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Dr AungZinOo

Picture Quiz (1)
Professor Aye Aye Myintˡ
Dr. Seinn Nwe Aye²

1. Professor and Head, Department of Pediatrics, University of Medicine Mandalay

2. Assistant Lecturer, Department of Pediatrics, University of Medicine Mandalay

An hour old term (3 kg) baby boy was admitted for respiratory distress and abdominal
distension. On examination, the respiratory rate was 65/min associated with chest indrawing.
Abdominal distension was found with palpable masses in both right and left lumbar region
and over the supra pubic area. Urgent CXR, plain X ray abdomen were taken.
This was his X ray including chest and abdomen.

1. Describe the abnormalities found in this X ray?

His ultrasound abdomen revealed renal anomalies and the following investigation was
2. What imaging was he taken?
3. What abnormalities would you find in this film?
4. What is the diagnosis?
Picture Quiz (1)
1. Bowel shadow are noted mostly on the right side and displaced by mass or ascites
2. MCUG (Micturating Cystourethrogram)
3. Dilated posterior urethra, Bladder wall irregularity
4. PUV (Posterior Urethral Valve)
Picture Quiz (2)
Professor Aye Aye Myintˡ
Dr. Seinn Nwe Aye²

1. Professor and Head, Department of Pediatrics, University of Medicine Mandalay

2. Assistant Lecturer, Department of Pediatrics, University of Medicine Mandalay

1 Mention at least 5 abnormalities on this picture.

2 What is the diagnosis?

3 What are the associated abnormalities?

Picture Quiz (2)
1. Synophrys (confluent eyeborws)
2. Long curley eyelashes
3. Anteverted nares
4. Phocomelia and oligodactyly (missing digits) of left upper limb
5. Long philtrum
6. Thin upper lip
7. Hirsutism
(2) Cornelia de Lange syndrome
(3) IUGR
Developmental delay and mental retardation
Behavioral manifestations (hyperactivity, self-injury, sleep disturbance)
Cutis marmorata
Congenital Heart Disease
Hip abnormality
Undescended testes
Ophthalmologic manifestations
Hearing loss

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