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BIAG NI LAMANG PEDRO BUKANEG FULL That part of dangla and guava,

STORY ENGLISH Whose barks have been skinned,

Then buy me a pot, husband Don Juan,
Listen then while I narrate at length And a stove to heat my bath-water.
The life of Lam-ang And a one-man pot too
Because his mother conceived him that month. For our child’s umbilical cord.
She did not abstain from any edible fruit:
Tamarind fruits tender and thin as bamboo strings, And having procured all these, he trekked
Kamias, daldaligan, To the blackest mountain, upstream
Oranges and pomelos; To fight the Igorots there.
Butcher fish, stripped bass, fishes of all sorts; And when her time came
Clams and bivalves big as plates, To deliver the blood made whole,
Maratangtang and sea urchins; There was not one who was not called:
Sea algae, aragan and arosip; The masseuse-midwife, the fish-hooker, Alisot;
Shucked oysters, crayfish caught with net; The diver Marcos; Pasho the rich man.
Blue crabs baited with salelem, Since none of them could induce delivery
Deer tracked down and killed, boar trapped. They remembered the woman
All of these she tasted on her eating binge. Shrivelled with age,
Until Namungan, the woman Unnayan, For she was known for her strong fingers.
Wife of Don Juan Panganiban, The baby started to talk as soon as the
Was done conceiving. old woman delivered him.
And when they had made whole
A new soul, Namungan, my mother,
Her womb grew bigger. Let my name be Lam-ang when you 
have me baptized.
Listen, my husband Don Juan,
Go check on our bamboo groves And let old man Guibuan be my godfather.
In the mountain of Capariaan. Mother, I must also ask you if I have a
Then make me my reclining bed Whether or not I arose like water vapor.
The bed I shall use My son, Lam-ang; if it’s your father you
Right after giving birth. speak of,
You were still in my womb when he left,
Being God-given, my husband Don Juan, Left for the forest, the place of Igorot.
The custom cannot be gainsaid.
So go cut me some mature bamboo shoots.
Lam-ang then said:
He prepared to leave and once there
Went around the grove. My mother Namungan, please let your son
Then he hailed the strong winds. go,
As well as the torrential rains For I would seek Father whom I came from.
And cavernous clouds.
Lightning and thunder came in waves,
Hitting the groves again and again
Till it looked like the choicest shoots Ah, son, brave-man Lam-ang,
Had been cut down by a trained bamboo cutter. Please don’t go.
It is unseemly, such a shame For your legs are like bamboo string.
For me to carry you, bamboos. And your hands are like needles.
They thus went ahead, Don Juan behind them. And you were born, my son,
Having reached the home he came down from, Even before your ninth month inside me.
In the town of Nalbuan,
The bamboos arranged themselves in the yard.
All the more brave-man Lam-ang still persisted.
He left for the forest, the place of Igorots.
My husband Don Juan,
For he wanted to see the father he sprang from.
Let my reclining bed be of hardwood:
This part of molave and gastan;
For he had with him the stone of sagang, You Bumacas so-named,
The stone of tangraban, of lao-laoigan, Communicate (thru a letter) with every
A wild carabao’s amulet. single one,
When he passed by a grove of caña vernal, (The members of your tribe):
The shoots bent down
For he also had the amulet of the centipede. At Dardarat and Padang,
And having reached the river’s ford, There in houses at Nueva, Dagodong and Topaan,
He spied the tallest tree around, a rancheria, There in Mamo-ocan and Caoayan,
A landmark of tattooed Igorot country.
He cast his eyes around There in Tupinao and Baodan,
And saw this root shaped like a stove Sumbanggue and Luya, Bacong and Sosoba.
And went to wash his one-man pot. There in Tebteb and Caocaoayan.
And placed his food inside it,
The pot of mound-dwelling dwarves,
That cannot suffice for more than one traveller. They came, having received these notes (from
Having eaten his fill, Bumacas),
The man Lam-ang gratefully rested, In a rush, the tattooed Igorots,
Amiable host to the food, the filling grace. From the neighboring towns nearby,
He rested his shield against his body;
Stuck his spear into the ground by his feet; Like chicken attracted to grains thrown to the ground.
Unsheathed his trustworthy campilan from its sheath; Oh, their number indeed was remarkable
Then fell into a light sleep. For one cannot keep count of their number.
Then came the ghost of his father, saying:
He then caressed his stone of lao-laoigan,
My friends Lam-ang, go quickly instead; And jumped but once to an open field,
Right now, they feast around you father’s The man Lam-ang.
And the man Lam-ang made thunderclaps
Lam-ang was jolted out of his slumber With his armpits and thighs
And at once collected his weapons and started to go, As well as with both his arms.
Walking on and on.
Upon reaching the blackest mountain Soon they had crowded around him…
At Maculili and Dagman, As a moving river (of bobbing heads), so to speak…
He went directly to the assembled revelers. The man Lam-ang.
For he had seen his father’s skull facing the East,
Caged in the woven end of a bamboo pole.
And having completely surrounded him,
They cut loose on him with all their arms,
Tattooed Igorots, just tell me On the man Lam-ang.
What foul thing my father I came from did.
It is only right that it be paid.
Like a torrential rain at dusk,
The spears fell (thickly) on him,
Our friend Lam-ang, The man Lam-ang.
It is only right; too,
That you go back to the house
He embraced these crisscrossing spears
As one would accept
You stepped down from. Betel nuts passed on to him.
Or else, You’ll be the next (to die)
After the man who was your father.
And when the tattooed Igorots had run out
You tattooed Igorots…
Of sharpened bamboo poles, spears, lances,
I cannot be satisfied (with your number),
But could not hit him even just once,
You Igorot captain,
The man Lam-ang said to them:
Now comes my turn, My son Lam-ang,
I unsheath you, campilan, trustworthy If it is your father your speak of,
weapon. We never quarrelled, not even once.

