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B.E{Chemical}, Diploma, Textile Technclog, U.l{; MFA

T- dthlnc Engllah

lEk €'00 p1e1c6"a?"5 9oc;gGoqog
<1cf grQ : g o6 goo?90o9oe
f $1e1c'5ea 9
qfoE c'coos:@3, @qo5, ;oogn
oocqq\ sa?ocrnz
cg$<r,11c'r:o:6 cocrjot
c or $"1$,

sa%E:oc'a8 es:rEeoE
(-) q$:e${$E:
Answering the Phone
(") ,g$:eaT{g oco8$E:
o"3?{)aJ[o c86t Beginning a call
<l,1c6g:Q:g{caqE:Q$6 cooScBq$:ec:$$:Qo6:9
1QoA3Q$So?c'5 1
sa9o5 (oo/o)r oq8co6:r TelePhone Enquires
q$"?$Et" El q$:eaT{gsaq:a:d$8:
p:o8:ecnpcg$: ({egoreo)
Ending a call
o8@1eq.4saal e$c{g$: JE
segc8 (oo/o)r oo3Eco6:r 9rr . tg$:gcJldgn:q8:p
SaYing You've got the wrong number
o,-n$:p1.1oS' .f$"?$Et''
en@:ocm:col:)$E: ?3
-J8 Leaving a message

Grr aoc6?cSg$$)l.cP: 9c
Communication Problems
c cnc oc 9e
GofcGo?clgca)l: 2t 8tr$:{coo: gcp: g €EoPgo'P:
APPointments and Arrangements
o:c.'5c.\$:saf,c3E / oc,,:8e0,':8p8c3$: u - q$q$' cl.'l
or cacScE<g$:$igc@:coo:gtlJ:: o';$E;
Qego:eor Joog u

Taking TelePhone Message

o?G - ol r c3 x co o8c'8rr

(c) o:,$c8g$:sa6o86

er co<$cEt1$:$ciidoq:og$:
yaedloecilrf g€ e& 4 9 qr,
cou g$:eaTepq6 @qtept G2

ccn crcoE:gnoctt:qp: ??
cju Eof,gqp:
Hello gQ Gootlbye np{+€t o3 o,$ o3.g $ : $" o crr:: e [i'-' cn : <'n: eo c8 g <'3 I $. o m & oi I a q'
. cpn
r: E1 fi &Jlco':Srr B mt,Sc8'o $:
ea o5o q*.eo.6 a3.:5e i :{
c9n Mini-dialogues (On the telephone) ec
car q$:oq: oo5e$:ocnr:ep: e2
*$r@-.- T+.q sa ao€ e!Q$ 6 ec{ $ E6p: o:::eq'{
cGr qgeelo.l co? aft ti.f q A $io q" "*f ..: Ei: e a-'o 5 r c,c. I e q o qe o8 cu $

"F{EE' co.-$c81$:$. r+5c864
Socializing ".L8, "F4@qpg: '0"4q-
. c r-c t.c
c2r ?o():c():t9t:t3c: *-"8n{ oq.S*, tlr *qto$$'{8e$r:cr5c8n%? :6
Making Enquires {S Qsaal I -"q.or@pip EL"q"qg''jlu
ooeey $
E 68" q
o6o8o,o g9c *qS *, 3 i t 3 m't <tt s o a,3aEo: S7m c"?Bi
cor eq: g $: g $eqpeogtlp: oqc6 goas: 3c3
eci$$:$E:cp: - ".f q 4 * crSe ga: cr5 cn c $'n 6t'':: 6
p: orcScE <g
|.c& 4 V p
, m6f :m .,SE eq.ig
Enquires for prices and discounts -Sp'"$,-n mi$ 9:;'r: gQgQo,:nip
A- C', n.F q \ eae$. eo;coa ao gi: g
"t.6a€ Q.{. -
cg l co6 aoQ ocrro: <.t1$ 6: cJ3
' Passing on Messages .dgcoo,-rnq egegrc6$: Eaoc6g<'rSeqsaatrSsa)orEe €
r.i3 g8t {. I -...4 n q: $o: E } <r1lor<rS I s'lm'rn e q: q"oot frQ
p r q$o gp!:es,6 s'I9'aq$E: "lS

Making an order 6ocDf" q$g,SaJdolr ,

q 6 e g q eqr Ee
$r: en: ocr:o:e$ q
3cr q@:o8:{ ooq::qd.S" q$Er"; $
E?:.?Ec'3 9o $ $-

4 Nco, rNc6, u* sa$.oog!:eqcn o$co&eqmqcE qpfu

Can I help you?

co eeo8etn8$cS$'(oc6?ogc?os) o,$cQ$.sa6cE6

Dialogue (1) Maria Roberts.

oQ<r:oeepcacE(6)o1rr (8EE:cp! .$rr1)
A. Hello Maria speaking.
dcE (-Q* epeg<icocS)
B. Good morning. Joe Cob sPeaking. Production Department
e6cm $ I cB aE:,t1l rr oip eco2(c5) ocm: e$oe I t lcots rr (edqSn g:qm<i)
A. Could I speak to Mary? (9:9oc${ oq6odg: {,q$)
nat$n-E eoQ$; ocrn:eSc8, e1$Econ:r Can I help you?
B. Sorry. She's not here at the moment. Try her mobile (cg$ eo:6coocp: cB$$ E<i oo;)

07917 8142015 Maria here.

o6:gp!:<ico,:5rr cro €c\Dco)aao,:S 8q: e;$ciq:rr qe\ o1 e@eqcoo enQ<u<J)
Answering Machine crr message eo:o:atrEe18
Q{E: o2g22 ocaloca { eaT@$olrr
A. Thanks a lot. Call me on.... ca1$eof{ eaT,-rlrr

c cDS
ff c? cps
@: of <.t'l o: <f il Try my mobile.... %$"-fq{E:{ eaTcil q$:g<ioSc
B. You're welcome. eSQoal 0 fi Zero ({.r"?o5) oh q o:o'lrr
cBgeE..Jlq:rr Double number (33)$qE five five (a3) double five q {:ti
Language Focus
' $'G$-d"B@:epcn es.:c6c'1oe@eq{ 9d
Good morning / afternoon
(cBcm $ gc6 a E:
/eqcuoS a E: <.,'l)

ecr$q' err$cat

Beginning a call
g$*51{n omE$EE

$:eaT{ goo:EQ m al es':c6c,1o qd"q4 ne$tulu
(1) IntroducingYourself
(oi {cSoE 8o5 aocf eo:,-'11)

This is Mg Mg.
oqe$:ctn ecn8eenE,jll
It's Mya Mya here.
ole$coo GBrl'
Soe Soe here.
o1e$ec.r: Q:Q;<irr
My name's U Mya.
q1$eofE:c$ p:$,irr
(2) Asking for someone
t ce c c o r-cf-c\
[cDo g:cDoco)"mcD 6c:19f 3t9c:/
1. Is that Nyomi?
s? n&- gipor::rr
2. Is Hla Hla there?



4. And your name again?

qq dEg: $cw::rr
eEo.;r: grelplco6e$r,ip:rr
3. Is U MYa in the offrce? Er"oa
(5) Clarifring who you are
p:$ $:cbg: $<.,l)oc':o:rr
(oE :o<rSqo){or: gE: g8:co8:o:E:
4. Could I sPeakto DawNi, Please?
1. It's Mg Mg,fromthe Mandalay offtce.
ecq:p$1$: n"T${ ocrn:e$rd q$Eeo:o:l
caq e$re1 ogeo:$:m eer8 eqn8ol rr

5. I'd like to speak to Win Win, please

2. I'm a colleague of Kyipyar's.
ecq:g$1$: na$"-E oE:oE;{ ocnc:epalEc8o11rr
q1 $ eo',8cn: Edh q" gae<jl8: gao8: o:Ep:c'1'l rr

(3) Asking someone to wait.

3. He's my manager.
(co6p:o:6e<rncf gar: eooQel q$ eo:$$:$E:) . C C\ c
1. Just a moment, Please.
3?cD6o)? %t€o46j. cf cf oJro'lrr

4. We met at a conference last month.

eq:q:$$ ea geoof rr
c c06\\ 6 o
''t'ieqE "
%lf6@%lg;?c?a)cDec\)oao)o?g? . o. r.
2. Wait a moment, Please.
5. She rang me yesterday.
g$1$: ea geooi
ecn6 o'le lEn
c>o €cf.cD c3t$nc,:f$ o$:ocfo:o5rr
(4) Checking who is calling.
(6) Saying why you're calling.
(co.rS qeaToo;{* $ g$EN
o8e ao:@

1. I'm sorry, who shall I say is calling'

( o8co:e@€ q$t""Tqrrd{- "Er{68,
oo5qQ q$t 1. I'm caliing to discuss the conference.
o&Ep!:o'lo:,-Sq8l t1$:eaTeEo-n e
p! o: 5.Od g e q: e {.O % iC orbc o $
: e dle g c.r: <-,'l rr

epe<-,:qeolrl os
2. I'm phoning about the delivery.
2. Sorry, who's calling Please?
o:E e q:cB g$.o d oc6d q eo,5,1 $:e@e g arol n
o 6: p!:,.,l'l ox-S l eq: ep1$: tod Q g $:e 6leE ciocbrr Q.e $
ci Dialogue -Egi. g<.ro$a.1E..,1o:cSrr
3. Sorry, what did you say your name was?
a8op:e@i Dialogue
o6:qp!:<.,'lo,:3rr aSop:E:c$ -dq{. c)
o cDo:
3J c o?(I)cD c Cf-c
e cD ao cDlg c; r cDo
C. C
<.ilooln e :
9) ?


eoncf { "0"4
q$ eo:$ $:$E: }. 4G $
ine) 4.4 eq.$E$E<iox-Srr
A. Cood moming. It's Franco here'
cSor$ gcf a8:c,1n saaep"cf o:" oq$ {o1n
B. Oh, hello, How are You?

4t ". d{r aSoP: eEecncE:or::rr Telephone Enquires

A. This is Maria' Is that Jack? oruSalg$af. col$${o6q
saEe o1<f cr:o:rr
E<-t')or.-Srr $"6tcD"
B. Yea, it is. co<r3c8g$:epf VS" co<$cEg$:$. ocf g<.,5 eu$$:go8:
qdd' o;c6<-'1ldrr geq (Telephone Enquires) c{ q.cfcpg€e e$:{cod
A. I'd like to sPeak Monju, Please' eeaoE o8:$eo:c8o5<-ilcoc.Srr
- e cng g p1$: t $ qf ft 4 q1 $ e co'S o crn: e $: a1 8 of .<-'1
rr Dialogue
B. Speaking. A. We need written confirmation of your booking.

e$re gc,1lo:,-Srr a8op:\. @1co89:coo:g{ eepo:;ca::Q *-d$l

A. Is Klare in?
q$.-54. oio6.-'1o<.Srr
eDor)6p $,r'loo:o:lt B. OK. I'll confirm it by e-mail.
B. Yes, she is. Just a moment' ele cn rr q1
e d: eer: cS
i. $ s14 eaco $$pf c8cileoS rr

qo fl,io:.-,S1 aQnco):
eorfttlr A. I'm sorry. She's not here at the moment.
"eddu '
Could I speak to Peter, Please? q1$ co6: g $:<jlo:.r5rr 1)c 6o)Deo:o ao<S 8ocftj1 co.: n

eq:q:$ffi : 8-4 ocrn:e$rd q$Ecr'locua:rr B. That's all right.I'll try again later.
B. No, I'm sorry, he's awaY this week. ecrn8:<.,1l$ rr nat
$ -5
c@o a 6 coEa$: @po:: oc6o1
gaod ga eo: .B qo: eE o1cotS p:coSr
o6: I p!: <-,11o<-,5 gE u
A. We need to know as soon as possible.

ecqpcg: ccqpcg,

ql$"-s4. dq' ccDJ:ffg[g! of:cDccoz3otgcil a?e(', cpeq. fl:9}) g
B6€sqs E$$e-slG$B$ oc-coc4c
3rcv):eocD? %lf c |g8qcDglco)fl
at the I need some information about flight times.
n. fff let you know by tomorrow afternoon Go)())
C OC\ C C \
ocr) a)cDc? a)o)c:
.C C C O
c2 sJcD yaoJcD sr aJ[
g 32 aJ
f l.
latest. c c o c o.l
eqcc5mqn: cqcS$$ elo:c>Sc{Ea8 a8op:{'Q %fecoo
Right. I'll put you through to the Travel Department.
og $ ecoS sa c3 e t-': ct]ctS rr
,n S e e O e \ COc
A. Cluld you tell him today' please? It's rather
%f() 99q a$?D:cDoc$g"f l. gf:oJcDco:
I'm afraid Jack is in a meeting room at the moment.
eq:pp1$: E"+. qs? aEoP: e$:e''':$Eeon:r.
ecu:ecv: eocS otr o5 crro
d31 qE: saeqor@:@6eq cS.o1rr
sa o
sa e o: a
cd gc fln + {.
message' o6:gp!:c,1co,:5oErr
B. Don't worry, I'11 make sure he gets the
q $ eo:6er> Don't worrSr. Just tell him I'll be in touch when I
8de.;,-,1 $.rr q o o E: ra a;t6 o cB q$Q'

get back.
e,J: e$ec,:,-t lo.rS rr

As soon as you have the information'

could you 8o5c<;o1$.rr q$"-5 $$eepc,5Qsaa1 ca1$6orE$$
- q.{ e$:$e,::<irr
get back to me?
A. When do you think you'll have an answer?
IEop, oorE:saa,lc6gaoc$ qq18q$E: gl$"",:Et8
-_..q_. oc(J) ()c:
c r- c
oc c o c
sae@E:$ $ ec.,: $ E oc'r:: l ? qcD g€())cDp coe

today' ts. Not before tomorrow I'll need to clear it with my

B. Of course. I'll get back to you later
qdo.-,Sn Seqc@a8p a8op:S q$n-E sae@E: oc c
..__sracccDcac€crD c c c c\
ofcDlgf oo)o)3D:il %li6cD? €cD?ot
d qE:coE:Q. oQo6,ic8$ex.'5rr
A. Could I sPeak to Mrs' Rose? "14
A i. B A, sacoc,5ollocm:e@a$:oi eogcua@g$e18 Tele-
cg6 $.8d na$n-B ocno:e$rc8' q$8c'11ocu::rr
g. Hofaihe line, please' tll see if she's in her
offrce' phone Enquires 0n5--d
e.6tqri.e q.$$geq (Re-
ecr$e3t cofca'

6. What is the credit card number?

sponses) e$c{qp:c'n "%.$Stjl?tsu
"'- oe@:
^... ,,@acn ,

$l: $ clo5 m cr:: o) n

o<S cn o5

;rh;- 8";q""
a6$rei.-'tlb+"O3ia'il QbQ
(nor- 7. What is the expiry date?
.i,g65-C- "-^ "tr3epp oo5o6:q$qdd-
*"iErrnl will cqdq'{- "'d$iulu ^ .
8. Is there any reference?

