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Artifice and Enchantments

While Artifice covers the crafting of nearly any item that can be made or manufactured, it is best known as the
means to create enchantments and wondrous items. Use the rules listed in Realms of Terrinoth for crafting
non-magical items; use the following additional rules for creating enchantments and wondrous items.

Essence and Reagents

All things on Erehwon, animal, vegetable, or mineral, contain trace amounts of magical energy. This energy can
be coalesced into a distilled, potent form called a Magical Essence (or simply “Essence”). This usually takes the
form of a small, luminous sphere that radiates magic. Essence is a rare sort of commodity, almost never for sale,
and hoarded by magical artificers. All magical creations require the infusion of Essence: this is the power that
binds and stabilizes the creation magic.

Rarely, Essence may be recovered intact from a powerful source or adversary, but the most common way to
acquire Essence is by coalescing it from a quantity of reagents. Reagents are a generic term for resources which
contain a significant amount of trace magical energy. Nearly any source, animate or inanimate, may contain
reagents, but usually the source must be destroyed (or killed) in order to recover the reagents. This could be as
simple as picking rare mushrooms in a hidden glade, or it could require a wizard's delicate touch to extract
fragments of power from a defeated golem, or a skilled hunter's blade for removing the valuable parts of a
monster's carcass.

To obtain reagents, a character must first locate (and, if necessary, defeat) an appropriate source of the reagent
that they seek. Most delving companies work together to use their various skills to accumulate reagents as they
adventure, so that they may later pool their resources for the creation of Essences. The process of successfully
extracting reagents from a source is called harvesting.

Different types of reagents require different skills to harvest. The difficulty to harvest reagents from a source
depends on the source: harvesting reagents from a Minion adversary (or Minion group), or a common source, is
an Average skill check. Harvesting a Rival adversary, or an uncommon source, is a Hard skill check. Harvesting
a Nemesis adversary, or a rare source, is a Daunting skill check. Only one check to harvest may be made per
source, so delvers are advised to select (or assist) their most capable member for any given harvesting task. If
Triumph is generated on the harvesting check, an Essence of the appropriate type may be gained instead of
reagents, at the GM's discretion.

Reagent Harvested From Examples Skill Required Created Essence


Beast Natural creatures, non-magical beasts Bat wings, rat tails, fire beetle eyes, boar tusks, lion's Survival or Primal Wild Essence
teeth, serpent scales, eye of newt, toe of frog

Demonic Demons, infernal beasts Demon horns, blood, eyes, claws, scales, imp wings Arcane or Divine Infernal Essence

Elemental Elementals, elemental creatures Elemental earth, air, fire, water, gargoyle talons, Arcane or Primal Primal Essence
(gargoyles, salamanders), rare minerals salamander scales, efreeti beard, xorn teeth
(gold, silver, platinum, thorium, draconite)

Plant Magical and non-magical plants, plant Belladonna, foxglove, kingsfoil, myconoid spores, Survival or Primal Verdant Essence
creatures, rare wood, fungus, molds treant bark, dryad tears

Uncanny Magical creatures (dragons, griffons, Basilisk eye, dragon teeth, pegasus feathers, Arcane, Primal, Arcane Essence
chimeras, basilisks), constructs (golems, manticore spines Survival
animated armour or weapons)

Undead Undead creatures, places of death and Bone chips, ghoul tongues, hag eyes, lich Arcane or Divine Essence of
decay fingerbones, wraith dust, vampire fangs Undeath

Once sufficient reagents have been harvested, an artificer may attempt to distill their cumulative magical energy
into an Essence of the appropriate type. To do so requires 10 reagents of a single type. The artificer must
succeed at an Average Artifice check in order to coalesce a single Essence from 10 reagents. A Triumph
allows them to coalesce two Essences from the check. Failure means the Essence does not coalesce, but the
reagents are not lost. Despair indicates that the reagents are no longer usable.

An artificer may attempt to coalesce multiple Essences at the same time: increase the difficulty of the check by
one for each additional 10 reagents being used. Success on the check will generate one additional Essence per
10 additional reagents. A single Triumph only add one additional Essence to the results of the check, no matter
how many reagents are used, but multiple Triumph can generate multiple additional Essences (one per

However many reagents are distilled in a given attempt, the process is very taxing for an artificer, and may only
be attempted once per day.