He struck the ground with this. Mother Namungan, strike the longgan
And the earth with stuck to the blade of the campilan, That my younger sisters
This he ate— May all come to my aid,

A stick of rice cake The maidens numbering twice nine,

So long and large— Nine times nine.
So their incantations would not affect him That they may shampoo my curly locks

Tattooed Igorots, watch me closely now, At the Amburayan River.

For it had become quite dusty,
During the day-long battle yesterday.
He beckoned to the south wind
And with it lunged at once at them. Mother Namungan,
Do let us pay a visit
As though felling down banana trunks, To the old barn with molave posts,
His bolo bit into flesh two ways, swung left or right,
The man Lam-ang. Floored with derraan and polished
They were mowed down in an instant. And please ask them to sweep off the barn’s
Only one tattooed Igorot was left unharmed, door,
Whom he mocked at, then pinned down. The dead cockroaches, spiders, and their
Now comes your end.
He slashed at his mouth, his eyes; For nine years have passed
Cut off his ears, arms and legs. Since we last visited
Our palay called samusam,
He then let him loose, the tattooed Igorot,
Who received no mercy at his hands. Buan and laguingan,
That your relatives and tribe may all see you. Lumanus and lampadan,
Maratectec and macan, gaygaynet and
And you carabao’s amulet (help me)
For I now bind the lances and spears,
My booty and trophy from the Igorot. And having looked over the barn.
Young maidens, pull out the panicles
From each name (of rice variety).
And now I leave you battleground.
The blood flowed from the dead Igorots
Like the Vigan river. And thresh these.
And what grains one accumulates thus
Is already hers to keep.

And this was done.

He prepared to leave, the man Young sisters, bind the straws.
Lam-ang, and return,
To his mother Namungan.
And having reached the town of Nalbuan:
Get also the coconut shell tong
Mother Namungan, if I may ask,
What foulness he perpetrated, And pick some embers with it.
The father I sprang from? And younger sisters, please,
Return the charcoal later,
For it is of paticalang wood. Younger sisters, take its teeth for a necklace
At the Amburayan River we shall bathe. For they can be amulets when one travels;
Younger sisters we must now return
To the house we came down from.
At the riverbank,
Mother Namungan please pay
He cast his eyes around and soon saw The wages of these, my younger sisters,
The bubbles made by the crocodile. A peso for each step, coming from and going back to
the house.