-o-no4 Seao:@$pq$ $t i
-EcoA"nca8$ 5p:cu8: "18 qp! g a1 c,5o: 6 gor 6 q: 8cr1l cr cur: l
"F4 $E: $6<io:oSu
Phoning to Check
9. How wouldyou like the goods dispatched?
formation Q'6$' q$ o gEi: egc8 cu@:e8: co,:5c8Q.eoatrE oo)
rnrnoctnzc?Gti. qu"'tion (eo:3$f

10. Could I have a telephone number(in case of any

ec: qol)coo5 n Credit Card i- "6t
tS- "S g':) order Qa q$Q
egoi problems?).
eorc,5opi (customer) -S& "Tdq:qecot:5rr u
ec:3 $: ($ E: o: 6 Q o: 6p qq6 o:oS o :g <ioS co E c't
-.,5i a A -nt ec:p $: Q
oQ S
) c,3
$ 2% $
Credit Card ;. ",r,nqq! e186c,11oo::rr

n"B 4 co8$olc6t:lcooSrr
I cS sae o: o crrc: eq cB cu
E!: c cr aJ" g? Go? c'.r: oS o::: @
1. Can you give me your name' ,
o pi e<':$ E <i 1) cD?: rr
q@;o8: \'sa
"-J, ;EE, "'64
2. How would You like to PaY?
q@:c8: .o.S{

J. What tYPe of card is it?

d s'lm oomd saciP saor:c'i n

4. What is the full mailing address?

ooQ.c86oo sa$$saQco :rroolrr
5. What would You like to order?
e g,E s"l enal8cJloclrr
q@:e8: .rreJ":
ecr$e3, ccqP63'
Ending a call
g$'.il'{n oqnooS$&.

n C e
o \ C\
a .
co<;boS saal
g$: $.
Ei: o I 6cotrcntr E

e${codera:E o:E$y:g:p. qgdg, sag6q6eEQ

ooSc3<p $:e ra5o G 6lcDD eli:: r Receptionist cp: $.
oq6:eep9po.;::saqcf Eo:E$atrcf eq cB ogofl cf
eog cuo9c6 oor €. -@$t{.jlcoo5 n
o:<$ c8 g $: $. g$.g$ : e oe s-aoS GEo
{g: cao5o! oq: oo5
ep $: c c3 qe q- m cp: co c$ rr Hel lo !, Goodbye ! e cm
@: E<.,1 cB
c ogd q o?,,,1 co: rr I E6 co cry: o o f E g $ : e aT{ g o q: o o5
$ E :
(Ending a cal l) qcv:
{ e c3
$q. or EG o? dc'1l o:<rS rr

<g$:eaT{g{saq:oo5Qoa'les.,cf c,'loa,1crSgIaicf
(c) ocno:e$o{g oq:oo5$E:c8 c38g::cup$$E:$.
(.1) ocnr:e$r{gi. saq:ooSg{ oec6co$$E:o3
g$:eaT{g{ Goodbye.S" saq:oo5Q. qdq"1
rg$:eaT{g $:8:Q.
-&'qd <g$:e$oo:o
' ccrf,>eg:
crn8ernSSd$'(oc&f oq3a?c6) @cScE$,s.5o96
acBlclco<$rr sleoQ t$:TTd'-? A. And give my regards to Bob.
$:q:e@E: oecBco$Q. Q$:
!"d,"itg g, eE, *Jol&{ - p i"orye
cns$1s6Q t &*s' Et"on €.D?4 q1$eorSodqe@E; e$rc8c6o1eg5l

B. Of course, I will see you then.
(ocor:e$:a$:eq) 4 nor't'o q,.'1 ox"S rr q e m-5e$: o!,:6 cil e o5 rr e gc cB e co2 e o:.@ e o:
egaocfioll conversations $

A. Yes, bye.
<-no3Qcilrr d8rr

A. Sorry, but I reallY must get on now'

A. Speak to you next week then.

oa A-<-Srr s'le<-' I nat$ no^'E cal tl$: e$an o ag od eE:cf saoo5er:

I op; $. ocnc:e$:co5eqS
a lr
B. Fine.I'm away on Mondav,though.
qgo Qd"rlu
B. All right. Well, thanks for calling' ecno8: oo: d r -s'l e<.r I q $
eor5 cn o:g o5: e g.9: sz e o: o!
ecrro8:$ eo rr <1$:esTQ oqc6 ecq: go'lb n
That's OK. SPeak to You soon' A. Oh, are you? OK.
decnn c@a8 a8op:$. ocrn:e$:etrSeEErr s3:rr a6op: 3Drqe"cD)sl Eq4 q,ior,-Srr

Yes, bye.
B" Right, well, good to hear from you"

qc6Q<in {Err e crrc E:$ eco rr a E o;:: S cn

@:r q* ra ao E e$ <r'1o:.r5 rr

A. Yes, nice to talk to you, too.

Conversation(2) d Q rr a I op: $. o cn:; c $: qo-r: cu pl: e err: E : c,'l o:.:5 lr

B. Bye for now.
A. Thank You for ringing.
,1$:naTQ saqc$ aE op:{ ecq:q:or8 <'ilcot-lSrr saeeo:r.
. dEn
B. That's OK. Good to speak to you again' A. Good bye.
c oc
{ ecn rr a E op: $. s cB co6 aep4 q- ecno8: oQcf o:oo'Jr rr ocDaDcI

ocrf,ica, ocqpegr
co8ero8Sc3${*fu-ge{cS) oxrso3tpSsa,icl36

Nice to make contact at last.

Thank you for c4lling. Saying you've got the wrong number
Thanks for calling back' p${dlo5pqEry af Epqm",5l
Thank you for getting back to me' '&{d'
Give him mY regards. o cS cB $.
<1 e$$e d sp g, t $, n E 4 n o, $ : e aTg $. $:
: o e,r:: <1

saq:oo5Q. o:S$|$
Give my regards to Jack.
"0r4t $6ciorc5rr qgdeqp Re-
Give me a ring. ceptionist $. Secretary eqcaqd s:q$raeq:@:e orcSc8
Send me an e-mail- t$, "h4t4 eocni E crr:: of <io:cSrr g:: eq: cu6c $: ea:6

See you soon. gcf a7.eq ore,:r ep: gd q, g" o:oSo3o $; $.

i. { aocr5

Have a good weekend. e$o { p. rae

$:: m o c-8 eq gr sao6
or ef q:@:<-,1o:<"r9 rr I Ee

I must get on. q 6E q"%cuE!: o:<r5c6,p $:

$. sa€, c35 oozr: 6 g"do>o5Q
sae q:@:,r'looSrr
Saying you've got the wrong number
f c. q c c
(t$-:$ dlc5ge:<u6:e er8@1"q"dea1 chdf d:)
I'm son1u, I think I've got the wrong number.
q1 $ o o 6: q g!: <.i'l o r:S r q $ : g <i o5 o" e f - d d. q c,, co E

Respond ing (".G$

Don't worry.
That's OK.
g3ecnr errr:E:<-,1$

ccr$ca, ecqpeg'
ntrr8noE gEd$'(o.6{f cDBa?cS)
oolcES@6cE6 ??

Answering someone else's phone

qs-a1 aSop:\.,g$:eaTo:':{ ch$S.-,l$r
cn6f:co5eo::"6i.,f $r4 eS@a:SE:
It's ringing for You.
Jack Smith's desk.
sE qp: oqc6 .2 $:$ Pleq ciox$ n
C c\ \ n
oJcDoeoq. or:gcDoilr
OK. You're through.
Jack Smith's office.
sgecDr aE op:<g$:af E: 81dQ q''il$ n
. .l
C C\ C
oJcDoooq" fl3af:cDolil
Jack Smith's phone.
Saying someone is not available C c\ c .l
e$c{ $E: oJcDoooq. of:olil
o6q cnSp:oi eaT{ cq{ 6 egoosae''l
Jack Smith's number.
Sorry, the line's busY at the moment' C C\ C . .l C 4
oJcDoeoq" of:lorcDoilr
e oc I e o:: e or eu,rS.'1 $ : { E: er s-ao: e :::
c8'c'11 rr

Jack Smith's extension.

His'line's engaged. I'm afraid. C C\ OC \ 4
olcDooos oJc:aoll
q.4 E, e rnrc8*,-,'l rr c21 $ e o 6: 1 E!: dlo trS
rr {tlo
Extension 482.
Would you like to hold?
c:lloor: cr?E:i $o1o5 9oj clr
a Eop: .1$:{Ecoo: atrE rr

I'm afraid. He's busY just now'

6'or: o> 8 sz g 8 cp: e cS"t.>'l Offering to take a message
q $ tl o 6: 1 $: <-,1 m <S
rr 3J 3?
? I rr

He'll call you back in five minutes'

oo8: g:coo:q$ cn6:c96:$E:
q d:8E6 oq8:p,1$:$$eaT'i."-'9$e<-Srr
(afc cor)re g)co:cD"o q6cotsJcv):il
oc o
Shall, I try someone else for You?
a E op: sa q,f q $ o 6 g o: I f : { @1: o:: e<'': qc o:a: rr

"c"rE nat$"-5 oco8: grcor:c8, qtlo:o:l

Can someone else helP?
oo:e: I'll take a message if you like.
o:Ep:o:6eorcBco q$$ Et'1.l rr

ecoJ": SocJcDqc cal6cD grcor:?e(I)il

ecr$eg, ecqpeg,
cenEetn8ff a3$('4-.3.l"S)
'F ?9

Would you like me to take a message for her?

qeoqc6 aE oB: occo::o ep q1 $ eo:t)co g:cct::q8 cile:

Would you like to leave a message?

a8op: cecu::oep o::a;E.jlooY::l
Leaving a message

Asking for time to PrePare

p@ormr oxi$Er

E€oSq$ of,1$oqc,8 eo:$$:S6:

I get Clarifying details when leaving a message
Just a moment while a Pen.

,A$ n-5 eo:E d$ cy.el o: $; acur eo:: eo:f <''1e15 rr 9:@c:ocn:: co::i. q"%6 saecr:8o'5 oa,;cr5c1::
gE:gE:cuE: oE: e$:@r:$E:
Just hang on a moment then'
Thatis N for November.
ecnGcu: {E cor,-,leE8 rr
N co $o8o.:c,Jct) 'T'{" o:q:<Jln
I'll find a note pad. Hold on. (4,S6g"4ocrn:9r<.ilQ N {'o:6ocfiq saqoSq: c3$E
nat n-E o5 g oc q 6 g: oi c5 p: c.:S rr c{E co:: t''11 e
$ 9
Q $o8o'r:cu$. fiE:$: q8:$o,:<irr)
Can you hold on while I find a piece of paper? 16, that's one six.
q$ oo gc6o:6 gc6 t0 aE op:'1$:{E cor:$ E c:
fPnf (cG ocr:$:c{ eE:co8:esrr8 o:8q:a18: egopc"rol{
olf:ll Smith, that's spelt S-M-I-lH.
Could you wait a minute then? (Smith 4Q *"dQ co6o3atrE: ooq;eci8: q8:$aro1r)
a8op: or68g6eoo:c6 eo':f $E.J1ocv::l
Seoa tp$:$. e$:{aoc6aoepg: of,eq:Q o$1saX Checking details in messages
saq8o$E(manner) $. oqEo:cq e$e{o:desa:E eqcm r:sr8: eo:Q.g:@:: el q I sre cr:8 o5 cp: o6 eo:@p[ SE:
cor:@eoa1E<jlocr5rr Sorr),r what was that?
o6: g p!:<J)co,:5rr $s1 rr:cp:<idn

crrf,rca, ccqpegr
?G cen8cen8ScS$(*fu-g{c6) ??

Was that A for Amsterdam? that name here-

d8 Acn Amsterdam o:q:d6or A{ e$:ono:o:rr (o gE go:egc.n q$c o6:gg[:cjlm<.rSn 8cn dE g:cE!$.co6

cne: q: g $ qE tn E.r cSop qo5 q 518:co E: go e9 Q o crn: q;
p:9 c$<.i1o;rr

4 e$'rl'r) If there' department of that name

How do you spell the name of the town?
(g:1 ocp$ c$eenmal)
EU\. +ttd{ aEop: oc'S{ o:q:e.-'1E:o11oo}rr
I'm afraid we don't have a such department. Would
Could you say that again more slowly, plesae?
you like to speak to...?
ecq:g$1$: e8op: 8$: E€,$€'i" "0"14 co6e$a$E"1cr
$8c,i g:E{p g1$"{.Sp *fl- o6:9p!:clco<.Srr oE
Could you repeat that, please?
If you think you have made a mistake
ecn6q: $1$: d "14 co6e$r$ $
8,.,'l ococ: tr
(o6 mm: coSqca6q: $1q6{ooSo8" coS$SicglS)
o:cScEg$: e$a{Qsaa1 ggopi:op!: €€AdAd i'm sony. I've made a mistake.
Gd# e$r{ocSQ. {cior,-'Srr s.lcB consolidation plus d na $ o 6:
E pQ:
o'lo:oS n q1 eco.5 g::
eil^<r'locSrr "-5 $ 9o: cS <.,'l rr

Sorry, I'll check the name and number.

o 6:
9 p!: <-,1)or,rS rr sa o
E$ $. $..ildq qy $ c o Be eo; @ d{leos r
Consolidation PIus
When you don't know the person the caller is asking
Language Focus
for Asking for a department person
<1$:eilqcn ec:S$:Qcuqgidq oE csecv:*tl. . ) e',
(Srt 6 oo"1cSo6p:o9 ce:S$:pE:)

I'm sorryr, but I don't know anyone of that name. L Can I have someone in I! please?
c c c 4 c c a c \e c\ ee -,q
cai,c o6:fg:olcr)(I)ge il 3l6oco) 3a3 faoef. o)og:cDo eq: q: $1$: { I 03 g: r q or6p: p: g" .Fd"q$ S'lorors rl
c o c o oa c
G(}DCDCD CAte ec)c\)o l6lc lr Can I have the Personel Department?
I'm afraid you'vern"n:#:,ake. There's no one of o$ m6:eq: ep g3$" 60oc8.. q$€eilooc: rr
ern8ccn8$d$(ootgogaf O) o,rscqFsdcS6 ?e

