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Green/Blue Infrastructure for Sustainable, Attractive Cities 
Deliverable 3.7 
Final Report 
This report also includes the following deliverables: 
1.1   List of conducted workshops/seminars 
1.7  Program of the final conference 
2.1   Stakeholder workshops 
2.3 and 2.9   Draft of Green Street Design in Kiruna 
2.10, 3.6, and 4.6  List of scientific publications 
3.2  List of field demonstration sites 
5.3   Management reports 
5.4   Arrangement of Principal meetings 
6.1   Brief description of the living labs 
6.2  Continuous exchange of project results 

1. Overview and content of the report and included deliverables 

This report summarises the outcomes of the JPI Urban Europe project Green Blue Cities which was
conducted by Luleå University of Technology (Sweden), Leopold Franzens University Innsbruck
(Austria) and Delft university of Technology (The Netherlands).

A summary of the work packages is provided. The work package outcomes are in detail described in
deliverables 2.11 (final report WP2), 3.7 (final report WP4) and 4.7 (final report WP4) which are added
to this report as appendices.

This report also contains the following deliverables of the project:

Deliverable 1.1 List of conducted workshops/seminars
Deliverable 1.7 Program of the final conference
Deliverable 2.1 Stakeholder workshops
Deliverable 3.2 List of field demonstration sites
Deliverable 5.4 Arrangement of Principal meetings
Deliverable 6.1 brief description of the living labs
Deliverables 2.10, 3.6, and 4.6 List of scientific publications

Deliverables 5.3 (Management reports) and 6.2 (continuous exchange of project results within the
partner organisations) were conducted but are not described in detail.
2. Introduction 
In this report, a summary of the outcomes of the JPI UrbanEurope project GreenBlue Cities is

The main aim of this project was to develop knowledge and tools to seize opportunities arising from
future challenges, to manage stormwater in a way that facilitates robust, synergistic and multi-functional
green infrastructure that will address today’s and tomorrow’s climate and other changes in urban areas.
The project further aimed to address these aims by being conducted in three urban living labs; the main
living lab in Kiruna, Sweden, and the two so called city hubs Zwolle and Innsbruck. In these living labs
research and case studies were conducted, workshops held in which different actors from various
disciplines were brought together. Innovative solutions and management plans were developed in these
living labs.

To achieve the above mentioned goals, a series of deliverables were prepared. The main deliverables of
the project are interconnected and structured as follows:
A     Definitions: creating common understanding
1.2 Green Infrastructure Dictionary
1.3 Definitions and use of the sustainability concept
2.2 Overview of smart spatial planning strategies
3.5 Planning tools for sustainable stormwater management
3.2 Field demonstration sites

B     Scenarios
1.4 Future prediction of urban area development 
1.5 Scenarios for prediction of future stormwater quality and runoff 
Scenarios for urban snowmelt runoff and rain‐on‐snow events: urban water systems 
2.4+2.7 under climate variability and change

C     Indicators
Potential use of green infrastructure as healthy habitats and ecosystems and 
2.6+3.4 evaluation of their social value and public health impact
Innovative socio‐technical solutions bringing multifunctional values to urban citizens ‐ 
1.6+1.8 attractive green infrastructure
A critical review of ecosystem services of green‐blue surfaces and its effect on quality 
2.8 of urban living
Function of green stormwater control measures in cold climates ‐ preconditions for 
3.3 implementation in Kiruna
2.5 Analysis of green infrastructure design practices

D     Living Lab experience
1.1 Workshops/seminars on different definitions and use of the sustainability concept 
2.1 Stakeholder workshops in Zwolle
3.1 Stakeholder workshops in Kiruna
4.1 Stakeholder workshops in Innsbruck
6.1 Delivery of successful urban living labs  
1.7  Final conference in Kiruna

E     Integrated Models and Recommendations for Implementation
2.3 Stormwater management strategies for  new Kiruna
2.9 Implementation study: green street design 
4.2 Challenges of the transition from the existing to the new pipe network
4.3+4.4 Software and Model Adaptation and Model Calibration

F     Organisation and management of urban water systems
2.1+3.1 Stakeholder workshops: Evaluation reports
4.4 Organising for increased implementation of green infrastructure
The main deliverables are attached to this report.

The project partners and their main responsibilities are as follows.

Luleå university of Technology, Urban Water Research Group.

Prof Maria Viklander, project leader
Dr Godecke Blecken, green infrastructure in cold climates, project coordinator
Prof Richard Ashley (LTU and TU Delft), assessment of multi-functional green infrastructure
Dr Günther Leonhardt, urban hydrology modeling
Dr Lena Goldkuhl, management and organization of urban water management, Living lab in Kiruna
Prof Jiri Marsalek, contribution to the work on green infrastructure in cold climates
Dr Matthias Borris, Scenarios for prediction of future stormwater quality and runoff
Dr Shahab Moghadas, modeling of snow melt in Kiruna
Stina Ljung, management and organization of urban water management in Kiruna
Ico Brokhuizen, modeling of runoff and green infrastructure in Kiruna

Technical University of Delft, Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment.

Prof Arjan van Timmeren, project leader at TU Delft, sustainability of urban water systems
Dr Taneha Kuzniecow Bacchin, green infrastructure solutions for Kiruna and Zwolle
Filippo Lafleur, green street design

University of Innsbruck, Unit of Environmental Engineering

Prof Wolfgang Rauch, transition of urban water systems in Kiruna, leader living lab Innsbruck
Dr Robert Sitzenfrei, project coordination at University of Innsbruck
Jonathan Zischg, modeling of the sewer network transition
Dr Michael Mair, modeling of the sewer network transition

Further in the main living lab Kiruna the Municipality of Kiruna and Tekniska Verken i Kiruna
AB (Technical Service Department of Kiruna) were involved as main partners. Also White Architects
and SWECO AB were involved. In the living labs in Austria and The Netherlands, the Municipality
of Innsbruck and Municipality of Zwolle were the project partners.

3. Summary of work packages 
3.1. WP 2 Creating an attractive and sustainable urban landscape 
The workpackage 2 “Creating an attractive and sustainable urban landscape” had the objective of
setting the parameters, requirements and the methodology for the development of green/blue
infrastructure (GBI) planning and design strategies to sustain growth and enhance quality of life in case
study cities. The urban living labs functioned as the core structure for the identification, description and
selection of objectives, constraints and opportunities for the design and modelling of GBI. An
integrative framework was developed using spatial, ecological and material qualities and climate and
socio-economic scenarios as input parameters into an interdisciplinary modelling framework of an
alternative hybrid strategy that combines landscape design and sustainable stormwater management

Kiruna, as the international living lab, was used for developing and testing the complete framework in
which urban water is managed through a network systems of green spaces designed along
suitable/target roads as well public and private open spaces at the block level. The new urban
masterplan layout, designed for the city’s relocation, was used as a base for the modelling of the physical
structure/ network systems of green/blue open spaces (spatial modelling). The subarctic climate in
addition to the gradual relocation of the city’s fabric posed the question of how to design a green/blue
infrastructure that is capable to accommodate future uncertainties and perform in (extreme) cold
climate. To answer this question, three complementary set of modelling parameters and design
principles for GBI were identified based on 1) an overview of smart GBI schemes (spatial strategies) and
their affordances / performances for different objectives; 2) the performance of vegetation and urban
water systems (considering snowmelt runoff) in Kiruna’s ambient conditions; and 3) the benefits in
terms of ecosystem service values of delivering a multifunctional infrastructure. Qualities of this hybrid
infrastructure were discussed and co-designed under the international ‘Urban Living Lab’ context. This
strategy of collaboration gathered critical stakeholders to jointly identify challenges and envision future
alternatives. Co-operation between design and technology was sought throughout the research for the
setting of modelling parameters and design principles for both renewal of biophysical processes and
protection of landscape cultural identity. After defining the project focus with the Municipality of
Kiruna Urban Planning and Technical Departments (partners for this research project), it was clear the
importance of the design phasing and hierarchy of green/blue corridors and patches for the new urban
layout. The layout must be able to response to the ongoing and future (programmed) transformation of
the city landscape, enabling the continuity of cultural identity (heritage) and the harvesting of new
values provided by ecosystem services of GBI. The physical structure of the new GBI needs to adapt to
the gradual decoupling of the former infrastructure system. As the construction of the new city
advances, the former city will be gradually demolished. The design process must accommodate this
changing structural condition of deconstruction and reconstruction at the same time. The result of the
spatial modelling exploration was a decision three for performance based design and valuing of GBI. This
is founded on landscape ecology and sustainable stormwater management principles, and the iteration of
spatial/ network components from the larger urban water (river) catchment to the plot level.

