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Mewing is about placing your whole tongue against the upper palate and soft palate with closed

and closed teeth. It is said to be the proper posture, widen your dental arches so you don’t need to
lose wisdom teeth, change your bone structure to be more attractive as it is supposed to be natural,
widen your sinuses to make breathing proper especially if you have sleep apnea which is supposed
to prevent by giving your tongue more space I nthe mouth so it doesn’t get stuck inside your throat
anymore and fix crooked teeth and misalignments.

Mewing ruined my life

Mewing involves muscles which have originas and insertions all over the skull. The pressure
accumulates and compresses the brain. Black people have bigger jaws teeth and tognues which
makes their face potrude more. Monkeys have bigger and longer jaws and smaller craniums.
Humans make their food tender so their jaws got smaller. People in africa eat way tougher food.
The difference of usage of all those muscles results in different skullshapes and different
personalities and cognitive abilities. Autists and higly sensitive people have the same difference
of cognition and growth between them and neurotypicals as between monkeys and
neurotypicals. Psychopaths have trouble yawning cuz that muscle for yaning releases the part of
the brain responsible for empathy, conscience and actual sociability (as you want to yawn when
you see others yawn through empathy) They are charming cuz mewing makes them super
chiseled. Same goes for crying. which are bigger in autistics and HSP but in some of them they
are inhibited maybe exactly because they are bigger This ruined my life and I can't unlearn it. I
saw multiple threads of people talking about if after it was too late. Someone of them even
made another list of threads about other peopel who said the same. I contacted multiple people
with also the same experience. Mewing is also responsible for schizophrenia, ALL cluster B
personality disorders and transgenders. Perhaps you can inherit habits or different muscle
strength and relationships.
below is other people who

This guy had multiple posts and you deleted them. I also saw the post from this guy which has
also been deleted on this
So all this bull has been going around. And no one did anything you even deleted some of the
posts. This is real you ruined my life and you did nothing with this information those people
gave you. You were supposed to pin it gold it share it whatever to at least give awareness to
people that this could happen so they know what to do or expect. If you delete my post or don't
do anything about this you ruined my life. There are like 60 muscles in the head related to
mewing its impossible to control them I can't even see them let alone feel them. No this is not
just hard mewi8ng soft mewing anything really is the same I confrimed that with multiople
people even soft mewing produces those symptoms for them. I figured this is the reason for
"lazyness" when u are tired you can block the lower parts of the brain from processing the
hormones so you can force yourself to work or whatever. It turns out the laziest people have the
highest IQ, similar facial structure and highest cognitive function, which are INFP and INTP in
MBTI. They are also the most sensitive and correlate strongly with Autism and HSP. The different
types have correlations with differnt disorders. The saying about seeing someone's soul in their
eyes is because the facial muscles reararange the bone structure around them as well as the eye
muscles themselves which is why probably people need to wear glasses without established
genetic factors, as well as the pressure causing brain damage so that of course their "soul"
(psyche) changes. Share this everywhere. I want to kill myself but I have to let everyone else
know this before.u/ProfJohnMew please see this the "you" is refering to other redditors who
ignored me I need you to make people aware.
Multiple disorders fluctuating thats how I figured it was the cause of all of those things. U have
different brain parts responsible for different things and connections and how they work. The
skull collapses on them differently depending on how you use your muscles which is different
for each person which is why we have different personalities and why smart people tend to have
bad facial structure etc. It is way too much information that's why I showed links. I can't
remember everything and say it any time I want to as well.
Sadism. I wanted to fap but the desire was replaced with discomfort and pain. So the more I
stroked the less into it I was but I was really horny at the same time so I kept stroking more
furiously cuz I wanted to feel good since it had been months with my pleasure turning into
discomfort and dissociation as a result I started associating being horny with pain, discomfort
and violenece and my mind was getting aroused by sadistic imagery but I knew that's horrible
which infuriated me which made it even worse still I was able to stop myself from sinking into
that. I can't cry or feel things only barely and when I cry all those mucles push the bones into my
brain and I stop crying it's extremely uncomfortable.
I became psychopathic and grandiose malignant narcissist after hating on god for making the
world shitty and I understood he made us to be there for him so he didnt deserve it so I invited
him in my body to live life with me but this made me feel no pain have no conscience become
completely disinhibited and unable to make sense of reality. If you read the link about
psychopathy that is my experience. Then I understood I was evil and I wanted to change so I
reverted a bit into a psychopath but no longer with no inhibitions.

