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entity tpfeusem is

port(clk: in bit;rp,op,vp,rs,os,vs,rpi,vpi:out bit);

end tpfeusem;
Architecture Atpfeusem of tpfeusem is
type etat is (E0,E1,E2,E3,E4,E5,E6,E7,E8,E9);
signal E: etat;
process (clk)
if (clk'event and clk='1') then
case E is
when E0 => E<=E1;
when E1 => E<=E2;
when E2 => E<=E3;
when E3 => E<=E4;
when E4 => E<=E5;
when E5 => E<=E6;
when E6 => E<=E7;
when E7 => E<=E8;
when E8 => E<=E9;
when E9 => E<=E0;
end case;
if (E=E0) then
rp<='1';op<='0';vp<='0';rs<='1';os<='0';vs<='0';rpi<='1';vpi<='0';end if;
if (E=E1) then
rp<='0';op<='0';vp<='1';rs<='1';os<='0';vs<='0';rpi<='1';vpi<='0';end if;
if (E=E2) then
rp<='0';op<='0';vp<='1';rs<='1';os<='0';vs<='0';rpi<='1';vpi<='0';end if;
if (E=E3) then
rp<='0';op<='1';vp<='0';rs<='1';os<='0';vs<='0';rpi<='1';vpi<='0';end if;
if (E=E4) then
rp<='1';op<='0';vp<='0';rs<='0';os<='0';vs<='1';rpi<='1';vpi<='0';end if;
if (E=E5) then
rp<='1';op<='0';vp<='0';rs<='0';os<='0';vs<='1';rpi<='1';vpi<='0';end if;
if (E=E6) then
rp<='1';op<='0';vp<='0';rs<='0';os<='1';vs<='0';rpi<='1';vpi<='0';end if;
if (E=E7) then
rp<='1';op<='0';vp<='0';rs<='1';os<='0';vs<='0';rpi<='0';vpi<='1';end if;
if (E=E8) then
rp<='1';op<='0';vp<='0';rs<='1';os<='0';vs<='0';rpi<='0';vpi<='1';end if;
if (E=E9) then
rp<='1';op<='0';vp<='0';rs<='1';os<='0';vs<='0';rpi<='0';vpi<='1';end if;
end if;
end process;end Atpfeusem;

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