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The analytical signal in a flame atomic spectroscopy could be decreased

because of the possibility of the ionization of the analyte atom in the flame
the effect of shift in ionization equilibria can be frequently eliminated by the
addition of an……………………..

Calculate the ratio of Mg2+ ion in the 3p excited state to the number in
ground state if it emits the radiation of 280 nm due to transition from 3p to
3s at 2500K temperature. What will be the ratio at 2510K temperature? (k =
1.38 × 10-3J/K, h = 6.626 × 10-24 JS) [3]

How do protective agents and releasing agents minimizes chemical

interference in AAS? [2]

In hydrogen oxygen flame the atomic absorption signal for calcium was
found to decrease in presence of large concentration of sulphate ion.
suggest the explanation for this observation. And also suggest three possible
methods for overcoming the potential interferences of Sulphur in the
quantitative determination of calcium.

What is the principle of flame photometry [1.5]

Compare the ratio of number of particles in the 3p excited state to the

number in the ground state in (i) In natural gas flame , 2100K and (ii) In
hydrogen -oxygen flame, 2900K. ? (k = 1.38 × 10-3J/K, h = 6.626 × 10-24 JS)

What is the principle of flame photometry? Explain the basic difference

between atomic emission and atomic absorption.

Write short notes on Hollow cathode lamp

Explain the various types of interferences in AAS. Why is source modulation

used in atomic absorption spectroscopy.

Write short note on the flame structure in AAS.

Most used region of flame for elemental analysis is {primary combustion
region, interzonal region, secondary combustion region, luminescence

What kind of light source is used in AAS? What are its characteristics?[1+2]

What are chemical interferences? How can they be minimized?

If the gas flow rate does not exceed the …………. The flame propagates itself
back in the burner, giving flash back.

Some elements such as ………. Gives better result with electrode discharge
lamp than using hollow cathode lamp in AAS.

In which technique, atomic absorption or emission is the flame temperature

stability more critical? why?

In the analysis of ground water sample AAS for Ba in presence of high

amount of Ca. What possible interference would you encounter and how
you eliminate the interferences?

Write short notes on Flame atomizer.

Which of the following is not the step in AAS? {Particles are adsorbed unto a
stationary phase, A solution is vaporized, Atoms absorb light Calibration
curve is constructed}

Hollow cathode lamp consist of ……………….. and a cylindrical cathode sealed

in a glass tube filed with ……………. At a pressure of 1- 5 torr.

Why is electrothermal atomizer more sensitive than flame atomizer.

The compound CH3CH2COOCH3 has ………… signals in 1HNMR and

……………..signals in 13CNMR.
A compound shows a proton magnetic resonance (PMR) peak at 240 Hz
down field from TMS peak in spectrometer operating at 60 MHz. The
chemical shift in ppm is ……………………..

What is magnetic anisotropy? Give one example [2] What is TMS discuss
about scales to represent NMR spectra. [1+2]

Increasing the magnetic field increases the sensitivity of NMR instrument.

Justify this statement. [2]

For the compound ClCH2CH2CH2Cl identify (i) The number of 1HNMR signals
and their relative areas. (ii) Multiplicity in each signals. (ii) Sketch the spectra
in tentative scale where TMS is taken for the reference. [1+1+1.5]

How many peaks are present in the NMR signal for the indicated proton in
CH3CH2CH2CH2CH3 ? {3,5,9,2}

In the NMR instrument where magnet provides field strength of 7.05 T, at

what frequency would the hydrogen nucleus absorbs? ( = 2.6752 × 108 T-1S-
] {300 MHz, 200 Hz, 200 MHz, 300 GHz,}

The  value for proton in acetone is 2.06. How many Hertz downfield from
TMS Will the resonance appear in the spectrum taken on a spectrometer
operating at 200MHz? ……………..