3. Could you put rne through to Accounts please? Conversation Practice (1)
em6 g:$ffi : e g oc q8: 9r I $:
oi8: 8.16 eo: $ E'i orc\}r:
.{ <1
l. Key Finance Company. Can I help you?
4. fO ii[e to speik in Told in Marketing please' cB: cop,reep qgc8cnc,lq8u
%$r rD€J": qd.S" q$Er1
e cng p $1$: or: cn o5 or E: g: q cn q 5
$. o crn: e
$: 4.1 E c8..<-'1 n
Good afternoon. Could I have someone inAcccunts,
Asking someone to wait please?
€ c c rr rrfe c cee
("-{ nQ Etq$ co6f:cn6cor:c'5{ etl:$$:$8:) cocv)
Pacso rr ecDj: ff [g[g: Gt m qc39" f cD o)o g:e:
l-\ O O(. .l
f. c[g"C\)" qscorc)oDsrl
1. Hold the line, Please. J. Accounts, yes. And your name is....?
C C .l C 'l\ C\ C
ecngp$1$: .g $: c{Ecm:<.ile q5 6tooqc:s"f qo)orcD())il 3rl. 9gq.f"cecD. . " il

2. Just a moment, Please. 4. Rob Sparkes" S-F-A-R-K-E-S.

ecnygQl$: act>€c.): eo:$<-t1g8rr 6 61" Oc^/e\ccececc
O o rtoJ il y, cD o - o - 6 3? - sr') q- € cD - sr: - srrcDo il

3. Could You hold, Please? 5. Trying to connect you. Mr Sparkes.

ecn6p$1$:,r $:{E cor: $ E c.'llocor: co c oc ocore n c ,.
5l9c? qf:o?c3 eJcDoL. lg[3m:eforcD()) cgcrt o<-1116rr

Conversation Fractice (2)

Connecting l. Key Finance Company. Can I help you?
(q$:oqS:eioSESt cB: cognesp qgoEmolqEu .?$o .rrelp: q€d q$Er1
1. Putting you through. Oh, gocd morning. i'd like to speak to Mr.Costa in Il
a8op:{ g$:oi8: 31de<-':eE <-t1or<'Sn please.
2, Ifs ringing for You. O€.CCil-rBoCe
c2: ()ooD ffcDac:orfl €mJ:c3lgl|g: Eco)g"fm eEcDl

aEqp:saqcE $:$$e <P

John can takeYour call now'

<-'1lo:':3 rr

{r-d e$: atr E cS..i
o cnn: rr

J. Fine. Who shall I say is calling?

g$- -? aEo.P:\. q$:4 {EtSEolEil e crn8: <i$ gE rr co,.S o,r
$:e dleq orr:54 $, ep qole,'o)
-fou're through now. "a
4. slcI
aSop: oq ,1$:of8: Sldd" q$eqEri

ccrf,ica' erqpeg'

4. Ann Thompson.
sa$: ae$(S)ao$o1n
5. fhank Vou. Hold the line, please. It's ringing for
n-tr p,ib,. ecqrp$fi: .1$:{Ecoo:cil"96'r g€o%6 q$t
aTe g,-,11o:,-t5rr

Communication Problems

aoc6agoSg $o:E:cp:obp $a>geeg{ -d{{G$

cobr qr:oE!q$ ac65Q dtd"e("$:{q) 4 co.-,Soi aoc6
c oC
1g;t-rg:{cA [go:E:eqo?
.Doq l-. C eocDo
O - e-Q 6gqc:

tloleq{ oE Q
ap:gr $6<.'1co,$

Conversation (1)
An fnvitation
ocD6et e

A. I hopethatyou'll be able tojoin me and my colleagues

for lunch at Mr. Black Restaurant after the meeting,
At about 1:30.
e r€ c -----q oc
e oo: GcrcDqc ...- S
saop!:saeo: c
lgs qc goD.DorcD P 6
oo oo: Q. ta $
o,i q <.r5 atrE: eq $.sa ca a E otr::
-S i" .a $
" "
.io8 $ EcS$ cosd ql$ eorE egpcui coo:,-'1ocb o:6$r Q rr


ccrf,>ca, ecqpca:
9J ern8etn8$ c8${*6j-g.$C) @,rScq$:s6c86 9?

B. I'm sorry'. I can't understand what you're saying.

Q q$E,Jlocv::n
o6:gp5;.J)ocrSaEop:rra8op:rr:efioeqo]{onnA$"c.r5 B. Can you speak up, please? I can't hear you very much.
coc o 4
fr:€oJe9a6co)ofir ecn6 g $1$: aE op: o cr':: e$: o t d, + €t $ $$8 <-,1 o cuo: rr

A. Oh, right, well, we're laving lunch at Mr.Black Resta- a8op: nat$nc.r5 a36c@:c8..<.irr
0. Would you like
urant after the meeting. At about 1 :3 Atr Oh, OK, yes, sorry. She can't see you in the morning
to come? on the 6 th. What about 2:15 in the afternoon?

f r eern8:olprr sao$ eaeo: p: q8 o gon cococB oo:eor<$ $: $ecnr cpo5o1\rr o6:Epi:<.,11o:,:Sn G qcfeq cacfocf
4E 9o % $
€ 0754 +"* €
" - o:: e c$..r'l rr o: E
E: Q) e o:o cB <-'1 rr
"i. ""%.qaq!"q-,r5"o.6:l t"q ca 8q6
aSop: o::$Eg:o;::l "{qEecrnrr
B. I still don't understand. I'm afraid. B. I still can't hear exactly.
I think we've got a bad line.
C C 4 C C C COC C\ f-a \
oe:fe:olo)())fl caf 6cD f":ocDP6c6g)"co lgocf eo
. na$nc.r5
radsacr4 e@:$Eeo:{rlt (t$t){E: cecrn8:
$6eEddrr caoo!. cg$ ec.r5 o8cr'lco.r5 rr

Conversation (2)
Appointment Explanation
f oc o c\ tcce\
(3Jf :a?eJCDJ (gc:c\)c:aJcD )

A. I know that she's busy all moming onthe 6 th. I'm A. .....and after that you find the small switch located just
afraid. After lunch is probably OK. Can I make the to the left of the main or/offswitch. Press it once and
appoinment for 2:15? then everything will be fine.
G eprSeqgc o:6egc$o: oo raol6op:6fo)3 q$"-5 ......$rn-a a8op:saeE $. sa gi o5 8 $:(o8cn)
"a8 "q.8\
c3cjlco,rSr %$ E!:,io.-S r p! o> or$; qE
o6: I co,:SocBgc $n+d aqdmeo:cB cDsl{ alc8
r.C C r-COC"-5
.I C C e O C C C OC O
lgoccDocs gofcoro)())r $ol'q c3 QfogD %lf6c., alf:o E
S: $
S cqc6 g: qE eo:2 sa ep sp { E: ecnoE: qo: g:r-,11 rr

ec$ca, ccqpcg,

B. ['m sonl', but that's still too fast for me.

B. Would you mind repeating that, please? o& E pQ: o'lo,:3 rr s1l e o c,r) :d 8 of ep o-r> m q1 $ e c':f m q c'5

eq:p$ffi: aSop: sDdl{ co6e$:$$8c"loco::n 33Sg: G$oe$:d,..,11

A. There's a small switch-it's just to the left of the onioff
switch. Find that and then press it once. Language SummarY
$c:.S d s'lm gi
d 8 9: a o.7o5 srea):€co: cD6
I rr m

n o?d \
:o<.Soc69c,i rr s) sl{ gre g$:eo4 a qo5{ a;e6
Responding to Problems
c oc c. c .l
alc: &ocrJcDOlli
(Suerep:4 q.0$GE,
B. No. I still don't know what you rnearl.
eqd q: a8op; rr: {nioo}4* q1$ ao"'5oc36o3q:
1. tr'm sorry; but tr can't understand what you're saying'
Conversation(4) q n orE o 6: q pQ:,jlooS rr s'le,: eo! aE q:: :oo e[i: e I cr:: oi
{or q$eo-,8 q::ocupQ$Eq;rr
c'85oc 2" I'm afraid, I still don't understand. . '
A. I'd like you send it to me at 70 A\L'est 34 th Street, San o6; g p!;,:1 o:.:5 n q1 $
e c.rE qr: o o: g! ab $ Ee
I dol n

Diego, C.A and the ziP code is 98102. 3. Can you speak up, please? I can't hear you very well'
8-os?r ao$ $ E8$6saaf34 ?9
""tf 4 q$eo5
aEop: s-aeq $.,a$ ecq:p$g$; a8op: $$ cni,:Sq,:5e$:cih c36
o:6:1 2o G-) 4 Q.e<-':eoatrEcr'lo:cSrr Zip code mecr:? ecr:E: eor8: er@:: qQo'lrr

eocoJ $E<r1o:,-Srr 4. I still can't hear exactly" I think we've got a bad line.
B. Could you speak more slowlY, Please? q $ -E d d q mtr el @ : sie o: c8..o1 n q1 $ e o:6 {. I $ : c8'5 :
oc'r:: "
eq: g$1$: aE op: saeq $. Qp: e g: e g: e$r$ E cfl n
oecno6: cp:c'3 coE o<l5 n

A. Yes, of course. T'he address is 70 A, West 34 th Street' 5. Would you mind repeating that, please?
San Diego, (A-98102) right? eq:p$1$: $ sl coSep:eo:$ E cJloo::: rr
?cbqu q,.ilo:cErr c86ormeo:2
q<;lo:cul cDoorcDco:2 20 (esa)r
c?Gl)eD ?9
6. No, I still don't knowwhat you mean'
o8:r ao$QE8r 8es> eocoJ cno5m,-r3eg5rr
. ccqpg,
cen8eo8Sc3${oc81oq3cics) @,$cEfFsrf).o36

c qd cp.: rr a E op: c.:o

{oioc,; {coo q $
gr: e o: plad 5" Shall t try again when we get to the next station?
9:.6 q o7 { "a " -E
$ 4 e sp efi Q sa e1) .E $. c.rE (9 $:
e aT

7. Could you speak more slowly, please? Q) oSSpoa:qsroD:rr

em6pQ1$: QQ
eg:e5: a8op: ep:$Ecr'loov::rr 6. Could you ring me and see if we get a better line?
I'm sorr;r, but that's still too fast for me. q $: of E: Qecm E: c"n qqt aE op: cg $
ecc,!,g$:e aTp:
q$"or5 o6:qp!:.-'lcooSrr s'lec-'o<-$ dslcn q$eof -%c6 olloon:n
ocrc o 4 7. I'll send a fax with a diagram of the plan.'
3)o19t6f o?"oilr
eo,E Q.{ c6"oS
9. Sorry, I didn't catch that. E6 a.1,f Q o: I Q r\oq o o5(S) m 6eo': E eg1

6\ c c'leEc8c,5c8,in I'll send you an e-mail with all the details.

Qlfecol sas r L
G€oo$oil 8_
o e C . \ C C q .- e 9.-.-
ga e c.:: 6cb sa a; ci rn: o: crl cA 6 o:l a c oJ": eo e)3 G o:
$"sa i,

Dealing with Problems o:6eo:E Q"{cBe,rSn

9. I know-Why don't I send you an e+nail?
L Is there anyone in your office who speaks Italian? q$notE a8op:eE S:eo: erQ"ocbaQon q$
do:cE t","rt"$rdq o:Ep: orEecrr:c6 e8:{.,{:g: $.r1 ec.rE c3oecl3n

a)co?:lr 10. I'll spell it out slowly for you.

2. I'll call you back. a E op; sa q cf 11 E dt g d; E; cn o2: e <r1E: $ o,:5
a- t

c c c o cr-c an c 11. I'll ask my boss to phone you in the morning.
ca+6o)a aeoJ";cD ofstglcel o())ll
3. I'lltry again later. egc'Soc$ a8op:co g$:eaTQ" %$"o^r5 €t ?Eq eo:c8.6ql
c e cr-o r- c' s
c c
%ll6cD otgoc - coc)t9l:oo:t98o(D[
4. I think I'll call back rvhen these work-men have finis -
8 rrq6 o cr:: e q sa o7 6$: E: Q sa el c1 .p $: $ $ e aTqc8$e cS


ecqpca, ccqpca,

Appointments and Arrangements

{$'{nqp';E. Eo[pqpr

A. Making appointments and arrangements

({ $,{ e"Ir:g € 6 gcp:Eto?6$Et
(1) Could I make an appointment to see Mr.John?
cBsD g$i. .e.Q. 8l$'4n co61$1q6$Eolloc':::r
(2) I need tq make an appointment with Mr.Peter.
_.____ e_ Oe O c CO C o c .l
()goD ocD2i\ alfl:eoocDoa f-lgo?os C
%lf6cD. cps2ootcD(
(3) I think we need a meeting.
..lo c c o c co 4 c c
crcD soe:s)6o3ooa cyc?OcDoo5 cl.coeoo)r
(4) How about tomorrow?
cr-c o c
cfc,)lgf eoqcGcrril
(5) What about Thursday?
EPOo6cD:6f. eoqcGcrJ)il
(6) May I ask what it's about?
ds1 coocBgd{- og$c ec:<-rlqeon
ceo8een8S d$s(oa6?oga?o5) oq5cE$,o,1c.36

(7) Can you tell me what it's about? (3) Could we make it a different day?
dstoosae@E:c8gcb 4- el$r{ qE e$:$$8ocu::r o$r:Q$::dn*{ "et$"-64. $1q5$Eolocuo:n
Confirming times and days (4) Whatabout Wednesday instead today?
(-{$l€ cflcJ": snopiSfiSN Eeq.saor: tc?:ef.{q8 cocsopeg<lo}rr
(1) Yes, that's fine. Friday,2:30. d - ocrn:e$:a$:eq eogcuo@g$qes-ro8rr
qddrl cDs'l ecDcE:a:":drr eo:@oeE ,s6g:QieE5r Conversation (1)
(2) So, that's Thursday 29th at 9:30. A: Hello, Tom Pink's desk.
e OO C \ n C e\ C
sQTqc sa3l -[gooo6cD:61" Je qm e l"qecf"[ q8of(a) o::}o1 a8oprr
C. Checking details B: Oh, hello. Tom. It's Susan here. How's the project goi-
f c o c r-c \ no')
(s)Gc):o cDoJ": oo eeo:lsc:J "b.
(1) I just wanted to check the time of our meeting. d:r dc8r 96r sap$regoro qao$cilr o$o1cf oe$oeg
C c o c \ oc O C O c C
ca I cc.r% s? oe: sa 603 6Le? f q o 06 €o: o ca f 6cryl 3a o?
aJ cn :o<rSc8oln

$i-"S'' A: Not bad, but I think we need a meeting soon to discuss

(2) Was it 1:15 or 1:30? it.
d sl o$ g: fl aocr!c}8 q 6cor: rr slloocnqS o:6 Er Q) o::r cd:<r1lco:rr s'leoc<$ ds'l eg;eg:Q. c@ca8 oog!:raeo:
D. Changing and Cancelling appointments and arra- c8o6c,r5d c'l coScooSu
ngements B: OK. How about lunch time tomorrow?
t : o @2: ? cJ": 5 q o o e cor: c cJ": o? 6[90 c :cD 6 c : $ I {ecnr "f "68$ eg.cuo5Q8:
o(r) oJcDlgc: A: Yes, fine. Let's meet at the canteen at I : I 5.
(1) I have to cancel the appointment. ega:r ecneE:cro:dr cn8:co8:o c q:Q ca 8g6o51$ d{.
oc o o c c c c c
:€ocs):()op3c? ca f 6cm oooJcD qo())il
3Jf l68n
ecoO.LJ t
(2) Would you like to make another appointment? B: OK, fine. See you then.
aEop: egrcfco8,3l$:{g $1o6e;Eoo:o:l {ecnn ecrro8: cro:D rr eq@eo:o:oe<Jll

ecqpcA: cc$eg
9J @rr$cESsr6a96 9?