Most artificers consider the Arcane Essence to be the most useful and versatile form of Essence, as it is used in
the creation of many popular wondrous items. It is possible to transmute other forms of Essence into an Arcane
Essence, though the process is time-consuming and costly. It takes one full day and a successful Hard Artifice
check to transmute any three Essences into a single Arcane Essence. If Triumph is generated, the artificer may
gain one additional Arcane Essence (but only one, regardless of how many Triumph are generated). If the check
fails, all the Essences used in the process are lost.

Magical Crafting
In order to create an enchantment or wondrous item, an artificer must first gather the correct components and
materials for what he wishes to craft. Reagents, and the Essences derived from them, are one part of this; the
rest are magical supplies, materials, and consumables used in the creation of the enchantment or item.

For convenience, the table of common wondrous items (including the material requirements and Artifice skill
check difficulty) is reprinted here from the Adventuring Gear section:


Artificer's Rucksack 2 600 7 300gp, 1 Arcane Essence (Average)

Bag of Holding 2 800 7 400gp, 5 Arcane Essence (Hard)

Brightwell's Beneficent Bells 2 1200 8 600gp, 5 Arcane Essence (Daunting)

Conway's Cookpot 3 400 6 2 Verdant Essence, 2 Wild Essence, iron cookpot (Hard)

Fire Beetle Eye 0 50 4 Pristine Fire Beetle Eye (Easy)

Lightstone 0 800 8 1 Essence of Undeath, Extinguished Lightstone (Average)

Lightstone, Greater 0 1200 9 2 Essence of Undeath, Extinguished Lightstone (Hard)

Pouch of Convenience 1 1000 8 500gp, 5 Arcane Essence (Daunting)

Rope of Climbing 1 1500 9 50' of silk rope, 50' of silver and gold wire, 10 Arcane Essence (Daunting)

Sanctuary Stone 2 800 8 400gp, 5 Primal Essence (Hard)

Sojourner's Boots 2 1200 8 600gp, 10 Wild Essence (Hard)

A wondrous item will typically require 5-10 Essence to craft, along with supplies equal in value to half the base
sell price of the finished item. To craft the finished product takes a number of hours equal to the rarity of the item.

Successful results including Advantage and Triumph are left to the GM's discretion: frequently items have
unexpected benefits, or are substantially more powerful than expected in these cases. Success with Despair can
mean that a cursed item is created instead (such as a Bag of Devouring instead of a Bag of Holding, or a Rope
of Strangling instead of a Rope of Climbing). These unfortunate results are also left to the GM to determine.

Enchantments are created in much the same way. Any enchantment with a Rarity of 6 or lower (known as a
lesser enchantment) can potentially be crafted by an artificer. Enchantments with a Rarity of 7 or higher are
greater enchantments, and are beyond the ability of most artificers to attempt. Greater enchantments are usually
recovered from perilous dungeons, and often must be extracted from existing items in order to use them.

A lesser enchantment requires 2 Essence to craft (the type varies by enchantment), along with supplies equal in
value to half the base sell price of the enchantment. To create a lesser enchantment takes a number of hours
equal to the Rarity of the enchantment. All lesser enchantments require a successful Hard Artifice check to
create. An unbound enchantment appears as a shimmering jewel or gemstone, and radiates magic.

It is possible for a skilled artificer to extract an enchantment from an existing item. This special check may only
be attempted once per day, and requires a number of hours of intense focus and effort equal to the Rarity of the
enchantment. A lesser enchantment requires a successful Hard Artifice check to extract; a greater
enchantment requires a successful Formidable Artifice check to extract. If the check fails, the enchantment
stays bound to its item, and the artificer may not attempt to remove it again (although a different artificer may
try). If Despair is generated on a successful check, the enchantment is extracted, but becomes cursed. If
Despair is generated on a failed check, the enchantment fails to coalesce, and is lost forever.

