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Pancer Co is a new client for Cupid Co. As the Cupid Co should ensure they have a suitably
team is not familiar with the accounting policies, experienced team. In addition, adequate time
transactions and balances of the company, there should be allocated for team members to obtain
will be an increased detection risk on the audit. an understanding of the company and the risk of
material misstatement.

Company intends to undertake a stock Cupid Co should ensure they have a suitably
exchange listing in the next 12 months. In order experienced team. In addition, adequate time
to maximize the success of the potential listing, should be allocated for team members to obtain
the company will need to present financial an understanding of the company and the
statements which show the best possible significant risks of overstatement of revenue,
position and performance. profits and assets.

The directors therefore have an incentive to The team needs to maintain professional
manipulate the financial statements, by skepticism and be alert to the increased risk of
overstating revenue, profits and assets. manipulation.

The finance director has requested that the The time table should be confirmed with the
audit completes one week earlier than normal finance director. If it is to be reduced, then
as he wishes to report results earlier. A consideration should be given to performing an
reduction in the audit time table will increase interim audit in late March or early April; this
detection risk and place additional pressure on would then reduce the pressure on the final audit.
the team in obtaining sufficient and appropriate
evidence. The team needs to maintain professional
scepticism and be alert to the increased risk of
In addition, the finance team of the company will errors occurring.
have less time to prepare the financial
information leading to an increased risk of errors
arising in the financial statements.

Company purchases their goods from a supplier The audit team should undertake a detailed cut
in Africa and the goods are in transit for two off testing of goods in transit from the supplier in
weeks. At the year end, there is a risk that cut off Africa to ensure that the cut off is complete and
of inventory, purchases and payables may not be accurate.
accurate and may be under or over stated.

Company has borrowed $2 m from the bank via During the audit, the team would need to confirm
10-year loan. This loan needs to be correctly split that the $2 m of loan finance was received. In
between current and non-current liabilities in addition, the split between current and non-
order to ensure correct disclosure. current liabilities and the disclosure for this loan
should be reviewed in detail to ensure compliance
with relevant accounting standards.
Also, as the level of debt has increased, there The finance cost should be recalculated and any
should be additional finance cost. There is a risk increase agreed to the loan documentation for
that this has been omitted from the statement of confirmation of interest rates. Payments should
profit or loss leading to understated finance cost be agreed to cash book and bank statement to
and overstated profit. confirm the amount was paid and is not therefore
a year-end payable.

The loan has a minimum profit target covenant. Review the covenant calculations prepared by the
If this is breached, the loan would be instantly company and identify whether any defaults have
repayable and would be classified as a current occurred; if so, determine the effect on the
liability. company.

If the company does not have sufficient cash The team should maintain their professional
flow to meet this loan repayment, then there skepticism and be alert to the risk that profit has
could be going concern implications. been overstated to ensure compliance with the
In addition, there is a risk of manipulation of covenant.
profit to ensure that covenants are met.

A patent has been purchased for $1.3 m and The audit team would need to agree the purchase
this enables the company to manufacture price to supporting documentation and to confirm
specialized elevator equipment for the next five the useful life is five years.
years. In accordance with IAS 38 Intangible
Assets, this should be included as intangible The amortization charge should be recalculated in
asset and amortized over its five-year life. order to ensure the accuracy of the charge and
If the management has not correctly accounted that the intangibles is correctly valued at the year
for the patent, intangibles assets and profits end.
could be overstated.

Company has ordered $720,000 of plant and Discuss with management as to whether the
machinery, two third of which may not have remaining plant and machinery ordered have
been received by the year end. arrived; if so, physically verify a sample of these
Only assets which physically exist at the year-end assets to ensure existence and ensure only
should be included in Property Plant and appropriate assets are recorded in the non-
Equipment. If items not yet delivered have been current asset register at the year end.
capitalized PPE will be overvalued.

Company has purchased a new warehouse for Discuss with management as to whether the
$3·2m and it is anticipated that the legal warehouse purchase was completed by the year
process will be completed by the year end. Only end. If so, inspect legal documents of ownership,
assets which physically exist at the year-end such as title deeds ensuring these are dated prior
should be included in property, plant and to 1 April 20X7 (year-end) and are in the company
equipment. name.
If the transaction has not been completed by the
year end, there is a risk that assets are
overstated if the company incorrectly includes
the warehouse at the year end.

Company has 15 warehouses; some are owned The auditor should review supporting
by the company and some rented from third documentation for all warehouses included within
parties. PPE to confirm ownership by the company and to
Only warehouses owned by the company should ensure non-current assets are not overstated.
be included within PPE.
There is a risk of overstatement of PPE and
understatement of rental expenses if Minty has
capitalized all 15 warehouses.

