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My progress in this course is, in my standards, acceptable thus far. I do

not like getting or being behind in my classwork, or in anything for that
matter. It gives me extreme anxiety not only in the attempts in catching up but
also It makes me feel like I am disappointing my instructors, my family and
myself. However, series of unfortunate events occurred, and I broke/cracked
a few of the small bones cross the bridge of my hand and was unable to do
assignments within a timely fashion due to not being able to type and the
injury was on my right hand, which is of course my predominant hand. I have
pushed through to the best of my ability and I appreciate my instructors being
so helpful and understanding about my situation. With all, I couldn’t expect
anything more from you, my instructor from here going forward. I say this
because you have been so helpful, compassionate, and patient with me
already so far that I could not dare or even image to ask for anything else.
Your email with the alternative ways to get assignments done while my hand
heals not only was extremely beneficial in the process of me being able to get
caught up, but it was also, so kind and I appreciated you taking that extra step
for me. It shows how dedicated you are to your job and how much passion
you have for your students. I am excited to see what the rest of these next few
weeks entail.

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