What is the splitting pattern of methylene protons in propane? [1.5]

In the room temperature no spin spin splitting is observed for 1H spectra of

methanol. When methanol sample is cooled to -400C the exchange rate of
hydroxyl rate slows sufficiently so the splitting is observed. Sketch the
spectra of methanol at these two temperatures. [3]

What is the advantage s of using magnet having highest possible field

strength in NMR spectroscopy? [2]
How many signals does the aldehyde (CH3)3CCH2CHO have in 1HNMR and 13
C NMR spectra {5 1HNMR 6 13CNMR signals., 31HNMR and 413CNMR
signals., 51HNMR and 413CNMR signals31HNMR and 613CNMR signals} .

In the triplet the relative peak areas are in the ratio ……………

The magnetic coupling of nuclei that is transmitted by bonding electrons is

often referred to as …………

What are shielded and deshielded protons explain with suitable example.

A resonance is displayed 90Hz from TMS at magnetic field strength of 1.41T.

What will be the difference a t 4.69T and 18.8T? What will be the chemical
shift  at these same magnetic field strength.

Predict the spin-spin splitting pattern of ethylbenzene in high resolution

proton NMR.

What is coupling constant? How many carbon resonance would you expect
for p-ethoxy benzaldehyde in 13C NMR.

The H NMR and IR spectra of compound C6H12O2 are ……… Identify the
Which of the hydrogen (a to d) in the following molecule give triplet signal in
normal 1HNMR spectrum?CH3COCH2CH(OCH3)2

H’s near to an electromagnetic species in 1 HNMR are shifted ………….

The magnetic moment of a spinning nucleus processes with a characteristic

angular frequency is called……..

How is spin spin spiliting lines be differentiated from chemical shift lines?

Calculate the Larmor frequency for proton in 1.41 T magnetic field.

The HNMR spectrum in figure is for compound having an empirical formula

of C5H10O identify the compound.

Explain the various factors affecting the chemical shift in 1HNMR.

How many hertz does one ppm correspond to an PNMR spectrometer

operating at radio frequency of 60 MHz.{60Hz, 120Hz, 100Hz, 100 MHz}

When signal splitting occurs, the distance between the individual peaks of
asignal is called …………and is measured in hertz

The compound ………… has ……………..signals on 1HNMR and ……….. in


What is the cause of spin spin splitting in NMR spectra. Explain the splitting
pattern (deg of multiplicity) of each type of proton in ethyl formate,
HCOOCH2CH3. [1+2]

Write in brief: off resonance decoupling

Mention the basic theory of molecular mass spectroscopy

How is chemical ionization differs from electron impact ionization?

What is an isotopic peak? How could you have distinguished dinitrobenzene
(C6H4N2O4) and an olefin (C12H24) both of the same molecular mass 168 by
the help of their isotopic peaks? Explain.

In mass spectroscopy the molecular ion will start its fragmentation at, inlet
system ionization chamber, analyzer chamber, the detector

How do the gaseous and desorption sources differ? What are the
advantages of each. What is nitrogen rule? The resolution required to
separate the ions C5H7O and C5H9N, with molar masses 83.0497 and 83.0736
respectively is……………………….

Which of the following fragment peak wouldnot be present in the mass

spectrum of n-hexane? 71 29, 58, 87

What is the working principle of mass spectroscopy? Explain in detail the ion
sources used for the analysis of different molecules in mass

Which compound has a molecular ion at m/z 58, an IR absorption at

1650cm-1 and just one singlet in 1HNMR spectrum? CH3CH2CH2CH3

Explain brifly off resonance decoupling Hydrogen deficiency index

What is soft ionization technique? Discuss any one of of themIn mass

spectrometry the most intense peak is assigned an intensity of 100%, and it
is referred to as the …………………

When high energy electron impact molecule M in the ionization chamber

what type of species is initially produced?

Cation, radical, radical cation, radical anion

Compare TOF analyzer with Ion trap mass analyzer

What is the advantages to couple an electrospray ionization source with a
quadrupole mass analyzer?

Wow does the spectra for electron impact, field ionization and chemical
ionization differs from one another?

In mass spectrometry proton transfer reaction gives the ………..ion and the
hydride transfer produces …………… ion

Resolution of mass spectrometer R is given as ………………….

Which of the following mass spectroscopic technique the sample is

introduced as a solution which is nebulized under an application of electric
potential? Electrospray ionization Fast atom Bambardment Electron
ionization Matrix asserted laser desorption ionization

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