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Local Government Unit : Municipal Government of South Ubian, Tawi Tawi

Citizen's Charter Evaluation Form

Content Remarks
(Y or N)
Is the Citizen's Charter consolidated? Y
Cover Page N
1st Page N
I. Agency Profile
Vision Y
Mission Y
Mandate N
Service Pledge Y
II. List of Services
# of Services Listed 17
Type of Categorization - The listed services are not categorized

Service Header N - Does not have service header

Service Category N - Citizen's Charter only contains external services
III. Service Specification Table
No. of Services with Service Specification
Service Number N - Services are not numbered
Service Name Y
Brief Description of the Service N - All services have no description
Office or Division N - Services listed did not indicate which Office or Division offers them
- Services were not classified
Service Classification
(Simple, Complex, Highly Technical) Note: As per the IRR of R.A. 11032, all services that are not classified will
automatically be deemed as "Simple" by the Authority
Type of Transaction - Services have no typology
(G2C - Government to Citizen, G2B -
Government to Business, G2G -
Government to Government)

Who may Avail Y

- Requirements did not follow the prescribed manner of writing stated in Reference B
(do not have the required number of copies and type of copies)
Checklist of Requirements N
- Services used "other requirements/supporting documents" (not allowed) as part of
their requirements
- Services do not contain where each requirement can be secured
Where to Secure N
- Services did not follow the prescribed manner of writing in Reference B (at least
specify the Bureau or Office within the Agency)
- Services do not contain the location where the client step shall be done
Client Steps
Note: If the client will not do anything, write "None" instead of leaving it blank
- Services did not follow the prescribed numbering scheme for Agency actions
stated in Reference B
Agency Action
N - Agency actions are not numbered

Note: If the agency will not do anything in some steps, write "None" instead of
leaving it blank
- Some services do not contain the actual amount to be paid or the computation of
the fee ("Depending on the income")
Fees to be Paid per Step
N - Some services do not follow the prescribed manner of writing stated in Reference
B (please indicate what the fees are intended for)

- Some services used ranging to show the fees

- Services do not contain the total amount to be paid or the computation for the total
Total Fees to be Paid N
- Some services used ranging to show the fees
- Some services do not show the processing time for each step (Some steps do not
include a processing time
Processing Time per step N
- Some services used ranging in showing the processing time for each step (30
minutes onwards, 10 minutes-1 hour or more. etc.)
- Some services used ranging in showing the processing time for each step
"estimated 1 hr and 18 minutes, etc."

- Some total processing time do not match the sum of their processing time per step
(List of frontline services total processing time do not match with the service
Total Processing Time N
specification table)

Note: Total processing time shall reflect the total turn-around time needed to
complete the service and give the output to the client (includes all waiting time and
processing time)
- Some services do not show the designation of the person responsible per step

- Some services do not show the office of the person responsible per step
Person Responsible per Step N
- Some services do not show the person responsible per step (Some steps are
- Feedback mechanism do not show how feedbacks are processed
Feedback Mechanism
- Feedback mechanisms do not show the name of the office accepting
feedbacks/processing the feedback
- Complaint mechanism do not show how complaints are submitted/processed

- Complaint mechanism do not show how to contact the office accepting /processing
Complaints Mechanism
N the complaint

- Complaint mechanism do not show the name of the office accepting /processing
the complaint
Contact Information - The contact information of ARTA/CSC/PCC is not indicated.
IV. List of Offices
Name N
Address N
Contact Information N
General Comments
- All services listed in the CC should reflect the end-to-end process of each service. It should start with the acceptance of the request and end at the
issuance/release of the output. If a service includes several offices, all offices should be reflected in a one long process indicating the parts of each Office
in the whole process. For example, Processing of Payroll typically involves 4 offices, HR, Budget, Accounting, Landbank. All of those offices have 7
working days in total to accept the DTR and its attachments, process the payroll and disburse it to the employees since it is a complex service. The
whole process from HR to Landbank should be included in 1 service specifications table

- Internal Services refer to those services that cater to your own employees while External Services refer to those services that cater to general public.

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