room temperature and 370 °C, a decreased
Two kinds of Cr-Mo-V steels were dissimilarly welded fatigue strength corresponding to higher temperature is easily
by submerged arc welding (SAW) technique, and subjected to found.
post weld tempering process. As shown in Fig. 1, fatigue At 370°C, the transition of failure modes from specimen
specimens were prepared from the upper side of the deep weld surface initiation to subsurface initiation is observed with the
metal which had a width of about 20 mm. The chemical decrease of stress levels. Surface initiated fracture of
composition of the low alloy weld metal is shown in Table 1. specimen always occurs below 105 cycles, after which interior
Fig. 1 shows the shape and dimensions of the specimens crack initiations dominate the failure mode. The left solid line
cutting from weld metal. Fig. 2 presents its microstructure, indicates the transition of fracture mode from specimen
which mainly consists of the strip-like tempered bainites and surface initiation to subsurface initiation in high cycle regime,
tempered martensites. The tensile properties at 25 °C and while the right solid line represents all the fatigue data which
350 °C are listed in Table 2. are initiated from inclusions in the very high cycle regime.
Prior to testing the specimens were mechanically ground Four kinds of crack initiation sites are observed, i.e., surface,
and polished. Fatigue tests were conducted at 25 °C and non-metallic inclusions, discontinunous microstructures and
370 °C in air under axial-load control with a load ratio of -1. interior pores. It is worth noting that a star mark * around the
The wave shape was a sine curve with the frequency being in fatigue data indicates the surface inclusion initiation. The rest
the range of 100 to 110 Hz. The testing temperature in furnace of the non-metallic inclusion initiations denote the specimens
was monitored by three thermocouples fixed on the specimen corresponding to interior inclusion. In addition, a platform is
surface and controlled by a resistance heating system. The observed at a stress amplitude of about 300 MPa, which is
temperature fluctuation in the three positions was ensured to identical to the traditional fatigue limit. At room temperature,
be less than 1°C. A sample was denominated run out when it most fatigue failures are related to surface initiation, only two
8 samples are failed due to the interior non-metallic inclusions
did not fail at 1 × 10 cycles. After testing, fracture surfaces of
failed specimens were characterized by SEM. (as indicated by the mark #).

