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Paper Code and Title: H16RM Research Methodology and Statistics for Home Science

Module Code and Name: H16RM10 - Primary Date - Observation Method

Name of the Content Writer: Dr. S. Amsamani


1. Introduction
Research is the base for human development. Research to the layman is finding something to
improve himself and his surroundings. Research is a process which can be carried out at all
times, at all places suitable for it. It should be more specific but still understandable. The success
of any research is based upon its data. Data can be described as facts of any particular item. Data
can be statistically analysis. Data can be rightly called as the collection of information, details,
particulars, features, evidences or materials. These data are grouped towards a conclusion and
finalize the facts, for further use. Data can be collected by different method. One of the most
common methods is observation technique. In this module we will be seeing about observation
technique, which is one of the methods of collecting primary data. Primary data is any
information collected fresh by an investigator for the first time and it does not have the same data
in store.


 To help the viewer to understand the importance of observation technique of data

 To gain knowledge about the different types of observation technique of data collection

3. Definition
A systematic approach used by researchers to examine a person, thing or a group of people,
things in their natural surroundings or a setting very close to the natural setup is called
observation method of data collection or observation technique.

4. What is Observation Technique of Data Collection

Observation is a simple technique rather a research tool for collecting data by looking at an
event, noting the changes in the naturally environment. It is first hand information. Observation
can also be explained as systematic gathering of information that can be measured to result in
interesting facts which can answer unknown questions or aid in supporting any analysis, some
Paper Code and Title: H16RM Research Methodology and Statistics for Home Science
Module Code and Name: H16RM10 - Primary Date - Observation Method
Name of the Content Writer: Dr. S. Amsamani

research enquires and hypotheses. It is used in social studies, field work, psychological and
medical studies. Generally observation falls in the primary data collection methods, where the
data is collected by the investigator or a person appointed for the task. Under the observation
method, the information to be collected is done by the investigator at his own pace without
asking from the respondent. The investigator may also be a part of the observation data
collection samples so as to make the others being observed unaware of the matter that they are
observed. Since many a times when one releases that he/she is observed they might not cooperate
for the fact collection or they might not be in their normal manner resulting difficulty in data
collection. This method enables the investigator to collect data based on the action and the
movements of the samples without actual question answer sections. Non verbal acts like smiling,
nodding help in observation. The procedures followed by different observers may vary from vary
simple watching and recording to high tech digital coding.
This data collection method can be used for both quantitative and qualitative data. In case of
quantitative data it is carried out between two set of samples like assessment of a data before and
after a particular fact or action to be tested. Example –Weight of and individual before and after
following a special diet program. This is easy to conduct and the results can also be summarized
quickly and systematically. Qualitative data is purely based on the observation, textual or visual
analysis. This is difficult to conduct and the results are also difficult to compute unless handled
by an expert. The former is seen in social studies where as the later is used in medical
researchers.-Example-Reaction of a set of average scouring students on seeing cent percent as
their public marks.

4.1. Observation methods can be used

 To understand an ongoing project- (Effect of population control measures by the govt.)

 To get results of behaviours or interactions – (Toilet training of infants, by giving
rewards when they don’t wet the bed.)
 To gather data on behaviours of individual or interactions between people
 To know about a physical setting of an environment
Paper Code and Title: H16RM Research Methodology and Statistics for Home Science
Module Code and Name: H16RM10 - Primary Date - Observation Method
Name of the Content Writer: Dr. S. Amsamani

 For data collection from individuals which may not be is not a realistic option
 When respondents show unwilling to provide data
 To solve educational or language barriers, since the data can be collected by just seeing
and noting.