Sociopathy, narcissism, borderline personality disorder. In all of them you dissociate cognitively
from reality which makes you disinhibited, your actions and thoughts erratic impulsive and
poorly understood. Thats why they can't form relationships with
Schizophrenia also in the link but it didnt get very bad for me FOR NOW.
ADHD difficulty focusing cant form long term episodic memories dissociation from reality
everything feels fake i dont feel alive. Cant structure my thoughts. Some guy on quora talked
about how psychopaths always have ADHD thats because the corpus callosum part of the brain
is flattened and widened in them due to mewing which makes the connections between the two
hemispheres thinner and they are supposed to be fat as insulationb of the nerve function which
travels the information slower so you can focus on it. Instead in them it osccillates rapidly at a
high rate.
I flexed some tongue muscles unintentionally now cuz I was trying to fix my posture but ended
up making it worse in other aspects. If I keep it flexed (its somewher along the last part of
swallowing) it tugs on my CNS and its like by balls sink into my pelvis it's like being kicked in
them but without the pain only really bad discomort it kills my sexual desire and makes my
whole body feel as if my nerves are being stretched it's horrible. All the erogenous zones feel
like reverse orgasm ball kick constantly without the pain. I also had some dream where I hated
my body cuz it didn't feel like mine and it felt as if it was killing me. As I was waking up I realized
I had been using that part of the tongue and managed to relax it. I also got arhytimia due to
mewing like the beats of my heart are synchronized with my tongue function and as I'm trying
to fight with my tongue my heart feels really fucking weird and wrong. Also constant burning
sensation in stomach area I thought it was parasytes so I did something about that didn't get
fixed noticed it disappears if I hold my head muscles a certain way. I used to have a transgender
friend who had all these symptoms in this paragraph as well as panic attacks. I also got panic
attacks due to mewing while I had never had them before. It was like my sphenoid bone was
oscilating really fast intensely. I realized mewing made be body dysphoric and that's why people
are transgender if they cut off their sensitive parts through surgery it won't bother them
anymore (their whole body will feel like shit still just not as much.) The organs I mentioned here
are actually the 7 chakras spiritual practitioners talk about.
Also epilepsy and hot flashes. My eyes are damaged and being damaged I can't look in all
directions, focus and unfocus without moving all of those other muscles in a certain manner. I
couldn't play video games or watch movies because it made my head hurt it was like the whole
world was stuttering in 5 fps and with each stutter and gap between frames there was pain. My
friend's retarded brother has epilepsy his eyes are far apart and look in opposite direction
assymetrically his facial structure is obviously collapsed, shortened vertically and he has a good
jawline with projection. Maybe stupid people keep their mouth open as they have associated
that with all the rest facial muscles being open relaxed which is their attempt at maintaining
cognitive function. Sometimes I feel the beone below and behind the eyes stabbing them or
pressruing them. I got tinnitus on my right side of the face after I got a tooth filling which was
higher than the other. To fix my tinnitus I started mewing on the other side so that it was

symmetrical which made my tinnitus on the same side worse and gave me tinnitus on the other
My gait changed loss of motor coordination and awareness. Every step I took it caused me pain
and like mini seizure if thats appropriate term?
Painless headaches but sometimes there is pain cant work out or do
headaches?share=1 ALl psychopaths have this read Jesse Gusta's answer that's my experience.
Lots of poeple said thats the symptoms of brain cancer but why would brain cancer get better
for no reason exactly everytime I manage to release pressure ?
Pseudotumour Cereberi is a thing. I don't have brain cancer.
It is really difficult to explain the cognitive changes because its as if we have no words for what
is happening and it is difficult to understand and u see when ur brain cant do something u cant
even think about it. Like some people witth brain damage could only see the right side of things
but when asked about it they said they could see all of it. Thats because the brain doesnt get
input from brain cells which dont exist so I can't even describe what I have lost. You see in the
psychopathy link people with different personality features and facial structure. Every human on
earth has different kind of brain maldevelopment due to their myofunctional habits and they all
think they are normal. There are changes which we cant understand or describe but they are
there. Difficulty forming sentences and understanding objects like I see a tree but I don't
recognize it as a tree. Only unconsciously I don't know how to explain it.