To further explore the impact of future uncertainties in urban area development, the light living lab
Zwolle was used for the integration of climate and socio-economic scenarios into the planning and
design process (temporal modelling). Short-, mid- and long-term scenarios, based on the Delta Scenarios
(Delta Programme Commissioner, 2015) were discussed with the group of stakeholders for the tailoring
of the most robust responses to drivers of change. Extremes in weather patterns are expected to impact
significantly the regional water system of the IJssel-Vecht Delta. Challenges in this region include high
water and peak discharge from the inland, indirect influences of sea-level rise, and flood risk cased by
insufficient levels of safety of the dike system. Parallel to climate related pressures, the region is facing
demographic pressures with decreasing attractivity to young families and highly educated working
population and growing elderly citizens. Population is expected to growth substantially mainly as a
result of foreign migration and natural growth. The uncertainty of climate and socio-economic
pressures thus required a new perspective on the delivery of long-term values and meaning of existing
landscapes in relation to future urbanization processes. The leading question provided by the experience
with this living lab was how certain negative and positive externalities of the scenarios (spatial effects)
can be mitigated/ compensated/ adapted/ anticipated or achieved through GBI strategies and
operations – considering different scales of intervention and socio-ecological dynamics. As an outcome,
a second decision three was develop to model, in time, the management of stormwater and the
responsiveness of the urban fabric and program to unfolding contingencies (in-built flexibility).

The essential finding of this workpackage was that an integral (considering design, planning and
engineering objectives) and transcalar/ iterative design can enhance the adaptation of urban areas to
flood risk, restore biophysical processes and enhance spatial quality. The set of developed design
principles supports the delivery of ‘nature’ in cities at a range of scales to utilise the wider opportunities
‘natural systems’ can bring to create and sustain better places for people and ecosystems. The final
outcome of workpackage 2 was an advanced decision model and framework for GBI Design combining
both spatial and temporal modelling decision tress. At all stages of the work, the additional value that
GBI provides to the quality of urban living was discussed and advanced in terms of the required
innovation practices in the context of the living labs. Thus the (multiple) value brought by GBI is a
crucial leverage for the mainstreaming of GBI planning and implementation actions.

Figure 1: Green/Blue Infrastructure Design Framework/ Decision Model (combining both
spatial and temporal modelling).
Figure 2: Example result of how a technical green/blue infrastructure pilot in Kiruna
(implementation study) accommodates different urban programmes according to seasonal
change and weather variability. This example demonstrates both the affordance of uses/
meaning and the performance of the GBI pilot.

Detailed results of workpackage 2 “Creating an attractive and sustainable urban landscape” are described
in the different sub-reports and overall workpackage report:

 D.2.1: Stakeholder workshop and evaluation report

 D.2.2: Overview of smart spatial (planning) strategies and their effects regarding water
management, landscape ecology, urban morphology and quality of urban space of green/blue
space adaptation in urban areas.
 D.2.3: Stormwater management strategies for New Kiruna
 D.2.4: Scenarios for urban snowmelt runoff and rain-on-snow events
 D.2.5: Analysis of green infrastructure design practices
 D.2.6: Potential use of green infrastructure in cold climates – preconditions for
implementation in Kiruna
 D.2.7: Urban water systems and streams under climate variability and change
 D.2.8: A critical review of ecosystem services of green/blue surfaces and its effects on quality
of urban living based on a selection of case studies and stakeholder interviews/choices
 D.2.9: Implementation study

3.2. WP 1 Setting the scene and WP 3 Bringing the nature into the cities – green 
infrastructure adds multifunctional values 
Setting the scene: Green Infrastructure
Green infrastructure (GI): based on (inter alia) Ian McHarg’s “Design with Nature” (McHarg, 1969),
the term GI emerged in the US in the 1990s. According to Kambites & Owen (2006: 483), ‘Green
infrastructure […] encompasses connected networks of multifunctional, predominantly unbuilt spaces
that support both ecological and social activities and processes’. Originating in landscape architecture
and ecology, GI aims to maximise the inclusion of green spaces in planning and to maximise the benefit
form these green spaces by ensuring the quality of the living space and simultaneously delivering short-
and long-term resilience, sustainable development, economic growth and natural capital Landscape
Institute (2011). GI as a form of landscape infrastructure expands the traditional set of landscape
planning and design strategies towards the definition of a multifunctional, highly performative system.
As defined by Benedict and McMahon (2006) it is important to recognise the difference between GI as
a concept influencing urban planning and layouts and GI as a process maximizing benefits of greens
spaces (hubs and corridors) along with its potential contribution to, inter alia, ecosystem services (CNT,
2010; Lovell & Taylor, 2013) and its particular usage to assist with urban stormwater management.
Thus, this broader approach includes not only stormwater engineering. In stormwater context, GI can
be used to retain and treat stormwater by using e.g. green roofs, trees, bioretention, permeable
pavement, etc (Fletcher et al, 2014). The use of vegetated systems is central. Besides the stormwater
benefits, GI can provide additional benefits (ecosystem services), e.g. for air quality, biodiversity,
streetscape, liveability, etc. GI is often used to contrast Grey Infrastructure, i.e. single-use pipe

Various definitions for green infrastructure in stormwater context are summarized in deliverable report

Prediction of future stormwater quality and runoff

Stormwater quality is governed by various factors including the local climate as rainfall characteristics,
the abundance and strength of pollutant sources, catchment characteristics as the share of directly
connected impervious surfaces and finally measures aiming on controlling stormwater quality and to
protect receiving water bodies.

There is clear evidence that rainfall characteristics may change in the future due to anthropogenic
climate change. Furthermore, many urban areas are expected to grow as for example in 2014 about
54% of the world’s population lived in urban areas and this share is expected to increase to about two-
thirds by the year 2050. Due to both individual and combined effects of those two factors stormwater
quality will change in the future. Regions with increased precipitation will face higher runoff volumes.
The growth and densification of urban areas will lead to a higher conversion of rainfall into runoff. On
top of that, urbanization is likely to lead to a higher abundance of pollutant sources.

Consequently stormwater control measures (SCMs) designed for today’s conditions may not deliver the
desired effects in the future, due to hydraulic and pollutant overloading. Consequently possible future
changes in stormwater quality need to be assessed to take the needed corrective actions aiming to either
maintain and/or improve the performance of the existing SCMs.

The principle aim of this project part was to provide an overview about the current knowledge of
future trends in stormwater quality in Sweden with main focus on the cold climate region as (inter alia)
Kiruna. This is presented in deliverable report 1.5.

Development and evaluation of green infrastructure for stormwater quality treatment and
flow retention/flood protection in cold climate conditions – pre-requisite for
implementation in Kiruna
The stormwater quality during winter and/or snowmelt is different from rainfall runoff water quality
dynamics in warm seasons. During winter in cold or temperate climates, pollutant concentrations are
particularly high and often de-icing salt affects metal partitioning towards the dissolved phase. Further,
during winter and/or in cold climates various (quality treatment) processes in Stormwater Control
Measures (SCMs) can be affected. However, most SCMs have been developed without regarding their
function in cold climates.
The evaluation done in this project was based on two data sets. Firstly, a comprehensive literature study
was performed. This review included also studies published earlier by the partner universities in
Innsbruck and Luleå. Further, data was collected from ongoing and recent field and laboratory
experiments. Stormwater control measures covered were stormwater wet ponds, constructed wetlands,
floating treatment wetlands, stormwater biofilters, swales, infiltration systems (e.g. permeable
pavements, infiltration basins), and green roofs. The findings show that most SCM types can be
implemented successfully in cold and sub-arctic climates although these climate conditions involve
challenges for the function of the SCMs (e.g. due to a shorter vegetation period, relatively high
pollution concentrations in winter runoff, alternating freeze-thaw cycles). To meet these challenges it is
of high importance to adapt the techniques to the local climate conditions e.g. by adapted vegetation
choice, winter maintenance, design criteria. This is naturally valid for SCMs in all climate regions;
however of special importance in cold climate. Simply “copy-pasting” design criteria from other
climates is insufficient.

The results of this part of the project are summarized in deliverable report 3.3.

Multifunctional green infrastructure as healthy habitats and ecosystems and the social value
and public health impact from this.
With growing urban populations, new ways of improving towns and cities are required, especially to
make them safe, healthy and attractive. This requires innovation in all human endeavours:
“Social innovation consists of new ideas and solutions aiming to resolve social needs and problems. The term ‘social
innovation’ covers a diverse range of initiatives and activities: local currencies, new models of healthcare… what is
central to the concept is the involvement and empowerment of citizens…. societal and environmental issues are often
interlinked and mutual solutions are possible.”

“Human health and well-being are influenced by environmental conditions both positively and negatively, with
significant economic and social consequences. These complex linkages demand a broad interdisciplinary approach…
Science needs to shift from addressing single issues in isolation to researching systemic relationships in inter-
disciplinary teams…. The multiple systemic links between natural resource use, environmental quality and health
and well-being demand a shift away from silo approaches to pollution control towards policies that recognise and
respond to interlinkages between our socio-technological system and our environment.”

It is not only science that needs to shift in perspective it is also practice. The potential of (blue) green
infrastructure (BGI) to provide many benefits to urban areas is now well known and developments are
underway worldwide to further define how best to utilise BGI to maximise the value it brings to urban
spaces. It is clear that BGI can be used in any and all spaces in urban areas, albeit designed and selected
to fit the particular circumstances it brings many benefits (e.g. USEPA, 2015). BGI is best delivered via
contributing to and taking advantage of the natural capital available from ecosystems and the natural
world. By both relying on and supporting natural capital, benefits accrue to both humans and also the
natural ecology that is essential to human life. A growing awareness of the possibilities in exploiting the
synergistic interplay between water and natural systems has led to the development of a range of blue
and green ways of managing water even in dense urban areas. The traditional ‘let’s get the water from
rainfall below ground as quickly as possible’ approach in towns and cities is now being supplanted by an
opportunity centred approach that sees all forms of water, wherever it occurs as opportunities to be
exploited for the benefit of society and nature. Along with a broad range of value, including to urban
water management, BGI also brings particular benefits to human health, welfare and to society as a
whole by contributing to living quality, known as liveability, and directly in many ways to health by
providing a range of physical and mental benefits via improved air and water quality and accessibility to
BG spaces. The report should be read in conjunction with the accompanying ‘how-to’ report.

