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Hello Everyone.

We are now on Inorganic growth. This is also one of a growth strategy.

When we say inorganic growth, it requires mergers or takeovers. By combining with

another company or purchasing another company, you can grow your firm in an inorganic way.
This might provide you with a broader consumer base as well as additional distribution channels,
resulting in faster growth.

In connection to this in our project which is all about our course, in BSA program, using
this strategy is very helpful and relevant. As you can see in the screen, we put 4 inorganic
growth. It is somehow a way or what to do for the BSA program to expand and the passers will

First is, PEER MENTORING – it is a way on where senior students teaches their junior
students that might help them to exceed and improve their learnings and skills. In short, it is a
type of mentorship that usually occurs between a person who has gone through a similar
experience (peer mentor) and someone who has never gone through it (the peer mentee).

Second, TIME MANAGEMENT – effective time management allows students to

complete more in less time, because their attention is focused and they’re not wasting time on
distractions (such as social media, for example). Efficient use of time also reduces stress, as
students tick off items from their to-do list. It can also provide a sense of achievement from
fulfilling goals.

Third, COME UP WITH STRATEGY – you don’t actually have as much time as you
think you have, which is why you should come up with a monthly, weekly, daily, or even an
hourly schedule to make the most of your time. Set aside some time in advance for your
homework, assignments and projects, and break them up into stages and assign dates for each

Lastly, ADAPT OUTCOME BASED EDUCATION – the effectiveness of the education

system largely depends upon the efficacy of the teacher and the knowledge base of peers. OBE,
on the other hand, is an education system built on specific outcomes.

So those are some examples of inorganic growth that we listed, which are very relevant to
the students specifically in BSA Program. The important things that BSA students must adopt in
order for them to become successful in the future.

Through this growth strategy, the BSA PROGRAM will expand and it could be a way of
students to become a successful one. Inorganic growth considered as the fastest way to grow.

That’s all and Thank you!!

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