They pull the hyoid up so It doesn’t keep falling and drag the chin back and down
howe ver it ends up pulling the temporal bone down instead. Stylogglossus (pulls the sides of the
tongue back into your throat and soft palate), stylohyoideus (pulls hyoid bone up) and
stylopharingeus (pulls thyroid up)

while the sphenoid stays at the same place
the temporal bone connects to the cranium and drags it down with itself.

Shoes collapsed my feet arches. This forced me to tilt my head/ pull it forwads along with school
backpack and sitting to compensate for loss of muscular function on the soles and the weight on my
back stretching my upper back muscles, spinal column and glutes. It also left a flap hanging off my
neck which I kept sucking in cuz I thought it looked really bad. This also sucked the chin inwards
along with the styloghyoideus because I was flexing the muscles below the chin to straighten the
flap while pulling the hyoid back with hyoglossus. Sitting too much resulted in pinched nerves in
my back. Muscle adaptations to alleviate the pressure from those nerves started pinching the back
of my head instead and I lost brain function in the occipital area. Notice rounded back

Hip muscles got weak due to sole collapsaation which also made my shoulder muscles weak
making me activate temporal muscles for stability of the head. Pulling the hyoid up forces me to
push my tongue forward out of my airway which naturally shortens the muscles below the tongue to
the chin pulling the chin back and up. The tongue causes uncomfortable pressure so I suck my lips
to counter it and activate the temporal muscles. Its a full circle now. Lip seal makes the prsessure of
the tongue result in front teeth going downards instead of forwards giving me class 2 overbite. Back
teeth are not together unless I clench the temporal muscle which I do because it makes sense to me
they should be together. If I push the back of the tongue in that positition it pushes the sphenoid

back instead of the jaws forward resulting in psychopathy. Other people compensate for postural
deformities by using other muscles instead which collapse the cranium instead of the jaws resulting
smaller brains.

examples of different facial structures

All bones of the skull are maleable, they change shape under pressure and spin in all 3 dimensions.
Thus different faces and personalities. The jaw and tongue muscles support the head along with the
neck muscles. However you don’t need the jaw and tongue muscles to support the head. When you
are underslept your nervous system is tired muscles too. The tonngue and head muscles start to
support the head instead of the neck muscles causing you headaches and collapsing the skull. You
can support the skull entirely by tongue and head muscles.

Those muscles are the pterygold. They need to be tensed to support your lower jaw being connected
to the cranium. You should also chew with them instead of the massetter and temporal muscles.
Those muscles also move your jaw side to side but u shouldn’t do that.

Those muscles should be relaxed along with the tongue muscles.

Pull the hyoid down with those to move ur whole tongue down. Be careful, if u are tensing the
stylomuscles they will pull down the temporal bone with the hyoid resulting in the sphenoid going
up inside the brain or the cranium going down and compressing the brain from above.

Those are weak in most people you need to use them for posture instead.

Those too.

This ^ is gluteus medius. THere are many hip muscles around it they can pinch ur nerves if u use
them improperly.

Gluteus maximus is extremely important for supporting the weight of your whole body.

Muscles of the pelvic floor support directly below the tongue. They can get very weak if you hold
your piss and shit in. You should never hold them in. Better shit right there and embarass yourself
than damage your health. You're not suopposed to hold them in. WHen they get weak your tongue
starts sypporting your body instead giving you headaches you know if you hold piss way too long.
THere are different available compensations depending on muscle function for example certain
muscles including the temporal can take over the gluteus medius.

Nikola Tesla was using his pterygold muscles for supprot which made his jaws narrow and relieved
pressure from his cranium allowing him to think.

Those are bad they tilt ur head back but don’t support it well. If you use them to support they erode
the occipital.

Use the neck, spinal muscles, hip muscles including glutes, shoulder muscles are the same as spinal
and neck muscles so keep your shoulders in the proper position.
Eating tough food a lot forces animals to have big jaws and strong jaw muscles. Dogs and cats have
to bite live prey to kill it so they need way more pressure and force. Monkeys use their arms and
tools more. Humans use tools and process food more. Dogs and cats are planking constantly which
is frontal muscles including the tongue for support. Humans have the straightest backs and most
vertical position of the body. They use more of their back for support instead of tongue which
allows them even bigger cranium. The more in front of or above ur arms are the weaker ur back
gets. Monkeys hang from their arms and other animals arms are always at 90 degree angle from
their torsos. Humans keep them by the sides. Which allows for more of the neck and back to be
used for head support. Same about hip muscles and legs. Humans have even more efficient use of
all their leg muscles for postural support of the head.