Conversation (2)
A: Good.morning. ISI Bank.
A: OK, fine. We'll see you then.

c8o: $qcBa8:t,'lrr ISI

d em n e crn E:,.,1$
u .a $
" 4. g€ 4 " g.Ee cc: ca:eoil n

B: Thanks very much"

B: Could I speak to Mr.Fisher, Please?
g$1$: . gor tB oc{ o.rn: e$ccS. q$ 6 tloco:r n ff ep: grl o: E ollcr:,:S l
.ecq: A: You're welcome. Goodbye.
A: He's in a meeting at the moment. Can I help you? o o /l c c oc
cCc'lce cDoo61() laD: 6tc il ocDSDc
a) GoJoccrJ?ao<-:b sao g: sa eo: a i: cr:o tt cA + c .Do?eqo
I O Jl rlll, O L

B: Bye.
B: It's Peter Smith here. Could I make an appointment to L

see him sometime this week?

s-a a ep e oz: E o:: o o 6ci rr 8 o
6o o5 o: E 3;
$ 9c o-Q
or 6 E $1q 6 $ 8 <-'1 o a:::
e q.Q. e21
e o:S 3.1
{ 9

A: Just a moment. I'll check his diary' What about Friday,

14 th at2:30?
ee g eocf Qd o 6e eo:ffi giof c'5u1
<Jleq5 rr q1 $ c,, *? S
c.Srr eor@reE (cg)qc6 J +rqd {qE mao8ep\.o::u
B: Yes, thafs fine. FridaY,2:30.
qddrr ds'l ecD"E:f,D:dn een@:eg 1 9rQieg5ri
A: May I ask what it's about?
corcBgo){on q1$ c eo:olqeoeESrr
B: I'd like to talk to him about some new investments'
a: 6 sa afu sa e @ E' q4 q$ n -8 eQ: $ a1 E
$:$[S g {',
6tE: g


Taking Telephone Messages
oo5o3t1$s$[ p@rcxXqpr4gE;

$: mes sage eo: 8S E: r, cucf i $ E:9'a $: e aT{Q

?ftd (p".ronmakingthe call) i. ,,$'4 cuc6aes{Q

(person answering the call)
{$: $clco<$rr .

Vopabulary (eo1,rnd
Telephone message eo:$&/qcr$&p oees<J1Q phrases
e2:coc6Q. co8$oicf<iooSrr
"%{ "Be+ep$.q
A. Making the call (p$:6oT46St
(l) This is Mg Mg from ASP Co, Ltd.
ASP qgcEg ecr8een8 epeg<.'1)o,:Sn
(2) CanI leave a message?
nat$"-E message gocor:{. q88o1ocw::rr
(3) Can I speak to Nyomi, please?
ecnpq:$1$: €f aQ ocrn: e$:c8 q$ E ci oo:o: rr aE op: rr

(4) Can you ask him to call me back?

nof S q $sG $ 6 aTq. a3{ aE op: ec:eo:$ Eollocuo: rr
ceaEco8$c3${t h"tgg"?"S) @,$cESEa,5o96

B: Hello. Can I speak to Tomas Czeska, please?

(5) Can you ask him...? .

cDopr ecn6e:$1$: ea:aeoS alcfocrnc{ ocrn:epd q$E

a8op; ee:e,-t:$Eoor::n
B. Answering the catt (t$:e${$EN
(1) Mya MYa sPeaking. Can I helP You? A: Who's calling, please?
o crr:: e p e q,r'1 o:.-,5 rr q1 $ e q€ 4
tr: oJ't q S $ E o1 o cb eca6p$1$: -"Ee g$reeTeg<,r1oob g8rr
This isAnnaLee.
(2) Who's calling, oae$oe gar: ca$ gacE:ol gE rr
ecryg$1$: g$:eaTeq oolq8 rr A: Just a moment... I'm sorry, the line is busy. Do you
"odQ want to hold on, or call back later?
(3) I'm sorry, the line is busY?
o:: acv>6cD: eo:$cigEu cg$c o6:gpi:c,'lcaoSg8n <p$:oQE: c
c $:oi E:
rl el c'Q.''i qE rr
o 6: E pi: 8 <-,'lor <-S .g

mo:ec>: c,3Jl rr qE o$:cBE co:: a;E oc'n: rr s19c<.2d e@a E

(4) Can't I have Your number?
q@:el8:\. cg$:$olcE %l$e q$E..,1c:c.:o:q8il g$:E$cdiaJEa)c\ro:l
(5) Just a moments Please. Canlleaveamessage?
eq:g:$ffi: acDeco?c'5 eo:i<-"IgE rr caf c Pcm:cuo q6cotc)cu)3lt

(5) Do you want to hold on' or call back later? A: Of course.

gE tg$:{Eo:ai8 ocv:: rr (slgcqcS) c@ra8 $: $ $eaT q,ica<.,Sq8rr


al8a:o>o:rr Can you ask him to call me on 0121334 8798?

ci Taking telephone message $. odoc6d cg$:eaTg

%$"s 0t21334 8798 +o1c8g. <g$:eaTQ o{ epeo:88
<-'1ot:91 <.ilocuo:rr
eQ E gqrsaeg $. coE$
6 atr8
Phone call (A) A: oK0l2l 33487s8.
A: Hello, AGM Finance. Jana speaking' Can I help {ecnu )121334 8798 eqSn
cdoprAGM c:pocq:r g:9mtr'lrr opp 0:r':6$";+'1 B: Thafs right. Can you say I need to speak to him urge-
r'rcJ": q$$E'ioo}g8rr ntly?
-.rSu q1$o og@t"Et{
ecrf,:cA. ccqpry
eentcen8$f c$${oc6goq3clc$) @c$cqFsr.5cE6

<.'1o:<-'5rr q{ m6e'1: o:@: cg $ eo:E epo I $o:<Sd -91 B$E$ ,l$,s"TQ. qec{ etl:e<;:8Eo:cuo:rr

e$:eo:$Eoon:n A: Yes, of course. Can I have your phone number?

A: I'll give him the message. qclo:,:S5iEr q7@:eE:\ q$:,ioldq q1$e q$Eol
sDE g:@:atrdd %l$" a7"{ eo:c'.!c6t"lctr)rr a:cuo: gErr

B: Thank's. Good bye. B: Yes, it's 00468 5678 6769.

ecog:p <J)d qE rr g oEdE rr

otddrr g $: $ <io5cneoo2 0046 8 5 67 8 67 69 $E,ico,rS n

Phone Call (B) A: So that's 00468 5678 6769.

A: Hello. Ikon Technology. Can I help 5'ou? -d44q8 t1$:g.fldcn 00468 5678 6759 elEn
mcc6m,-'1ln q1$c q@:e8:cB B: Yes, and let me give you my mobile number. It's 07990
";{ 4Sg$'td*eP 242022.
rl:€J": q$q.ieo)q8rr
C4 C ae C C C O OC C r 4 C O C
e+olcD())rr [9:604 %tco)? 63Dc: of:folo)q 3coJ";q
B: Good morning. This is Paul Danielsson from
" \"
6():()rq€Oil SrasICD6cr)? 07990 202022 <ldl
Stockholm. Can I speak to Jo Stech, please?
c6a8:<-,1)rr m I e$:GI cm oGoT eclc6 A: OK, Mr Danielesson. I'll give her the message.
'Fcu:$1 "?8:$;cn
s E q.-S ao
$ $ $ 6o1o:,-S rr ecogp$1p:
.{p oc8 $: oern:e@ { demrr- el gon s
ei -S ao$ n
%$ " -*4
message e,.,: c8cf
op. q$Eolocm:l qlo,-SIr

A: I'm sorry. She's not in the ofiice today. Can't I take a B: Thank you.

message? ecn;o:cibn

q1 c o 6: g rr 3?e cr, a g" c fi'l q: q$ rr q1 $

c A: You're wetrcome. Good bye.
$ $:.ico<-,S 98 ip
o o.l c 'c oc
message q$ Eciocuo:rr cDoc5()loD:oeI
B: Yes. tr need to talk to her about our meeting' Can you
ask her call me as soon as possible? ,,.7b

dQ' qcr'io:,:S rr %l $
"-; 4" sa o p!: sz e o: $. t-' o5 oc'5 {.
qc{ ocno:e$:e.1Eo!.o1r .A$""fSQ B6$Ecl6 G$$E
ccrf,rg, ecr$qg,
an$cE11${dlo5 oqm$ slcilsmtil'p
co <rS cE g :
ep @:: sa 5 cS 6 o crt: 9D co
oS cE g : o1
$ $

saq:og$: gaedlgaecil"gi.
"h{Qeq $6<.,1o<$rr
1. public phone (n) = ocp:$€q{r o:,:Sc8tg$:
2. pay phone (n) = egeo:e$o{qec::<g$:
3. phone card (n) = o.$;cnE$r
4. mobine phone (n) ' Q{E:<g$: (Rr.Eng)
5. mobine (n) . Q{E: @r.Eng)
6. cell phone/ cellular phone/ cellular . aocl5qcw:<g$:
(American English)
7 extension (n) . op8:i
8. cordkess phone/ cordless(n) . EfQ,l$t
9. pager(n) = eoop (writtenmessagesq:: ocfeel$q$
10. webcam (n) = %$qpoco6or o$:op8;gfQcoo:eoo

c'rr$cqFs"6cEo 6q
G1 eo8ctn8$cS$(ocfuoga$)

(n) g$:g<ic8cp: (Phone Numbers)

(r$'s€"F4eqq56p: o:Ef:5i'8A:GE$63r€)
g$:eaT{ g sa a1,1 $:,q,icEeq { oq 6orcq eSc {o:dQ"
rr. i"l =e g 4'1$: rr (ocn qE o'l$e o:s;q'e$') g3l
r-6 .l c
"ii""prt"* sD€Tlg:olcD())[
$'G€ -h,q{ $E$Er:$n (l) Access code 00
12. video conferencing (n) = SEoiq$oq$ $r+6$Etu
Double Oh (Br E)
eg. Webcams and videophones enable video conferencing'
g ZeroZero (AmE)
webcams i. I Soio$:c%.', (2) Country code 44
eorSe <.r:c.:oSl
96:e double four
Video conferencing is holding a meeting with
(-?) Areacode 17 46 '
in different locations.
oRe seven four six
ESq?%$oGIe$1qS$S:{cr: QS:$r:Er:QGf q'6%q
(4) Number 845g21
"q$. -'p!,eaeo:$iq6qE:'-'P5: eight four five nine two one

(A) tg$:eaT{pE:
(C) g$:eoTq8 cBgq6,p: $1o?6$E:
9r tg $: e aTd- 4
Briti sh English Rin g o?.q:$: Ameri-
(Doing things over the phone)
can English g)ccl:? ,1$:eaTo-':{ call {. o.:}cocSrr
c c C / O\ C Oc \ C r /l e

eg. (1) to ring someone

c) cD c: c? aJcD s, cu cD (3?.J c2 -[9 e cD qt c c? o l; I o ro)l
c'gp!: eqo,:Sq$ E 4 g$: g <io5r c3: o 9o@: $EQ q$:
(2) to ring uP someone ..,lC O Cn OC 4 .\f-C
folcD6%q Gsnaoteqc:Gal^n 60l c)!glgo)())[
(3) to ring someone uP
(1) help line (2) hot line
(4) to give someone a ring
(3) information line (4) reservations line
(5) to call someone C f'O r'(_. f- OOC \ O
cu6% of:6el T6[9t9": ctg"a?f cc? 6l6P6%o?
(6) to call uP someone
call centres (BrE)
(7) to call someone uP
call centers (AmE) c8.eaT@cooSrr
(8) to phone someone
G9 Gen8eenE$d$3(oc6?@qRc?c$) cDr$cq$s8",5o96 G3

o crn 9'o sa a | $ : e aT$ E Q $ cil cE e q o! e ra: cfi .i o
E6 <1 tl8: eg:c,ScoE"l q$e$ p$d -A cil$<g$:eaTcieE5t
oc 'n or- c
(5) Call me up next time when you're in Mandalay.
qc! 6alqlgo)(Dil
(l) an 0800 number (BrE) ll8: egeo:cn$QoA eE:c6o6@6:cntrqE d{ q$:eaT
(2) a Freephone number (BrE) egSn