4.2. Steps involved in observation

 Establish the focal point of the data needed.
 Plan a structure for data collection.
 Standardize data collection sheets and checklists
 Frame observation checklist for interactions, processes, or movements, both verbal and
non verbal to be observed
 Determine the space between the respondents and investigator
 Structure the recoding channel, if needed
 Writing or recording the field notes
 Select the sites
 Select the observers, stakeholders, other professional staff members, students, and
 Train the observers or the person who has to collect the data
 Determination and scheduling the time frame

4.3. Measures to be ensured before the start of observation method of data collection
 Details to be observed
o Type of data need to be collected
o Samples names and bio data
o Sample size
o Time duration
o Relation between the data and samples
o Relation amongst the samples
o Type of behavior to encourages, discourages or prevent
Paper Code and Title: H16RM Research Methodology and Statistics for Home Science
Module Code and Name: H16RM10 - Primary Date - Observation Method
Name of the Content Writer: Dr. S. Amsamani

 Observation Methods
o Data to be noted
o Maintains of the notes
o Storage of very small details
o Collection based on the statistical analysis
 Accuracy of observation
 Security of the data
 Relationship
o Observers and observed
o Data and statistical analysis
5. Types of Observation

Observation can be grouped based on the area of research, method of data collection, the
resource person and type of data required.

5.1 Observational Methods in Psychological and Medicine Research

Observation studies in the field of psychology and medicine deal with describing the behavior of
a human being/ animal or a group of people /animals. The research can be carried out in the
natural surrounding or controlled setup. The core of these studies is to observe the human or
animal intelligence and make sense out of his reaction. –Example -The reaction of a dog on
seeing its owner, total stranger and people who visit the house rarely and frequently. This
research data collection is art to handle with care and dedication. It requires an experienced

5.2 Observational Techniques in Marketing and Social Sciences

Observational techniques in marketing and social sciences are also known as field study or field
research where in, it involves in direct observation of samples hence also classified as direct
observation method also. It is a long phenomenon in natural setting.-Example – To study the
introduction of a new detergent. This involves data collection as what are the detergents in use
presently, what are expectations of the public to improve the detergents already existing before
Paper Code and Title: H16RM Research Methodology and Statistics for Home Science
Module Code and Name: H16RM10 - Primary Date - Observation Method
Name of the Content Writer: Dr. S. Amsamani

attempting the preparation of the new detergent and its impact on the public after launch.
Observation of a field setting involves prolonged time for data collection which in turn effects
the completion of the research.

5.3. Human Observation

When data is collected by human then it is called human observation. This involves huge
investment for training the humans to collect data. Apart money has to given to the men every
time data is collected. The main problem in this method is for requirement of large data many
members may be required, which may result in the influence of the member on the data resulting
in doubts about the uniformity of data collected.

5.4. Mechanical Observation

Mechanical observation is self explanatory. This data collection is totally done by machines, and
later the data is sorted by human for analysis which can also be carried out using software. In
spite of the initial cost the validity of the data is ensured. –Example- Signals to be seen or sent on
observation, like a ring tone once a sample observed moves or shows some action. This ring tone
can be recorded for a period and later assisted.

5.5. Laboratory Observation

Laboratory observation is simple and can be carried out in a standard conditioned lab. Here the
samples are brought into the laboratory and kept there for a specific period till the required data
is collected. The main advantage of this method is all the conditions are standardized hence it is
more scientific and can be repeated anytime anywhere. The expert has full control over the
samples.-Example- The supplement of a specially produced food to control blood sugar on rats.

5.6. Analysis Observation.

An observing which is carried out to study the performance of a person or thing is called analysis
observation. It helps in understanding the good and the bad or the strength and weaknesses of the
samples. –Example- Observer the real potential and scope to improve movements of a player,
help him to work on it then analysis and recommend him for the next level of sports meet.
Paper Code and Title: H16RM Research Methodology and Statistics for Home Science
Module Code and Name: H16RM10 - Primary Date - Observation Method
Name of the Content Writer: Dr. S. Amsamani

5.7. Systematic Observation

Many times the observation technique used may provide data which is biased due to problems
like untrained observers in some area for collection of data, lack of standard laboratory facilities.
In these case to avoid bias systematic observation can be used. This is framed with defined rules
and procedure set in place even before the start of the data collection. Since the rules are framed
well in advance the sample and the observer are in parallel to this frame and are tailored to fall
into the borders of the study thus reducing the bias situations. –Example –Standardized produced
for testing a product.