Simply sandting circulates constant tention/pressure/stress throuought our bodies. Depending on

how we use our musculature and position our bodies will change. If you lift a lot there will be more
pressure agreggated at the head because the other muscles and body parts are more adapted for
lifting. They also need to rest so the head gets to suffer. Thats why u see weightlfters constipating
their faces when lifting. You can adapt your body for other functions or for bigger cranium. Stress,
resting, lazines is our body trying to readjust the nervous system and muscle functions because if
you keep going the changes will be more severe and difficult to revert. Stress is literal pressure on
your brain not just what we call mental pressure. It is physical in origin and function. People with
weaker bodies due to stress, malnutrition, bad environment lose even more when forced to work.

They are blamed for being lazy. Gypsies are trying to protect their own mental development while
everyone is pushing them to destroy themselves further. Less energy to move in a hostile stressful
environment will force constriction of the cranium for the sake of making more efficient use of
force in other muscles. Emotional states are changes in cognition and the whole body due to muscle

Bigger craniums and smaller jaws are neutenous traits. The pressure on the brain differently for
each human results in different personalities and cognitive variations including all kinds of
personality disorders.

You can guess MBTI/ Jungian type if you can comprehend the patterns.

20 to see more examples

Facial variations are consistent even with mass shooters. All of them have deep eyes, concave face
and protruding chins.

Pelvic floor incontinence is really caused by the tongue. Girls have wider hips their pelvic floor is weaker s
othey rest their tongue on the top more. Men use the temporal muscle instead which blocks the empathy
and listening parts of the brain more and makes them have flatter cheekbones and longer faces. Gay
men alos use the middle of the tongue thats why their eyes are more often spread apart. The penis is
used by girls as a support for the pelvic muscle which relaxes their tongue and makes them feel euphoric.
Men clench hip muscles when thrusting and use the woman’s pelvis as a support for the body which
alleviates stress from the body and turns on more parts for empathy (if he is not sociopath or
something). Gay men have weaker pelvic floors so the D fills them up for support.
Thats also why women perefer thicker penis. When you want to pee ur head starts hurting if u wait too
much cuz ur pelvic muscles get pressured by the weight so u have to compensate with the tongue. U
must stop wearing shoes or wear them as little as possible.
Transgenders are pulling their tongue too far up causing body dysphoira by pulling the nerves of the body
up. One transgender I spoke to said they have arhythmia, trouble breathing (diaphragm pulled up with
trachea by the tongue pulling up), trouble digestion (breathing too much air into stomach which could
leak into the guts), disturbing the processes of the body by dsiturbing the limbic system and nerves in
the cranium, solar plexus which I experienced as burning rotting sensation, tired from walking due to
pressure jolting from shoes into the brain like being constantly softly punched. This is all the chakras and
they were short which is pituitary gland being affected. Dysphoria is constant nerve pain from the
cranium and errogenous zones with the feeling of pelvis being affected at the pelvic floor so they feel as if
they had the reverse kind of body it would feel right.

Some intelligent person said their body clock was shifting over time to increased hours in a day. This is
the sphenoid bone falling down slowly which opens up the brain more and resulting in this.

INFJ in MBTI are the most asexual with least sexual desire due to that part of their brain being inhibited.
Conscientious people have the parts of their brain for thinking/reasoning blocked along with those for day
dreaming which are functional in the front part of the brain and related to the others which is important
for coming up with ideas and understanding the world. When you get forced to stop daydreaming it
means to stop thinking those pats of the brain get pressured. Conscienctious people have smaller eyes
and sense organs of the face they look like they are being squished. Also look like they are trying to force
themselves to look away from the attrocitiy theyt are committing. They silence their pain and thinking
with pressure from tongue and facial muscles which allows them to work. The pressure makes them
“stop” moving where moving is thought so they get stuck at one place, one memory, one goal, one idea.
They are cognitively impaired literally.

conservatives get traumatised by abuse so they enter a routine of hard work to be permanently occupied
and avoid thinking because they cant, to cope(edited)

they also perpetuate the abuse on others believing it makes them disciplined and moral like themselves
The trauma forces them to shut off their thinking or they shut off their tihnking to not form trauma.
You can’t destroy a grinder by putting something hard in it if it doesn’t spin.