The findings of this part of the project are summarized in the combined deliverable report 2.6 and 3.4
which presents and reviews the evidence for these health and social benefits and the support provided
by and to natural systems and sets out the means by which these benefits can be valued. The report
should be read in conjunction with the accompanying ‘how-to’ report (deliverable report 1.6 and 1.8).

Workshops in Kiruna: improved organization of stormwater management.

The overall aim with the workshops was to create a common understanding of stormwater
management and planning among different municipal actors and to start the process of addressing the
issue of stormwater earlier in the planning process. A further aim was to create a room for discussions
on stormwater management across different administrative borders.

More specific aims were to let the participants explore and discuss: challenges facing the stormwater
systems during the relocation, guiding principles (or values) underpinning their stormwater
management strategy tied with the city’s vision of becoming a leader and role model of sustainability
and organizational aspects tied to stormwater in the planning process.

Several means for improved actor involvement, communication and collaboration were identified.
Moreover, it was found that cities with public utility companies encounter more challenges in reaching
an enhanced collaboration.

The findings are presented in deliverable report 3.1.

Planning tools for sustainable stormwater management and their application to investigate
Urban water systems and streams under climate variability and change - scenarios for
urban snow melt runoff and rain-on-snow events
An important requirement for a more widespread implementation of Green-Blue infrastructure for
stormwater management in urban areas requires suitable planning tools. Mathematical models
(computer models) are nowadays a common planning tool in stormwater management. However, these
models have their roots in the design of conventional systems, focusing on the drainage of impervious
areas using traditional pipe systems. The planning and implementation of Green-Blue infrastructure
requires the consideration of additional natural processes as e.g. infiltration of water into the soil or
evapotranspiration from vegetated surfaces. Recently, mathematical descriptions of these processes have
been implemented in state of the art software packages for urban drainage modeling. However, there is
still lack of experience with the application of these models as planning tools for Green –Blue
infrastructure. Modeling approaches for Green-Blue infrastructure have been reviewed and summarized
in a report and evaluated based on an implementation study.

In regions with cold climate and winter conditions, as found e.g. in Kiruna, Sweden or alpine regions
(Innsbruck), runoff from snow melt is an issue in stormwater management in addition to rainfall.
Modeling of snowmelt in urban areas still faces a dilemma between complex and accurate models
requiring extensive input data (usually only available for research) and simplified models with rather
limited capability to reproduce measured data. To yet obtain useful results for stormwater management,
this dilemma can be circumvented by defining a set of different scenarios and analyzing model results in
relation to each other and to typical design storms. Such an analysis was performed for todays as well as
future climate for the stormwater system of Kiruna. It showed, that under adverse conditions, the
combination of snow melt and rainfall can result in runoff exceeding the capacity of the drainage
system. The appropriate use of green areas and design of Green-Blue infrastructure adapted to cold
climate can potentially reduce the severity of such events.

A state of the art modeling tool has been applied to evaluate the performance of the Green-blue pilot
street, designed for the new city center of Kiruna under different design events. These concrete
suggestions for green/blue infrastructure implementation in the new city centre of Kiruna were chosen
based on the land use plan based on the desires of the municipality (deliverable 1.4), technical
requirements (retention and/or quality treatment) and aesthetical issues and the suitability of these
measures in cold climate (deliverable 3.3). Two alternatives are presented, discussed and illustrated: in
alternative 1 the focus is on quality treatment along the streets in bioretention cells while alternative 2
targets on slow conveyance/flow retention. Quality treatment can also be achieved in this option, but
the SCMs were not chosen to primarily improve water quality.

The findings are presented in deliverable report 2.4-2.5 (snow melt scenarios), report 3.5 (models for
Green-Blue infrastructure) and report 2.3/2.9 (Green-blue pilot street)

3.3. WP 4 Water management – from lone wolf to team work 
The work package four “Water management from lone wolf to team work” had the objectives to
accelerate the transition for the use of surface based Green/Blue Infrastructure through an improved
collaboration between different stakeholders such as citizens, practitioners and decision makers. In order
to do so, it is important to assess strategies across usually separately organized disciplines. To assess
Green/Blue measures on a city scale it is important to provide a holistic view on the entire system
beyond traditional views. Further, the objective was also to implement an ‘opportunity-centered’
approach instead of a currently often pursued ‘problem-centered’ approach. The Kiruna case is
strategically well-positioned for the transition to a sustainable urban water system through ambitious
planning and a conducive political climate. The momentum for this transition is the anticipated
expansion of Kiruna’s iron ore mine. The prospect of a new business and residential core of the town
presents the opportunity for redesigning the way Kiruna manages its water management. But with this
opportunity comes a number of uncertainties. A timely and effective transition requires adapting
practices that have been successful in temperate climates, but whose suitability for Kiruna’s subarctic
climate is in question. Furthermore, Kiruna municipality’s plans are possibly contingent on rapid mine
expansion or an influx of new residents (reversing a long-term trend). If this does not occur, due to any
number of circumstances, the pathway for transition could be altered. Other uncertainties arise from the
policy settings that will be in place at local and national levels to facilitate the sustainable transition, as
well as the impact of global emissions trends on Kiruna’s climate for 2040 and beyond.

In the urban planning process, urban water management is generally of minor importance, often
resulting in the water issues “added on the end”. In contrast to that, to enable a sustainable water
management for the Kiruna case at the beginning of the process, an understanding of the very specific
boundary conditions in northern Sweden was required.

In course of the EU Framework Programme 7 PREPARED: Enabling Change the modelling

framework DAnCE4Water was developed. DAnCE4Water was designed as a software tool that enables
a wide variety of stakeholders to explore possible future scenarios and consequences of policies and
action strategies on development of urban water infrastructure for supply, drainage and sewage.
DAnCE4Water has three key modules to simulate the urban system and its future development. The
modules are (I) the urban development module to evolve the urban environment, (II) the biophysical
module to generate the urban water infrastructure and assess the performance and (III) a societal
transition module to explore the societal system. The size of the Kiruna case study with about 18,000
inhabitants required an adaptation of these modelling approaches. The social transition model in
DAnCE4Water was identified to be too detailed and complex to reproduce the transitions aimed for in
the Kiruna case. Therefore, a tailor-made implementation with less complexity was required. The
Model concepts and implementation of the STM in this project were redefined, together with Monash
University (Australia) and with stakeholder workshops held in Kiruna. Possible technical scenarios and
strategies (e.g. different implementation rates of Green/Blue infrastructures) were derived in from of
adoption curves (pathways), also considering visions of city planners and wishes of the inhabitants. The
Urban development module was substituted with master plans due to the highly-defined city
transformation and the phased deconstruction of existing town parts and the construction of a new
town centre. The bio-physical module had to be enhanced to other critical infrastructure systems. With
this adapted modelling framework, the critical points and opportunities in the city transformation of
Kiruna and the existing water infrastructure were assessed holistically and robust strategies and pathways
were identified. The developed model substantially differs from the DAnCE4Water and the new
simplified, modelling framework is denoted “Green, Blue, White Dream Model Suite”.

Whether the transition towards the vision Kiruna 2.0 will be successful in the long-term or not, is likely
to depend on how resilient the systems are to shocks. In course of this work package, different scenarios
for the Kiruna case such as urban growth (A), path to sustainability (D), high global emissions (F)
(associated with comprehensive climate change) or collapse in iron ore prices (G) were collected (in
total scenarios A, B, to H and combinations of it, e.g. ADF see figure below). These pathways (or
uptake curves) were subsequently translated to a mathematical description to use and couple them with
traditional urban water modelling approaches.

Figure 3: Example results for pathway modelling for different scenarios over time; left:
area of low impact development (LID) facilities; middle: utilized capacity of the LID
facilities; right: utilized capacity of the grey (piped) infrastructure.

With this novel approach, it is possible to explore the uncertain future space based on socio-technical
pathways and a performance assessment with the biophysical models (in the example above
hydrodynamic sewer modeling). Therewith, the most resilient, spatially explicit and temporal strategies
for Green/Blue measures were identified to enable a successful transition to a sustainable Kiruna. For a
detailed technical description of the basis and different aspects of the “Green, Blue, White Dream
Model Suite” it is referred to the different sub-reports of work package four:

 D.4.1: Stakeholder workshops: Organizing for increase implementation of green

 D.4.2: Report on identified critical points and opportunities
 D.4.3: Report on Software and Model Adaptation
 D.4.4: Application: Organizing for increased implementation of green infrastructure
 D.4.5: Report on Model Calibration
 D.4.6. Report on Publications (part of D.5.5)
 D.4.7: Final report of WP4: Water management from lone to team work
4. Brief description of the living labs (Deliverable 6.1) 
A municipal urban living lab has to be founded on good relationships between researchers and
municipal officials. In Green/Blue Cities, existing relationships were used as base, as the researchers
previously have conducted several research projects with the participating municipalities (urban living
labs). Nevertheless, a number of in-depth workshops were held in the participating cities, to create a
common understanding, knowledge transfer, and development according to the participating cities
needs. In addition, regular communication between the parties occurred via face-to-face meetings in
the participating cities. However, to keep the work effort of the participating cities at an acceptable
level, face-to-face meetings and workshops were complemented with a large number of telephone
calls/telephone meetings and e-mail.  

