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How well did you participate in your church’s religious activities?

1. Have you participated in masses or worship services either online or offline? YES, I
participated an online Bible study.
a. Type and medium of the Religious activity: Online Bible Study - Joyce Meyer
b. Date and time of the activity: January 25, 8:25 – 9:00 AM
c. How did you participate? I participated this Bible study by watching it online cited at
Google (
d. What spiritual nourishment did you get from this activity? Write a reflection about it.
My Dad and I didn’t attend the Sunday service yesterday, due to his weak legs, he can’t
walk well. So to feed my spiritual self, I attended the online Bible study by Joyce Meyer, an
American Charismatic Christian author, speaker, and the president of Joyce Meyer Ministries.
The message God gave me today was striking, it changed my perspectives on how to live
life. It says that life could be boring, if we always do things according to our plans or do things in
an easy way. I’ve been staying in my comfortable zone for a long time and I keep on doing
things in an easy way. I evaluated my 21years of existence and it seems that nothing excited
happened in my life.
That’s when I realized, I keep on avoiding things that could build up my character, my
spiritual self mostly. Instead of attending the youth fellowship or putting God first, I made study
as an excuse for not attending it. The reason that I worry too much with time and I fear of having
failing grades. But, it says in the Bible study that worry is a sin as well as complaining. I failed
God many times and even disobeyed Him. I should surrender all to God, and let Him do His will
in my life. Indeed, nothing is impossible through Him.
Another is in Genesis 12:1, it states that we should go and do what God wants us to be.
We should not fear of moving forward or experience new things in life because that is courage.
Courage is confronting our fears because it says in 2 Timothy 1:7 that God has not given us the
spirit of fear, but the spirit of power, love, and a calm mind. So don’t let our fear hold us back
from living a life that is full of adventures, the fact that God is always on our side. (1 John 1:9)
2. Our works can be our prayer if we dedicate it to God. Did you help the household
chores in the past week? What were the chores you regularly do for your family?
How did you feel about doing the work? Where in your daily routine can you
become more aware of God’s glory?

I usually do my household chores daily, because that is what I’ve been taught to.
Like sweeping the floor and mopping it, fix clothes that were washed in the past days,
prepare the medicine for my father, water the plants, and cook for the family.
I felt good and blessed in doing this household chores because it is a way for me
to give respect and obedience to my family. As a Christian, I should follow and obey God
as well, Exodus 20:12, “Honor your father and mother, so that you may live long in the
land the Lord your God is giving you.” Honoring my parents is like honoring God.

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