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Big bang theory - gravitational singularity infinite density and temp in decimally small

point/mass or space time - 13.7 billion year ago - big bang explosion - first particles &
atoms formed in next 3 minutes - Steven winberg (noble) - microwave light was release 4lakh
years after BB - recorded by cosmic background explorer (NASA Project) - fusion 10 million
deg c- Gaia ( ESA - map milky way - 10^9 stars, first satellite did galactic census) - after MW
light there was period of darkness (100 million years) - followed by visible light and UV
radiation. - followed by formation of galaxies and stars - initial stars formed within 1st billion
years--much bigger than any of stars near Solar System - these stars formed in galaxies
simultaneously in corporting this stars/ theses galaxies so formed continue to move away from
each other which leads to expansion of universe - generally the galaxies itself are not expanding -
matter near the core of galaxy.
NEBULA- Cloud of hydrogen gases
GALAXY - is formed due to gravitational attraction of initial matter of universe - mainly gases -
might take form of stars as well. - large no of stars - size varies from 80k to 150k light year (1LY
= 9.5*10^12 km)
STAR: Grow from localised lump of gases (more condensed Nebula) these clums condense a
under their own gravity & heat up to begin thermo nuclear reaction H ->He simultaneously emit
radios including visible light-- light seen from clumps called stars (13.7-12.7 billion years ago)

Proof. Of expansion--

1. cosmic microwave background (farthest)

2. Red shift of light from all other galaxies
3. Farther the galaxy more red shift.

Different types of galaxies

1. Normal galaxies
1. The spiral eg. Milky-way
2. The elliptical
3. Irregular
2. Peculiar galaxies
1. Interactive galaxies - 2 galaxies are in process of interacting
2. Active galaxies - core emits high radiation eg Blazers, Quasars

Life of Star

 NEBULA - H & He cold & condense

 Proto star (due to gravitational pull)
 Main sequence Star (10^7 °C nuclear fusion) - different type based on mass of Hydrogen
 Red giant star (Red, white, blue) - Core contracts and outer part expands - unstable -
based on chandrashekhar limit
o If <=1.44*mass of sun - planetary nebula - white dwarf - black dwarf - WD - BD
o If >1.44 - super nova explosion
 If 1.44 - 3 - - Neutron star - Pulsar / mangetar (pulsating light/high speed
rotation/ magnetic field) pulsation as accurate as atomic clock
 If >3 - black hole

Binar star (LIGO laboratory) - 2 set of stars revolve around each other - under Mutual gravity -
they collide - gravitational anomly in space-time. New way of knowing universe (till now in
form of EM waves)

Exoplantes, Solar system and planets

Exoplantes- planets like objects found around stars beyond Solar system. - Keller mission (space
telescope) eg GLISE 851 g, many hot Jupiter's wound - wasp series ( wide angle search for
planet) /closer than jupiter size
Eg Hats 18 b - spins it's own star.

Goldi lock zone- Habitable zone around a star- planet found

Sun- 6 layers -

 core (15 *10^6 °C)- thermonuclear reactions.

 Radiative zones (2 *10^6)- energy moves outward >170,000 years
 convective zone - energy continues to move surface through convection currents.
 photoshper (all visible light -5500 °C) (- sun spots happen on photoshere - due to
magnets field on surface--cooler and darker than surrounding/ no of sunspots fluctuate
11years due to magnetic activity cycle. - coronal mass ejection & solar flares related to
magnetic cycles-
 Chromoshpere- visible light is only seen (red dim light) when solar eclipse
 Corona- bright white spot during solar eclipse. (2* 10^6 ° C)

Solar winds-- high temp, charged particles, from sun travel away.
Distance b/W sun & earth - 1 Astronomical unit (150 *10^6 km) //saturn at 10AU // Asteriods
b/W Mars and jupiter. // beyond Neptune - TNO- Trans neptune object/KBO-Kuiper belt object
(33 to 50 AU) // termination SHOCK-100 AU // Heliopause (Voyager 1 - NASA) - effect of sun
// short period comets come from KBO - 200 years rotation around Sun- // beyond helio pause -
oort cloud (5000 AU - 100000 AU) - long period comets.

Terristrial planet - Rigid surface - (Mercury, venus, earth - 1 satellite, Mars - 2 satellite )/ no
Jovian Planet ( Rings

 Gaseous planet (Jupiter - 67 known satellite - rings & Saturn - 62 satellite - 7 rings) -
 Icy state (Uranus - 27 - 13 rings & Neptune -14 - 6 rings) smaller than gaseous palnets

Largest satellite - Ganymede (Jupiter), 2nd largest - titan (Saturn)

New defination of planet ( 4 condition)

 Celestial body - orbit around sun - fixed orbit

 Not be a satellite (orbiting a planet)
 Enough mass to attain almost circular shape / hydrostatic equilibrium
 Celestial body cleared its orbit of any other celestial body, using the same orbit around
sun. (ground for pluto rejection- dwarf planet (first 3 codtion full fill))
 Other dwarf planet
o Pluto (TNO)
o Haris (TNO)
o Make make (TNO
o Haumea (TNO
o Ceris (Largest asteroid - planetiary remains which could form full planet--orbit
around sun b/W Mars & jupiter - Rocky remnant - 4.6 billion old - minor planets)

Meteor - burn into ash before reaching earth

Meteoride - rocky remnants in space - towards earth - before they enter earth
Meteorite - metero travel atmosphere and land on earth surface -(eg Chicxulu crater - Mexico -
Yukatun peninsular )

Some characteristics of palnets

Mercury - weak atmosphere, much of atmosphere blown away by solar winds
Venus - Co2 rich
Earth - N2 rich
Mars- thin atmosphere with high CO2
Jupiter & Saturn- H & He
Uranus & Neptune - high on NH3, CH4

All plants except for venus and Mars have magnetic field, venus rotates very slow, Mars because
core has solidified. - (to have magnetic field good rotation speed & molten magnetic material) //
Venus along with Uranus rotates retrograde (east to west) unlike prograde(west to east) //
Uranus has axis parallel to plane of revolution. (rolling)

Types of space mission

 Manned
o Orbital
o Space station (ISS)
 Umanned
o Fly by ( Voyager 1 & 2)
o Orbital mission (Juno, Mom)
o Rover mission (soft landing) - collects samples -

Eg Voyger 1, Voyger 2, Rosetta, Cassini Huygens, New Horizon, Dawn, Juno.

India space mission - Chandrayan 1 (lunar orbiter Chandrayan 2 (orbiter & rover mission), Mom
(Mars orbiter mission), Aditya 1(sun - coronal mass),
NASA,JAXA Japan, FKA- Russia, ESA- Europe, CNSA- china


GEOID, Oblate Spheroid(when rotating), Oblate ellepsoid (when not rotating)

1. Major movement- rotation & revolution

2. Minor movement- Milan kowitch - 3 minor
o Orbital tilt/Obliquity Axis vary (22.1 & 24.2 °)- 23.5(currently)
o Axial precision - Top of earth rotates
o Eccentricity - change in orbit of earth.

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