5.8. Controlled Observation

When observation takes place systematically following a well defined pre-approved plan,
involving experimental procedure, the same is then termed controlled observation. The main
pitfall of controlled observation is that sample being more conscious and does not disclose the
proper data in some very exclusive personal studies. –Example – Reaction of young girls over
sex education.

5. 9. Uncontrolled Observation.

If the observation takes place in the natural setting, it may be termed as uncontrolled observation;
no attempt is made to use precision instruments. The main drawback of this method is collection
of well defined results and possibility for repetition of the study in the same condition is limited.
But still the results collected are very close to the truth because the respondent does not know
that he is observed.-Example- The reaction of per school going kids on being given a box full of
sweets after a section highlighting the importance and need to share and enjoy.

5.10. Direct Observation

This is more or less like laboratory observation, where the samples are directly watched, so the
data collection is more systematic.
Paper Code and Title: H16RM Research Methodology and Statistics for Home Science
Module Code and Name: H16RM10 - Primary Date - Observation Method
Name of the Content Writer: Dr. S. Amsamani

5.11. Indirect Observation.

Indirect Observation is used in all kind of social studies. The data required is collected as in case
of the uncontrolled observation method.

5.12. Structured observation

In case of structured observation the researcher collect the data without actual disturbances and
direct contact with the samples following a set of steps which are pretested to give a clear cut
result. This technique is characterized by an alert description of the units to be noted, the manner
of recording the collected information, standardized conditions and then selection the codeing of
data and presentation. It is best suited for descriptive studies, like psychology and medicine the
collection technique is well defined and producer is also standardized.

5.13. Unstructured observation

This refers to a technique used in observation as devise to collect of primary market research
data. The investigator makes him a part of the sample group so as to experience what the group
members feel and this helps in critical analysis of the data. Since the observer is becoming an
unknown part of the data collection it varies from one person to another. Generally the observer
notes several similar data before hand and then finalizes his method. Hence this method does not
have a defined rule. Unstructured is mainly used for exploratory study.

5.14. Partially Structured Observation

This is a combination of structured observation and unstructured observation, where in the data
collection method may be well framed but in case of some samples variation may be required
therefore it will be carried out. This is more flexible method. In case studies where individual
assessment is required this observation technique is used.

5.15. Disguised observation

When the observer is observing in such a manner that his presence may be unknown to the
people he is observing then it is also known as disguised observation. –Example – In case of a
Paper Code and Title: H16RM Research Methodology and Statistics for Home Science
Module Code and Name: H16RM10 - Primary Date - Observation Method
Name of the Content Writer: Dr. S. Amsamani

research to observe the time management amongst working women, the investigator can visit the
houses of the samples in a friendly manner and watch the techniques followed by the samples to
manage time by coupling tasks together and balancing the household and office work, instead of
giving a questionnaire to answer. In this method though time taken may be more the observer
will be able to get a variety of data which could be grouped and analysis for the benefit of others.

6. Advantages of observation
 Collection of data in natural environment
 Collection of data when the samples are normal as they do their daily work
 Willingness of the samples is not required
 Directly see and noted the data required.
 Presentation of accurate data eliminates bias
 Depending upon the study, may or may not increase your understanding or ability of
the observer.
 This method is particularly suitable in studies which deal with subjects (i.e.,
respondents) who are not capable of giving verbal reports of their feelings for one
reason or the other
7. Disadvantages of observation
 “Hawthorne effect,” where in the samples try to perform their best when they know
they are watched is a major drawback especially in case of laboratory observations.
 Can be expensive and time-consuming compared to other data collection methods
 Requires trained experts to collect data rather observers.
8. Summary

Observation one of the basic and scientific methods of data collection is very common in all
researches. It helps to carry out behavioral studies and where language is barrier. The effective
used of this method has proved good results especially with well trained experts for data
collection. In a nut shell observation has laid the foundation for good researches.

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