2 Copyright © 2011 by ASME

DISCUSSION initiations are depended on different role played by internal
Fatigue crack initiation modes defects at different temperatures. In other words, the influence
Fig. 4 illustrates the crack initiation modes at moderate of welding defects on VHCF behavior is more serious at
temperature based on SEM characterization. It can be seen higher temprature than that at room temperature. Therefore, it
that surface initiation is always related to higher stress levels is very important to analysis the crack initiation characteristics
with shorter fatigue lives (Fig. 4a). With the stress amplitude of interior welding imperfections in VHCF damage process.
decreasing, interior defects dominated crack initiation occur. Characteristics of crack initiation from interior
Figs. 4b and 4c show the fracture surface with a surface inclusions and pore
inclusion and interior inclusion, respectively. And Fig. 4d For the interior inclusions, Energy Dispersive
further indicates the interior fatigue crack is initiated in an Spectrometer (EDS) analysis shows that the chemical
internal pore. Unlike the fish-eye pattern shown in Figs. 4c compositions are rich in Ca, Mg, Al and Si. It is interesting to
and 4d, a leaf-like elliptical area is observed in Fig. 4e where investigate the role of non-metallic inclusions in interior plane
fatigue crack is emanated from discontinuous microstructure. cracks formation process. According to Fig. 5, both
This is in consistant with the subsurface non-defect fatigue matrix-inclusion separation (Fig. 5a) and cracking of interior
crack origins (SNDFCO) named by Chai [13]. For the inclusion (Fig. 5b) are observed. In Fig. 5a, internal plane
non-defect crack initiation, it is known that the subsurface crack is formed after the separation between the matrix and
cracks tend to initiate from the weaker microstructures, such inclusion, and the inclusion is almost intact while the
as bainites in a martenites-bainites dual phase steel [25]. inclusion in Fig. 5b is cracked. It is observed in Fig. 5b that
Nevertheless, all of these are ascribed to the mismatching the inclusion cracking locations are potential initiation sites,
deformation behavior in the process of fatigue loading [11]. In though it seems that the main crack is also originated at which
this work, the softer martensites-bainites interface can be the matrix and inclusion have been separated. In fact, the
regarded as the location for formation of internal cracks and amount of inclusion cracking is much less than
the leaf-like elliptical area.  matrix-inclusion separation process according to the whole
Temperature dependence of high cycle and VHCF test results.
behaviors At higher temperature, the interior crack initiation
As for the influence of higher temperature on high cycle mechanisms around inclusions are depended on both stress
and VHCF behaviors, two points should be mentioned. One is concentration and thermal residual stresses in the interface of
the fatigue strength decreasing at 370°C, which is largely due the matrix and inclusions. It is still unknown the thermal
to the softening of materials and thus reduction of fatigue residual stress around the inclusion is tensile or compressive
resistance in crack initiation and propagation. In a mechanical since it is difficult to obtain thermal expansion behavior of the
point of view, it is easier to accumulate fatigue damage in inclusion accurately. Nevertheless, the effect of thermal stress
materials with relatively lower tensile properties. Another is is limited to the crack initiation regime because it will be
the occurence of large amount of interior initiations at higher relaxed after interior cracks starting propagation. In this
temperature. In this respect, the process of surface oxidation at respect, clear physical properties of the inclusion should be
high temperature, which can suppress surface crack nucleation obtained to analyze the role of thermal mismatching stresses
at low fatigue strain [26], is always introduced to justify the in the interior crack initiation process in future.
interior initiations. Actually the suppresion of oxide layer does Fig. 6 shows the cracks formation behavior from interior
exist, thus it is expected that fatigue strength and fatigue pore. Unlike inclusions, there is no matrix-inclusion
lifetime will be increased. In addition, generally, the interior separation process (and thus no thermal residual stress) when
crack initiation often has longer fatigue life [5]. However, this cracks initiate from the pore. In this case, the crack formation
contradicts with the test results in this work where the fatigue will be easier since the pore can be regarded as a notch. This
strength is not increased at 370°C though crack initiations are is consistent with the fact that the number of interior plane
dominated by interior defects. cracks originated from the periphery of the welding pore (Fig.
In this work, it is proposed that the occurence of interior 6) is much more than that around inclusion. However, it is

3 Copyright © 2011 by ASME

worth noting that only one specimen is failed by pore induced the coexistance of surface and interior inclusion initiations is
fracture (Fig. 3). This may be related to the little existence of regarded as the competition of both surface and interior
pore in SAW specimens. Here the role of thermal residual inclusions. Fracture will occur in the inclusion which has
stress in interior crack initiation (promotion or suppression) is larger Z. In case of Z < Zth, the initiation site is determined by
not considered. the interior inclusions, and fatigue cracks will initiate from the
Fatigue life prediction model interior inclusions corresponding to the largest Z at certain
In order to evaluate the role of inclusion in high cycle and stress level. Therefore, the crack initiation mechanism of
VHCF behaviors at moderate temperature, fatigue life is inclusions experience the transition from the surface and
estimated using the following equation, internal inclusions initiation competition process to the