Infusing an item with an enchantment is a simpler (though not simple) process. To infuse an enchantment into an
item requires a successful Average Artifice check. The difficulty is the same for lesser or greater
enchantments. If the item is already enchanted, increase the difficulty by one for each existing enchantment. If
the check fails, the enchantment does not bond with the chosen item, but another attempt may be made the next
day. If the check fails with Despair, the enchantment is lost. There is no limit to the number of times an artificer
may attempt to infuse enchantments per day, but only one attempt may be made per individual item per day.

The creation of wondrous items and enchantments is taxing for an artificer, even if they are a full-fledged
spellcaster. When an Artifice check results in the successful creation of a wondrous item or enchantment, the
artificer must allow for a period of rest and recovery before attempting to create another. This period is called
cooldown, and lasts for a number of days equal to the Rarity of the item or enchantment they created. An
artificer may still attempt to create wondrous items or enchantments during the cooldown period, but the difficulty
of any such checks is upgraded by one for each cooldown period they are currently experiencing. Cooldown
does not affect attempts to infuse or extract enchantments from items.

Artifice is also used in the creation of scrolls. Scrolls are magic spells bound into carefully inscribed parchment,
and can only be cast once, at which point the scroll itself is consumed. Anyone can cast a spell from a scroll, but
only someone with ranks in Arcana, Divine, Primal, or Verse may create a scroll. Mentalism is specifically
excluded from eligible magic skills for the purposes of crafting scrolls.

In order to create a scroll, you must first determine the spell you wish to inscribe, including any specific effects
you wish to include. No difficulty reductions, from implements or by any other means, are allowed when creating
a scroll. The final difficulty of the spell is the difficulty of the Artifice skill check to create the scroll.

Next, you must have the materials to create the scroll: fine vellum, expensive inks, binding agents, etc. The cost
of materials needed to create a scroll depends on the difficulty of the spell being inscribed:

Spell Difficulty Material Cost in Gold

1 125
2 250
3 500
4 1000
5 2000
The materials required to create a scroll are consumed whether or not the scroll is successfully inscribed
(although a surplus of Advantage on a failed check may allow you to salvage some portion of the materials, at
the GM's discretion).

Once you have selected the spell to be inscribed, and have acquired the materials with which to create the
scroll, you may attempt to create the scroll. The base time required to create a scroll is one hour per level of
difficulty. Make an Artifice (Intellect) skill check against the difficulty level of the spell. If you succeed, the spell is
successfully inscribed, and the scroll created. Advantage may be spent to reduce the time required to complete
the scroll, Triumph may be spent to add an additional effect (no greater than one difficulty level per Triumph) to
the scroll. Threat typically means that the scroll takes longer to complete; Despair could mean that the prepared
spell goes off when you complete the scroll!

The spell bound within a scroll may be cast by anyone. It takes one action to cast a spell from a scroll, and
requires either the appropriate magic skill (depending on the nature of the scroll), or a Knowledge: Lore check.
The difficulty is the same as that of the spell contained within the scroll. Casting a spell from a scroll is not
considered a magic action, and does not cost 2 strain. Regardless of whether the character using the scroll
possesses the appropriate magic skill or not, no additional effects or difficulty reductions may be applied to the
spell cast from the scroll.

Armour Enchantments


Adamant Infusion (Reinforced Plating) 2 8000 7 CRB

Bladeshatter 1 4000 8 New

Comfort 1 2000 5

Deflection (Deflective Plating) 1 500 4 CRB

Dreadful (Intimidating Visage) 0 250 3 CRB

Ease 1 3000 5 New

Elven Battlegear 1 5000 7 New

Holy Radiance 1 n/a 9 New

Glamour 0 800 6 New

Majesty (Gilded) 0 1500 6 RoT

Phasing 1 n/a 10 New

Rapidity 1 2000 7 New

Shadowed (Twilight Rune) 1 n/a 10 RoT

Spiked (Spikes) 2 600 4 RoT

Unbreakable 2 n/a 8 New

Unholy Radiance 1 n/a 9 New

Warlord (Ironbound Rune) 2 n/a 10 RoT

New Enchantments

This enchantment causes enemy weapons to chip and shatter when they strike your armour.
Use With: This enchantment can be applied to any metal armour.
Modifiers: If your character is hit by a melee combat check with a weapon, you may spend 2 Threat to activate
the Sunder quality against that weapon. This effect may be activated multiple times against the same weapon.
You may spend Despair to immediately destroy the weapon. This enchantment cannot affect unarmed attacks,
or weapons with the Reinforced quality.
Sockets Required: 1.