Psychopaths get born In families with histories of abuse or bad circumstances, sometimes abusive
parentgs are psychopaths/narcissists/whatever themselves. There is a mechanism which tells the baby it
won’t get treated well so the sensitivity shuts off.

Looking at someone makes your face fall in their position, changes ur muscle function which is why
sometimes u hate looking at someone, it gives you the sensation of pressure in your face which irritates
you. Also why sociopaths/narcs/psychopaths can go very fast from 0 to 100 their switch is very easy to
move up. And very hard to calm down so their rage lasts longer especially since trying to turn it back due
to the pressure is being reversed so it gets driven more into their brain. Thats the black out rage which is
also common for INFJs and INTJs but not INFPs or INTPs.

Autism has more brain in the front parts of the brain. This means they could be easier inhibited by
pressure so you get either hypersensitivity in some cases if they work properly or undersensitivity if they
are inhibited. So autism has very contradictory symptoms. People with autism have higher average IQ
and bigger heavier brains as kids and are overrepresented among inventors/geniuses. Most high IQ
people are normal thus inferior. They suffer from the same cognitive lapses other people do.

High IQ can come at cost of other cognitive functions. You can also have more cognitive functions and
lower IQ. A lot of cognitive functions can’t be easily measured, even conceptualized by most people
including most neurodivergents. Often neurodivergents are led to believe they are
stupid/inferior/mentally ill. They are mentally ill but depending on their condition they can be more
mentally ill or less. Normal people are neurodivergents whose characteristics are more common because
they are easier to reproduce due to the nature of the world. The difference in cognition and development
between normal and autistic is the same between chimp and normal. Autism correlates with narcissism.

Narcissism is the lack of self, instead they have ego and the self is repressed into the unconscious as
archetypes which are primal reactions/narratives taken out of context (out of one coherent whole).
Narcissists are xNxJ (Ni – Te/Fe cognitive functions) types and they are irrational (unable to relate factors
meaningfully due to lack of the cognitive functions more in the front of the brain) instead they come up
with their own ideas about how the world is without being able to define them accurrately as ideas are
defined by other ideas, they don’t exist in a vacuum (where Ni is a vaccuum that absorbs everythign and
generates ideas (patterns) by connecting dots but that doesn’t mean they are accurrate and it doesn’t
show what’s their relationship (meaning) to all the other patterns). Ni-Se is the visual axis of cognitive
functions which is located in the occipital portion of the brain. Ni is the unconscious shadow formed along
with the large ego of the narcisissts. INFJs project themselves as messianic but this is a hint of what's in
the shadow. INTJs project themselves as objective logical tactitians who know how to make hard
decisions (similar to INFJ). The archetypes are possessing the INxJ along with the collective unconscious
which also forms the superego at the same time. They are cogs in an innert machine. Innertia is the
opposite of movement, movement is Ti/Fi - Ne cognitive functions. THe innertia also presents itself as
pursuit if one goal, narrow mindedness, spinning in circles which never go anywhere. You can't chage
narcs mind with reason since it is irrational. You have to appeal to his unconscious impulses in the
concrete moment exactly the way he would understand it so you have to guess exactly what his
limitations are which fluctuate from one second to the other, and you have to carry your body and speech
in the exact manner they want you to because tha'ts the only way they will listen. They value politeness
over integrity and meaning of your words and actions. They value the superficial because it appeals to
hearing and listneing but not to thinking/feeling/understanding. They pride themselves in being gracefull
civilized well mannered generous while being attrocious, extremely entitled dismissive and only caring
about their ego. They focus on things like manners because they have nothing actually integral. They
dismiss what you have to say because you're dirty but you're dirty because you were doing something
more valuable with your time which also made you get dirty instead of focusing on keeping your fucking
nails clean and hair straight. "If you can't even clean your room then why do you think you can do
anything better?" Those degenerates shouldn't be breathing. They look down on anyone who wants to
avoid suffering, they pride themselves on being able to face suffering but narcissism is often cognitive
adjustment to avoid suffering by focusing everything on their ego, them looking down on others and
saying "help yourself" is their way of saying "i dont care about you and im too weak to carry the burden
of caring about other people genuinely". If they abuse you it's your fault because you're weak not