And this having been done:

My young sisters burn the rice straw.

Since the straw would not burn,

Lam-ang beckoned to the strongest wind— Mother Namungan, please open the second
And the straw burst into flames. room.
And therefrom get my most valuable clothes.
The people of San Juan were alarmed
By the sparks that reached them; I must change my clothes…
The people of Bacnotan ran Into my striped trousers, embroidered shirt
And ornate handkerchief.
Thinking there was a conflagration.
And when they could not control the fire, This done:
He beckoned to the torrential rain

And the cloud shaped like a precipice. Please open also the third room
Lightning and thunder came in waves And take from there the gold.
And only then was the fire extinguished.
Bulaoan of nine coils which breaks
When exposed to the sun
Whose heat is intense enough to sting one’s
Younger sisters, please do not worry while heel.
For I’ll just swim awhile I am going to tie my white rooster,
And play with the largest crocodile. Yellow-legged hen,
And my hairy dog.
Lam-ang dived into the river
Unaware that the crocodile For I am going to play at Calanutian
Had gone downstream, Where Doña Ines Cannoyan lives
As news has it…
While he went upstream.
And when he went downstream, A clean-living maiden
The crocodile went upstream, Who can spin nine spools overnight.
My son, brave-man Lam-ang,
They soon spotted each other
And began to fight. Please don’t go yet
Lam-ang became angry For you don’t look like one
Whom Doña Ines Cannoyan
And in one thrust subdued it.
Then, he carried it on his back, Can fall in love with.
And beached it, For her suitors are many
Including a number of Spaniards.
Yet she has not favored any of them Mother, please hand me
With even just a glance. The nine coils of gold bulaoan.
And look at you…

Can you be the one to win her love? And having received the gold coils,
Mother Namungan, I must go.
I must enter the competition. He tied his white rooster
And his hairy dog as well.
At the town of Calanutian, And the task completed,
Who knows, Doña Ines Cannoyan
May look on me with favor, He prepared to leave.
He carried his cock, the yellow-legged
My son Lam-ang, if it’s a spouse you seek, rooster.
This town is full of nubile maidens.
And you can take your pick from them.
May God remain with you.
This is what the man Lam-ang said in turn:
My son Lam-ang, God go with you;
Be careful, especially on your way there
Mother Namungan, of those you allude to, Which you know to be more dangerous,
I cannot choose anyone,
Having heard out the advice,
Not one of the maidens you speak of. Lam-ang went his way
So please don’t detain me To Calanutian, the town of Doña Ines Cannoyan.
For I must, will go.
He walked untiringly
My son Lam-ang, by God, And midway to his destination,
Please tarry longer. Encountered the man Sumarang.
For they may drench you.
Whose eyes were big as plates
With foul-smelling urine… And whose nose was wide as two wheels.
Spare yourself the embarrassment. This is what he at once said:

My friend, brave-man Lam-ang,

The white rooster then said, Where are you headed for?
Which forest do you intend to trap in?
As well as the yellow-legged hen:
Which mountain do you intend to hunt in?
My friend Lam-ang?
Our mistress Namungan, we dreamt last
night Replied Lam-ang:
That Doña Ines Cannoyan
My friend Sumarang, may I also ask
Cannot help becoming your daughter-in- Where you came from—
law. The town, the locality you visited?
Mother, please take out the oil
Just heated yesterday Said Sumarang:

So I may anoint my yellow-legged hen

And we may both look our best Since you ask me, I came from the north,
When we go to the town of Calanutian. The town of Calanutian.
I went there to compete Do what you will, I await your move.
For the hand of Doña Ines Cannoyan.
Sumarang threw his spear
At his friend, Lam-ang
Lam-ang said: Lam-ang caught it

Where you came from With his little and ring finger
There I also intend to go, As though it were betel nut
With the same purpose, my friend Proferred by a maiden.
And he added: He twirled it nine times
Around his neck and body.