Kiruna Urban Living Lab: Green Infrastructure Implementation

Kiruna municipality expressed the need for a “water mirror” in the new city centre, since the old city
centre is located next to a lake, whereas there is no natural lake in the vicinity of New Kiruna. Based
on this expressed need, researchers conducted a thorough multidimensional landscape system analysis,
including system analysis, urban landscape system and sub-systems, administrative units and biotic units,
for several spatial scales, i.e. macro scale level, meso scale level, micro scale level, and source level, as
well as physical geography analysis, i.e. land facet modeling, blue network modeling, urban landscape,
and street network configuration. Much of the information needed for the above analyses was provided
by the municipality. The results of the analyses showed that, because of too little surface water from the
surroundings, it would not be feasible with a water mirror. This was communicated and presented in
face-to-face meetings with municipal officials, as well as in a report (Deliverable 1.4).

Figure 1: Example of Suitable Green Infrastructure Solution for New Kiruna under different rain

Accordingly, Kiruna municipality and White Architects have not included a water mirror in the
planning of the new city centre. Nevertheless, researchers conducted additional, extensive analyses and
hydrological modeling, which led to the suggestion of alternative green infrastructure solutions that
would function in the new city centre, e.g., see Figure 1. These results served as the basis for the green
street design that the municipality has included in the development plan for New Kiruna. The above
process is roughly summarized in Figure 2.
Figure 2: Kiruna Urban Living Lab: Green Infrastructure Implementation Process

Kiruna Urban Living Lab: Improving the Stormwater Planning Process

Several workshops have been held with a broad range of functional units at Kiruna municipality, i.e.
those units which the municipality had identified as already involved, and those that they thought
should be involved, in the early stages of stormwater planning process. The purpose of the workshops
was to provide the municipality with organizational specific knowledge, which would guide the
development of a better, more inclusive stormwater planning process, especially in its early stages. The
researchers posed questions to the participants, but the participants were the once that jointly (in smaller
mixed groups) came up with the solutions, i.e. how they would like to work in the future. Focus of the
workshops was to clarify responsibilities among organizational units, e.g., who the responsible should be
for involving other actors, which other actors to involve, and at what stage; to identify improved
communication means and methods among organizational units; and to identify common goals for the
municipal stormwater planning.

Kiruna Urban Living Lab: Water Distribution Network Transition

Although New Kiruna is being rapidly built, major parts of old Kiruna will remain for decades to come.
A major challenge is that during the transition period, the new constructed water distribution system
must function in joint relation with the system that is being deconstructed. Figure 3 shows the planned
transition process.
Figure 3: Masterplan: Street network with deformation zones and new city center (a) and
expected transition process until year 2100 (b)

The construction process will be (almost) finished in 2050, resulting in a network densification, and
that the deconstructed network length will be almost twice as long as the newly built. The water
distribution system transition, from its current state to a possible future system state, will lead to
challenges, e.g., hydraulic performance, and other challenges stemming from future uncertainties. With
the municipal detailed masterplan as a base, and other material and information provided by the
municipality (including information from the workshops), a model was developed, to assess and identify
possible weak points of the water distribution system, at different stages of the transition process. This
led to the presentation of an adaptation concept, in which critical pipes that will need upgrading have
been identified, to be able to retain the required performance throughout the transition process.

Living Lab Innsbruck

This report focuses on the activities for the Urban Living Lab Innsbruck (ULLI). Cooperation and
communication was established with various stakeholders, most important the representatives of the
public water utility Innsbrucker Kommunalbetriebe, but also with the regional regulatory, politicians
and schools.
In order to “set the scene” and to understand the local characteristics, the report starts with the
boundary conditions of the water management at the Urban Living Lab Innsbruck. Therefore, the
urban water cycle of the ULLI is described. This includes the water resources, the potable water supply,
the urban drainage system and the wastewater treatment. Further, the climatic and topographic
boundary are outlined in order to show the specific conditions and opportunities for the ULLI. Based
on that, the urban water cycle is conceptually summarized in form of the “Urban Water Footprint” of
Innsbruck. The Water Footprint is based on the concept of virtual water, which has been developed
app. 20 years ago by the British researcher J.A. Allen. Virtual water in this context is the total amount
of water that is consumed and polluted during the production of goods, food or service. The Water
Footprint concept is primarily intended to illustrate the hidden links between human consumption and
water use and between global trade and water resources management. It is not directly linked to
Green/Blue strategies but encompasses a more holistic view on the urban water cycle of Innsbruck and
assists in putting findings in context and helps to strengthen public perception. A joint effect was
achieved when linking the ULLI to an ongoing project (URBAN_WFTP – Central Europe) and to
involve school pupils with the idea of water footprint and nature based water management solutions.
Together with the public water utility, a more detailed and spatially explicit description of the urban
water cycle has been developed in the form of an urban water balance model. This model allows to
outline the effect of blue green infrastructure for given but realistic future scenarios. Thus, the
dimension of runoff reduction and potable water substitution can be estimated (app. 20 – 30% for both)
for rigorous implementation of Blue/Green infrastructure.
In order to estimate the efficiency of nature based solutions under extreme precipitation, a specific rain
event has been analyzed where the urban (grey) drainage system of the ULLI has reached its capacity.
The analysis of this incident included not only monitored data but – even more important – so called
“stakeholder meta data” from fire brigades, neighbor complaints and social network information. When
pluvial and fluvial flooding is present in the media and people are directly affected by the consequences
(damages), such events are significant for increasing public and political perceptions. In this ULLI
report, such an event is summarized to utilize the opportunity to transport technical interrelations to
the public and support a more sustainable urban water cycle.
Besides of regulative enforced onsite rainwater treatment, there are also personally motivated measures
which are solely driven by individuals. These measures are local, but with a sufficient technology
diffusion they might have significant impacts on the overall urban water balance. Therefore, in this
report such ambiguous but very local attempts are collected and described as a measure to support the
urban living lab intentions. The developed model allows to test the application of Green/Blue
infrastructure on large scale. It does not depend on details of the implementation, but shows higher
ranked dependences and impacts on the urban water cycle. In this, the conceptual model differs from
previous modelling attempts, which have a lower level of abstraction and need more detailed data. The
chosen approach enables to adapt the level of detail of the model based on the available datasets. Using
the example of the ULLI, the potential of the application of decentralised storages was shown.
The current challenges of the urban water cycle mostly arise due to the historical development and
former decisions on how to deal with the water infrastructure. Historically, in the ULLI Grey
Infrastructure was set in place about 120 years ago. Dealing with challenges like urban growth,
sustainability, functionality of the systems, a transition from Grey to Green/Blue has been emphasized
already two decades ago but is gaining moment since. The historical development of the Grey
infrastructure is one piece of the puzzle to understand the transition process and to accelerate the
5. Workshops/seminars 
5.1. List of conducted workshops/seminars on different definitions of the sustainability 
concept (Deliverable 1.1) 
A first internal workshop was held with project partners from LTU, LFUI and TUD was held in Luleå
in November 2013.

Further, this topic was included in workshops held in Kiruna and Zwolle (see below).

5.2. Stakeholder workshops (Deliverable 2.1) 
A range of workshops were held in the partner municipalities involving a broad range of attendees,
both from the municipalities and other interest groups (e.g., industry, consultants). In addition to these
workshops, a large number of personal meetings, telephone meetings, etc have been held with the
participating municipalities.

The main workshops in the living labs were:

Workshops in Kiruna: 19-20 November 2013, 2 September 2014, 10 June 2015

Workshops in Obergurgl: 31 March 2015
Workshops in Zwolle: 24 June 2014, 3 June 2015, 17 June 2015, 23 May 2016, 07 December 2016

Besides project members from all the three partner Universities (Technical University Delft, Luleå
University of Technology and University of Innsbruck), also key stakeholders from the urban living
labs participated at the workshops. The aim of the workshops were to discuss green/blue solutions and
their possible implementations and the exchange of experiences from technical and political perspective
between the workshop participants from Sweden, the Netherlands and Austria.