(3) a 1-800 number (AmE) (E) <g$:of 8: g <io5cp: oq <g$: eaT{eS {?"Jz
(4) a toll-free number (AmE) (l) Reservation Line
(D) <g$:caT{gcp: (Phone call/ ring) eg. Just call this number to book you seats.
eg. cE:\. {E lee@ierQ. S $,,1054 eaTc8cf g<.,l<)n
(1) It would be good to see Anna soon, I'{l phone to her (2) Help Line
and see when she's free. eg. For technical assistance with your new computer, call
o $ +, 4 o @ a E e q qel8 e.rn E : cB $ e,-'5 rr c'l o*S $ : eo cE
<g 212-7363100.
oc c re c oc c
oicre())il 19:60? clc2":qc 6%.cDcDco)ll
"r€%$"lporao6oqc,5 -q*€{q8 ca:o8:ca:- ab
(2) I gave Bo Bo a call yesterday and we had a long chat. oE: oQ;o6 o{: o6: socf{c{ eoTopcrs<irr
{ 44 c 6 *cD g $; e aT) $: cld"a1 c'5 o: E sa @o @: q8
"1 c
i (3) Hot Line
o)(Dlt eg. Ifyou know the answer call us right here in the studio!
(3) Why don't you ring up atPizzaPalace and order some Right now!
takeaway pizza? oe${o8 c3q8 oq8<{9:$d eeTolc6ol)n
eaT$:olaocsqd o1d "1{.4-ab
P izza Place
{E{ a8"p:

qc? oco(,israJl. cP?crro)il (4) Information Line

(4) I rang them five minutes ago but there was no answer. eg. Call us any time to find out about opening times and
dqg$ iQ & 8q Ecn A4S,1 $: eaTico<.Srr slec' c,$ f $,0 $ admission prices.
nE* cqlq:rr eFq68l$i o8e@:s$:sae @&go&Q ocSoSlge'{ qgc
(5) Give me a ring when you're next in Yangon. {.{ eaToln

ccqpq' €odqg,

(s) Free Phone Number

eg. To buy this amazing product
simply call 0800'

S"?Egd q$og$:oo3qq.4 do5 socs{d q$:eaT

Eocq e${coo5t-'i)eo n

-.S"8,19,t.-: Q o9
s$cdlepq8 Envw
c4 oE m q y: $: e aT Q sa a1 $ 6 otr c6 g e o: e q oi
p" sa o p!: e <1

o: E ag E o1 m.:5 rr o E cm q g o3 or8 g g: 4
$ fi - E pr - S e or cB cB
: e aTQ m a1 co
$: { e cm cf q oicf o: <-'5 rr d I ga a1 o E @: elor>
m diallingtone $6c,1o<.'Srr $:eo:2 o:oSc8g$: Keypad
rldq dial o6 oi cf co<-,S rr or6a'lor eor g: oScf fi
$: {6:
g o1o5 (direct the number)
{ oEce3q6 qgdi. switchbo-
ard $ olo8c8 oEedlqo:cSrr
d I gz a1 esa:c,5cr'ld. @6<4cr5ecg fir:lor,:5rr
(a) o$:$o1o5$ 60?ct50r? ring $p!ec,o$ rrdqg o$:otf E :a: rr

(b) o8@c:qQ 6d"EQ tone { $dq1sa8c86-9o ensas-

ed tone cS eaTolca,:Srr American English g: busy tone
c8 eaT,.'1ox-Srr s'lo,
co@:o:Ep:$. o$:e@ego!
(c) <p$:eaTof qeoc.r! oE sao!fle o $:ocnc6 qE 9o:e ge<1$:$
o1d (wrong number) cB eaT<-t'lor,-rSrr
(d) qA i. Receptionist e o cry: o $ : e s-aEo e qo:o

ccr45ca: ccrf,rg,
een8coES d$!(oc8?o>gc?c8) cDriScEFsr6oS6

o: tS n e s-,5 o e qctr: co o 6 e aTa'1 E Q (6) I'll hold.

oq 6
{ cu $: q 6 qt''11

t$,\ {S't$o'ld (extension) {

e$:qo1ca''Sr <g$:{Ecoo:eroSeESrr
t"l "-lr"q-"cn oQ{g$co$Q extension { Qet-':o:oQ (7) I'll call back later.
transfer o26e.-': qort:S d {c'1ot$ rr
nBt$no",E e,'@:oE g$:$$eaTel<$rr

(0 or{U qEc8n%? o8e$:e18Q"t"$'ri oEg:a1EQ o:6oc'3e q$:q.$$gcp:

t". r"g" 4 TS.\. vo Jem 1 9o cc':: qo1 o: rr o $ sa
i ai t-S
(1) One moment please.
c8.9: (call vou back)
g, -; -€4,1$'G$eaTq2!'irr eo:6g$1$: acneo:e9En
co::qullco.rSrr (2) I'mputting you through.
q$nc.r8 e8op:{ cp$:ai8: {o5eo:eEc,lcooSrr
co6f:o6eor:o5 ocno:etr{ q$ e.a:S$:$E:
{ (3) The extension is ringing for you.
, Can you put me throughJo extension 123'
' cSE:
)m s E op: saoro5 <1$:$p!eE <.'lco<$n
a8op:'1$:of8:81d (4) Sorryto'keep you waiting.
""-l fGiE: "J?S %$"'fQ
eo:8E..iloc.Y::rr a8opi g$:ocf eo:i 6f qcD" o5: g p!:c-,1o<-S n

(2) Can I have extension 123, Please? (5) I think you'Ve got the wrong extension.
ecogg$1$: oiS:i c jq$. epo!.q$Eoar:r 98 9o: e
E Q a? E3
cll d qo:: c,:<.,5c8 q1 e co
$ E o<S u

(3) Extension l23,Please' (6) I1l try and transferyou"

ecngp$i$ of8:i c.1P cBe'::''ilrr
% $
n-5 @poo:$: aE op:c8 o$:c88:eeo:c,'locr5n
(4) James CassidY in sales, Please' (7) I'm afraid the line is busy.
sa e ep E: g: q co 3,16: I co ci d I c8 ecry g $1$: e<'': <'i a 8 op n
$:op6: er raa: c'r: o6: g E!:<rllcaoS n

(5) phoned a moment ago, but I was cut off' (8) I'm afraid the extension is engaged.
nat$n"'f, q$iQ sa81$sa1$:c':3c': q$:eaT)eoc<$ q$:cn cE6:
)osz::oo o6: g p!: <r'lcooSr
(9) I'm sorry, but there's no reply.
q$n*5 o6:1g!:cicocr5il
f $:0$c$4oo
cct'og, ccqpcg,
eo8e,;.:ES€s$,(".spg"9d) ?c

c{ olc6al8el8 +{
rvould you like to call back
(10)Do you want to hold or conversation
l?1" -6ed o:6$atrE"lcocSrr
later? Conversation
,i, * 6, 4e -r: a1E o on: rr digccqoS o@e a E t|$;fi $
Annelize {q c orjLr-6:o:Ep;cn James Cassidy € q$t
alEoor::l c . irc
eocD6fo lgoolcD(Dil
Voice Mail Annelize : Goodmorning" CanlspeaktoJamesCassidy
oerno'llrr oEoore:
Voice mail cn answeringmachine in Sales?
o$iq8 voicemailgo33 @'st9'cD ' ' ' .€ . C C .l C
eoc\D f fcDac:olfl sac6Pc:9"f cD oJo:loJ cDc/)
OC /C\ C

"sc*.qgOq.o mail of Ja'mes Cassidy' I'm

You're throughtoihe voice e60 c c r- o oc.l
€o3 cD cel e of :6tg"cDqle c o l3)cu):lt
if you leave a message' I'll
not at my desk right now' but Switeh board operator : Do you know the extension?
press 1' To speak
getrightbacktoyou' To leave amessage' OC \" C O
C'JC:alo^ICDCD 6'lc 3)o
C O.t
to the oPerator, Please hold' Annelize : No,I'm afraid I don't.
msa\. voice
:'" * "f::*l
* &;
*i"c-,tfs'p''l'nj'-l"T: ::::X.k
qf i$'Ej"'tt"':f-9:'"7
Switch board operator
e c3o1l co: oE rr o6: g

: Sorry to keep
g!: c-,11o:.-r! u
%l $
you waiting. I'm
" o a3 cj'l o: l

'aF ".tr " 1c putting you through.

co::Q. c Q$8olrr ltEu"qc.rq "G'48 "-J'ffGffi'q$'48 c
Go"96lqo^, c c.t c e c co
o€:f p:olo)())ocrr o31iQ glgQ
{dfi dt $'{8: el c5e I <.'1o<.,5
o8gr@::oqr cr::$:Qeqcc6 o8@c:6'19"or "' ':

John Cassidy: Cassidy.

press 2 o:Q message { qr:
To listen to yourunf"ugt' mcBSE e$regclcr:<.$n
2 {$S.i; o$ message { E::ecofp:Qmd} '3@r:
"-rSq Annelize : Is that James Cassidy?
qg"', saae $:e gc.r:cn 816:(E)cncf SEo:::n
oress 3' If you'd
rrnrrr m€SSAQe' pl
If you'd like to change your message' John Cassidy : No, this is John Cassidy. You're come thro-
like to erase Your message' Press ugh to Accounts. I'll try and transfer you back
; *"rr*" { o8e$r8;a18e18 3 { $8'Jrro[
to the switch board'
€(4o5o1lq:rr saqe$relo:o g$ cnc6dsoll
op, ng- q&# 4 orctnellrr og$eo:6
q Si S @P
o::$: Q e'-': oPcBol c <r5 rr

Annelize : Thanks, Oh no,I've been cut off'

q$t$d Message
ecq:pt'ldq8rr eqdc'1q:rr cg$el
{: oofrr pocmqpr

o o:E$ a18 or:<neo:2 Tel ephone g, oeep@:

Over to you
Q messages (ooa8:r ccocrrc;eq)$. oo5oc6Q
emoc6o''l esocrn:{ qc6 gdcoo:<''1lrr "F{Qng
eg.(l) Have you ever had these problems on
the phone' $6,i o,r5rr
in your language or in English?
A. Asking to speak to someone
a8op:.g$:9"2 $ u 1:eq sa$ fiocuc: n a€ op: \' cD"c'o
o6f:co6eor"64 ec:$$:$8:
.-, ag.q.S s?5c86'D-roDocna:cret:]n "&4q$
(2) Do you use voice mail Yoursel{?
(1) It's Mg Mghere.
a8op: .{.$4S voice mail racg:$1ool::rr
voicg mail? o2 e$regc"rr ecr8eco8o'lrr
(3) What are advantages and disadvantages of
coaobrr (2) This is Mya Mya.
voice mail \ s-z::o:1c6eq{ s:n:1$a56eqcD
o1 e$:eEcoo EBr1,
(3) You don't say "I am Mg Mg."
"I am Mg Mg" d, o8ce$c<-t1$"1
(4) CanI speakto Thuzar, please?
ecn6g:$ffi: .Re"{ ocrro:epo!. q$Eciloo:o:rr

ern8e<r:8$f c3$('ft-q3{S) daoSc8,f+s5o96 ?J

(5) Could I speak to Win Win, Please? o & g p!: c,1 o <tS il .\?cD sa ? o:E p: co Secrnc,5 i.- $e
d,i n

eeo,p pp1$: o E: o E:
{ % $ "o^',
o o::: ep d qS E c'1 oo:o: I (15) I'm afraid they are in a meeting.
(6) Is that Khin Khin? q$ o 6:
1 E!:
8c'1o:6 u q 4. sa o g!: o e o: g 6 e g d.i n

s'aq e$regc.r: a8a8o:r:rr (16) I'm afraid he isn't in the offrce.
(7) Mya Mya speaking' e7,fl:a$:cd o$- o6: g p!:c."lo:<-'5r

o enc: e$:eq,-,1io:,r5 (17) I'm afraid she is out of the office.

$$ n

(8) Speaking. cg1

e o6: I pi:<r'lo:oS rr qel $:
sa$ E ocr5 qo:eE Q<in

e$re"5rr (18) I'm afraid he is on holiday.

(e) Is this a good time to call? q $ c o6: gp!:cilcoo5I qc s'a:: o6 qcf a;:: eI dc,lrr
: e aTQ. sa
I e cnr E:
Q sa 31
$ ( sa ao E G 0 d s? 3J
$ ) $ 6.i e> B. c.:co8:saa1o5 gaocDo:eJ": co:ti$E:5€ q"f$Et
(Giving and taking messages)
(10)Is this a convenient time to call?
sal,p $:eaTQ.saao8n$4 s2,91$ $6oiocrD:rr (r) I'm calling about China trip.
(11) I'm very busY at the moment' co q1d a
$. o c8 o cf c8- q $
ec.r5 g $: e dle I c51ca<.S rr

Could you call back later? (2\ I'm calling to confirm that....
$. o o5 o cB c8" o
ileo:: eor: ao,.S szcu6cJ::e g c8;j1 rr o@ a E el E: <1$:
$ $
e aT sD s1 or gi EtQ. gt $ -E o $: e dle I cor,Il rr

SEoov::rr (3) Could.I leave a message?
(12) I'm afraid he isn't at his desk. c2l nc.rS erocn::cor: )c8. q$ E.-,1 o on: rI
c c .l C \ \ O /\-
ob:E g:<-rlo<-:5tt 3)u)t ciq.@:gP oslo l.D:ll (4) Could you ask her to call me back? My number is ....
c c o c r-c rno o oc ---q---q
(13) I'm afraid she's on another line. % i6o)?o? g+:lg$, cal P" Q€o/
6o36o:6c c)cDo: il caf 60?
q o6: gi:,.,l ocS il q?ocD e qr.B,1 $:
opE: or 6 I $"
e$r $cr1o5cn.... n
$ E
e (5) Could you tell her that ...?

