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Telephone role play cards VOCAB

4A GETTING SOMEWHERE : asking for TRANSPORT solutions

I have to go = Je dois aller
I'm supposed to be Je suis censé être
emergency Urgence
it is imperative that I be Il est impéraif que je sois
from ... to De … à
a return ticket to Un billet aller-retour
I need to be back by Je dois être de retour avant
at any cost Côute que coûte
whatever the cost Quel que soit le prix
however expensive it might be Aussi cher que cela puisse être
it doesn't matter Peu importe
I don't care Je m’en fiche
any … would suit me N’importe quel … m’irait
as long as I'm there by 11 o'clock Tant que je suis là d’ici 11:00
I'm not particular about Je suis pas difficile à propos de
actually En fait
Could you please help me find out Pourriez-vous SVP m’aider à trouver
work out the best solution Trouver la meilleure solution
on business Pour affaires

Hallo, Jane speaking. Bonjour, ici Jane
How can I help ? Comment puis-je vous aider ?
I'll try my best to Je vais faire de mon mieux pour
Could you please tell me ... Pourriez-vous me dire SVP
The best (course) is to Le mieux c’est de
Another option is to Une autre possibilité est de
You can also + verb Vous pouvez aussi + verbe
You can + verb ... too Vous pouvez aussi + verbe
as well Également
if Si …
you should Vous devriez
do you want to ... ? Voulez-vous ?
would you like to ... ? Aimeriez-vous ?
when do you need ... ? Quand devez-vous … ?
I suggest Ving Je propose de … que … ?
What about Ving ? Et si … ?
go by train/plane/ car Aller en …
Let me check the Je vais vérifier le /la
I see (what you mean) Je vois( ce que vous voulez dire)
Do you mean (that) ... ? Vous voulez dire que … ?
5A "CATCH UP on work" solution
Hallo Hallo. James speaking (formal
I hope I'm not bothering you
I was missing from
I had ...
Could you please ... ?
I need to catch up
Is there any ?

Hallo. James speaking (Fml)/it's James (infml)
How may I help you ?
What's up ?
How is it going ?
Do you want me to ... ?
I can
What about Ving ?
Call me back

6A DELIVERY solutions
I would like to
I need to
send a parcel
as fast as possible
the quicker , the better
the sooner it arrives, the better
I'm not in a hurry
from ... to

Good ... James speaking from EDS
How may I help you ?
Hold on please
I'll put you through to = I'll connect you to
I'm sorry
Sorry for keeping you waiting
I'm afraid the Manager is away
He's gone out for ...
He's in a meeting
He may be back in a few minutes
He won't be long
He can call you back when he comes back
I'll tell him as soon as he comes back from
It's his day off today
Sure !
Shall I leave a message ?
I can tell him you have called
Can I have your full name please ?
XXX is your last name, right ?
last name = surname
Christian name = first name
May I have your ... ?
We can collect
pick up = collect the parcel
What time suits you best ?
How urgent is it ?
by registered post (GB) / (US) mail
standard delivery
size of the parcel
how big/long/wide is it ?
it takes ... days
it depends on
7 HOTEL solution

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