5.3. Arrangement of Principal meetings (Deliverable 5.4) 
To maintain continuous contact during the project period and discuss/establish general decisions within
the project group, personal meetings were regularly hold. In addition to the below face-to-face
meetings, a large number of Skype meetings were held.
26 June 2013. Lyon, France during the Novatech conference. Participants: Taneha Bacchin, TUD,
Wolfgang Rauch, LFUI, Manfred Kleidorfer, LFUI, Maria Viklander, LTU, Godecke Blecken, LTU,
Lena Goldkuhl, LTU

18 Nov 2013. Luleå. Participants: Taneha Bacchin, TUD, Arjan van Timmeren, TUD, Wolfgang
Rauch, LFUI, Robert Sitzenfrei, LFUI, Michael Mair, LFUI), Maria Viklander, Godecke Blecken,
Günther Leonhardt, Stina Ljung, Lena Goldkuhl (all LTU)

11 Sept 2014. Kuching, Malaysia, during ICUD conference. Participants: Godecke Blecken, LTU,
Taneha Bacchin, TUD; Lena Goldkuhl, LTU, Manfred Kleidorfer, LFUI

20-21 November 2014. Luleå, Sweden. Participants: Taneha Bacchin, TUD, Arjan van Timmeren,
TUD, Robert Sitzenfrei, Michael Mair (all LFUI), Maria Viklander, Godecke Blecken, Günther
Leonhardt, Stina Ljung, Lena Goldkuhl (all LTU)
31 March 2015. Obergurgl/Innsbruck, Austria. Participants: Taneha Bacchin, TUD, Arjan van
Timmeren, TUD, Wolfgang Rauch, Robert Sitzenfrei, Jonatan Zischg, Michael Mair (all LFUI), Maria
Viklander, Godecke Blecken, Günther Leonhardt, Stina Ljung, Lena Goldkuhl (all LTU)

16 June 2015. Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Participants: Taneha Bacchin, TUD, Richard Ashley,
LTU, Robert Sitzenfrei, LFUI, Jonatan Zischg (LFUI) Godecke Blecken, Günther Leonhardt, Stina
Ljung, Lena Goldkuhl (all LTU)

01 July 2016. Lyon, France during the Novatech conference. Participants: Taneha Bacchin, TUD,
Richard Ashley, LTU, Wolfgang Rauch, LFUI, Maria Viklander, Godecke Blecken, Günther
Leonhardt, Stina Ljung, Lena Goldkuhl (all LTU)
6. List of field demonstration sites (Deliverable 3.2) 
To deliver the tasks proposed mainly in WP3, a range of field demonstration sites and laboratory tests
have been set-up. These are listed below including a brief description:

Green roof field site in Luleå.  
A green roof field site was established in Luleå. Water quality and flow from the green roof in
comparison with an adjacent conventional metal roof of the same size has been conducted.
Measurements have been conducted since summer 2013.

Instrumentation: Flow meters, sampling equipment, Vegetation monitoring. Data input for WP 3.1,

Green roof field site in Kiruna.  
Two green roof field sites were installed in Kiruna. The roofs are constructed. Instrumentation was
conducted in 2015.

Instrumentation: flow meters, temperature and heat flux sensors; Vegetation monitoring. Data input for
WP 3.1, 3.2 and 3.3

Constructed wetland/pond field site. 
Three measurement stations have been established at a pond/wetland system in Växjö, Sweden. They
enable measuring flow and water quality at the inflow to the pond/forebay, after the pond where the
water is discharged further to the wetland and at the wetland’s outlet where the water is discharged to
the receveiving water body.

Instrumentation: Flow meters, sampling equipment, online monitoring of basic parameters. Data input
for WP 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5 and 3.6

Bioretention field site 
A bioretention field site has been constructed in Tyresö in 2013 by the municipality. Instrumentation
and evaluation of this site has been done in winter/spring 2015.

Instrumentation: flow meters, sampling equipment. Data input for WP 3.3

Infiltration system field sites. 
In 2013 infiltration measurements have been conducted at 12 field sites in Växjö.

Infiltratiton capacity measurement equipment. Data input for WP3.4

Bioretention laboratory system.  
A laboratory set-up consisting of 24 pilot scale bioretention systems has been installed at LTU in 2013.
The systems enable to evaluate the effect of temperature and submerged zone on pollutant treatment.
Various plant species were implemented. Synthetic stormwater is used prepared according to a method
developed by LTU in collaboration with Monash University, Australia.

Data input for WP 3.1, 3.2, 3.3

7. List of scientific publications (Deliverables 2.10, 3.6, and 4.6) 

7.1. Journal publications 

Borris M, Österlund H, Marsalek J, Viklander M (2016). Contribution of coarse particles from road
surfaces to dissolved and particle-bound heavy metal loads in runoff: A laboratory leaching study with
synthetic stormwater. Science of the Total Environment, 573, 212-221.
Ashley R M, Gersonius B, Digman C, Horton B, Bacchin T K, Smith B, Shaffer P, Baylis A
(submitted). Demonstrating and monetizing the multiple benefits from using LID. ASCE Journal of
Sustainable Water in the Built Environment (SWBE).

Merriman L, Moore T, Wang J, Dosmond, Al-Rubaei A, Smolek A, Blecken G, Viklander M, Hunt

W (submitted). Evaluation of Factors Affecting Soil Carbon Sequestration Services of Stormwater Wet
Retention Ponds in Varying Climate Zones. The Science of the Total Environment, re-submitted after

Moghadas S, Leonhard G, Marsalek J, Viklander M (submitted). Modeling urban runoff from rain-on-
snow events with the US EPA SWMM model for the current and future climate scenarios. Re-
Submitted to Journal of Cold Regions Engineering after revision.

Mair M, Zischg J, Rauch W, Sitzenfrei R (submitted). Where to find water pipes and sewers? – On the
correlation of infrastructure networks in the urban environment. Re-Submitted to Water after revision.

Zischg J, Goncalves M, Bacchin- Kuzniecow T, Leonhard G, Viklander M, van Timmeren A, Rauch

W, Sitzenfrei R (submitted). Info-Gap robustness pathway method for transitioning of urban drainage
systems under deep uncertainties. Submitted to Water Science and Technology.

Zischg J, Goncalves M, Leonhardt G, Kleidorfer M, Rauch W, Sitzenfrei R (submitted).

Transformation der Stadtentwässerung unter Berücksichtigung von „grüner“ und „blauer“ Infrastruktur
(In German; Transformation of the urban drainage system accounting for „green“ and „blue“
infrastructure. Submitted to Österreichische Wasser- und Abfallwirtschaft.

Bacchin T K, Ashley R M, Hooimeijer F, laFleur F; van Timmeren A, Blecken G, Viklander M.

(submitted). Urban Engineering of Nature Based Infrastructures. Urban Water journal – special issue on

Bacchin, T.K., Ashley, R., Sijmons, D., Zevenbergen, C., Ahern, J. (in preparation). Nature as
Performative Infrastructure. Journal of Landscape and Urban Planning.

7.2. Publications in conference proceedings 

Lönnqvist J, Viklander M, Blecken G (2017). Evaluating the plant cover of Northern Sweden’s green
roofs. Submitted to Embracce the Water – a Cities of the Future Conference. June 2017, Gotheburg,

Zischg, J.; Goncalves, M.L.R.; Kuzniecow Bacchin, T.; Rauch, W.; Sitzenfrei, R. (2016): Info-Gap
robustness Analysis and cost comparison of urban Drainage transitions using "gray" and "green"
infrastructure. In: 14th International CCWI Conference (Computing and Control for the Water
Industry), Amsterdam; 07-09 November 2016.

Zischg J, Goncalves M, Leonhardt G, Kleidorfer M, Rauch W, Sitzenfrei R (2016). Von grauer zu

grüner Wasserinfrastruktur am Fallbeispiel Kiruna. Proceedings of Aqua Urbanica, 2016, Rigi-Kaltbad
(CH); 26-27 September 2016

Ljung S., Goldkuhl L., Viklander M. (2016). Towards improved actor collaboration for better urban
stormwater management. NOVATECH 2016: International conference NovaTech, Urban Water –
Planning and technologies for sustainable management, Lyon, France. June 2016.

Bacchin, T.K., Ashley, R., Sijmons, D., Zevenbergen, C., van Timmeren, A. (2016). Urban landscape
infrastructure design in water sensitive cities. International Water Association. World Water Congress.
Theme: “Nature improves water quality and saves money”. 8-13 October 2016, Brisbane, Australia

Ashley, R. M., Bacchin, T. K., Blecken, G-T., Viklander M, Gersonius, B. (2016). Green-Blue
Infrastructure Design: A Multifunctional Value Approach. International Water Association. World
Water Congress. Theme: “Nature improves water quality and saves money”. 8-13 October 2016,
Brisbane, Australia (forthcoming).

Hooimeijer, F., Bacchin, T.K., and Ryu, M. (2016) Recalibrating Historical Water Infrastructure: the
role of technical heritage in designing green/blue cities. Extended abstract. IPHS – International
Planning History Conference. 17-21 July 2016 Delft, the Netherlands.

Bacchin, T. K., Ashley, R. M., Blecken, G-T., Viklander M, Gersonius, B. van Timmeren (2016).
Green-blue Infrastructure Design Process Innovation Bringing Multifunctional Value. International
Low Impact Development Conference. 26-29 June 2016, Beijing, China.

Bacchin T., Ashley R., Blecken G.-T., Viklander M., Gersonius B. (2016) Green-blue Infrastructure
For Sustainable Cities: Innovative Socio-technical Solutions Bringing Multifunctional value.
NOVATECH 2016 : International conference NovaTech, Urban Water – Planning and technologies
for sustainable management, Lyon, France. June 2016.

Magnusson A., Viklander M., Blecken G.-T. (2016). Green Roof performance in sub-arctic climates:
water quality and vegetation survival on a green roof in northern Sweden. NOVATECH 2016 :
International conference NovaTech, Urban Water – Planning and technologies for sustainable
management, Lyon, France. June 2016.

