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Date: 2-06-2021

1. Muhammad Fikri Samiaji

2. Muhammad Sayakfika Ahadianto
Purnama Putra
Raja Fatahu
Oki Benyoga Lamhot

Teamwork Is The skill to be able to work together in a team is one of the soft skills that
every employee in a company must possess. This is very important, considering that in
order to achieve the company's main goals, it is necessary to have a solid cooperation
between each individual. So, the hard skills possessed by each team are not enough to
achieve the company's main goals. Well, in this case, teamwork is the ability of each
individual to be able to communicate, listen and do work in a more organized and
coordinated manner.

The Benefits Of Teamwork

1. Work More Effectively With good teamwork skills, every employee in each company will be able to
work more harmoniously, and this will create a more conducive working atmosphere. With a good
working relationship between each employee, every problem, opinion and all matters relating to the
company can be communicated properly without any difficulties. So, it can make it easier for employees
to complete their work faster than doing it themselves.

2. Get More Ideas Good job mastery owned by each employee alone is not enough to oppose the reasons
for the importance of teamwork. Although there are some employees who are more comfortable
working alone, there will be times when they face difficulties in completing their tasks. Well, this can be
solved better with good cooperation by many people in the team. So, every employee can get good ideas
and suggestions from each other. This discussion process can solve a problem at work and is also able to
stimulate creativity and problem solving processes in each employee.
3. Rely on each other Not always work can be done easily, sometimes there will be certain days that
make employees feel difficult. Now at that difficult time, a good teamwork strategy carried out by the
company's management will be able to reduce the burden a little.
4. Encourage a Wider Sense of Ownership A project done by a team will make employees feel proud of
the contribution they have made. Each team member will feel very satisfied because they have been able
to overcome obstacles and also create good cooperation. In addition, employees will also have a stronger
connection with the company because they are already working towards achieving the company's goals
together. This will increase loyalty and lead to better job satisfaction among each employee. This will
also benefit the company in the long run. Why? Because employees who are able to connect directly
with the company will tend to be more comfortable working in the company. Therefore, good teamwork
will allow each individual to be deeply involved with the company.
5. Motivates Healthier Risk Taking Togetherness is the main strength in the concept of teamwork. An
employee who only works on an individual project is unlikely to want to push himself to come up with a
great idea. If the project he is working on alone fails, then the employee will bear the responsibility
alone. Now, with good teamwork, the responsibility for each failed task can be distributed properly.
Good teamwork will also allow for more risk taking on each team member, because they have received
good support from all members. When a team does their work in a compact manner, the brainstorming
session will be able to produce more brilliant ideas. In many cases, the most risky ideas prove to be the
best. With good teamwork, it will allow employees to create brilliant ideas. Although in teamwork you
cannot prioritize personal interests, good teamwork can benefit each team member personally.
6. Improve Ability to Solve Problems Trouble is bound to happen when you gather a group of unique
humans. Every employee has their own background, style, and work habits. With this unique point of
view, the most successful works will be born as well as generate hatred that quickly changes. When
there is a conflict in teamwork, each member will be forced to resolve the conflict. In this case, the
company's management must be able to learn good conflict management to be applied in these

Example Of Teamwork
1. one of them is that on the ship there must be a good work team between the deck department and
the engine department to operate the ship.
2. Creating teamwork while at school by discussing to complete an assignment.
3. In playing football we must have good teamwork in order to beat the opponent.

Leadership is one of the functions of management to influence, direct, motivate and supervise others to
complete the tasks that have been planned to achieve the goals and objectives of the organization.
Leadership skills will greatly affect organizational performance, especially in terms of achieving
organizational goals.

Attitude of a Leader:

A person can be said to have good leadership skills if he has some special abilities in attitude. Attitudes
needed for leadership skills, among others.
Social skills:
An individual must have sensitivity to social situations and be able to act according to the situation.

There are many people involved in a team. The more people there are, the more thoughts and
perspectives there are. Therefore, it is hoped that a leader must be open to other people's perspectives.

A team in the company will face many problems that come their way. Therefore, the leader must be
brave and understand when it is time to defend and do things that are considered right and be able to
face problems.

Able to make decisions:

A problem requires a solution that must be decided and then executed. The decisions made must
consider the common good and address the issues at hand to make a big impact on the team.

Why is Leadership is Necessary in Companies?

Leadership is important in a company or organization because leadership is the key to a team's success.
All decisions, movements and pace of development require leadership. An important reason why
leadership is important is building strong teams. The vision and mission of a team must be achieved
through hard work and requires guidance from people who have very strong leadership skills. With good
leadership strength and good teamwork, obstacles and obstacles can be faced by the team.
Benefits of leadership in the company
The existence of leadership also has great benefits for a team within the company, namely:

1.Increased labor productivity.

2.Increased ability to succeed under pressure.

3. Increase emotional intelligence.

4.Increase charisma and seriousness in business operations.

5. Foster confidence in your team.

6.Improvement of listening and communication skills.

7. Increasing awareness of diversity in the world of work.

How to Grow Leadership Skills in the Company:

Because it is considered very important, each individual, especially the Manager, should try to cultivate
leadership skills in each of them. In addition to benefiting the company in achieving its goals, having
leadership skills is also beneficial for individuals. Strong leadership skills in individuals will make an
individual strong and shrewd in overcoming problems in his life. The ways to grow leadership skills

Practice discipline:

Developing discipline in your professional and personal life is a must to have effective leadership skills
as well as to inspire others to become disciplined. People will judge ability and credibility by the
discipline shown in the workplace.

Demonstrate discipline at work by always meeting deadlines, keeping appointments, and ending
meetings on time. If you find it difficult to discipline, try small things like; wake up early and exercise
every day, regularly clean the house, and so on. When you are used to doing and being disciplined in
small things, then an individual will get used to doing other big things.

Inspire Others:

Being a leader means indirectly making an individual part of a team. A person who is appointed as a
leader or leader must be able to motivate and inspire people who work to collaborate as best as possible.
When a team member needs encouragement or guidance, offer it. Sometimes, all one needs is someone
to listen and sympathize.

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