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Nama : Mapel : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas : X ( Sepuluh ) Jurusan :

Answer the questions below!

1. What does your father do for a living?

2. How many brother or sister do you have?
3. What is the meaning of the words: a). Pen pal b). Celebrate
4. A word that take place of a noun is called . . . . .
5. How many types of pronouns?
6. Mention a types of pronouns from number 5!
7. Please make a table of subjective pronoun and objective pronouns!
8. A words that indicate possesion is called . . . . .
Question for number 9-11
Fill in the blanks with the right words:
9. . . . . . . ( Me/I) come to Bamdar Lampung every month.
10. . . . . . . ( We/It) can climb Bromo Mountain together on Desember.
11. . . . . . . ( She/Her) to one of my pen pals in Malaysia.
12. roses- buys-her-for-She- mother.
Arrange the words above into a good order!
13. What is congratulation?
14. Mention 2 expressions of congratulation!
15. Translate the sentences below in Indonesia:
a. My sister is a good students.
b. We must wear a masker as self-protection from the Corona Virus Disease.

Nama : Mapel : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas : X (dua belas) Jurusan :
Answer the questions below!

1. How many experience that you should if you visit the Seattle?
2. What is another name for Seattle?
3. What can we do at Bloaded reserve?
4. What does ‘offer’ mean?
5. Mention 2 expressions of offering help!
6. What is the aim of offering help expression?
7. What will you say if you need a help?
8. Write 4 modals used in ooffering help expression!
9. A short to complete a picture and to give stressing a content of article, report, essay, is
called . . . . .
10. What is the message of caption?
11. How to make a caption?
12. What is the generic structure of caption?
Answer the following questions based on the text.
Me and You is friends
You smile, I smile . . .
You hurt, I hurt . . .
You cry, I cry . . .
You jump of Bride
I gonna miss your E-mails
13. What is the text about?
14. What is the meaning of “Bridge” in Indonesia?
15. Is it funny or education caption? Why?

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