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Copyright © 2005 Pickup101.


Unlocking & Blowouts

Art of Attraction Workshop Handout

Fixing lockup, passing tests, and avoiding blowouts is easy if you recognize it right away,
but very difficult if you don't. For this reason, you may need to spend a lot of time
studying the dynamics of these situations so you notice them right away, before anyone
else does.

Be cool and mellow in a set, but be ready to respond to lockup or blowouts with
lightning speed. Once you can recognize the situation before others do, overcoming
these situations is quite easy.

Lockup can happen even after you have opened successfully ñ some people call this
'overgaming' because is usually means you are trying to hard, you value is too high, or
an unnatural use of routines is creeping her out.

Pay attention to set that you are not in and notice the Girls body language. Learn to
spot lockup in an instant. Eventually you will learn to sense it in your own sets ñ a very
important skill.

If you notice it right away, the best way to fix this is to transition to rapport
conversation. This lowers your value, makes her feel more comfortable, and makes
you seem more genuine. It also gets you out of the 'pickup routine mode' that probably
cause the over-gaming in the first place.

You can also call attention to the discomfort, but that can be risky if not done correctly.

Blowouts occur when an external force pushes you out of set. Note this list is loosely
in the order of relative occurrence:

- The set experience group lockout because you are obviously only interested in the

- One or more members of the set start to fade out of your frame. Notice this RIGHT
AWAY and draw them back in.

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- Someone new enters the set. Take control of the new members immediately and
bring them into your frame.

- The set gets an exciting new idea. Add to it, provide a better one, or shoot it down in
a funny way. Don't follow the change, lead it!

- A member of the set deliberately tries to blow you out of set. See foolproof response
to harsh tests and include other members of the set.

- A set cannot move forward past the attraction phase (or whatever phase you are in)
due to logistics. This is the most common problem for many experienced PUA's.

Actual Blowouts:
There is approach avoidance, and blowout avoidance. When I have lost all approach
avoidance I am warm, when I have lost all blowout avoidance I'm on fire. This when all
aspects of the game are fun.

When you are having fun and loving life no-matter what happens to you people sense it
and vibe of it. This is the best way to pass through all kinds of social situations. The
more of this quality you can embrace, the less tools are necessary.

Only you can take responsibility for getting yourself into this state. This is why
returning to a venue or activity you enjoy can be so helpful for pickup. This is also a
benefit of great wings or pivots.

The other hand, never get mad at any set. Never get mad at anyone. Always be happy,
warm, and interested in the dynamics of each social interaction and you will learn

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