{σ }
( area )
interior inclusion dominated nucleation region. It should be
(1 − dinc / d ) β Nf = C
a (1)
emphasized that the inclusion initiation mechanism depends
where σa is the stress amplitude in MPa, area stands for the on stress level, inclusion size as well as inclusion depth.
critical inclusioin size in µm , d is the diameter of specimen in
As for the initiation modes in the high cycle regime, it is
mm, dinc is the nearest distance between the inclusion center proposed that the coexistence of initiation from pores,
and specimen surface, α, β and C are fitting parameters of inclusions and distontinuous microstructures is also a
material. Hence, a new fatigue life correlating parameter Z can competition process. As discussed before, the inclusions are
be defined as: ideal initiation site because the superimposition of intrinsic
stress concentration and thermal residual stress. The welding
Z = σ a ( area ) (1 − dinc / d ) β
pore is always competitive with inclusions. If there is no
Fig. 7 illustrates the correlation between Z and Nf in both inclusion or its Z value is very low, then the welding pore
high cycle and very high cycle regimes at 370°C by taking β = definitely becomes the crack initiation site. In this work, the
1/4 empirically. In case of β = 0, Eq. (1) is reduced to the pore in specimens is expected to be rare due to the SAW
traditional √area parameter model [9, 19] which does not take process, and thus inclusion initiation dominates the initiation
the inclusion depth into account. In this work, it is obvious mechanism. Moreover, the discontinuous microstructure can
that by considering the relative depth of inclusions, data also originate fatigue cracks as a result of the accumulated
scattering are greatly reduced, especially in the very high mismatching plastic deformation, under the condition of no
cycle regime. The larger the Z, the shorter the fatigue lifetime. existence of inclusions or pores in the tested samples.
Therefore, the new Z parameter model can be used to estimate
fatigue life in both high cycle and very high cycle regimes. CONCLUSIONS
Transition mechanisms of fatigue crack initiation In this work, very high cycle fatigue tests under axial
modes in high cycle and VHCF regimes loading (R = -1) were conducted in a low strength weld metal
Not only the Z pamameter model can be used to predict at room temperature and 370°C. The influence of temperature
fatigue life, but also is the model usefull to evaluate the on fatigue strength was discussed and special attention was
transition of fatigue crack initiation modes from surface paid to the fatigue life prediction and evaluation the role of
inclusions to interior inclusions at 370°C. As shown in Fig. 7, defect types in fatigue crack initiation mechasnims. The main
Z = 610 can be thought of as the threshold value for surface conclusions are listed as follows:
inclusion initiation because surface inclusion initiated fracture (1) A duplex S-N curve with four kinds of crack initiation
only occurs when Z is larger than 610. It can be inferred that sites, i.e., surface, non-metallic inclusions, discontinunous
the threshold value for internal inclusion initiation is smaller microstructures and interior pores was obtained at 370°C,
than that of surface inclusion. This conclusion agrees well wheresas the S-N curve was continuously decreased at room
with the hypothesis proposed by Oguma and Nakamura [27]. temperature.
In other words, the interior inclusion initiation can occur in (2) The fatigue strength decrease at 370°C was ascribed
the whole range of Z investigated while surface inclusion to the tensile strength reduction, the suppresion effect of
initiation only exists in case of Z ≥ Zth. In the area above Zth, surface initiation, and the more serious effects of welding
imperfections at higher temperature.

4 Copyright © 2011 by ASME

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6 Copyright © 2011 by ASME

A: CrMoV steel weld metal

B: CrMoV steel

Roughness Ra<0.2 m


30 50


Fig. 1. Shape and dimensions of VHCF test specimen (dimensions in mm).

7 Copyright © 2011 by ASME

Fig. 2. Optical micrograph showing the microstructure of the low strength weld metal.


8 Copyright © 2011 by ASME

Room temperature
480 # Inclusions
Stress amplitude σa, MPa

# #

360 left solid line *

* * right solid line
320 Surface
Non-metallic inclusions *
280 Discontinuous microstructures platform
Interior pores
* Surface inclusions
4 5 6 7 8 9
10 10 10 10 10 10
Number of cycles to failure Nf , cycles

Fig. 3. S-N curve.

9 Copyright © 2011 by ASME

Fig.4. (a) Fig. 4. (b)

Fig.4. (c) Fig. 4. (d) 

Fig. 4. (e) 
Fig. 4. Fatigue crack initiation modes at 370°C of the low strength weld metal: (a) fracture surface (σa=420 MPa, Nf= 88201
cycles), (b) surface inclusion (σa=340 MPa, Nf= 1.02 × 106 cycles), (c) interior inclusion (σa=310 MPa, Nf= 4.76 × 107 cycles), (d)
interior pores (σa=300 MPa, Nf= 5.65 × 106 cycles) and (e) discontinuous microstructures (σa=320 MPa, Nf= 6.6 × 106 cycles).

10 Copyright © 2011 by ASME

Fig. 5. (a)

Fig. 5. (b)
Fig. 5. Matrix-inclusion separation (a) and cracking of interior inclusion (b) in the process of interior plane crack formation.

11 Copyright © 2011 by ASME

Fig. 6. Cracks formation from interior welding pore (σa=300 MPa, Nf= 5.65 × 106 cycles).

12 Copyright © 2011 by ASME


1200 High cycle regime, β =0

High cycle regime, β =1/4
1100 Fitting curve
Very high cycle regime, β =0
Very high cycle regime, β =1/4
Parameter Z

900 Fitting curve

800 *

Zth=610 *


5 6 7 8
10 10 10 10
Number of cycles to failure Nf , cycles
Fig. 7. Correlation between Z and Nf in high cycle and very high cycle regimes at 370°C.

13 Copyright © 2011 by ASME

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