(14) I'm afraid he is with someone right now. sD s1$"o o5 a:cf c8" er6: e$:{ 8,:1e)c\}): rr

ccfe3, ccqpg'
@cScE$,sAcE6 ??
o*r$eoEff c3$,('dPg;t$"S)

B for Bravo
(6) tr wonder if you could call
back later? D. ocoE:raa;cr5s.rcod qq$Et
o@:E aEcp: <1$:$$eaT$Eocu:'4* q1$eo-6eq:8 (oor8: m qtrS sacu<rS oE e ao:@ g$ofi EN

co.-Srr [Taking messages (Checking information)]

(7) Can I ask who's calling? (1) I'm sorry. I didn't catch your narne" Could you spell it,
.ucSQ o $:e d1'eI ooi {o-tr q$ eo,5 eo: q$
cS E
(8) Who's calling, Please? nat
-6 o 8: q
o1l o:..S n a E,1p: +"
" d 4 cg1 $ e o-r5 e @e;
$ I sa a 5 op: o: o: e
emi:p$ffi: q$:eeTeEolocDn
"rdqare you calling tiom? o? c6 c8.o1 r e cn6 p p 1p: er
Ei { <l1E :

(9) Which company 3)C\]):ll

o,Sqgc8o o8'$:eaTeE o-:'o)n (2) Is that with a D at the end, D for David?
(1O).May/ Can I ask what it's about? -?tg, "D"+" $s1€6:3)oniri D 4* David cur::l
sD s1 rrc me@e8: cB gcleQo'n q1$ eo:5eo;cS. (3) Did you say your number is 624426?
q$E,,t1icrco::'r er8:ep:Q oE:o$:$tio5 a 624426 :nzrt
(11) MaY/ Can i take a message? (a) Is that with B for Bravo or V for Victor?
a> o E: s) o.ctt): q1 $ e o5 t:;o:: oi. q$ E c"l o on: rr
dsl B cn Bravo an:t V cn Victor cur:n
(12) Would you like to leave a message? (5) Where did you say you're calling from?
c C c .l.. \ O c -._f-_\
aEop: e?octD: co'::a1E t-'1loor: tt a d op: :n<l cn $ : e a I € f :> cD €o crn 3 c oP: c l5.: ? a> o:l:
<r ;l

(13) I'll ask him to call you when he gets back' (6) The code for Sweden is 49, right?
aSop:{ o-{q1$ec"E
A Q$eepc6o:4sz"1t '1$:eaT8' €"6\. qo5,i"1o5<n 49 egSrr c2oSon:n
eo:cBcBct]o.-Srr Mes sage $.o
o5 u cf Q Conversation c,! e c,; co: E d rl t
C. ooplqp: ooo5:ecr'l8:fi 8: (Spelling- names) Conversation
a:8oo${q8 A. Is that James Cassidy?
f""d 1namel o6qoB, eoq:er'r'18:Q'
.r{ J"q :eq $' epcr'h \.1 OC C C66
$. ar.c3 ep:Q
ocrrr:o3 cr,31 OJo:O cDcDOSCU":ll
eg. A for AlPha
t?o ecn8co8$a9$(oaS?ogc$o$)

B. No,I'm afraid not. Can I ask who's calling.

q: r
c cn oS <,r'l
- d e g $: e aTe g o nb .j$.-S r,
4 - " "p.

Amy Smith. Is James Cassidy avialable?

esa8 oer6<-,'lrr 8;5; 6 cnc8E E e$r8 E.i ocv::
$. gE r
B. I'm afraid he's in meeting. Would you Arangements
like to leave a
message? Eolgqpr
o6: g co,-S rr c? ra o
E!: sa e o: co 6 e E c,,lo: <,S lr aE op: eno
epcp: cor: ) a;E o o:c: <-,1 rr o:oSc8,2$:e$e@:tqrg" saeq:,!Q8opgep: (Anangem-
A. Could you ask him to call me back as soon
as pos_ ents) oe@E: o:EQ atrE.-,1o:.rSl

86€EqE G$$s-e E$B$ qr$,{ r$'G$",TQ"-*d e6 A. MakingArrangements

ec: e<.,: I E octy::
c,r1 rr
(sa8saoiq1"' D1q6EE')
pr-t (Message) oEEorq"&*SE o8eff {a18d q*p8-aocf q,:9p. sao$:szeo:cBg
"%Q eeEep{e2
EopQmal ,::lofe$l{olrr
eg.(1) Can we anange a meeting?
sao p!: sa eo:oo61 Eopof"q$ E ocm:rr
(2) Shall we fix an appoinlment?

$1q6 qccw:i
81 rr
"at$ "-S4.
(3) Would it be useful to meet up soon?
ol6rSeor €68 ds1 gzr>:o8erNo:rr
-CJ----O'LL' L r
(4) I'll just check my diary'

-" qq saa do6eo:@do?c64l"cS r

ccr4%g: ecqpq,
een8 ecn€S c3$.(oc6goggalo$)

(5) How about Monday?

(3) I've got to go to a meeting.
-+ dr"+.4q6ecp: o,rScBolrr
(6) Would Wednesday be suitable? q$"*5 s'ao$: raeo: gc:qg:Q"c8.cirr
(4) I've got to go and see someone.
?g q:6f.{ qE o 8 ec.ySco:::
(7) V/ould Thursday
,A$"-E orSp:or5eo:c5{ g::eq.qgr.€."8.r1,
suit you?
(5) It's been nice talking to you.
_^. @-uno:;eg.{e1E
(8) Shall ile say Friday?
a Eo,p:
$. ocnc:e$:e g qco: ecrr:E: c8cf co:op n

(6) Good to talk to you.

qE .A $
"'rr@:n*d "-;q.G 6o cu:: rr
aE cp: $. ocrr::e$:e1c"r: ecrrc E:c8o5c.n l
(9) That's fine.
(7) We'll be (back) in touch soon.
sDs'l ecry:6:c:ecdil
(10) I can't be able to make gt$ c'@a8 Q$o;g: eoos goSqlccSn
Mondav. "-54.
(8) Look forward to hearing from you soon.
q$"-5 ogo5:eg. oo:5gE:n:rr
a E op: co e er@: a E
(l t) I won't be able to come on @r: c3 s1o <f d e gpco f <.,1o: c.S r
(9) Yes, I'll look forward to seeing you on Friday.
s>6leEe: q1$eo:Eoc$ S"S$
g" r-.6"r,,
qdd ll e or@:eE g: a 8op:$.eq.Q. q1$ eo-,5 e g5o€nf
B. Closing the Conversation
(10) Nice talking to you.
(ocrr::e$:S c sae6: o"5ESt
a Eop:$. ocno:e$:d qc.r ecrn8:o3cf
-rj{{.cn: fi
Ei p 6:9 o <_,..) Ed o cr,:; e$r do ra
n: o o5 (11) It's been good talking to you.

f d:^ s? aft
S,_,'lorc-,S rr

(1) See you on Friday then.

aEop: $. e$:{eg qc"r: ecrr:8: o3cf c.r:opn
(12) Thanks for calling.
a8op:$. eq.@eo:c.y:e<.r.h
_^ ""r@eg.en
(2) cg$:eaTQsaqcf ecngetilrr
I'm going to have to go now.
(13) Thanks for phoning.
q1 $ eca8 o g ep; q9c <.,1rr
$: eaTQ s> q cf ecq:e <.r'l<) rr

oJ coEcrn8 ffi c3$,("dpg.l"S) @oSc8<;Fs?,1o36 o?

C. Changingarrangements saeo: $cao oS:oeg oo:co<.Soprr

(oSoopelp: e$:E:ob$EN (8) I'm afraid Monday won't be possible. I'm going to be
oBsaolop:ep8:oD$S:$. <rdoc,5d o$:$.e$:apg;.!:eq very busy that day. What about the following week?
6(,"[9o)cDoro)())il coqo5reE o$688:n;eEEr d8eqo q1$eo:6saq$ -q6
(1) I can't make Tuesday. (Tuesday is not possible) eErcf sac,o5{q8 ecrr: crdaEo)il

%$"of -%c'5 c$E$E q:rr (9) We're going to have to delay our meeting.I'm
(2) Something has come up. completely very busy at the moment. Can we decide
o co c (-c an o.l
loo€ol cu?cDo l[ not to fix a day for the time being? I'll get back in
(3) I've got to go over to Mandalay to see a client. touch (contact you again) when I'm not so busy.
c c "t ' ,cD 8 oseoo:cB cnrSec.rEen:qe:8c8ollil
6(DcD3)eo)ot:f"c gl $.-5.8. sz o ca2 e s: I e s: qe o4
o.o - L orr o rr L' Lo E!: sa eo: e e,r:cr11<) rr q1
(4) How about Wednesday? e crrS e cm e oy; ao,rS sa o?6op: e g cS,r'l rr s? a G cuo 6 c\D
-d g,
os.D:es So6ecrr: co.-Sc8c$rr
Le tL l. L I L
eg.o:6eq. ca>oSgd$
(5) I think we said Thursday at 11. Can you make the caq6 c36ccp:Q oa19: q1$ eco8aEop: S
$ $ o glaoo8
afternoon instead? q<-Scilo<-'Sn
6o C CO {- \ CO C C
(10) I suppose so. I look forvvard to hearing from you when
lgeooeo::eg. ccE:Qoi q1$eo:rqe[9c?o:cuo3 %lieozr
co 8 co.-r5 rr d s'l c? o": e 1.od3 o cf o a 8 o,p: g 6 $ E 3)o:o: rr you're less busy.
(6) Is it possible for you to meet in the aftemoon? q$ n-5 d 8 oidco8 coo3rr e Eop: eaq6<-,1Q sa81$ g: a8
c c .O c q TqOq\,
6f.oJeocD€? 6%.nE acoJ"8 g)%cD l9o5 c q.No: rr op: co9 @:: Q. q
eco5 e gSco $ eE <.iox.rS rr

(7) We're going to have to change our alrangement for (11) TheZ2nd...I'm goingto be on holiday. Whatabout
the l5th. I'd completely forgotten we have a departmen- the
tal meeting that day. 29thl
ca qc,Seq.ogc6 q1$ ec.'S{.\.m8 oopd $"-E4. JJ qd6f. n3$n*S s'r::co6qcfqo:q€"r Jg qcfeE{q8
r-c\occcco\eos,----q- "gf
Gg"e:cDqcD9c()ilcai6crro),(y) c2 3 c?.g"f qc 6P s?oP:

ccqpcg, ecafug'
ecn8ern8$d$(oo6f o€Ba?69)

(12) The afternoon would be no problem. How about at

three? '

coc o oo eo c
goc:cD cDEe qo l.D: I o: f" qeo qe ccr, fi
(13) Wednesday's going to be difficult. Can you make the
. next day?
os <:o: Gf.cD ac6ic8$oo5 rr eg:cf coEe g. aE op:q6 $
E c>
(14) Yes, the same day the following week would be fine. Hello gE Goodby"r${t$l
qddrr eE:cf saooS S oleg.clp{qE ecrnE: oc:<)rr
cacScE g $: $" oE sa opep:
GLqS q, gr o I 6ocn1e$a {$ E ^ ?ddq$:e@@:.I,9: cosp:o8?6o{-J e&{qo:eq
flo op m q o5 o e ca: 6,i, e cr1 d e$ e g qoro.q q-C, ; q* oE
6cr1a4 ep coo cB Forma I
de aTco oS rr sao3 o5 o e co:
4 ttlfoi"t_de dlo <S n o $: sa op8: e@ o:o { begin ing .Sp-+

cooSlr g$:e$r$ld o4r.ro5a1$:ep:co:{

Ending n.T {.

{ Goodbye.Fp{+d,"gd +mrgo ocm:efra$:

(conversation) o8${c6o'locsrr
Hello and Goodbye
1. Good afternoon, Mr Trent.
o6c\D eg.oEia8:c,1} ergo:o coq$.rr
Good afternoon, Julie. Are there any message for
cScm e g.o: p! a E: o11 q;p8 rr c3; n of - gcf
$ 9a
o cno: e gerp:
OG centeen8$QcS$,(oc&ioegc?aS) cDr$cq$sa.5o96

Yes, ['ve left them on your desk. Already?

q o5 Q <-'1 gE r' 9e sd s'le qco:: co::
% $. 51€ i" -t 0
<r'l co,S rr
2. I've got a meeting at two o'clock. Yes, I'm afraid so. I'm seeing Jirn and half past three.
saoe: 3?6o:ooa 9o)oJrr qdd,, o5:gg!:<ico<rgrr cg$eofo18
$of"qP ca$, cor?
4 +E"id
Fine. I'll see you later then.
c c " acoJ--..-
cre e o o c elgoaccalccD2 t ::c8eo:t'"lot-tSrr Weli. Thanks for all your help.
ccrjfc:tgil - --.- - -- l

"qEqe oi
Yes. I'll probably see you this afternoon. ecn: E:$ rr sa q sa p! eao: o: m q cf eca: ;.0:
<_,1d rr

qddrr Seqopig: q$"c'r5 a8op:oi eq"eern8:eq.q You're welcome.

,.flc8$ecSrr cBg e8.-,1cr:l

3. Hi, Karen. How are you?

c /c\
crrqc:(f c c Dialogue (t)
Jil crcsel6cDoc:c\}f :ll

Fine, thanks and you? Rashid Hi, Jane.

ecrr:E:$ir emtr:e;olld rr oE:ecrn ooSnSolrr t{E:rr 81$:rr
Not too bad. Abit busy though. Jane Hi, Rashid. How are you?
szle:c()) c c c cJo6crt)(_
c c 3?oJooJ":Goeo?cDe: oc e$:ol}o,ilcr:rr c8E:rr qc6o6(5)r gS egeca:E:o::n
L |L
4. Hello, Martine. What kind of rveekend did you have? Rashid Fine, thanks, and you?
\ o oc c \ € c Oo \ o:r
ujo) sfo)e r eeoP:q. o6fr cDfo66cD sDOo?oJL;cDll e E : <jl o: <.tS rr e ca;: e oQ t) rr s1
$. c E: e crr: rr

Jane Oh, rrot too bad. Did you have a good weekend?
Quite busy. I had to work on Saturday, you know
c c c c o \ oc
sa qo : s) cD O cJ": o) ()) il a c oJ"3 3J of s) cD c : oG f 6 f.ot {:r c36c
{:cr'l co:rr oeE r orE B es ecr,p \.or: rr

(af60)" Rashid Yes, it was very relaxing. I went to the theatre
saq6q8)qo:,:Srr on Saturday.
Well, I'd better be'going. oE: r og$D 8o5 sao$: e$ecgplolo:cSil o€f €
ecn:8:$ rr cg1$eo:E ge: q5 q$ cncoo5,fl
{ c;o: }c,1oroEn
ecqpcg' ccqpg:
@oScE$.s,tc.a6 og

eeng8: . . . . e<jlc6rr seqrep saeo8e$\.o::n

: Did you enjoy it?
c c\\ Paul Hi, Lena. Not too bad. I'm quite busy as you can
ll rJ.t o)?:il
Rast id : Yes. It was great. see.

qddrr a36ecrr8:c"r:dn 4E . . . cEgrrr c36c$:o7<-'1z::rr a8op:$8Qca{E:

Dialogue (2) o q6 q $ ep: or,:5
m <-'1'l rr

Frank : Good morning, Mrs Jansen. Lena You're still working on the CDX Company, I
cSon $gcfaE:<irr tlg6 o1$ao$rr suppose.