Greatly valued by adfventurers and campaigners, this enchantment makes heavy armour as comfortable as
warm clothing.
Use With: This enchantment can be applied to any heavy armour (+2 soak or greater)
Modifiers: Reduce encumbrance by 1, to a minimum of 0. The wearer can rest or sleep in this armour without
any difficulty or strain loss.
Sockets Required: 1.

Prized by wearers of articulated plate and other heavy armours, this enchantment allows the wearer to don or
remove their armour with a mere gesture.
Use With: This enchantment can be applied to any armour.
Modifiers: The wearer may don or remove this armour with one maneuver. When removed, the armour appears
in a neat pile adjacent to the wearer. In order to don this armour, the user must be within engaged range of the
Sockets Required: 1.

Elven Battlegear
Both the Elves and the Dark Elves make use of this enchantment, allowing them to employ their innate magical
gifts to the fullest in combat.
Use With: This enchantment can be applied to any armour with a soak of 2 or greater.
Modifiers: While wearing this armour, you gain the Battle Casting talent (RoT page 90).
Sockets Required: 1.

Favoured by infiltrators, assassins, and spies, this enchantment allows the wearer to make their armour appear
to be normal clothing.
Use With: This enchantment can be applied to any armour.
Modifiers: The wearer may choose the appearance of their armour as an incidental. This has no effect on its
protective value or encumbrance.
Sockets Required: 0.

Holy Radiance
This enchantment imbues the armour with divine power, hindering the attacks of undead and demonic enemies.
It is highly sought after by templars, paladins, and goodly clerics.
Use With: This enchantment can be applied to any metal armour.
Modifiers: Any undead or demonic enemy engaged with the wearer of this armour upgrades the difficulty of any
skill checks they make by one.
Sockets Required: 1.

A powerful and feared enchantment that allows the wearer to step out of phase with reality. This power is very
taxing, but can be very effective when used at the right time.
Use With: This enchantment can be applied to any armour.
Modifiers: The wearer may suffer 2 strain to activate this power as an incidental on their turn, and 2 more strain
at the start of their turn for each round they keep the power active. The wearer may end the power as an
out-of-turn incidental. While phased, the wearer is incorporeal, and may pass through walls or terrain without
difficulty. Halve the damage dealt to the wearer before applying soak, unless the attack came from a magical
source such as a spell or magical weapon.
Sockets Required: 1.

Scouts and skirmishers most often make use of this enchantment, but it offers substantial benefits for any
Use With: This enchantment can be applied to any armour.
Modifiers: While wearing this armour, the wearer gains one rank of the Rapid Reaction talent, and also gains
the Swift talent.
Sockets Required: 1.

This enchantment bestows upon the wielder formidable survivability against the most devastating injuries.
Use With: This enchantment can be applied to any metal armour.
Modifiers: When the wearer suffers a Critical Injury, roll twice on the Critical Injury table. The wearer may
choose which result to apply.
Sockets Required: 2.

Unholy Radiance
This enchantment imbues the armour with unholy power, hindering the attacks of living and celestial enemies. It
is highly sought after by evil priests, blackguards, and anti-paladins.
Use With: This enchantment can be applied to any metal armour.
Modifiers: Any living or celestial enemy engaged with the wearer of this armour upgrades the difficulty of any
skill checks they make by one. Undead or demonic beings (friend or foe) engaged with the wearer upgrade any
skill checks they make by one.
Sockets Required: 1.

