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Have you ever wondered why we constantly seem to focus on the worst parts of our lives even if

things are going relatively well for us?

I am Joveth and I am nobody who makes content on random things.
Disclaimer: I am not a medical professional, but I am sharing with you my learnings as I learn about
Have you ever gotten into a situation wherein your white shirt had a tiny stain. Pero ang lakas ng
trigger para sayo ng mantsa. It is our tendency to focus on the stain.
Another thing, of all the positive comments about your performance at work, we dwell on that 1 point
for improvement. We tend to neglect the 1000 nice things about us over that 1 criticism.
Friends, this might hurt. That is because our brains are hardwired to pay more attention to negative
experiences and information.
This phenomenon is called Negativity Bias which influences our perceptions, emotions, and decision-
Additionally, this is a cognitive bias that causes humans to pay more attention and give more
significance to negative stimuli compared to positive ones.
To overcome negativity bias, several strategies can be employed:
1. Embrace awareness and acceptance: Recognize that negativity bias is a natural cognitive bias that
everyone experiences to some extent. Accepting this fact can help us be more objective and
understanding when negative thoughts or emotions arise. Oh my! Am I experiencing Negativity Bias
2. Challenge negative thoughts: When negative thoughts arise, try to critically evaluate them and
identify any cognitive exaggerations. Practice replacing these negative thoughts with more realistic
and positive ones. For example, I haven’t done anything today. But you finished the backlogs of last
week. You finished something urgent that is not part of your fictional to-do list.
3. Practice mindfulness and gratitude: Reflecting upon what we are grateful for can help train our
minds to be more present in the moment and decrease the influence of negative thoughts. Let us say,
find a quiet place and meditate. Or filling in your gratitude jar.
The bottom line? Pay attention to what we are focusing on and if we notice ourselves veering into
negativity, remind ourselves that our goal is to be gentle and at peace with our thoughts and
Negativity bias in communication refers to the tendency for individuals to focus and give more weight
to negative information or experiences rather than positive ones. It is a cognitive bias that affects how
we interpret, perceive, and respond to communication. This bias can greatly impact our relationships,
decision-making, and overall well-being.

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