Mrs Jansen : Morning Frank. How are you? gE coxc4o89o saq6o26"f ndq q1$ecoEoooSrr

c<5o:$Ecf a8:<irr oq$.Slr oE egecrr:E:\.cw::rr Paul That's right.

c.l c c
Frank : Oh, very busy as usual. There's a letter for you. cDo)otcrx)) acoJ":il
yr3[ a OC O
to)c:o) cac3iCc?oo_oJ":alcDoloil
C C.l\ c c Lena See you later.
ooor 6eorE cu: o: o5
<-r1l rr
t@cE eq.@e o: ca:e,.r'l rr

Mrs Jansen: Thanks very much, Frank. Well, I'd letter be Paul Bye, T.sn4.
going. I've got a lot of work to do. {8 "... cEg:rr

€cDJ:ff mq6:o:E<-'1o:oS oq$.Sr sa6: .. . Dialogue (4)

qo c oc c c c c re
qc o6cD)csco9c())r cAl o€)) o)oo6?3?cDosaqpslg: Alicia : Good morning, Mrs Svensson.
c6o:: $gcfaE:<ir egE eoo8ao5n
Frank : Bye. Mrs Svensson : Good morning, Alicia. How was your
Mrs Jansen : See you later, Frank. cSoo $EcfaE:<-,1 oc8$epr oegr cagSegeo a8op:
eErcf ecor eq.@eo:c.r:eo]n toq$.Sr ry:cubdooirr

Dialogue (3) Alicia : Oh, I just stayed at home and relaxed.

Lcna : Morning Paul. How's everything? {:rr q1$eo,5 d69:eg$: Sc8sao$:e$}<io:c$rr

'go c.nScen8$c3$(r4-ep"lcs)

Mrs Svensson : Good. Are there any messages for me?

eco:E:$rr q1$ emqc6 enocrr::or66mE ep $o1c:
Alicia : Yes, there's Mr, Hassan from Midtech. Can you
phone him as soon as possible?
qddrl Midtech qgo89e gorcncr5ao$ egc,SeE Mini-dialogues ( On the telephone )
_ q Teoc cf-coc r-cr-c o c c coc
o)(Dil lgosc6lc ec:of:€ocD6e
lgftca)gllgtBt aq
f,)a)?:I ocScEg$:e$c@o: Qsa a1 Expre ss ions q, i.q
"%4 "inE
Mrs Svensson : I'li do that. See you later. Alicia. g8:e$ccoo5Q. mesp @: c,:l o:<.'5 r
co p$ ga a Mini-dialogues $.
aoc6oicr5<iccSn e@: a E eq@o,-SeqE rr mcBS eprr odoc6d o:,:ScE,i $: $. ep:o: dQ. t ? f ? 6%4 co8 $ cQc,5o1
Alicia : Bye. o:,rSu
Dialogue (1)
A. RCL Electronics. Can I help you?
ncr d o:o5 co g$: g E q EaEm
o1 rl o31
eo:E rroep: q p$ e1

B. Yes. Could I speak to Denise Martin, please?
' \
n€ e c\ n o o"ajl3)oo::[
6cDJ:c:lgllg: 3 c3I ol.ocrJ)s6[9"o)p c qa6

A. Just a moment. I'll put you through.

c4 c c c c oc o c o c o (
a cr) Go): 60o c o 16 l" fl % f e co: of soJc aJcD co: a)cr?o lo ()) ll

Dialogue (2)
A. Could I speak to Harry Paul, please?
ff [g[g:
(', q6 c o.llG)C\f.o crr:c f-19" cDe
O OC a
qe c o cr a)o: I rl

ecqpca, ecrf,>cg,
Sorry, who did you want to speak to?
eao:Q: rr oEop::ooSo$. ocnr:e$:atrEc8o1oln niatogul l5;
A. Harry Paul. In the sales department. A. Did you manage to ring phil?
crnQ e<-,lc6cln saeep6: g:E cn<irr aEop: 8:cSd{ g$:eaTQ. Baa$.)}ocw::rr
B. Yes. But I got his answering machine.
Diatogue (3) <4
cico cr5 n s1e<-' c <r)
% $
"*5 q.\ sa e$e o: o cr5- (o
A. Could I speakto Lud Milla Koh, please? eoc6sa a3crS) q) <.,1o:oS rr

5) 8c'r 4: Dialogue (6)

Q: c8. qS E o1 o or::
ecn6 q:
$. o c,:::
$1$: op( e rr

B. Speaking. A. Could I leave a message for Teresa?

epeg<.ilo:<-Srr d qcf eo:q crS ey: o crr:: q1 $ e or5 coc: i

A. Lud Milla! I've been trying to ring you all morning. B. Just a second. I'll get a pen.
{ q$ E u1 a, or* u

q(E) 8o:cur: rr q1
eo^rS a 6 opr $ o: Eo f dqr g $:eaTQ.
acDeo): eo:f cileE5 n q1$ er eo:Ed$
qoi o6p: er,-,S rr

@por:e Elo:oSrr
Dialogue (7)
Dialogue (4) A. Could you give me your name, please?
A. Sorry'" Coulci you repeat the name of your company? a8op:\.f""dd eco6l*p1$: eo:tEccur:r
B. Yes, of course. It's Karin Vogel.
eao: Q:
op: q gcr3 qee
rr aE
e9{ co S e$:$ E <-,'loc,:c: t
B. Marsen Electronics. qddn qolcoo5rr cncq8
er:ao$ dcuc6co g$ q 6c'1n A. So.ry. Csuld you spell your surname?
A. Is that with "N" or "M"? o6:gE!:o1)or,'5rr o@oE:\8o:;g sae$ci o:ope<l8:$$E
$sl Ncvr:r Mcry::u ota)o)?3fl

B. Marsen. With an "M". B. Certainly. It,s V-O-G-E_L.

enao$<,ilrr M $. o<io<rSrr
g aJ e cn
$ qcrlo:,:S rr d s'lcD e c.,
{ _,gg _
sE: _ sa<.S oScilrr

cen8co8Sc$$,(oc6goga?c$) o,$cESs6ag6

Dialogue (8)
B. Good moming Mrs. Weiss. This is Ellen John from
Ost Link Travel.
cScm $gcfaE:cflrr ogE o6(E)n saqe$oegc.r: eca26 cui
A. Could you put me through to Peter Lensky, please?
(5) aQ:e;a:q5c$:cn saoSo;E g1$<irr
e mg g $ 1$;
E ca: cu $ o cB: S { g $: of E : 81 o5 e,'':
E <-'1 c) orr3
C. May I know what is regarding?

B. Do you know his extension number?

,g$:eeTcoc :'r:erp:oldco: q $ec3<-r11qeo rr

B. I'm phoning to check if you got my letter.

A\cr?S! i +,r1 o5 { aE op: c3 c,'l o ov:: l
A. No,I'm afraid I don't.
"of- aEop:qoo::,{- oEeao:8to$:eJleqo:co1rr
cc3cr:of rr o31$cec3cno s-::E:c'Qc6oron C. Yes. I've Just received it. In fact, I rvas just going to

o:.Sc8g$:ep 4Ve. q"ho- {cEE::o;!$: {cSe$: ring you. There are a couple of things I wanted to ask
you about.
c.n qE::op!Q oeq:@:,iorcSrr sz$$mq$"&4-dQ" +t
qdQrr og$c saaeco:co8 ooelp:<i$n ocn<l5eco2 c21$c
E: Conversation g 62{ o:E$oicr5<.,1o:,r5rr
oE!: sa eeo::ca8 g$Sg$:eilo
Telephone Conversation (1) c81i1r
% $. fl${ ec: a; E e
A. Witan International. Can I help you? c8gq698l gdcigsrr
8o:$ o8or:eEqEgcS qccficncilrr ,A$n-6 mocp:qpQ Telephone Conversation (2)

A. RCL Electronics. Can I help you?
B. Could I speak to Mrs. Weiss, please? RCL Scucfcog$:gE qgc8m<ir q1$ecoSaEop,Q q€
ecnp 6 o 6(E) $. o crn: e$:d q$€
p $1$: el g <r'l o cuo: rr dq$Ecicccu::rr
A. One moment, please. I'll put you through. Yes, is Kristina Weiss of Witan. Could I speak to
eo4 ppfi : a o:eo:$ cil rr q $"c.rE Ev pt 4t $t {E: 8,1o5eo: Denise Martin, please?
ofcfcilo<$rr qddrr eaqe$:eqo:o 8ca$ qgc8cn aq6od:g:: o8(6)
C. Kristina Weiss. speaking. <i gE n ecr4 g..: p1$: s E:
6 o: o E cB <rg $ c ocrn: ep d. q$ E <i
aq6od:qr: o6(6) e$:eg,jlco,rSrr

ccrf,rgt ecqpg:

eG coEco8$c8${*&-qB"$"S)

I'll just see if she's available.

oe Eocv::{coo q1$ ec.rS@d{c6{lcosr
(Pause) (g$: eagq6g::)
No. I'm afraid she's just gone out.
c$<.,1lco:rr a;c s>acc'Jsor8 saQ8qd*rtd sz":1"
cScf co:n g$sqrooScSocmqpr
B. So, I'll ring back later.
E{{qS cg1$ ec@:aE q$:$$eaT.-,1e,'5rr o:.:Sc8g$:{ocrn:e@{epgoopcuf, emtr:ecr4e@{cod
or<.S n g$: sa q: o o5e$ro crn: e gc{ co?oD@ €
A. Could you leave a message? Q o e ep@:oi
a6op: ?offrl cc'::)S8oo:::n 8"1q"'
B. Oh, it's all right. I'll phone back. eg(l) I must get back to work. Goodbye.
c c
(afcc'}) c or-c e c c oc
s3:r q<J)o:cSr' %$",p$:$$eaT,-'ile,-Srr czoPoc?gtqg:coil 80)?cI
\e . C C r- O . c ae S S,,-
s2 5 ca c?: s?f,
i: m o f : 6t9"o) s, eo: c) cD a f : c, I s cD €o cDcD"

,r'l rr s''l e,-, o.,t! I e $: o crro: m $E:

o11 co <rS n

cD - o i e cnp Q sa c2; sa s $ : co 6 g
{ or E
$ a1 E cr'lcn<.S rr

eg.(2) I'd better go. I've got a lot of work to do.

c c c o c Oc C c e -C- ,r,
ca i€ora;D: qc o6cDoc:o)?co)il cal 60)?()" o?oo6P6%
I'd better go cDo <r:pecngQ sao:os$:sa$E oo<{pp:
\ ococ e c o cr- \
sa?;sr6f :cDo?c? g)ctgaJc.qO1lO(Sil
cD flcsoc:cD
eg.(3) I must stop this call now. Goodbye.
c c e c m c c c oc
ca,i6oD 3gi:6al o)o sD?qoqco)?o(Dil 8cD?cil

ccrf,rg, ecqpg,
. go ccn8eco8$d$s(o,.6,toq3a?cS) @,l9crA<;$efr86

t- cr c
oelgj:b:$a;c6 oEq peScb I Q:@:eQ:{.6q. fi E: ap: 8ocS.:sag$:co ogp!:c<-tSfiE:Q ending a call $6cr''lcooSl
Qoerr:<.i1rr eg.(8) OK. I'll look forward to hearing from you on Mon-
ci opecq:Q ma2: sas $:$. $E,"g0@dqes.)Eil day. Goodbye.
eg.(4) Irm a bit busy this morning..Is it OK if I ring you a8op:Scn @otdqQ. q1$eo:6e9p
{ecnu coqcSaeg.o
-€i+ulccSu goE{Er
eccc o q: o d$ E: b $6dl
s et cD cA I co:o sao?6 oq Ei:c c.S op:e g icocs rl q ecaS E o crro: cn e o:? o p ecr4: QcocS cEq $:
pdaocf q6 saeo8e$ecu::rr oroSrr
c'lcr, cD6oo5qeqE8ern8e$cQ san:oo5g$:e$ro eg(9) It's been nice hearing from you' I'll be in touch'
crr: (End a call) $E<ioooSl Goodbye.
eg.(5) I can't spend all day talking to you. Goodbye. o € co g @: c3 elor: e cr:o E: o! cE o:o rr cg $ e co8 eo c5
aE op: S
{ o: 6e
cu: e$: 4Q. $ -5 o,{ $
"a "
$1$: $
E q: rr qoS,r]e<Srr gc6{En
gc6{Er di--p!' ofeq:QcocScEg$: caq:od{i8:ci}rr'
E o q: ras
$:m o g
E!:c<r5 fi E: eE c-,1o:<-S rr
-En1o>tq9'c .f
$'is$"{Wga qc%\cpocrn:{ q:1

eg.(6) Don't worry. I'll give you a ring tomorrow with co a cF ) oTdl cooS rr sb E ra e'l aoc6 go39 o ao E e$ Q.
e saoc8ti
the details. Goodbye. expression eq{ q:o1rr
8o5 c g <i
$.rr s? e 3r: 8 05 s? a1 cB e q $. o g cf $ $ cA $ e d t $t 1. Sorry, who did you say you wanted to speak to?
eaTcilc<Sn gc6{6rr o6:g$:<-,1lcocSnq7@:c8::o,r59,{ocrnrepatrE-dt8"
Eoorsag$:cn cr:peen;:Q ending a call escrr:<-,1loilt
(o$:o ao: od$Et B6o1cD,r5il 2. I can't hear you. Could you speak up?
eg.(7) I'm too busy to go on talking. I'll try to ring you aE o,p:epo:o q1 $ ecoSe@e: <r1 q.: rr a E op: sr c5 $ i Ge&
tomorrow. 6g"c8"q$6<'l1c)cua:r

n-E e$c $. a3 6 sa c.2 6 ep:
o cno: e g cB <J1 n eg o5B $ "
S 3. Which department did You want?
4 g $: e aTQ.@p or:,Jlco5 rr ca,rS g:q { a Eop: e$: el8 o:a<-t1lc'} n

ecqpcA, cqPg'.
co8een8Sd$:(oo6f oq3.$aS)

Convercation (2)
4. Could you speak more slowly, please?
s? ocrr::epe$lcDco? Julia $. Paolo {.{ "&{
ecq: op: ocm: o cu::
$1$: aE e
Soo Q
cB q8 E <.,1 rr

a$:d $6,io:oSn
d cocSc8 <g
$: Conversation { E g E:
eo9 oc@
Conversation (1)
Julia : Sales Julia Wells speaking.

