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Regular Verbs

Present Past simple Past Participe Traducere

Answer Answered = ed
Arrive Arrived = d
Ask Asked = t
Book Booked = t
Carry Carried = id
Change Changed = t
Check in Checked in= t
Clean Cleaned = d
Close Closed = d
Cook Cooked = t
Cry Cried = d
Decide Decided = id
Finish Finished = t
Hate Hated = id
Help Helped = t Helped A ajuta
Like Liked = t
Listen Listened = d
Live Lived = d
Look Looked = t
Love Loved = d
Miss Missed = t
Move Moved = d
Need Needed = id
Open Opened = Opend
Play Played = d Played A plăti
Pack Packed = t
Paint Painted = id
Park Parked = t
Pass Passed = t
Phone Phoned = d
Rain Rained = d
Relax Relaxed = t
Rent Rented = id
Snow Snowed= d
Start Started = id
Stay Stayed = id
Stop Stopped = t
Study Studied = id
Talk Talked = t
Travel Travelled = d
Turn Turned = d
Use Used = d
End Ended = id Ended A finisa
Wait Waited = id Waited A aștepta
Walk Walked = t
Want Wanted = id
Watch Watched = t
Work Worked = t Worked A lucra
Unite United = id United
Present Past simple Past Participe Traducere
1 Bet Bet Bet A paria
2 Bid Bid Bid A licita
3 Broadcast Broadcast Broadcast A transmite
4 Burst Burst Burst A izbucni
5 Cast Cast Cast A arunca
6 Cost Cost Cost A costa
7 Cut Cut Cut A tăia
8 Fit Fit Fit
9 Hit Hit Hit A lovi, a doborâ, a ochi
10 Hurt Hurt Hurt A răni
11 Let Let Let A lăsa
12 Put Put Put A pune
13 Rid Rid Rid
14 Quit Quit Quit A părăsi
15 Set Set Set
16 Shurt Shurt Shurt A închide
17 Split Split Split A arunca
18 Shut Shut Shut A închide
19 Spread Spread Spread A întinde
20 Wet [uet] Wet Wet A uda, a înmuia
I cut the pizza Eu tai pizza
I cut the grass yesterday Eu am tăiat pizza
The grass has been cut Iarba a fost tăiată
2. A -d -d
Present Past simple Past Participe Traducere
21 Bind Bound [baund] Bound A lega
22 Feed Fed [făd] Fed A hrăni
23 Find Found Found A găsi
24 Flee Fled [flăd] Fled A fugi
25 Have Had Had A avea
26 Hear Heard [heărd] Heard A auzi
27 Hold Held [held] Held A ține
28 Lay Laid [leid] Laid A pune, a așeza
29 Lead Led [lăd] Led A conduce
30 *Make Made Made
31 Pay Paid Paid
32 Retell Retold Retold A povesti
33 Sell Sold Sold A vinde
34 (Under) Stand Stood Stood A sta în picoare/ A înțelege
35 Tell Told Told A spune
36 *Read Read [răd] Read A citi
37 Wind [waind] Wound [waund] Wound [waund] Извиваться
He can`t sell the car El nu poate să vândă mașina
He sold the car last week El a vândut mașina săptămâna trecută
The car was sold for 3000 euros Mașina a fost vândută pentru 3000 euro
2. B -t -t
Present Past simple Past Participe Traducere
38 Bend Bent Bent A îndoi
39 Build Built Built
40 Burn Burnt Burnt A arde
41 Creep Crept Crept A se târâ
42 Deal Dealt Dealt A împărți cărțile/A rezolva o problemă
43 Dream Dreamt Dreamt
44 Feel Felt Felt [fălt]
45 Keep Kept Kept [keăpt] A păstra
46 Kneel Knelt Knelt A sta în genunchi
47 Leave Left Left
48 Lend Lent Lent A da cu împrumut
49 Lean Leant [lănt] Leant A se apleca
50 Learn Learnt Learnt A învăța
51 Light Lit Lit [lit] A lumina
52 Lose Lost Lost A pierde
53 Mean Meant Meant A însemna, a semnifica
54 Meet Met Met [măt]
55 Send Sent Sent
56 Shoot Shot Shot [shot] A trage
57 Sit Sat Sat
58 Sleep Slept Slept [slăpt]
59 Spell [spel] Spelt [spelt] Spelt Pe litere
60 Spill [spil] Spilt [spilt] Spilt A vărsa
61 Spoil Spoilt Spoilt A strica
62 Spend Spent Spent A cheltui
63 (S)weep (S)wept [swept] (S)wept [swept] A mătura / A plânge
Do you feel good? Tu te simți bine?
I felt happy yesterday Eu m-am simțit fericit eri.
I`ve felt so lonely before I met you Eu m-am simțit atât de singuratic înainte ca să te întâlnesc.
2. C -u -u
Present Past simple Past Participe Traducere
64 Dig [dig] Dug Dug A săpa
65 Hang [hăng] Hung [hang] Hung A agăța, a-și petrece timpul cu cineva(verb frazal)
66 * Spring Sprang Sprung A sări
67 Stick [stik] Stuck Stuck A înfipge, a împlânta
68 Sting [sting] Stung Stung A înțepa
69 Swing [suin] Swung [suan] Swung [suan] Качать
I don’t know why she hangs out whith Bill Eu nu știu de ce ea își petrece timpul cu Bill.
She hung out with Joe two years ago Ea și-a petrecut timpul cu Joe cu doi ani înainte
She should have hung out with me Ea ar fi trebuit să își petreacă timpul cu mine.
2. D - ught [t] - ught [t]
Present Past simple Past Participe Traducere
70 Bring [bring] Brought [brot] Brought A aduce
71 Buy Bought Bought
72 Catch Caught Caught A prinde
73 Fight [faigt] Fought Fought A lupta
74 Seek Sought Sought A căuta
75 Teach Taught Taught A învăța pe cineva
76 Think Thought Thought
We`ll (will) buy a map at the airport Noi vom cumpăra o hartă la aeroport
We bought the map last year Noi am cumpărat harta anul trecut
Have you bought books online before? Tu ai cumpărat cărți online înainte?
3. A
Present - i [i] Past simple - a [eă] Past Participe - u[a] Traducere
77 Begin Began Begun A începe
78 Drink Drank Drunk
79 Ring Rang Rung A suna
80 Shrink Shrank Shrunk A micșora, a se strâmta
81 Sing Sang Sung
82 Sink Sank Sunk A scufunda
83 Stink Stank Stunk A mirosi urât
84 Swim Swam Swum
85 * (Over) run Rang Run A năpădi, a alerga, a depăși
You drink to much Tu bei prea mult
You drank all the juice from the fridge Tu ai băut tot sucul din frigider
You were drunk last night, weren`t you? Tu ai fost beat trecuta noapte, nu ai fost tu?
3. B
Present - o [ou] Past simple - e [u/iu] Past Participe- own [ou] Traducere
86 Blow Blew [bliu] Blown A sufla
87 Grow Grew [grou] Grown A crește
88 Know Knew [niu] Known
89 (Over) Throw Threw [thru] Thrown A înlătura, detrona / A arunca
90 * Draw Drew [dru] Drawn [draun] A desena, a trage
91 *Fly Flew [flu] Flown
They grow tomatoes in their garden Ei cultivă/cresc roșii în a lor grădină
They grew carrots last summer Ei au cultivat morcovi trecuta vară
They`ve (have) grown peas for three years Ei au cultivat mazăre pentru trei ani
3. C
Present - ea Past simple - o….e Past Participe- o...n…en Traducere
92 Break Broke Broken A sparge
93 For (bid) For (bade) For (bidden) A interzice / A cere, a impune
94 Choose Chose [chous] Chosen
95 Drive Drove Driven
96 Fall Fell [făl] Fallen
97 Freeze Froze Frozen A îngheța
98 (For) get Got [got] Gotten A uita / A obține
99 (For) give Gave [geive] Given A ierta / A da
100 Mistake Mistook Mistaken A greși
101 Prove Proved Proven A demonstra
102 Ride Rode Ridden A se ivi / A crește
103 A(rise) Rose Risen A se ridica
104 Shine Shone Shown A străluci
105 Sew [sou] Sewed [soud] Sewn [soun] A coase
106 Sow [sou] Sowed [soud] Sown [soun] A sclipi
107 Speak Spoke Spoken
108 Steal Stole Stolen A fura
109 (S)wear (S)wore (S)worn A jura, a înjura / A purta
110 Swell Swelled [sueld] Swollen [suelen] A se umfla
111 Tear Tore Torn A rupe
112 Wake Woke Woken A se trezi
113 Wear Wore Worn A purta
114 Win Won Won
115 Write Wrote Written
Please, forgive me!, He begged her Te rog iartă-mă, el a implorat-o