because they are oppotunistic evil taking advantage. Ni is the cognitive dissociation function, INTJs are
the most dissociated from their bodies confirmed by brain scans. Narcs dissociate from their bodies
through pressing the brain and nerves allowing them to not process suffering. So they experience pain
but don't feel it, don't suffer from it. Their thinking and creative parts are blocked so they don't suffer the
consequences of being denied the urge to do something meaningful. They are not disteacted by creative
ideas or how they affect others so they can focus on money and power. Narcissists are found to be way
healthier than other people. They gain health at the expense of cognitive function and connection to
reality. Stones don't cry and don't think.

Psychopaths are comorbid with narcissim and sociopathy. The distinctions are ablurred. So to the
narc/psycho it would look like they are destroying the narc
narc mentality is "cant you see how much I do for you" its about them, they are not trying to help you
but to make themselves useful. If what they're doing is not helpful or is helpful but its not solving the
problem then its not solving the problem but they take that as an offense. When you care about someone
you're not thinking "cant you see how much I do for you" you're thinking "how to do it better, whats the
solution if its not this". They are quick to judge because you're pushing your voice or having negative
reactions, they don't have the understanding/compassion that you express negativity when you suffer
and you can even say negative things about you but it doesn't mean you don't carea bout how they feel,
it means you're overwhelmed and reacting. It's expected that someone would react that way. Then you
say the narc is overhwhelmed to so why they can't react too? Do you really think the narc is in more
suffering that the one they're "helping"? And if they are no one asked them to push themslelves to
breaking so bad. Like it's gonna happen anyway, helping someone genuinely is already way too much for
the narc, thats why the narc is overwhelmed. He is overwhelmed and frustrated with your perceived
inferiority, and his generous majesty is even "helping" you when he was supposed to let you suffer and
even abuse you more by the general standard. Can't you be grateful? That's the shitty parents beating
their kids for embarassing them in public. You can say the narc acting hurt is contradicting his supposed
invulnerabilty and stgrength but you forget that he never acted hurt. He was always calm and collected
and you were hysterical. Now you're making things up to make him look bad and gaslight him but he has
excellent memory so it doesn't work on him. It turns out you're the narc and he is going to tell everyone
how parasytic and manipulative you are.

xSxJ types are stuck on concrete images/behaviors they have memorized and piled on each other
throughout their lives.

Most people's lives are cliched and never go anywhere. Those who are better live in misery and die.
That's their cliche.

INxPs are the least narcissistic and have the highest sense of self and sensitivity (in general). INxPs are
the most connected to reality and thus the most affected by the environment. There can be many
variations of what you would call INxP stupid and inferior as well. INxPs are indecisive because they are
often smart enough to know there are things they don't understand and risks they are taking which could
be avoided if they got better understanding but you prevent them from acquiring that understanding by
putting barriers between them and it while defining the context you force them to exist in the firsta place
so they have to conform to your stupid narrative (criteria/standard) which implicitly forces them to
sacrifice something which could be or very likely is very necessary and implicit to the value of life for the
future. You become disabled and force everyone to take care of you working harder than they should
have because you didn't know how to make better decisions instead doing the first and stupidest thing
which came to your mind because you're not creative, you can't daydream and get ideas and
udnerstanding for the patterns which will dictate your existence based on your thoughts and actions. You
can only see what's right in front of your nose.

Fi/Ti build the self through understanding and ideas i.e. we come here on this earth to live and want to
avoid suffering and grow, we depend on each other, we are related, we can't live without one's actions
influencing the others lives, everyone is vulnerable, the relationships between how things work which
keep redefining as you keep learning and changing the patterns you perceive the world through by
becoming aware of conrtadictions and analyzing them with combination of what else you understand,
pure chance, synchronicity and insights, the connection to others is the connection to reality, you lose
that you lose your self as well as reality is what defines us and we define it. Definitions are the
borders/properties of how things work, how they are seprate and connected, how we differentiate one
thing from another. This is what logic and empathy is. Psychonarcpaths fail to connect to life thus make
up their own reality (delusions/narratives). E.g. they are not toxic opportunistic abusers, they are
superior beautiful and are saving the world from the filth of your existence, and punish (torture) you for
being evil (inferior) which also saves your soul (now they're holy angels) because you pay for being
aware (knowing the truth is a sin), which is the master morality as Nietzsche explained it and don't care
about being consistent (they do but they fail to adhere to consistency because they are incapable).

