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David Pitts

Ms. Perry

English 12

3 June 2021

Strengths and Weakness

“The Christian often tries to forget his weakness; God wants us to remember it, to feel it

deeply. The Christian wants to conquer his weakness and to be freed from it; God wants us to

rest and even rejoice in it. The Christian mourns over his weakness; Christ teaches His servant to

say, ‘I take pleasure in infirmities. Most gladly…will I…glory in my infirmities’ (2 Cor. 12:9)’

The Christian thinks his weaknesses are his greatest hindrance in the life and service of God;

God tells us that it is the secret of strength and success. It is our weakness, heartily accepted and

continually realized, that gives our claim and access to the strength of Him who has said, ‘ My

strength is made perfect in weakness” by Andrew Murray. As a Christian we tend to focus on our

weaknesses’ and how they limit us, but God reminds us that our weaknesses’ are what make us

strong. I tend to focus more on my strengths rather than my weaknesses’ and using them to

make me stronger.

Some of the weaknesses’ that I tend to focus on are letting other people get on my nerves

and public speaking, to use these to make me stronger I need to change my way of thinking. I

have a fear of public speaking and doing anything that cause me to be in the spotlight. To use

this weakness to make me powerful, I need to focus more on the subject and not the audience. If

I can change my focus while doing public speaking, it could make me secure, and less fearful.

Another weakness is allowing what others say or do get on my nerves to the point of anger, by

changing my actions and thoughts I could become stronger. By focusing on what others say and
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do it makes me angry thinking it’s all about me. This makes me even weaker and focusing on the

anger even more weak. If I change my focus and mentality so it’s not all about me then I can

overcome the fear and become much stronger. Changing my way of thinking about weakness’s

can and will make me stronger.

The two strengths that I use to lean on the most an being funny and high spiritedness. I

like to crack jokes or start laughing. When I am uncomfortable instead of focusing of something

negative, I begin to act and speak funny. Being jolly makes everyone become in a good mood

and I become the center of good attention. Another strength I use all the time is my high-

spiritedness. I am happy, passionate and energetic. When involved in a conversation that I am

interested, I tend to use my hands to talk and have lots of enthusiasm. Centering focus on this

strength, I do not think about my weakness. Being high spirited tends to show the real me and

what I enjoy the most like sports and politics. Showing more of my strengths, I push my

weaknesses’ further out of reach.

I tend to focus more on my strengths than my weaknesses’ and using them to make me

stronger. The more I face one of my weaknesses’, the stronger I can become. By focusing more

on my strengths, the more I ignore my weaknesses’. If I learn to balance the use of my

weaknesses and strengths, I will become stronger in God and successful as God has promised.

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