My friend Sumarang, My friend Sumarang

We must now go our separate ways I will return to you your spear
For I don’t want to be in your debt.
For I must go now to Calanutian to compete
— What you handed to me is too hot
Who knows, I may be chosen by Doña Ines Though its handle is cold
Cannoyan. The handle of your spear.
You need not continue on your way
My friend Sumarang
You cannot be, with your looks, Now wait for its coming.
One Doña Ines Cannoyan can possibly If you don’t beware,
So many rich men and Spaniards are there Your corpse will be littered hereabout
already By this weapon which now comes,
By your leave.
And Doña Ines Cannoyan has yet
To look out her window for anyone. The brave-man Lam-ang,
I say it again: it is futile He waved at the seawinds.
Then, simultaneously,
For you to continue your journey.
He let go of his spear.
The man Sumarang was flown by the spear
Across nine hills.

That’s how bad manners end up.

Sumarang (suddenly added): Friend Sumarang, now must I depart
From this, our battleground.
Prepare your end
He carried his white rooster
And try defending yourself And prepared to leave.
From my spear— He had walked a long way
It will be too bad if you can’t catch
When he came across the house
My hooked spear. Of the maiden Saridandan.
She said:

Said Lam-ang then: Older brother, do stop by.

Please hurry up
And let me embrace you.
For so long has she pined for you Where Doña Ines Cannoyan is wont
The woman Saridandan. To take a walk?
Her eyes have grown tired

Keeping watch from this front window He opted to go between the legs
For your appearance.
The betel leaves have since dried Of the massed suitors
And the man Lam-ang finally
At the tray which held them Reached the middle of the yard.
In anticipation of your coming.
He set down his chicken, the white rooster.
It flapped its wings once
This is what Saridandan said. And the outhouse fell into shambles,

Ah, woman Saridandan, Prodding Doña Ines Cannoyan to look

Try not to detain me any longer. Out her window.
It would be futile. His hairy dog then howled

I must go to the town of Calanutian And the outhouse was restored:

And try to meet Doña Ines Cannoyan. Worn parts became new;
What was already torn was restored.

Saridandan said: Her parents then said:

How could you do that older brother?

Why can’t you accede to my request? Our daughter Cannoyan, wear your best dress
For your older brother Lam-ang is here.

He prepared to go, the man Lam-ang Dressed up, Doña Ines Cannoyan stepped down
And walked to the outhouse towards Lam-ang.
And soon, he approached the town The Spaniards and the rich Ilocanos
Of Calanutian. Were shamefaced when they saw her thus
So many were the competition Cannoyan said:

That one can easily lose sight

Of one’s companion Sir Lam-ang, walk faster, give me your
One can easily walk on the heads hands.

Of the suitors And let us embrace.

Without missing a step For the woman Ines Cannoyan
It would be easy to plant palay Has long pined for you.

In the holes made by the spears on the ground And sir, let us go to your house
One can even transplant rice there With the bamboo roof,
Since the sputum of the suitors were so thick Which, being of the thin and delicate
Lam-ang said (aloud to himself)
Can break beneath the hot sun
And therefore need the shade
What should I do to approach Of the biggest tree in the yard.
The erected outhouse
Having gone up the hut: Our son Lam-ang, please tell us now
Why you came;
What you wish, what you desire.
Father, to whom I owe my life,
Please bring out the golden chair The white rooster replied thus:

Plated with bulaoan gold

Made by people from the north. We have come to compete for the devotion
Of your daughter, Ines Cannoyan.

And everyone having taken a seat:

Mother Unnayan, to whom I owe my life, Respected elders,

Please cook some rice Subject to your judgment,
On the pot for one. We come to unite our families.

A pot of ground-dwelling dwarves This is what it said, the yellow-legged rooster.

