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Hola Erick, espero que te encuentres bien.

Bueno, sabes que Perú es un país con varias

costumbres. Generalmente no se obliga a dar propinas pero si lo quieres hacer mayormente
no pasa de 10 soles. Las palabras ‘’gracias’’, ‘’lo siento’’ y ‘’por favor’’ son bien usadas porque
es naturaleza del peruano ser muy afectivo, y por ende sus respuestas a situaciones ocurrentes
son esas. Si te invitan a cenar es probable que lleves un postre o una bebida, acá en Perú les
agrada ser hospitalarios. No seas demasiado frugal cuando se trata de comida, la cocina
peruana tiene una excelente gastronomía por su variedad de sabor, pero no necesariamente
tendrás una gran experiencia culinaria si siempre vas restaurantes más baratos. Hasta pronto,
te espero con los brazos abiertos.

Hi Erick, I hope you are well. Well, you know that Peru is a country with several customs.
Generally, you are not obliged to tip, but if you want to do it, it is not more than 10 soles. The
words gracias ’thanks’ ’,‘ ’I'm sorry’ ’and‘ ’please’ ’are well used because it is the nature of the
Peruvian to be very affective, and therefore his responses to situations are those. If you are
invited to dinner you will probably bring a dessert or a drink, here in Peru they like to be
hospitable. Don't be too frugal when it comes to food, Peruvian cuisine has excellent
gastronomy for its variety of flavor, but you won't necessarily have a great culinary experience
if you always go to cheaper restaurants. See you soon, with open arms.

1. Well, in Tacna the most used public transport is the taxi and the "lines", they differ in price,
the passage in lines at the moment is 1 sol and taxis 5 soles or more; They also differ in spaces,
because in the taxi you have much more comfort for both the client and their things.

2. I agree with having more bicycle lanes because it will motivate people to stop using their
cars to go everywhere, people will prefer to use a bicycle that does not pollute the
environment and keeps them healthy and with a good weight bodily

3. I believe that stereotypes are disappearing because women now have the same rights as a
man, it is possible that men are characterized by brute force and women because they can do
several things at the same time, I personally am not in favor of Accordingly, each person
whether male or female has their strengths and weaknesses and stands out for that.

4. One of the things that I would love to be able to do is lose the fear of heights, it is my
biggest phobia because since I was a child once when my dad was driving the car we had an
accident where we almost fell into a ravine and I suppose that fear came from that moment.

5. I think it is rude to enter the bathroom without knocking on the door before, greeting the
elderly with a kiss on the cheek is considered a good way, it is also rude to prepare breakfast
just for you, you should do it for everyone in the house and lastly in my family, a good way is to
wait for everyone to finish lunch to get up from the table.

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