Leonhardt, G., Moghadas, S., Gustafsson, A.-M., Marsalek, J., Viklander, M. (2015). Modelling the
effects of the joint occurrence of rainfall and snowmelt in urban catchments. NORDIWA 2015 Nordic
Wastewater Conference 04/11/2015 - 06/11/2015.

Leonhardt, G., Moghadas, S., Johansson, L., Gustafsson, A.-M., Marsalek, J., Viklander, M. (2015).
Modelling the effects of the joint occurrence of rainfall and snowmedlt in urban catchments. Urban
Drainage Modelling 2015: Proceedings of the 10th International Conference of Urban Drainage
Modelling, Mont-Sainte-Anne, Québec, Canada 20-23 September 2015.
Leonhardt G, Bacchin T, Mair M, Zischg J, Ljung S, Rogers B, Goldkuhl L, Gustafsson AM, Sitzenfrei
R, Blecken G, Ashley R, Rauch W, van Timmeren A, Viklander M (2016) Relocating a city,
challenges and opportunities for the transition of water infrastructure in Kiruna. Urban Drainage
Modelling 2015: Proceedings of the 10th International Conference of Urban Drainage Modelling,
Mont-Sainte-Anne, Québec, Canada 20-23 September 2015.

Sitzenfrei, Robert; Mair, Michael; Tscheikner-Gratl, Franz; Hupfauf, B.; Rauch, Wolfgang (2015):
What Can We Learn from Historical Water Network Transition? In: Proceedings World
Environmental & Water Resources Congress 2015: Floods, Droughts, and Ecosystems. 17.05.2015 -
21.05.2015, Austin, TX.

Zischg, Jonatan; Mair, Michael; Rauch, Wolfgang; Sitzenfrei, Robert (2015): Stochastic Performance
Assessment and Optimization Strategies of the Water Supply Network Transition of Kiruna During
City Relocation. In: Proceedings World Environmental & Water Resources Congress 2015: Floods,
Droughts, and Ecosystems. 17.05.2015 -21.05.2015, Austin, TX.

Hooimeijer, F., Bacchin, T.K., Ryu, M. (2015). Recalibrating infrastructure through subsurface and
surface system design: the role of technical heritage in designing green/blue cities. International
conference on Water, Megacities and global change 2015 December 1st - 4th 2015 at UNESCO HQ -
Paris – France.

Bacchin, T.K., Ashley, R., van Timmeren, Forgaci, C., Maiullari, D. (2015). Projecting alternative
futures under depth uncertainties, the case of Kiruna, Sweden. Architecture and Resilience on a
Human Scale Conference. 10-12 September, University of Sheffield, School of Architecture, UK.
Special Session.

Bacchin, T.K., Ashley, R., Sijmons, D., Zevenbergen, C., van Timmeren, A. (2014). Green-blue
multifunctional infrastructure: a new approach to urban landscape system design. 13th International
Conference on Urban Drainage, 7-12 September 2014, Sarawak, Malaysia.

7.3. Publications in Professional Journals  

Ashley, R. & Bacchin, T. K. (2016) Synchronicity: Green Infrastructure for multiple benefits in a
rapidly changing world. The Geographer: 2016 Autumm Issue. Royal Scottish Geographical Society
8. Attachments 
Program of the Workshop in Obergurgl, March 2014 
Program of the Workshop in Zwolle, May 2015 
Program of the working meeting/workshop in Luleå and Kiruna, Feb 2015 
Program of the final conference, Feb 2017 (Deliverable 1.7) 

Green/Blue Infrastructure for Sustainable, Attractive Cities 


Kiruna, Sweden 
Thursday, 16 February 2017 




09:00  Welcome  Maria Viklander (LTU) 

09:05  Why do we have to move Kiruna?  Kiruna kommun  
Stormwater management 
09:25  Options for BlueGreen Infrastructure in Kiruna  Taneha Bacchin (TUD) 
09:40  Function of stormwater control measures in cold  Godecke Blecken (LTU) 
9:55  Green Roof in Kiruna – does it work?  Joel Lönnqvist (LTU) 
10:05  Green Street design suggestions for Kiruna’s new city  Taneha Bacchin (TUD), 
centre  Godecke Blecken (LTU) 
10:15  Maximising the financial benefits from using blue‐green  Richard Ashley (LTU) 
infrastructure for future generations 
10:30  Break    
International living labs 
11:00  Living lab Innsbruck   Wolfgang Rauch (University of 
11:15  Living Lab in Zwolle  Municipality of Zwolle 
  Options for Green/Blue Infrastructure in Zwolle  Taneha Bacchin (TUD) 
12:00  Lunch   
13:00  Bus trip to Kiruna’s new city    
Future scenarios and transition modeling 
15:00  Prediction of future stormwater quality  Maria Viklander (LTU)  
15:15  Stormwater runoff in the snowmelt season – scenarios  Günther Leonhardt (LTU) 
and modeling 
15:35  Scenario workshops and system transitions  University of Innsbruck, Lena 
Goldkuhl (LTU) 
15:50  Performance assessment of water supply, sanitary and  Jonatan Zischg (University of 
stormwater systems during city delocalization  Innsbruck) 
16:10  Modeling the integration of Green/Blue structures in  Günther Leonhardt (LTU)/ 
the future stormwater system  Taneha Bacchin (TUD) 
Planning and organization 
16:30  How to improve the stormwater planning process?  Lena Goldkuhl (LTU) 
16:45  Conclusion  Maria Viklander (LTU) 
19:00  Dinner   

Venue  Scandic Hotel Ferrum in Kiruna 

Dinner  Thursday evening 19:00: dinner at Scandic Hotel 


15 feb, Ice hotel 

Departure:  15:00. You will be picked up by taxi at Scandic Ferrum Hotel. 

Participants:   Maria Viklander (+46‐920‐491634), Richard Ashley, Taneha Bacchin, Filippo Lafleur, 
Mattias Salomonsson, Anne Vrouwe, Renate Postma van de Pol, Eva Ekelund 

16 feb, Kiruna’s new city centre 

Departure:  13:00 by bus from Scandic Ferrum Hotel. 

Participants:   All 

17 feb, Ice hotel 

Departure:   08:30 – 10:45. Lena will drive with you from Scandic Ferrum Hotel. 

Participants:   Lena Goldkuhl (+46‐920‐492893), Christoph Duckart 

17 feb, LKAB mine 

Departure:   08:40 from Scandic Ferrum Hotel. A taxi will pick you up. 

Participants:   Joel Lönnqvist (+46‐920 ‐493624), Richard Ashley, Wolfgang Rauch, Robert 
Sitzenfrei, Jonathan Zischg, Anne Vrouwe, Renate Postma van de Pol, Magnus Brink, 
Christoph Duckart (prelim). 

Other activities 

Further, you can do various other activities in Kiruna (e.g. downhill or XC‐skiing) which you have to 
organize yourself. Contact Godecke Blecken, if you have questions.  


If you have questions, please contact 

Godecke Blecken,, +46‐920‐491394 for general questions 

Joel Lönnqvist,, +46‐920 ‐493624 regarding your bookings 


15 feb 16 feb 16 feb 17 feb 17 feb

Name Affiliation
Ice hotel Conference Dinner LKAB Ice hotel
Magnus Brink IQS x x x
Maria Persson Kiruna x x
Eva Ekelund Kiruna x x (x)
Richard Ashley LTU x x x x
Lena Goldkuhl LTU x x x
Günther Leonhardt LTU x x
Maria Viklander LTU x x x
Joel Lönnqvist LTU x x x
Ico Brokhuizen LTU x x
Godecke Blecken LTU x x
Mattias Salomonsson Sweco x x x
Taneha Kuzniecow TU Delft x x x
Filippo lafleur TU Delft x x x (x)
Mats Nilsson TVAB Kiruna x x
Aila Määttä TVAB Kiruna x
Joakim Norman TVAB Kiruna x x
Sofie Sarri Tyréns x
Wolfgang Rauch Univ. Innsbruck x x x
Robert Sitzenfrei Univ. Innsbruck x x x
Jonatan Zischg Univ. Innsbruck x x x
Christoph Duckart White AB x x (x) x
Anne Vrouwe Zwolle x x x x
Renate Postma-van Zwolle x x x x
de Pol


This project Green/Blue Infrastructure for Sustainable, Attractive Cities was conducted within the JPI 
Urban Europe framework. The financial support of JPI Urban Europe, VINNOVA, The Swedish 
Research Council Formas, FFG ‐ The Austrian Research Promotion Agency and NWO ‐ Netherlands 
Organisation for Scientific Research is gratefully acknowledged. Special thanks to the municipality of 
Kiruna and Tekniska Verken i Kiruna AB. 


