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Charles D.



1. What do you expect to learn in this subject ? ( 5 points )

I expect to learn from this subject is to learn more about our health especially in personal,
environmental and community. Its very impornta for us to know about these topic because it
tackles about our health and how we can adjust and take care of ourselves. I expecting also
to be more knowledgeable in helping others if they suffering from ajy illnesses or accident.
Iw want to gain more ideas and how I can help people. These are my expectations.

2. Discuss your understanding about environmental issues. ( 5 points )

Improvements in sanitation, drinking water quality, food safety, disease control, and
housing conditions have been central to the significant improvement in quality of life
and longevity experienced over the last hundred years. Environmental health practice
addresses emerging health risks arising from the pressures that human development
places on the environment. Environmental health addresses all the physical, chemical,
and biological factors external to a person, and all the related factors that can
potentially affect health

2. Give the specific role of local health personnel in coping with natural disasters. ( 5 points )

Essentially, the DOH has three specific roles in the health sector: leadership in
health, enabler and capacity builder and administrator of specific services
namely, national and sub-national health facilities and hospitals serving as
referral centers, direct services for emergent health concerns requiring
complicated technologies and assessed as critical for public welfare and health
emergency response services, referral and networking systems for trauma,
injuries, catastrophic events, epidemics and other widespread public danger. To
accomplish its mandate and roles the Department has the following power and
functions based on Executive Order 102:

3. What are the importances of using paper bags instead of plastic bag ? ( 5 points )
Using paper bags for various uses can be advantageous. This useful
product has been saving the atmosphere over the years since its inception
because of its eco-friendly qualities. In addition to that, it has become the
branded option for many of the Indian and international brands, as by using
custom made and highly attractive paper bags, companies are helping the
atmosphere and keeping themselves ahead of the competition.

So, if you are manufacturing paper bags or one of the concerned clients for
the environment, then don’t worry by thinking people will not use them as they
are not durable. Instead, promote your business via paper bags as nowadays
more and more people very well know how crucial the environment is for them
in order to survive safely without any diseases. So, the overall advantages of
using paper bags outweigh any other carry bag for carrying things from the

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