Which can allow for others on their way And the old man and woman replied thus:
To share of its inexhaustible bounty Our son Lam-ang

For it is only right If you can fulfill

That we prepare food All that we assign to you
For brave-man Don Lam-ang You can marry our Cannoyan;

Father to whom I owe my life If your means allow you

Please catch the caponed rooster To match the wealth
Fattened for my older brother Lam-ang. We shall enumerate for you.

The food cooked, they sat down The yellow-legged hen said:
To eat at the dining table
Lam-ang and Ines Cannoyan ate
If what’s what you say, respected elders,
From the same plate with their fingers. Lam-ang is prepared to meet
Where Cannoyan pinched her food
There also did Lam-ang. All your desires and requirements.
My son Lam-ang,
And where Lam-ang sipped his soup, Look around you.
There also did Cannoyan.
The luncheon over, Cannoyan said: Let the footpath be of gold
At the middle of the yard;
Mother Unnayan, The butchering blocks, too.
Please pick some fine betel leaves
Which smile when approached

So we may offer a chew And my son Lam-ang,

To older brother Lam-ang. Look at the entirety
Mother, please roll, too, Of the front yard;

Some tabarcan tobacco There are two carved roosters;

Planted east of Cagayan. Four carved hens, two shrimps.
Swimming upstream, as it were.

This over, her parents spoke thus:

Let these be all of gold. For the king of Puan-puan,
Now, my son Lam-ang, of China,
Cast your gaze now Is my relative and friend,

And imagine two pomelos Right now, one of my boats, a sampan,

Also of pure bulaoan gold— I believe is on its way back
These are Cannoyan’s playthings. With its chinaware cargo.

And also these spinning paraphernalia, This is what they then said:
The tectec and the gagan-ayan,
And the gong, the longgangan, too,
Our son Lam-ang, it is only right,
And all the clotheslines— That you go back now
Let these all be
Of bulaoan gold. To the house you stepped down from
At the town of Nalbuan
Cannoyan’s mother then added: So you may inform your mother.

Our son Lam-ang, do marry Cannoyan,

If you can match all that we have told you. Lam-ang then answered:

Lam-ang in turn said:

Respected benefactor
And you (gracious) Unnayan,
Mother Unnayan,
What you have told me to match When I return, you shall hear
The cannon I shall fire
At Sabangan.

Cannot exhaust my inheritance;

Not even just the stocks in my fishponds
If sold wholesale. Lam-ang than bade them well
And walked briskly to his town, Nalbuan,
And I have in mind The man Lam-ang.
Only the fishpond
Other than those I expropriated The woman Cannoyan then said:

From the Igorots I conquered.

It is not even a ninth part Father to whom I owe my life
Of my inheritance And mother Unnayan,

From my great grandfathers

Both paternal and maternal.
But should the man Lam-ang still fall short, Do let us decorate the streets please
Till Sabangan
I still have two boats of bulaoan gold Just as we do during Corpus Christi.
That periodically ferry chinaware
Direct from China. Then they said to Cannoyan,
Both her father and mother:
Each of his townmates,
Daughter Cannoyan, all your wishes shall be done. Then spoke Lam-ang again:

Soon, Lam-ang arrived at his hometown, Nalbuan.

My mother Namungan Namungan, my mother,
How are you at my arrival?
Please take with you all
I am back from Calanutian. Those that Cannoyan shall wear:
My son Lam-ang, God is merciful indeed The slippers embroidered with bulaoan
And this cannot be repaid.
As well as her mounted ring.
Take also the two combs
And her two bracelets.
Your mother is hale and strong.
Now must I ask about your trip— His mother took all these
What came of it. And wrapped them for Cannoyan,
He daughter-in-law, to wear.
The yellow-legged rooster said:
Mother, let us go now on board
One of the ships.
Cannoyan is now
Your daughter-in-law.
Once on board the boat,
Then said Lam-ang:
The sails were at once unfurled.
Since there was no wind, the ships refused to budge.
Please strike the longgangan, the gong Lam-ang gave the rear of each a slap
To summon all our townmates.
And at once,
That they may ride our two boats Both ships were launched.
And fill it, too, with bowls and plates; Near Sabangan,
Big and small pans.
Lam-ang fired a salvo
And drinking glasses To let Doña Ines Cannoyan
Which can double as mirrors. Know of their arrival.