Workshop programm


Mini-symposium on Green-Blue Cities

Obergurgl, Austria

Time period: Monday, 30th March until Wednesday, 01st April 2015

Organizational information

Location of the Mini-Symposium Obergurgl, Tyrol in Austria (

Name Email Affiliation
Arjan van Timmeren Technical University Delft
Taneha Kuzniecow Bacchin Technical University Delft
Renate Postma - van de Pol Zwolle municipality
Paula Bijlsma Zwolle municipality
Godecke Blecken Technical University Lulea
Günther Leonhardt Technical University Lulea
Lena Goldkuhl Technical University Lulea
Wolfgang Rauch University of Innsbruck
Robert Sitzenfrei University of Innsbruck
Micheal Mair University of Innsbruck
Jonatan Zischg University of Innsbruck
Mariana Goncalves University of Innsbruck
Manfred Kleidorfer University of Innsbruck
Lars Johansson Kiruna TVAB
Mats Nilsson Kiruna TVAB

Organizing Committee

- Michael Mair, University of Innsbruck (

- Jonatan Zischg, University of Innsbruck (

- Robert Sitzenfrei, University of Innsbruck (

- Wolfgang Rauch, University of Innsbruck (

In summary 10 presentations were given followed by in-depth discussions between the workshop

1. Michael Mair (University of Innsbruck - LFUI): Modelling the impact of Green/Blue Infrastructure
2. Jonatan Zischg (LFUI): Performance assessment and optimization strategies of water supply network
3. Robert Sitzenfrei (LFUI): Development of the water infrastructure of Innsbruck – What can we learn from
historical network transitions?
4. Godecke Blecken (Technical University Lulea - LTU): Green Blue Cities –Field Studies
5. Günther Leonhardt (LTU): Modelling of snow melt runoff in urban catchments
6. Taneha K. Bacchin (Technical University Delft - TUD): Green/Blue infrastructure for sustainable,
attractive cities
7. Mariana Goncalves (LFUI): Decentralized solutions for stormwater – Application to Brazil
8. Mats Nilsson (TVAB Kiruna): The new Kiruna –Reincarnation of a model society
9. Renate Postma van de Pol & Paula Bijlsma (Zwolle municipality): Zwolle –Our city and its challenges
10. Manfred Kleidorfer & Wolfgang Rauch (LFUI): Green/Blue Perspectives from the city of Innsbruck

Figure 3: Mini symposium in Obergurgl, from left to right: Lars Johansson, Mats Nilsson (both TVAB Kiruna),
Prof. Arjan van Timmeren (TUD), Godecke Blecken, Günther Leonhardt, Lena Goldkuhl (all LTU), Renate
Postma van de Pol, Paula Bijlsma (both Zwolle municipality), Taneha K. Bacchin (TUD), Jonatan Zischg,
Michael Mair, Prof. Wolfgang Rauch and Robert Sitzenfrei (all LFUI). Missing persons: Manfred Kleidorfer and
Mariana Goncalves.

Figure 4: Workshop discussions at UZ Obergurgl.

JPI Urban Europe GreenBlueCities project Partner meeting
Delft/Nijmegen/Zwolle/Amsterdam, The Netherlands
th th
Tuesday June 15 until Thursday June 18 2015

Revised program:

Monday 15 June 2015

Afternoon/Evening – Arrival partners in Delft

Night/sleep in hotel in Delft

Tuesday 16 June 2015

08h.30 – 09h.00 Kickoff/reception at Faculty of Architecture & the Built Environment, Delft University of

09h.00 – 11h.00 Travel to Nijmegen, NL

11h.00 – 12h.30 Guided visit of Nijmegen, River Park & (partially) moved village ‘Lent’, Room for the
River program lecture by Municipality of Nijmegen

12h.30 – 14h.30 Travel to Zwolle; lunch underway e.g. in quality restaurant in former Watertower
(Arnhem) / National Park ‘Hoge Veluwe’

14h.00 – 16h.30 Guided tour of IJsselVecht Delta and Polders (coffee/tea @16)

16h.30 – 17h.30 Guided tour in city of Zwolle and GreenBlue projects

18h.00 – 21h.00 Dinner with main Zwolle / IJVD partners

Night/sleep in hotel in/near Zwolle / IJsselVecht Delta

Wednesday 17 June 2015

09h.00 – 10h.00 Lectures by IJVD and GBC Zwolle stakeholders

10h.00 – 12h.30 Morning Session Workshop with IJVD and GBC Zwolle stakeholders

12h.40 – 14h.15 Lunch with local and regional stakeholders IJVD & Zwolle

14h.15 – 16h.30 Afternoon Session Workshop with IJVD and GBC Zwolle stakeholders (wrap up+coffee
@ 16h.10)

16h.30 – 18h.00 GBC partner workshop exchange of knowledge Zwolle/Innsbruck/Kiruna Partner

18h.00 – Travel from Zwolle to Amsterdam

Night/sleep in hotel in Amsterdam

Thursday 18 June 2015

09h.00 – 11h.00 Guided tour to one or two Living Labs sites in Amsterdam & boat/canal trip Amsterdam

11h.00 – 12h.00 AMS, Amsterdam Institute of Advanced Metropolitan Solutions, Royal Tropical
Institute, Amsterdam; lecture RainSense research project (and if possible some other)

12h.00 – Travel back to Sweden / Austria;

or alternative : Night/sleep in hotel in Amsterdam for additional visits/day off in Amsterdam, Friday June 19 (and
incl. weekend).
Program Green Blue Cities meeting in Kiruna and Luleå

14-24 Feb2016

TUD: Arjan, Taneha
LTU: Godecke, Günther, Stina, Lena, Maria
Kiruna municipality: Maria Persson, Eva Ekelund, others
TVAB: Sofi Sarri, others

February 14th – 17th: Kiruna
February 18th – 24th: Luleå

Arjan och Taneha arrive in KRN on Feb 14th
LTU participants arrive by train from Luleå on Feb 15th, 9:30 AM.

February 15th:
From appr 10.00 meeting room at Scandic Ferrum hotel.
Meeting LTU and TUD. Arjan, Taneha, Maria, Godecke, Lena, Günther, Stina

Topics: Update recent work, Group synchronization LTU/TUD before meeting with Kiruna,
Planning of joint publications.

13:00 – 15.30: guided tour in the LKAB mine (Arjan, Taneha, Godecke, Günther, Stina)

Meeting continues afterwards.

February 16th:
From 9.00, meeting room Parlatoriet at Kiruna municipality
Meeting LTU/TUD with Kiruna municipality (TUD: Arjan, Taneha; LTU: Godecke, Lena, Günther,
Stina; Kiruna: Eva, Maria P, someone else?)

Afternoon 14:30: departure to Ice hotel, appr. 30 min car drive. Guided tour at 16:00. (Arjan, Taneha,
Godecke, Günther, Stina + Maria P)

February 17th:
From 8:30, meeting room TVAB
Meeting LTU/TUD with TVAB (TUD: Arjan, Taneha, LTU: Godecke, Günther, Stina; TVAB: Sofi,

From 13:00, meeting room TVAB or municipality

Joint meeting LTU, TUD, TVAB and municipality.
February 18th:
Early morning drive to Gällivare. Presentation of the municipality about their city relocation. Study
visit. (Arjan, Taneha, Godecke, Günther), Röda konferensrummet Gällivare kommun
-Presentation samhällsomvandlingen övergripande 9.30-10:15 (Christer)
-Dagvattenfrågor 10:15-11:00 (Lars D)
-Rundtur i Malmberget & Gällivare 11:00-12:00 (Christer)
-Lunch 12:00-13:00
Arrival Luleå appr 14:00.

Afternoon: start work in group (Arjan/Taneha/Godecke/ev Maria)

February 19th:
Continued work on deliverables (Arjan/Taneha/Godecke/ev Maria)

Departure Arjan


February 22nd :
Work on living labs/workshops (Taneha/Lena/Stina/Maria)

February 23rd and 24th :

Work in modeling (Taneha, Günther)

Departure Taneha





This project Green/Blue Infrastructure for Sustainable, Attractive Cities was conducted within the JPI 
Urban Europe framework. The financial support of JPI Urban Europe, VINNOVA, The Swedish 
Research Council Formas, FFG ‐ The Austrian Research Promotion Agency and NWO ‐ Netherlands 
Organisation for Scientific Research is gratefully acknowledged. Special thanks to the municipality of 
Kiruna and Tekniska Verken i Kiruna AB. 

Green/Blue Infrastructure for Sustainable, Attractive Cities

Combined Deliverable Report 2.3 and 2.9

Suggestions for stormwater management measures in Nya Kiruna:

Green Street design


Taneha Bacchin Kuzniecow*, Godecke Blecken**, Filippo Lafleur*, Günther Leonhardt**

* TU Delft,** Luleå University of Technology

The aim with this report is to present and discuss suggestions for possible implementation of
stormwater control measures (SCMs) in the new city centre of Kiruna. The SCM alternatives
were chosen based on technical requirements (retention and/or quality treatment) and
aesthetical issues.

The following suggestions for the implementation of stormwater control measures along
selected streets in the new city centre of Kiruna were compiled based on meetings and
discussions with the main stakeholders Kiruna municipality and Tekniska Verken I Kiruna AB
(TVAB) as well as the consultant company SWECO. Participants were (inter alia) Eva Ekelund
and Maria Persson (Kiruna municipality), Sofie Sarri, Mats Eriksson (TVAB) and Matthias
Salomonsson (SWECO).