The land and buildings are to be revalued at the Discuss with management the process adopted
year-end; it is likely that the revaluation surplus for undertaking the valuation, including whether
or deficit will be material. the whole class of assets was revalued and if the
valuation was undertaken by an expert. This
The revaluation needs to be carried out and process should be reviewed for compliance with
recorded in accordance with IAS 16 Property, IAS 16.
Plant and Equipment, otherwise non-current
assets may be incorrectly valued.

Company undertakes continuous production The auditor should discuss with management the
and the work in progress balance at the year- process they will undertake to access the cut off
end is likely to be material. As the production point for work in progress at the year end. This
will not cease, the exact cut off of work in process should be reviewed by the auditor while
progress will need to be assessed. attending the year-end inventory count.

If the cut off is not correctly calculated, the

inventory valuation may be under or over stated.

Company is likely to have a material level of The auditor should discuss with management the
work in progress at the year end. The level of process they will undertake to assess the
work in progress will need to be assessed at the percentage completion for work in progress at the
year end. year end. This process should be reviewed by the
auditor while attending the year-end inventory
If the percentage completion is not correctly counts.
calculated, the inventory valuation may be under
or overstated.
The finance director has extended the useful Discuss with the directors the rationale for any
lives of fixtures and fittings from three to four extensions of asset lives and reduction of
years, resulting in the depreciation charge depreciation rates. Also, the four-year life should
reducing. be compared to how often these assets are
Under IAS 16 Property, Plant and Equipment, replaced, to assess the useful life of assets.
useful lives are to be reviewed annually, and if
asset lives have genuinely increased, then this
change is reasonable. However, there is a risk
that this reduction has occurred in order to
boost profits. If this is the case, then fixtures and
fittings are overvalued and profit overstated.

Company has raised new finance through During the audit, team should confirm that the
issuing $1·2m of shares at a premium. The equity finance of $1·2m were received and that
equity finance needs to be allocated correctly the split of share capital and share premium is
between share capital and share premium with correct and appropriately recorded.
adequate disclosure made.
In addition, the disclosures for this finance should
If this is not done correctly, then share capital be reviewed in detail to ensure compliance with
and share premium may be misstated. relevant accounting standards and local

Company has issued $5m of irredeemable Review share issue documentation to confirm that
preference shares. This finance needs to be the preference shares are irredeemable. Confirm
accounted for correctly, with adequate that they have been correctly classified as equity
disclosure made. within the accounting records and that total
As the preference shares are irredeemable, they financing proceeds of $5m were received.
should be classified as equity rather than non-
current liabilities. In addition, the disclosures for this share issue
Failing to correctly classify the shares could should be reviewed in detail to ensure compliance
result in understated equity and overstated non- with relevant accounting standards.
current liabilities.

Receivables are considerably higher than the Extend post year end cash receipts testing and a
prior year. There is a risk that some receivables review of the aged receivables ledger to be
may be overvalued as they are not recoverable. performed to asses valuation. Also consider the
adequacy of any allowance for receivables.
Receivable days have increased from 40 to 50 Extended post year-end cash receipts testing and
days and management has extended the credit a review of the aged receivables ledger to be
terms given to customers. There is a risk that performed to assess valuation. Also consider the
some receivables may be overvalued as they are adequacy of any allowance for receivables.
not recoverable.
A customer of the Company has been Review the revised credit terms and identify if any
encountering difficulties paying their after date cash receipts for this customer have
outstanding balance of $1·2m and the Company been made. Discuss with the finance director
has agreed to a revised credit period. If the whether he intends to make an allowance for this
customer is experiencing difficulties, there is an receivable. If not, review whether any existing
increased risk that the receivable is not allowance for uncollectable accounts is sufficient
recoverable and hence is overvalued. to cover the amount of this receivable.

A sales-related bonus scheme has been Increased sales cut-off testing will be performed
introduced in the year for sales staff, this may along with a review of any post year-end returns
lead to sales cut off errors with employees as they may indicate cut-off errors.
aiming to maximize their current year bonus.

Company’s finance director left in December Discuss with the new finance director what
after it was discovered that he had been procedures they have adopted to identify any
committing fraud. There is a risk that he may further frauds by the previous finance director.
have undertaken other fraudulent transactions;
these would need to be written off in the In addition, the team should maintain their
statement of profit or loss. professional skepticism and be alert to the risk of
If these have not been uncovered, the financial further fraud and errors.
statements could include errors.