When people are blind to something, when it doesn't inspire thought/connections they say they don't
care. Its not that they don't care, it could be that they can't care. People with brain damage who can only
perceive half of the picture say they see all of it but they see the half as if it is all of it. They don't
comprehend that there's something they're missing as there's no brain activity that's responsive to
stimuli to tell you there's no stimuli. That's why psychopaths don't care.\

Pyschopathy is the nervous system being pushed up and pressured into the brain. The nervous system
has a certain length. Your muskoskeletal system is a spring. If you push the spring down it coils, but the
nervoys system sticks out the top. There is no free space out of our cranium at the top so in our bodies
instead it gets pressured. The coiling mechanism of psychoapthy allows only for certain brainfunction
while inhibiting the rest and allows your body to be way faster and stronger in all aspects by inhibiting
brain function which will slow down your movements and by redirecting all the pressure of the body into
the head supporting itself allowing the rest of your musculature to drop the weight of the body and
translate that into speed and power. Psychopaths overperform in physical aspects. This coiling
mechanism is the same thing snakes do when they coil and recede backwards before shooting their head
forwards. Its the black out rage in extreme cases and how the nerdy INxJ kid ends up beating his bullies.
This mechanism can be activated in different parts of your body with differenet compensations.
Depending on how you do it you end up having variations of athleticism in people. The more coiled ones
tend to be more athletic. Its also way assholes tend to perform better physically.

There are transcendent types which are humans with superior cognitive functions which you could type
as multiple types (some you can type as multiple types but that doesn't mean they are

Someone could be inferior due to wearing shoes but he would he superior if he wasn't wearing shoes and
you couldn't catch up to him even if you weren't either. So many people are misjudged/misunderstood
especially by toxic delusional narcissists like you who think they've figured out how reality works and now
have decided to clean the world from those who you deem inferior but the truth is you're too stupid to be
aware of factor relationships and the limitations of your own cognitiion. I can't possibly explain how
everything works to you every single time you decide to do something with your worthless lives which

always involves hurting others because you can't gauge the extent and implications of your actions so
you come up with narcissistic (archetypal).

Borderline personality disorder, borders, definitions, right and wrong, splitting due to not being to
understand the situation for simplcity/understanding, sometimes its really difficult to discern so they are
right to be confused while others are acting as if they know what's up which makes the BPD feel
unvalued, BPD can be multiple personality combinations, like they can have genuine psychopathic and
narcissist characteristics with reactivity but not actual sensitivity, or they could have very high sensitivity.
Sometimes there are people diagnosed with the disorder but its actual superior cognitive functioning
being frustrated with the limitations (structure) of reality. This is not true for psychopaths, they are
always inferior.

