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Universe And The Solar System

1. Classical Astronomy

- The foundation of modern Astronomy.

- The traditional way of observing the sky.

2. Astronomy

- Study of Celestial Objects (Ex: Planets, Stars, Moons, etc.)

Polaris/NorthStar - Was used for Navigation.

Moon - Different Moon phases affect the tides this information was used for

Astronomical Timelines

1. Plato and Aristotle

- Was said to be the first proponents of the Geocentric model(Earth is

at the center of the Solar System) (Geocentric Model also known as
Ptolemaic Model)
- Stated that Planets are round and that Planets move in a circular
- Claudius Ptolemy(Recognized for the proposal of
Geocentric/Ptolemaic Model)
- Earth(Oblate Spheroid)

2. Aristarchus
- Was said to be the first proponent of the Heliocentric model(Sun is at
the center of the Solar System) (Heliocentric Model also known as
Copernican Model)
- Nicolaus Copernicus(Recognized for the proposal of
Heliocentric/Copernican Model)
3. Tycho Brahe

- 1st Person to observe the positions of the Stars, Planets, Moons.

- Devised instruments(tools) that measure the position of the Stars,
Planets, Moons.
- Made the most detailed survey of the sky.

4. Johannes Kepler
- Student of Tycho Brahe
- Good at Geometry
- Stated that planets are not moving in circular orbits but elliptical(oval
shaped) orbits.

5. Galileo Galilei
- Discovered 4 different moons of Jupiter.
- Galilean Moons(IO, Ganymede, Callisto, and Europa)

6. Isaac Newton
- Proposed the universal law of Gravity.
- Proposed the 3 laws of motion.

- Force that pulls everything towards the ground.
- Force that keeps the planets in orbit.
- Force that makes the Earth at the right distance with the Sun to
make it not too hot and not too cold. Earth(Habitable Zone)
- Situated in the Core
- Weight is affected by Gravity
- Gravitational Pull of Earth(9.8 m/s^2)

3 Laws of Motion
1. Law of Inertia
2. Law of Acceleration
3. Law of Action - Reaction
Law of Inertia - Things or objects will remain at rest unless acted upon by
external force.

Law of Acceleration - F = ma
- F = Force
- m = mass
- a = acceleration

Law of Action - Reaction - Every action has an equal and opposite reaction.

Formation of The Earth

- A Star exploded leaving Gas and Dust Particles after that due to Gravity
collisions occurred creating the Sun(Taking about 99% of the remnants of
the explosion) and Planets(Taking only 1% of the remains)

Earth (Hot)
- Before, Earth was made of Hydrogen(H)(Lightest Element) and Helium(He)

- Also made up of Hydrogen(H) and Helium(He)

Nuclear Fusion
- Process that produces heat to the stars.
- Hydrogen atoms combine to make Helium.
Solar System


- Earth-like Planets
- Inner Planets(Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars)(Closest to The Sun)
- Solid Surfaces(Rocks)(Core - Metal - Iron(Fe)
- High Density
- Small Planets (Mercury - Smallest)
- Few or No Moons (Mercury and Venus has no Moons)
- Earth - 1 Moon(Luna)
- Mars - 2 Moons(Phobos and Deimos)
- No Rings
- Warm Surfaces(Venus being the hottest)(adik kasi si Venus sa CO2

Jovian(Gas - Giants)
- Jupiter - Like Planets
- Outer Planets(Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune)(Farthest to The Sun)
- Void Surfaces(Gases)(Hydrogen and Helium)
- Less Density(Saturn - Less dense than water)
- Large Planets(Jupiter - Largest and Most Massive)
- Many Moons(Jupiter and Saturn - More than 60 Moons)
- All Rings(Saturn - Most Distinct/Spectacular Ring system)
- Cold Surfaces (Uranus - Coldest)

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