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02 Democratic Government in Athens

Many people may know some elements of government in the US, but perhaps this group of
people does not know that parts of this regime are inspired by the Athenian civilization,
among these inherited components are the Archon, is the commander although better
known as the president , we also have the council of 500, is the senate, is the political body
in which are represented the different territories of a country, and finally the law courts,
basically when judges and juries come together for some special case.

But it is also important to know that all these members are not the same, this means that the
American government modified some special things, for example in the case of the archon,
the Athenians said that he had to be at least 30 years old, instead, the Americans said 35
years old minimum, also in the council of 500 the Athenians ensured the same number of
representatives for each of the ten tribes, instead of the Americans only required two people
for each state, and to finish talking about the law courts, the Athenians need 200 jurors and
the Americans 12. With this we conclude that the Americans applied some bases of their

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