Cannoyan at once said:

When his townmates had assembled,

Lam-ang made an announcement. Father to whom I owe my life

And my mother Unnayan,

Townmates, please come to my wedding feast; My older brother, the man Lam-ang, has
We will all ride in my two boats. come—
I heard his signal fired from Sabangan.
And when the needed things had been loaded: Let us now hasten to meet the brave-man

My townmates, please go on board one by one.

When each one had boarded the boat,
They hastened The parish priest met them at the churchyard.
To the cheeks of Sabangan bay. And soon, the ceremonies of coin and veils
And by the time they arrived there, Were done.

The brave-man Lam-ang The mass over,

Was already there waiting. They stood up and went out,
Hurry up, now, give me your hands. The man Lam-ang and woman Cannoyan.

For the woman Cannoyan Sister, my friend,

Missed you so much. Let us commence the procession.
Let all your relatives and townmates A gun barked with every step of Ines.

Disembark at once The gun of Lam-ang created

And wear the clothes I prepared for them— A shade of smoke.
What one wears, she may keep, And when the wedding party reached home,

Announced Cannoyan A multitude trooped as on a field

To Lam-ang’s townmates. To the feast of Lam-ang.
The two mothers-in-law met The Calanutian folks

And Namungan deferred Soon, all were dancing,

To the other thus: Together with the townmates of Lam-ang.
My sister, Madam Unnayan, Soon, everyone was dancing

It is only proper that we return Fandango and sagamantica.

To the house you came down from; Soon, the refreshments
At your town, Calanutian. Were exhausted.

They left for the house The cooks, by then, were ready
They came down from. And laid out the buffet tables:
And their arrival marked the end

Of Lam-ang’s formal wooing All of you, townmates,

Of Cannoyan.
Came Monday morning Come and partake
Of the grace all laid out for you.
And Ines donned her best clothes: And the townmates of Lam-ang and Cannoyan
Her embroidered slippers;
Her mounted ring; Ate on the same tables.

Her five combs and two bracelets.

So also did Lam-ang wear his best: Listen to what I say—
Embroidered trousers, One may keep his plate.

Dyed shirt and serrated handkerchief.

And as they stepped down the stairs
The band played. Even wrap up food to take home.

The joyous ringing of the bells—

A mingling of low and high notes— The meal over,
Signalled their journey to the church. The townspeople doubled back to the dancefloor.
My friend Lam-ang. Madam, Doña Ines Cannoyan,
May I see you walk again; I also don’t like your deportment:
How you carry yourself. Your feet go every which way

Should you be less than perfect, And your bottom thrusts out too far in front.
I have the mind Then came the two mothers-in-law.
To give you back to your mother. Saying to each other.

Let us repair I would like to know

To the newly constructed outhouse If her habits are sensible,
And there show me how you walk. Your child, my daughter-in-law.

The woman Cannoyan, Unnayan said:

When they had gone upstairs, Expect her when the moon is new
Again teased him. If she goes out at full moon.

Respected Lam-ang When she fetches water from the river.

May I see how you walk; She mistakes every drifting leaf for crayfish
How you carry yourself. And turns every stone by the river.

If your manner of walking fails to impress Unnayan asked in turn:

I shall certainly return you
To the care of your mother. May I also ask about your son,
The man Lam-ang, my son-in-law.
He took five steps
And Cannoyan then said:

Speaking of Lam-ang, my sister, my friend,

Respected Lam-ang, If he leaves when the moon is new,
He returns when the moon is full.
How ungainly you look
Your trousers threaten to fall If he goes to the forest,
And your bowlegs He places cloth beneath every bamboo
Make you sluggish. And there sleeps.
Madam Ines Cannoyan, it is the deportment
Of rich men of Nalbuan you see— And then, Unnayan said:
My sister, my friend,
One I am accustomed to affect It’s time to go to your home.
With its air of wealth.
And now Madam Ines Cannoyan, The townmates of Lam-ang and Cannoyan
All went to Sabangan
Let me see how you walk; To board the two ships.
The way you look
When you walk. All aboard and the sails set,
The boats refused to move
Till Lam-ang slapped their sterns.