She forgave him for living her, but she`s (has) Ea l-a iertat pentru că a lăsat-o, însă ea niciodată nu l-a iertat cu
never quite forgiven him for lying to her adevărat pe el pentru că a mințit-o
3. D
Present - a...e Past simple - oo Past Participe- - en Traducere
116 Shake Shook Shaken A scutura, a agita, a tremura
117 Take Took Taken A lua
Who takes the house and the car? Cine ia casa și mașina?
When they got divorced, his wife took everything. Când ei au devenit divorțați, a sa soție a luat totul

All his possessions had been taken from him. Toate ale sale posesii, fuseseră luate de la el.
Present Past simple Past Participe- Traducere
118 Beat Beat Beaten A bate, a învinge
119 Bite Bit Bit A învinge
120 (Be) come (Be) came (Be) come A deveni / A veni
121 Bleed Bled [bled] Bled [bled] A sângera
122 Do Did Do ne
123 Eat Ate Eaten
124 Go Went Gone
125 Hide Hid Hiden A ascunde
126 Lie Lay Lain A sta întins
127 See Saw [so] Seen
128 Show Showed Shown A arăta
129 Slide Slid [slid] Slid A luneca
130 *Be Was/Were Been
We go shopping every Saturday Noi mergem la cumpărături în fiecare Sâmbătă
We went to meet Maria at the station Noi am mers să o întâlnim pe Maria la stație
We`ve (have) never gone skiing before Noi niciodată nu am fost la ski înainte

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