Further, a range of other deliverables prepared in the JPI Urban Europe project
GreenBlueCities were used as input for these suggestions. These were mainly:
 deliverables 1.4: Future prediction of urban area development in Kiruna, Taneha
 deliverable 2.2: Overview of smart special strategies and their effect regarding water
management, landscape ecology, urban morphology, and quality of urban space of
green/blue space adaptation in urban areas, Taneha Bacchin
 deliverable 3.3: Function of SCM in cold climate regions, Godecke Blecken

Site description
According to Kiruna municipality and TVAB SCMs are supposed to be implemented along
the orange marked streets in the new city centre. Section A and B have widths of 33 m and 25
m, respectively.

Choice of Green Infrastructure

Given the pre-conditions from the existing layout plan, the stormwater management system is
a linear, cascading system leading the water towards the “green finger” between section A and
B or downstream section C.

The suggested facilities can manage rain events with different intensities as described in the
following. Storms within “Domain 1” are so called “everyday rains”, “Domain 2” includes the
design rains and “Domain 3” storms exceeding these design rains. This approach is suggested
in P110 by the Swedish Water Association and internationally, e.g. by Digman C., Ashley R
M., et al (2014). Managing urban flooding from heavy rainfall – encouraging the uptake of
designing for exceedance – Recommendations and Summary. CIRIA RP991.
In this proposed alternative the focus is on quality treatment along the streets in bioretention
cells The water quality treatment takes place in the linear structure along sections A and B.

Section A
Section A is wider (appr 33 m) and less urban. Historically significant buildings from the
existing Kiruna will be relocated to this street. The proposed SCMs underline the park

The basic structure is a swale meandering along the street. It conveys the water to
bioretention cells, which are placed along the swale. In these cells, the stormwater infiltrates
and is treated. Since bioretention cells cannot infiltrate the runoff from intense storm events, in
such cases the excess water is conveyed through the system further downstream to a vegetated
depression in the green finger which serves as a detention facility.

The swale serves as a pre-treatment system which reduces sediment loads on the bioretention
cells and thus the clogging risk. The treated water is collected in a drainage pipe and discharged
to a parallel storm sewer. The swale can be used for snow storage in winter.

The bioretention facilities treat the water by bio/geochemical processes in the filter
material. A coarse filter material is recommended in cold climate applications to avoid water
standing in the system when temperatures drop below zero. Vegetation has a beneficial effect
on the treatment, on maintaining the infiltration capacity and can provide aesthetical values.
The vegetation must be adapted to the local climate. Often it is recommended that no snow
should be stored on these facilities.

The detention facility only fills during intense rains and can thus be designed to fulfill other
(e.g. recreational) purposes during dry weather.

Domain 1: Bioretention, swale

Domain 2: Swale, detention basin, overflow/bypassing in bioretention

Domain 3: swale, detention basin, water flow probably occurs on street surface.

“Inspiration pictures” for section A:

Meandering swale bioretention cells in swale detention facility during dry weather
Source: Stahre, 2008; Melbourne Water, 2005; own picture.

Section B
Section B is narrower compared to section A and consequently less space for SCMs is available.
The proposed bioretention cells underline the urban character.
The basic structure is a cascading bioretention cell system. The system’s function is the same
as for the bioretention swale described above. Given that no sediment pre-treatment is
provided, the cells shouls be equipped with a small sediment trap. Snow should not be stored
on the bioretention cells to avoid clogging of the systems.The filtered water / bypassed water
after intense rains is discharged to a pipe system and conveyed either to the detention basin in
the green finger or towards system C in the south.

Domain 1: Bioretention
Domain 2: pipe system, detention basin, overflow/bypassing in bioretention

Domain 3: detention basin, water flow probably occurs on street surface.

“Inspiration pictures” for section :

Bioretention cells in dense urban environment
Hydrologic Modeling

In the context of the preparatory study on the integration of Green/Blue structures in the
future stormwater system of Kiruna City, the ”Green Street Design” – Pilot A(see Figure 5)
was subject to a simplified assessment. The goal was to evaluate the hydrologic function during
exceedance rainfall events (Digman et al, 2014), i.e. if runoff can be conveyed on Pilot A’s
surface without causing damage. Due to limited data availability on the stormwater drainage
system, the results can only be considered as preliminary. In order to consider uncertainties to
limited knowledge of the system, conservative assumptions were made throughout the
assessment process.

The range for exceedance rainfall was defined based on the planned land use surrounding Pilot
A, which is dense residential. The drainage system in these areas should convey runoff from
rainfalls up to a return period of 20 years without flooding (total pressure head in pipes below
ground level). Exceedance rainfall up to a return period RT of 100 years should be conveyed
on the surface without causing damage to buildings and infrastructure.

Figure 5: position of the pilot in the new city centre of Kiruna 

Materials and Methods

The catchment assumed to contribute with surface runoff is shown in Figure 6, and has an area
of 32.46ha with an average imperviousness of 22%.
Figure 6: Catchment area (blue polygon) assumed to drain into and discharge via the pilot,

Due to the expected large runoff volumes and the low permeability of the native soil
(Moraine/silt loam, saturated conductivity 3.8mm/h), the pilot is expected to function mainly
as a retention and conveyance structure, and infiltration being of minor importance. Therefore,
the Manning equation can be used for a first assessment of the flow capacity. For this purpose,
the cross section of the Pilot street can be approximated by a trapezoidal shape (see Figure 7).
The discharge Q and average flow velocity V for a flow depth of 2m (in the centreline) and
different channel slopes and side slopes are summarized in Table 1. At full depth, the channel
can convey considerable discharges, but with high flow velocities with regard to safety for
Figure 7: Cross section of the suggested street design of Pilot A, showing the dimensions of the
possibly available flow area, which can be simplified by a trapezoidal channel.

Table 1: Discharge Q and average flow velocity V obtained with the Manning equation for a trapezoidal cross 
section with 2m flow depth, 14m water surface width, and a Manning value of 0.25. 

Bottom width in 
Channel slope  Side slope  Q in m3/s  V in m/s 

0.01  3.5:1  0  5.4  0.39 

0.01  2.5:1  2  8.2  0.46 

0.005  3.5:1  0  5.8  0.32 

0.005  2.5:1  2  3.9  0.28 

In a next step, the model EPA SWMM 5 was used for an assessment of expected surface runoff
from the catchment area (Figure 6) and the Pilot A’s performance. The discretization of the
catchment area into subcatchmnets is shown in Figure 8. The stormwater sewer system,
supposed to drain runoff from rainfall events with RT ≤ 20 years without flooding, was not
considered in the model. In the context of a preliminary study, this can be interpreted as an
additional safety factor.

The street where Pilot A is located is represented by a subcatchment and several LID-objects
connected in series, as presented schematically in Figure 9. The subcatchment represents the
impervious area, the areas with porous pavement and a small share of permeable (green) area.
Runoff from this subcatchmnt is routed into a swale, which drains into a bio-retention facility.
Overflow from this facility is routed into another swale, while the drain outflow is routed
directly to the outlet. This is a simplification of the cascaded system of swales and bio-retention
cells. Furthermore, the model routes all runoff through the entire system, while in reality it
would receive longitudinal and lateral inflow.

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Figure 8: Discretization of the catchment area into subcatchmnets and their hydrologic connection
for modelling with EPA SWMM.

Figure 9: Representation of Pilot A in the model placing a subcatchment and different LID-objects
in series.

As rainfall input, a block rain (constant intensity) with RT = 100 years and 15 minutes
duration, was used. The intensity was determined according to Swedish guidelines. A climate
change factor of 25% was applied to the rainfall intensities. Table 2 shows rainfall intensities
and volume for different return periods.
Table 2: Rainfall intensities and volums according to Dahlströhm’s Equation considering a climate
change factor of 25% (Swedish guideline P110).

Return period in years  Duration in min  Intensity in mm/h  Total volume in mm 

20  15  102.16  25.54 

100  15  174.06  43.52 

Figure 10 shows simulated in/outflows to and from the different model objects representing Pilot A. It
also includes the total surface runoff entering the facility, as well as the total outflow.

Figure 10: Rainfall input (top) and runoff (outflow) from the different model-objects
(subcatchment, swales, bio-retention) representing Pilot A.

The total runoff volume is 3.24*103m3. The subcatchments infiltrate between 25 and 83% of
the precipitation, whereas the swales only infiltrate 1.2 – 1.9% of the inflow.

The suggested design for Pilot A has the potential to convey surface runoff for the investigated
design storm event (15 minutes, RT = 100 years) without damage and a maximal water depths
of 1.55m. However, as indicated by the first assessment using the manning equation, relatively
high flow velocities might occur. Furthermore, the actual outflow condition might be different
from the assumption in the model (free outflow), and backwater might occur.

Another limitation of this assessment is the missing analysis for different rainfall durations. This
might be of importance considering the large amount of pervious areas, which might
contribute more surface runoff once their infiltration capacity decreased due to saturation.

Results confirm the assumption that the main function of Pilot A is flow retention and
conveyance, as infiltration is of minor importance.

For detailed design, better data to delineate the contributing catchment area as well as a more
detailed model for surface runoff would be needed.
This report was prepared within the JPI Urban Europe project Green/Blue Infrastructure for
Sustainable, Attractive Cities. The financial support of JPI Urban Europe, VINNOVA, The Swedish
Research Council Formas, FFG - The Austrian Research Promotion Agency and NWO - Netherlands
Organisation for Scientific Research is gratefully acknowledged. Special thanks to the municipality of
Kiruna and Tekniska Verken i Kiruna AB.






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