Weapon Enchantments


Accuracy (Balanced Hilt) 1 1000 6 CRB

Binding (Duelist Cross Guard) 1 800 5 CRB

Bloodthirst (Rune of Blades) 1 n/a 10 RoT

Crushing (Weighted Head) 1 500 2 CRB

Deadly (Razor Edge) 1 1250 6 CRB

Deep Striking (Recurve Limbs) 1 300 4 CRB

Dread 1 1800 7 New

Demonbite (Infernal Corruption) 1 n/a 8 RoT

Excellence (Superior Weapon) 1 750 7 CRB

Flametongue (Runic Flame) 1 2000 8 RoT

Frostbrand (Runic Frost) 1 1750 8 RoT

Haste 1 2000 8 New

Life Draining 1 n/a 9 New

Lightning 1 1500 8 New

Sacred Crusader 1 n/a 9 New

Shatterstrike (Explosive Missile) 1 1250 7 RoT

Slayer 1 1500 8 New

Sundering 1 600 6 New

Throwing 1 800 6 New

Thunderstrike (Runic Thunder) 2 2000 8 RoT

Twinned Weapons 1 (per weapon) 600 5 New

Vicious 1 100 2 CRB

Vorpal (Rune of Severing) 2 n/a 10 RoT

New Enchantments

This enchantment fills its targets with overwhelming terror. It is favoured by Dark Elves, Risen, and other
Use With: This enchantment can be applied to any melee weapon.
Modifiers: Once per turn, after making a successful melee check against a target, the wielder may spend 3
Advantage or Triumph to compel the target to make a Hard fear check.
Sockets Required: 1.

This enchantment endows the wielder with supernatural speed, allowing them to strike their foes repeatedly.
Use With: This enchantment can be applied to any melee weapon.
Modifiers: The weapon gains the Linked 1 quality.
Sockets Required: 1.

Life Draining
This enchantment leeches life from foes and returns it to the weapon's wielder.
Use With: This enchantment can be applied to any bladed or piercing melee weapon.
Modifiers: When you inflict damage on a living target with this weapon, you may spend 3 Advantage or Triumph
to make the target suffer 4 additional wounds, and heal 4 wounds yourself.
Sockets Required: 1.

This enchantment infuses the weapon with the power of lightning, shocking and stunning enemies.
Use With: This enchantment can be applied to any melee weapon.
Modifiers: The weapon gains the Disorient 3 and Stun 4 item qualities.
Sockets Required: 1.

Sacred Crusader
This rare enchantment imbues the weapon with holy radiance. It is highly sought after by champions of good and
light, and despised by evil creatures.
Use With: This enchantment can be applied to any melee weapon.
Modifiers: The weapon sheds light out to Short range. Increase the difficulty of any spells or magical attacks
used against the wielder or her allies within Short range by one. When used against undead or demonic
adversaries, the weapon is treated as having the Slayer enchantment.
Sockets Required: 1.

These enchantments are dedicated to bringing death to a specific race or type of creature. The designated
enemy is chosen when the enchantment is socketed to the weapon, and cannot be changed unless the
enchantment is removed from the weapon.
Use With: This enchantment can be applied to any weapon.
Modifiers: Against its designated enemy, the weapon's Critical rating is reduced by 1 (to a minimum of 1), and it
gains the Pierce 3 and Vicious 3 qualities (or increases either or both existing qualities by +2).
Sockets Required: 1.

This enchantment empowers a weapon with the ability to damage and destroy other weapons, armour, and
obstacles. It is greatly favoured by both Dwarves and Ogres, for the same reasons.
Use With: This enchantment can be applied to any slashing, cutting, or crushing melee weapon.
Modifiers: The weapon gains the Sunder quality.
Sockets Required: 1.

This enchantment allows the wielder to hurl his weapon at his foes, and have it return to his hand.
Use With: This enchantment can be applied to any melee weapon.
Modifiers: The wielder may spend 2 strain to make a melee weapon check with this weapon against a target
within Medium range. The weapon returns to the wielder after it is thrown. The GM may spend 3 Threat or
Despair on the roll to have the weapon fail to return.
Sockets Required: 1.

Twinned Weapons
This enchantment magically enhances a pair of melee weapons, allowing the wielder to use them in perfect
Use With: This attachment must be applied to two one-handed melee weapons at the same time.
Modifiers: Reduces the Advantage required to hit with the secondary weapon when two-weapon fighting with
this pair of weapons by 1.
Sockets Required: 1 per weapon.

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