She took five steps, too. Back in Nalbuan,

Then this is what he said, Everyone disembarked
The man Lam-ang. And went to the house of Namungan.
The townspeople of bride and groom He looked through the crystal waters
Dance again. Then dived for the shellfish
Then, they honored Ines Cannoyan But failed in his first try.

And the man Lam-ang Surfacing, he tried once more to locate them
A dance And having seen some
All to themselves. Dived once more—

Then they all danced anew Right into the mouth

The fandango, waltz and curcha, Of the fish,
As well as the sagamantica of Pangasinan. A big tioan-tioan shark,

They soon dispersed And the signs came to pass:

And Doña Ines Cannoyan stayed behind The stairs danced;
For her mother left without her. The kitchen collapsed;

And when Cannoyan’s townfolk had gone,

The incumbent captain
Paid the new couple a visit. The stove broke to pieces.
The woman Cannoyan
My friend Lam-ang, The wept.
your turn has come
To dive for shellfish called rarang. My husband Don Lam-ang,
Where can you be now.
When the Captain had left, There is none I can hire
This is what the brave-man Lam-ang
To look for you.

Said with a sigh:

The woman Cannoyan then sought help
My wife Cannoyan And found Marcos, the diver.
I have been chosen
To dive for shellfish called rarang. She then tied the white rooster,
The yellow-legged hen,
I have dreamt The woman Cannoyan.
That I shall doubtless be eaten
By the shark tioan-tioan. She also leashed the hairy dog
With the curly locks
I shall give you a sign; Then cradled the white rooster.
The stairs shall dance;
The kitchen shall collapse; She left and soon reached the spot
Where his clothes were.
The stove shall break to pieces. There at the spot where Lam-ang was,

Cannoyan cried,
When morning came, Overwhelmed by sorrow.
Lam-ang prepared to leave. The cock comforted her thus:

Reaching an ideal spot, Mistress, don’t you worry.

He undressed and swam Master Lam-ang certainly shall live
To where the rarang abounds. If they can locate his bones.
The diver, old man Marcos, The wife whom you left.
Dived then. They fainted together,
But he failed to find the bones. Like trees fallen

The second time he dived, With excessive longing,

He found the bones Even Don Lam-ang,
Where the shark had expelled them. For he missed his Cannoyan so much.

The cock said: The man Lam-ang then expressed joy

Sir, take all the bones and beach them: At seeing once more his cock
None should be missing. And his hairy dog, kissing them both.

And when no more bones could be found, Their longing sated,

The cock examined the bones closely. They prepared to leave.
He found nothing missing. That we may reach the house

The bones of Lam-ang We came down from

Having been completed, Once there, Lam-ang said:
This is what he said: It is only right to repay

I shall turn my back The old man, the diver.

While you cover the bones My wife Cannoyan,
With your skirt. Give him a pile of coins taller than he is.

The yellow-legged hen crowed; This is how it ended, the life of Lam-ang.
The rooster shook its wings. Now, let me greet all of you present
And the bones started to move. In this (recounting) of the life of Lam-ang.

The dog with the curly locks

Howled twice
Then clawed the ground

As though to bury the bones of Lam-ang.

Then the man Lam-ang
Got-up at once.

How soundly I slept, my wife Canoyan.

It’s been seven nights
Since we last slept together.

Your sleep, you say,

When the shark only expelled your bones.
And all the signs you told me about

Were cause for my weeping

For I couldn’t bear it,
Couldn’t bear losing you.

Dear Husband Don Lam-ang

Give me your hand:
The woman Cannoyan missed you so much,

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