The new finance director was appointed in During the audit, careful attention should be
January 2015 and was previously a financial applied to any changes in accounting policies and
controller of a bank. Sycamore is a in particular any key judgmental decisions made
pharmaceutical company which is very different by the finance director.
to a bank; there is a risk that the new finance
director is not sufficiently competent to prepare
the financial statements, leading to errors.

A new accounting general ledger system has The auditor should undertake detailed testing to
been introduced at the beginning of the year confirm that all opening balances have been
and the old system was run in parallel for two correctly recorded in the new general ledger
months. There is a risk of opening balances being system. Also, they should document and test the
misstated and loss of data if they have not been new system.
transferred from the old system correctly.

There have been a significant number of sales Review a sample of the post year-end sales
returns made subsequent to the year end. As returns and confirm if they relate to pre-year-end
these relate to pre-year-end sales, they should sales, that the revenue has been reversed and the
be removed from revenue in the draft financial inventory included in the year-end ledgers.
statements and the inventory reinstated.
In addition, the reason for the increased level of
returns should be discussed with management.
If the sales returns have not been correctly
recorded, then revenue will be overstated and
inventory understated.

There were movements of goods in and out During the final audit, the goods received notes
during year-end inventory count. If these goods and goods despatched notes received during the
in transit were not carefully controlled, then inventory count should be reviewed and followed
goods could have been omitted or counted through into the inventory count records as
twice. This would result in inventory being under correctly included or not.
or overvalued.

Surplus plant and equipment was sold during Recalculate the profit and loss on disposal
the year, resulting in a profit on disposal of calculations and agree all items to supporting
$210,000. As there is a minimum profit loan documentation.
covenant, there is a risk that this profit on
disposal may not have been correctly calculated, Discuss the depreciation policy for plant and
resulting in overstated profits. In addition, equipment with the finance director to assess its
significant profits or losses on disposal are an reasonableness.
indication that the depreciation policy of plant
and equipment may not be appropriate.
Therefore, depreciation may be overstated.

Company has incurred cost of $1 m on updating Review a breakdown of these costs to ascertain
their website during the year. The costs incurred the split of capital and revenue expenditure, and
should be correctly allocated between revenue further testing should be undertaken to ensure
and capital expenditure. that the classification in the financial statements
If the expenditure is not correctly classified, is correct.
profit and PPE could be under or overstated.

Company has incurred expenditure of $5 m on Obtain a breakdown of the expenditure and verify
developing a new product. This expenditure is that it relates to the development of the new
classed as products. Review expenditure documentation to
research and development under IAS 38 determine whether the costs relate to the
Intangible Assets. research or development stage. Discuss the
The standard requires research costs to be accounting treatment with the finance director
expensed to profit or loss and only development and ensure it is in accordance with IAS 38.
costs to be capitalized as an intangible asset.

If the company has incorrectly classified research

costs as development expenditure, there is a risk
the intangible asset could be overvalued and
expenses understated.
Customers who wish to purchase a property are Discuss with management the treatment of
required to place an order and a 5% non- deposits received in advance, to ensure it is
refundable deposit prior to the completion of appropriate.
the building. These deposits should not be
recognized as revenue in the statement of profit During the final audit, undertake increased testing
or loss until the performance obligations as per over the cut-off of revenue and completeness of
the contracts have been satisfied. deferred income.
Instead, they should be recognized as deferred
income within current liabilities.
Management may have incorrectly treated the
deferred income as revenue, resulting in
overstated revenue and understated liabilities.

Company is planning to make approximately 65 Discuss with management the status of the
employees redundant after the year end. The redundancy announcement; if before the year
timing of this announcement has not been end, review supporting documentation to confirm
confirmed; if it is announced to the staff before the timing.
the year end, then under IAS 37 Provisions,
Contingent Liabilities and Contingent Assets a In addition, review the basis of and recalculate the
redundancy provision will be required at the year redundancy provision.
end. Failure to provide will result in an
understatement of provisions and expenses.

The payables payment period has increased Detailed going concern testing to be performed
from 40 to 60 days. The current ratio has during the audit, including the review of cash flow
decreased from 3 to 1. The quick ratio has also forecasts and the underlying assumptions. These
decreased from 2 to 1. In addition, the bank should be discussed with management to ensure
balance has moved from $0·56m to an that the going concern basis is reasonable.
overdraft of $0·81m.
These are all indicators that the company could
be experiencing cash flow difficulties which could
result in going concern. These uncertainties may
not be adequately disclosed in the financial

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