Choices dont exist everything we do and think is mechanisms interacting. Life is more dense aggregate
complexity of mechanisms interacting together fluidly (just like the world). God created us to perceive
the world for him like I created another personality to understand the world when under severe distress
due to large los sof cognitive function. With the destruction and recreation of my psyche I saw the
creation of the world. Omnipotence means everything happens including limitations which is what
inevitably defines (and traps) us the way we are. The universe perpetuates itself through black holes and
through us, we are the manifestation of the divine will to exist and experience. Suffering is an attrocity
that comes along with everything else based on the limitations. There is a force (ether/psychether?) that
responds if you pray to it but can only manifest within limitations, granting crooked wishes hence the
genie stereotype of giving you what you asked for but with twists. It has to twist to manifest itself into
the world depending on the limitations of your cognition, what you mean when you ask for something
and what everyone else is asking clashing with it. You can see more divine manifestations with random
things be that tarot cards due to its chaotic nature being able to be manipulated without interfering with
the world so directly otherwise. Humanity as culmination of the being of natural hierarchy like black holes
coming together to form a whole be that globalism and maybe recreating the world through technology
so an universe trapped in its own timespace so its infinite (implying its also finite) and perpetuates itself
the same way like ours. A circle of evil going nowhere. The ouroboros. We are separate and connected
(what consitutes as we is many things which can't be abstracted from each other but we can use many
ways (languages/systems) to define (conceptualize them) while meaning the same thing. Some systems
will give us more/different information in some regards and less than others due to the limitations of our
cognition being able to only perceive some of the information.) The culmination of perception becoming
one whole is God becoming himself (individuation process by carl jung and the evolution of human
psyche from many to one god which is rationality) but losing the ability to perceive himself again because
there is no separation to define him, he is omnipotent so he does everything including separating himself
and the universe is born again we play the same stupid game. Liberals speed up the process of
individuation while conservatives regress it/stagnate it to stay a certain way by going against the divine
way of life. They want to build a prison, a slaughter house and use liberals and whoever is convenient for
livestock. Conservatives are the tools (prison), the structure. Psychopaths just exploit it, conservatives
have no lives so being exploited as structure is fine for them, liberals are actually alive so its fun to
torture them, as both the conservatives and psychopaths enact their revenge on those who've been given
life. There are psychonarcpaths who try to help the livestock not suffer who tend to be INFJs (INTJs tend
to do the opposite but there are both of those at either side). They are both amoral they dont understand
the suffering they cause or prevent but do what they do (decisions which cause sacrifice and suffering but
maybe alleviate more in the future (not always and not necessarily intended, which are unjustifiable to
someone with a really strong morality in extreme cases such people tend to die because they can't bear
their life being the essence of other's suffering. Hence INFP suicide rates (they have not consciously
formulated it the way I did here so they would disagree). The hierarchy to put others down and keep
them down. Like animals keep each other down at the same level and living in a very particular way by
pressure, a lot of this pressure was removed for humans, standing tall, using tools, less pressure on jaw.


ones on the right are tensed/over stretched like strings by the shoes in the first posture which is
compensated by following postural alterations or others. They are still dysfunctional in the alterations.

Months of hard work to fix my feet from shoes, Forced to wear shoes crushing my feet and destroying the
kinetic chain of my body. tension trapped somewhere else making me feel weak. constricting my
cranium making me ugly stupid and uncomfortable.

pushing your big toe (right toe towards the left side) and down activates certain muscles that need to
function for proper foot posture which adjusts the kneees, hips, pelvis, spine and head posture. The feet
are where most postural deformities come from. If this is not adressed you are only displacing tension
from one part of the body it doesnt belong to another. Most postural gurus do not say anything about
this. This is proof that health professionals (among everyone else) are clueless. Reading and memorizing
material doesn't mean you understand it. I was wearing insoles as a kid

normal people are the extremist. they either say there's nothing wrong with you or wait until u're so
damaged its irreversble or you die. all the journey to there they just ignore. "its not that bad stop
complaining" then they get sick and weak and u are forced to work extra to take care of their bad
decisions because you owe them for abusing and neglecting you.

i was making shit up about the food, the nails, the clothes, the cavities, the shoes, every single thing you
have to turn into a scandal. you didnt care. "just go outside" "we feed you so u cant complain" neglect
and thats all people neglecting which results in the cures and truth being silenced since u say anyone
who figures anything out is crazy and burn them let them rot let them die. 12 years studyinf for hwat.
what did u teach me. i cant make money reasonably i told u that was gonna happen now u expect me to
be your wage slave. you didnt let me do anything better. u live in constant depravation and all u can
think about is work u think this is normal and everyone should be like this. u can barely take care of
yourself whats left for someone else. u are constantly mad constantly arguing constantly want someone
to be satisfied with your efforts but u are just a rabid monkey throwing shit around and being upset that
it doesnt work. so u keep exerting effort because u dont know how to do it precisely and correcly. your
life is perpetual misery and entitlement constantly looking for a scapegoat to take your anger out on.
whoever does not conform to your entitlement authority and delusions is ungrateful. i either appreciate
you or dont deserve you. u barely provide the minimum for survival and act as if its a reward for me to
survive. Everytime someone criticizes u genuinely u respond with threats because u have power and

inferiority complex about ur worthlesness. u try so hard and cant do anything right no u would rather be
delusional and abuse someone else instead of trying to be better.


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