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Chloe Ibardaloza

Having discussed two motifs today, please select one to commentate on:

​honor​ or ​diffusion of responsibility​.

Examine what Marquez is saying about one of these global issues and how he goes
about it.

Throughout chapter 3, we see Marquez displaying a setting of honor that a man has to
uphold in the Latian American society, more specifically the village of where the Vicario twins
and Santiago live. Before the murder of Santiago, the Vicario twins take pride and tell others of
the wrongful deed they are about to achieve, it seems like they boasted by the towns support
but at the same time people were doubtful. The brothers seemed to have had “...told their plans
to more than a dozen people..”(58) amidst of them telling, the townspeople were susceptible to
believing that they would actually do it, “... I believed they were kidding around.” (59) This way of
thinking displays how the twins are lacking respect and honor and them as individuals are trying
to achieve gaining that honor from society. As the twins prepare themselves more mentally the
mother seems to have jumped on the wagon of support for her boys. She goes on with saying
“Honor doesn’t wait.” WIth honor in this setting of where the twins live, honor is something that
you have to gain in order to get respect. Marquez shows the reader that in order for the twins to
gain it, they would have to kill Santiago.

Knowledge- I believe that I scored a 7 or 8 on knowledge because I somewhat showed my
understanding of the passage. Also, I tried to display my understanding by telling the audience
about how machismoness means a-lot to certain societies.

Analysis- For this section I believed I earned a 7 or 8 as well. I believe I displayed a great sense
of understanding when showing and interpreting the text of machismoness.

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