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Name : Amelia Daulay

NIM : 200441046
Class : 2A English Education
Courses : Introduction to Linguistics

A. Underline and label the S and V elements

1. The dog bit me.

2. John wouldn't have said that.
3. It makes me sick.
4. The green man is flashing.
5. Are you sure of that?
6. The strange-looking man is my cousin.
7. Everything on the table looks mouth-wateringly delicious.

8. Peter and Mary have invited us to a barbecue.

9. Mrs Corbett has been attacked by her parrot.
10. Have they?

B. Some of the words below contain suffixes and prefixes. Identify the suffixes and prefixes
by underlining them.
(1) a. happiness (suffix)
b. unkind (prefix)
c. freedom (suffix)
d. flowers (suffix}
e. brother
f. blackboard
(2) a. unable (prefix)
b. discourage (prefix)
c. establish
d. receive
e. strawberry
f. amoral

C. Look at carefully to the words below, then answer the questions:

- Possible
- Sure
- Lucky
- Correct
- Happy

1. What part of speech are these words?

Answer : Adjective
2. Change each one into an adverb
Answer : Possibly, surely, luckily, correctly, happily
3. Write down the synonym for each word
Answer : Feasible, certain, fortunate, right, cheerful

D. Underline the NOUN and ADJECTIVE from the paragraph below.

For example :

 Parents are worried(adj.) about toddlers(n) losing out on learning in the pandemic(n)

The learning and development milestones(n) for pre-school children across India(n) have taken a
severe(adj) hit due to COVID-19(n). Their first introduction to education(n) - the pre-school format where
children are taught socialization, numbers, language(n), and some life skills - has been halted. According
to a recent(adj) survey(n) conducted by EuroKids International(n), as the Covid-19 pandemic(n) has
disrupted the 2020 academic year(n), pre-school parents(n) are quite(adj) worried(adj) about their
children having lost out on learning as a result(n) and believe that it is very important(adj) to keep a
child's(n) education going during this pandemic(n).
According to the survey results(n), a high degree of parental concern(n) towards education(n) is
evident(adj) 95 per cent of the parents(n) have enrolled their child(n) in some form of learning - online or
home schooling, to ensure continuity(n) in their learning. When asked how long children spend learning
during a week(n), 43 per cent of the respondents(adj) stated(adj) that children spend between one to
three(n) hours(n) a week(n) learning, while 37 per cent stated(adj) that children spend more than three(n)
hours(n) learning. As pre-schools have been closed(adj) since March(n) 2020, parents have found that
online learning has been a viable(adj) substitute(n) for their toddlers(n) to avoid a .,(adj) zero-learning
year(n) for their children. In light(n) of the pandemic(n), an online pre-school offers children a
structured(n) program(n). When asked about the achievement(n) of learning outcomes(n) of their
children, parents(n) cited that their children were able(adj) to grasp pre-academic skills(n) such as
recognizing colors(n), printed names(n), letters(n) of the alphabet(n), numbers(n), etc. more than any
other skills(n).
Additionally, the survey(n) also reveals that many parents(n) believe that while academic(adj) learning is
being somewhat managed and learning outcomes(n) therein are being addressed(adj), parents(n) are also
worried(adj) about their child's(n) social(adj) and physical(adj) development(n). With the second(adj)
wave(n) of the pandemic(n) extending the closure(n) period(n) of pre-schools, parents(n) are increasingly
worried(adj) about the adverse(adj) impact(n) of a two(n) year(n) learning gap(n) on their child's(n)
developmental(adj) milestones(n). As per the survey(n) findings(n), 80 per cent of parents(n) who had
enrolled in Home(adj) Buddy (an online pre-schooling app from EuroKids) saw delivery(n) of clear(adj)
learning outcomes(n) and 75 per cent of these parents(n) were willing(adj) to recommend Home Buddy to
their friends(n) and families(n). "Global(adj) evidence(n) over the years(n) clearly(adj) state(n) that the
learning journey(n) for children is the most rapid(adj) in the early years(n). The closure(n) of early
childhood(n) education(n) centers(n) all throughout this pandemic(n) has resulted(n) in a widening gap(n)
in learning for most children. We understand the importance(n) of uninterrupted(adj) learning and we
want to encourage parents(n) to consider remote(adj) learning for their children, so they can continue to
achieve their developmental(adj) milestones(n). Children should stay indoors(adj) for the present but
restart their learning with experienced(adj) educators(n) and use scientifically developed methods(n),"
said K V S Seshasai(n), CEO(n), Pre-K Division(n), EuroKids International(n), speaking about the
survey(n) findings.

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