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ervisoryteam,andreportedto LPDP. Itis a
LPDP usesthisformto monitor whetherstudent’sprogressiseffective.

Report Period 2018-19 Semester 6

(February-July 2019)

This form has three parts:

PART A: Progress Report—to be completed by the Student

PART B: Comments—to be completed by the Senior Supervisor on be half of the Supervisory Team

PART C: Recommendations and Signatures—to be completed by the Student and Supervisors


Name Dina Rahmayanti Date of first September 2016

LPDP ID Number 20161141031359 Student’s ID Number 1631612008
Department/School Ilmu-ilmu Pertanian Universitas Andalas

Supervisor - 1 Prof. Dr. Rika Ampuh Hadiguna, IPM
Supervisor - 2 Prof. Dr. Santosa, SP,MP
Supervisor - 3 Prof. Dr. Novizar Nazir, SP, MP

Out line below your progress and achievements over the last 6 months. Indicate what milestones
have been achieved.

Pada semester ini saya telah menuntaskan semua mata kuliah untuk program doktoral di
Universitas Andalas. Untuk publikasi saya telah mempublish enam paper di seminar nasional,
seminar inter nasional, jurnal nasional terakreditasi dan jurnal internasional terindeks. Saya juga
telah memiliki satu paper international journal bereputasi yang telah terbit dan satu lagi paper
Pada awal semester depan (semster 7) saya menargetkan dapat melaksanakan seminar hasil dan
international journal bereputasi under review. Untuk penelitian sendiri semua tahap sudah saya
beberapa bulan kemudia ujian tertutup. Untuk ujian terbuka saya akan menunggu satu jurnal
selesaikan dan sedang menulis disertasi pada Bab hasil dan pembahasan.
internasional lagi, dari editor menyatakan akan terbit dalam enam bulan sampai satu tahun
Out line below your research goals for the next 6 months. Indicate what milestones have been set
for thenext 6 months, including detailing what chapters or selections of your thesis you plan to write
in this period.

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1. I rate the quality of my work as:

Very Good Good Satisfactory √ Below my expectations

If below expectations what measures have you taken to addressthis?

2. I assess my rate of progress as:

Very Good Good Satisfactory √ Below my expectations

If below expectations what measures have you taken to address this?

3. My target thesis submission date is

Saya menargetkan Juli 2019 sudah menyelesaikan disertasi

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4. In thepast 6 months I have:

Given aseminar? Yes √ No

Attended a conference(s)? Yes √ No
Given a presentation(s) based on myr esearch? Yes √ No
Had researchoutput(s) published Yes √ No
(e.g. journalarticles; bookchaptes; creativeworks)?

5. I have submitted work to my supervisory team Yes √ No

If yes have received written feedback Yes √ No

6. I have outstanding resource issues concerning my research Yes No √

If Yes, please detail:

7. Ethical approval for my thesis research:

√ has been obtained is pending is not required

8. There are intellectual property issues related to my research that have not been resolved
Yes No √

If Yes, please detail:

9. How often and by what means do you and your supervisory team maintain contact?
Tidak ada jawal khusus yang disepakati dengan pembimbing, saya akan bertemu dengan pembimbing dan berdiskusi
jika telah menyelesaikan pekerjaan yang telah disepakati pada pertemuan sebelumnya. Kecuali pada kasus khsus saya
perlu bimbingan, maka saya akan menemui langsung pembimbing bisa setiap hari atau kapan saja jika ada yang sifatnya
urgent untuk didiskusikan. Kebanyakan diskusi dilakukan face to face, namun jika hal mendesak maka kami akan
berkomunikasi via email, WA atau telpon.

10.Please provide details below of any way you think your supervisory team could improve its
support of your studies
Pembimbing selalu menanyakan sampai mana pekerjaan yang te;ah saya lakukan minimal satu
kali dalam seminggu atau tergantung kesepakatan yang telah dibuat pada pertemuan
sebelumnya. Pembimbing juga memberikan target jurnal yang harus dimasuki tiap semesternya,
serta membatu dalam melakukan koreksi dalam pembuatan disertasi dan jurnal
11. Do you have any concerns with yourEnglish language skills (e.g. reading, writing, speaking,
listening) in respect to your research work?
Yes √ No

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Saya memiliki kendala publikasi dalam bahasa inggris karena writing saya masih sangat kurang. Pembimbing
akan membantu saya dalam mengkoreksi tulisan yang sudah saya buat sebelum jurnal disubmit. Selain itu
kesulitan menulis dalam bahasa inggris juga saya atasi dengan google translate dan grammarly online.

12. Have you identified any health and safety issues during the past 6 months?

Yes No √

13. Are there any issues that LPDP should be aware of?
Yes No √
If Yes, pleasecomment:

Pleasenowforwardtheformtoyour supervisor.


Please provide comments on the student’sprogress and achievements in thelast 6 months:

Please provide comments on thestudent’s thesis goals and milestones for the next 6 months:

1. The quality of thestudent’s work:

Exceeds therequired standard for doctoral work

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Is as there quired standard for doctoral work
Is below required standard for doctoral work

If below there quired standard what measures have been taken to address this?

2. Are you satisfied with the frequency and means of contact? Yes No

3. Do you have any concerns about the student’s English language skill (e.g., reading, writing,
speaking, listening) in respect to his/her work?

If Yes,

4. Are there any in tellectual property issues which have not been resolved? Yes No

If Yes, pleasecomment:

5. Are there any issues that LPDP should be aware of? Yes No

6. Was the student required to complete any courses during this period of en rolment?
Yes No

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If so were these completed to the level required? Yes No


C1 Senior Supervisor to complete

I recommend that the student’s enrolment be:

Continued subject to specified conditions as outlined below


I have discussed our comments with the student: Yes No


Any other comments/suggestions:

Student to sign below:

Signature of Student Date

Supervisor to sign below:

Signature of Supervisor Date

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On behalf of the Indonesia Endowment Fund for Education, we would like to convey our sincere
appreciation and gratitude for your valuable input, comments and time spent in completing this
form. The completed form shall be submitted by the student as part of their semi-annually study
progress report at

Director of Scholarship,
Indonesia Endowment Fund for Education

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