ea e ep8: ga g cn <i rr o6c8o:o bc$6 ocrn: e$oe g olca o5rr

caaocrD:e$:a$:cneo2 Receptionist Sanjay
$. d\. Paolo Morning, Julia. This is Paolo Ferrei from BRN.
e$o cna:d $Eolo,rSrr
I'm calling to find out if you got my fax.
Receptionist : Witan International. Can I help you?
c6o: $gcfa8:c,1 otrgcSo:orr raa;e$oeqcrr: BRN
Eo E or: e g g<.r3 g <.S cn c oE co rr q1 $ e q @: e E :
o: $ <-,'l
n O O e
et-C a C .l\ CC C
c{ co:cp:san?-€ e<.r:88cr'loo}o8rr q8(l)g orTq (,oqtgooro)(Dil gr€locDo €c:qa)
cu:: {crn,i'o6: Q. c1,1 $:e aTe g o:or-r'h
Sanjay : Could I speak to Mrs Weiss, please?
Julia Hold on. Let me have a look. No, I don't think so.
eq:g$1$:,,96 8E(6)d oeo::e$:d q88oloo:r:r
\\ihen did you send it?
Receptionist : Wro's calling, please? c oc 6e-e4
eory g$ffi : ocS q<p $: eaTe g <-'1 oo) r
^e cD()) lggolqeor eqJ):r
of:cDccs):org:il qa,q5a9 r.
c'lccoE :n: rr cE::o.:S c2 $:m Q.)c.nolrr
Sanjay : Sanjay Rahman of r-RN Technical.
Paolo This mbrning. It should have arrived by now.
LRN td'ugrqEc8g ao$ eo69{r$ $E,ica<.Sr e C n\ O C€ c .r
3 el cDo roil c2 a eo 66rpcDtg3c)gcD"6o.i[
Receptionist : Could you spell your name for me?
Julia I'll check again and ring you back later.
gl$.4 q@:e8:\. E:cpio:q:e<.'1E:p88 oor: rr

Sanjay : R-A-H-M-A-N Sanjay Rahman. {.:9 co6o6e€o:Eda?d$: el@a8c8:{ g$:G$

edlc8cf e,r5e o:rr
rao e o - d o5 - sa 6 - e sa - o ($ I ao eo;:
{- Str
$ ) $ V,{. $

Receptionist : Of course, Mr Rahman. I'll put you
co <-rScS <1
: o crror
6cocn1 { $
@cieo rr

q<iocSrr eEo:o epc$ rr cg$c g€4 t$r{S:8.1o5eo:

nificqseq c${$Er

ocrn:e${epga q9cqsaq ep{ec:$$ q

co<f cEg$:$.

-n% $dloc& oE$*qc,5 oBgeepoqe@S$E: (Socialis-

ine)? 8o5aoc8e$e{$E:r SoEeaT$ E:r ES: {6S:i. sa@eo:

$E: eq{ e$:{cadesao8 ca8$g::g: $Ecflcoc'Sn

So8aocr5 cEo{ES: (Introducing)

Tom : You've met Kate, haven't you?
n8oJr: c8o5cfl eq.ic,:o:rr eq.|oxrS orqdcm:n
Sue : Yes, we met at this morning's maketing seminar.
oo5,,ico,:Srr g$.4. 8cao5 o:coo5o8: 889:9o
Tom : We're going out for a drink. Would you like to
join us?
g1$ s?e ga: e o:o c,5 o E q cE c cS rr o E op:
Q. $
cScf ooc6<jlo:o:
"-E {"i"
$ e rr


co9 eo8ccnE$a3$'(oo6,CcD€?c?cS) oo,r$cEFD6a86 co3

Sue : Yes, That sounds nice.

$E:ooSSE: @etusing)
?ddrr ecrn8;a:o:dn Sarah Would you like to join us firr a drink, I{enri?
Kate : Let's go then.
sa e sa: e e:D <r5 er! ef E :u cu:: rr .n 3 E t
$. rr

33":@Q.\.,, "8"i.- "? "1

Henri I'd love to but I'm a bit tired. li's been a iong day.
8o5eaT$8: gnviting)
c1 cBcB E <io:"S rr s1e., oo! C m g; c,:5o E <, e g ci
Pat : What are you doing this evening, Jules? n 6
olr sct6cD" 6+"ortgplg"orCr-- \
e"f g: e5: rr:o:6eg oo)rr o6o:c6(6)rr Sarah Some other time may be?
Jules : I don't have anything planned. rl
3?13": 32
cc o c
eJ €c eic 6cDa
o*. c 6l.c-*):
f Lg

dg: "a8saopor6Qo:6sp o 8,11.i cr:il Henri Yes. Why not tomorrotv evening?
Pat : I'm going out for a meal with some people from
go5<i\.r oq d$$ geq o$688 qgroiri
our Toronto branch. Why don't you come with
sa@eo:S6: (Suggestion)
Ben: Is this your first visit to Montreal, Lisa?
.14.\. 4a$ {i'i- o; m$.g.cp:o::8. c1m$6 gcf slcr': g$ mQqd$f"{ oE:
\.ocooao: sacoplsaoo8
oc8r co:e@o€ oE:ccSo5ca.:olrr
"14.i"-"? aQ:cr:c:r c8orn
Jules : Great I'd love to.
Lisa : Yes, I haven't found my way around yet.
ecn:E: c>::d rr
{. o!.,5a1 E c,'lo:cS n
e ga: d.e o:r e c-qp,r5 o o5
@ E$ e<-f cu 6: el$r E: eleq.
: Well, it's half past six now. Let's meet in the bar
at eight o'clock.
Ben: Let me show you some of the sights.
gaE:r gaa 66odf"qA$rr o6E:Qg: c.r"r"n@Q"
$EqE: sa8,164 cl,r8:48c,'lqeorr
Lisa : Are you sure we have enough time?
Jules : Fine, that'll give me time to get changed.
ecrn8:o::dl s?oo5eao):oj8, 4.g. q"*o5Qcaq$ $o)" ea:ap{.o:::n
s?q$ qE r
Ben: Yes, I'm free till two o'clock.
era:r c1s6g:qq86s?:E gae:cr:c$n

cen8ero8ffi c3$,(""6pg{"S) @,r$

Lisa : Fine. Please come and pick me up. q oE.-r1 o:.S rr o 6 p: eo e o:q ea E: qo co cr5 o: $ : e mp E: g: cil rl

c ce o c c n s
eoz:E:$ rr emtr: eQ1$: {.{c.r:eaTe gEl cD6o4 o)B qoJcDcD6f
cDJf cDo g: o lo)Q)ll

8:p:eep q6{E qE: Sdeqeqr q6eo6{E.rc5 s?edl8:s? (5) Are you having a holiday this year?
*htq? o c c c co
o8:eq$. eq.Qsaal 8oe:or s-a::o:6qc6r ol1oq:oQ 35o acoJ":? 3a";ooqcD 6l3)c\]l:ll
eepcBgeq mp $ szai$ oc,>r eQo a $:{ Yes, we're going to Chaungtha beach this summer.
4 Cf- O C a "h4q$$-desn8
ol cDctgoPcDors)())il
g: q1$ eo:5{.e ap8: oo cn6:e$ qo:c
n E cS rr
$ciico,-S "I
(l) Are you marricd? (6) Are houses expensive where you live?
c oc co
acoP: c2c6co)c9Da)o3[ e8op:d.e g Q d6eqm eo;:@:oor:rr
No. I'm a single. What about you? In the city centre they are but prices have remained
e cp o5 <.j l o: rr
$ q 8lLu1 u e E o;:: e crt: o<-,S
{ o} rr fairly stable for the past few years.
"',5 "al " ao rE oc r-e c c c\
(2\ Do you have a family? l9[g3cf 9P6o)'d) szcc%coJslg:6oo()) 6oJ:ff:6%cD a3f ?
ecop:(If ocrsoqa)c\D:ll Q,s 6 r, I E!: c <-S 9e o o: $ sz o f or pi$ 6 e q ad $ E olor <$ rr

Yes, two boys and a girl. What about you? (7) I hate all this travelling on business, don't you?
c \ o4 c C c C\ Oq, .. --So (€i C6cDOC6cr)? 03
e C C\ e O e C r O
o: cr tt Go, cDJ"?6 oJ: o)
o?crlc? 6ro I o>3 6 oG cD
l. e f 3 cD 6
f g)3 6 q: cP () c l: f. 3 o) a $ € cD I er"3 o): o?
6.lC r-occr-oc
g:oril acoJ":6crr[ clg[cD3): r ac oJ":6cD olglcDo:cuo:il
(3) Does you wife work? I like seeing different countries.
Yes and no -
C \ OC C C ccccccccc
acoJ": q. cf 30 3?cDoo?o3)oD: ll c?o)o)e: ?g)o)())fi o?o)a)P: os)cD'.jD:il caf€oDlccr)?
Yes, she is an engineer.
\r -' ol6ecoeo:l68ooncB
cDtg2;[3f:t?;c?5c o o.(J r L s6oc5o:<.,5n
qdd qocn sa8otrE $<rr:or6f:,ir
o6c,1'lco,rSn (8) What do you do when you're not working?
C C C \ 4 Cn \
(4) Are you children still at school? scrrP: saoJoR)ocef o?s?a I J)?ft)oo rsJn)ll
a 8 op:
\.cneo:eq ecnpE:oro5eq o$:,)o::: rr Golf. I usually play Golf on weekends.
n c e .) c c r-c
Yes, one's at State High School and the other's at Univ- 6c) t cD 3): o I I ca I ecrD oJ2s e or s'ao: lg g o c f I'J) l o€ 6 g s)
ersity. e o1 cf fi
cE e op
o: oS rr

ccqpca, ccqF%,

(9) V/hat kind of food do you like?

-d{ raoo:vaocdgp{ a8op: @1c,5ocbrr
Anything really, but I'm very fondof Chinese.
co cno5 e co2 oo5crr: c { q<.tl oo oS rr s'l eo c,$ na $.ooE
orqloSsaoa: o-Q -q$ S

oxSc8.l$:{ n&{epp
qges1seqe$of qQ-n1
e$:{c,Seqq cDE go?c6,jlcoq5n eogcm@$olrr Making Enquiries

co8 ca: cneo:2 ee:

$ E: Mak-
etrE co<-S c,3 <1 : d o 5: (
$ $ $. $ $

ing enquiries) d @6o1or<-5rr E:<n:eq:q6c$r-q ocfqoS

.F@t qt g" e q: s $: $. e qX26 oJ: c
% e er:
$ $
: 6o 6: qc.': ejp o p!:

Making Enquiries
' c.
eryX$:$. 6cgl?6oJ: (discount)eq
{ ee:$$:6o5:c sm:
oE$ c8o1co<.rSn
(1) I've seen your advertisement and I'd like to know how
much you charge for digital camera.
cs$ eo:8a8o,p,
\. "@6FdEdEsolB il s 6cl6oo5m8e
eps %d a Eqp:o<lSecmcf eq:p o$cc,b{ar na
$: $.c'f

(2) Could you please tell me what your terms are?

ecr$cg ecqpcA:
eoE eur8Sc3$'(oc6gcagcf cS) ocscqFsr6636

qen $ I cB e oc eo: o: m ga o E or 6
a8op:\o:o59da;c6eqcnr::ob{orrq$"-;4ecDJ:ff o3l
$.-5.4 e o1: s $ : e c.,'l

eo::c6 e saqcf e sTcm(coo) $6,-,1o:,5 rr

EG' .F$Eec\>l:rr $:

(3) Does the discount go up according to the size of the sa

o::cD6o:? Making Enquires
rr r: r-----:--^ sa qcic coc,)

order? eq.e@{eEmJQe% $6cio:cSrr

e r3 s1 q $ f - c'5 tr'l o on:
q)" ra gcrS s'a o:: sa 6'l € qp G oJ: 6 rr (1) Here are the lowest prices availble for the flights you
(4) What are your hotel rates? Does that include break wanted.

fast? e cno s'l cn e c.n aE op, sa c8$d e cu.r::p.5tre q sa%d q$ SQ

. a8op:\,{o:,:5p$:eqcn}r $8d9o $lcfieoreoooo sa g p!:n:eo1:s $:eq,id rr

(2) Couldn't you manage to give me a better discount for
salo:8$atr8or: o,csv) eo:p$:g{ *d'B@:Q $6<i this large order?
e c
^r€ ' 83ecrv:E:oSc)ecopeou
or,:5rr eo;cu:@$o1u or . c cBr$ecr5,:3e<-,:
orr . L

O C e.OC\ ^.
(l) We can give you a l0o/o discount if you order before
(9r. ace(P3 €oeecf:oJr:ll
30 October. (3) It's a good price-it hasn't gone up since last year.
4 c C \ C n e C C\ \ C .. -S.
ee-n6{ca: ?o q.5 od8SaSop;goq8 cA1$eo',Ed a8op: s I cn:ecr:r c:
q, q) Gol: 6
o I il 3 6oJ: f, f : cD s t ?c?$ oeo or g:
3 c o"/o ec,9p a,1e<-,: I E.-t1lo:,:S rr
m c$$o:cr5)o11co:u
(4) We've had to increase prices in line with inflation.
{2) The sale is going to continue for the next month'
saeepE:cn eErcfocseqcf aoct5o:o5qv:,-t'lrr ege
@: e,r: g g $.
E: ao c,5o 6 p: q $ e or5
{e o; s $ : e q G $ - A

; (3) When you open an account with us you get 5olo off )q<-t1o:tr5n'

immediately. (5) We can offer you a special discount ifyou order by the
end of the month.
a6op: %$"-S{.i. "grtq8tg€4saa1 ep5$8: 3Z.6qF e c c c c a c c o e ,,q-a ____-
c.r:.{ 5 crJ€ cDi a e ae oJ": 6 c22 3 (J) qc a c oJ"3 cDca I 6c.tcD c? cD:
e<.,: qcJlo:oS rr

(4) Our prices start at $ 100 for a single room with break e og2 e o6 e,.,:
8,.,1.l o:<S n

fast included. (6) Our room rates compare favourably with similar

ccr$g, ecqpg,
ccJ c,r8eenE$ c3$:(oc6,iogc?as) @ascEfFsr.5o,96

hotels in the area. oo:e g<.,1)co<Srr

gt$.-54 saa$: g $:eqm I q.rSe$flsaa)?:cD,{orcSeg Then take advantage ofour introductory offer-
e e,r:6: g:$ E' c90 d. qdlo:oS q$eco5{.oo88daoc6Q co6:q6:g\rn:
(7) Horv
g$ rr
co /l
much do you charge for each transaction? cJoeJcDq oRolc\D:ll
6t.l: 6
t cu o: 6 a I sa q cf a E oB: o <"S e e o6 s
: qctl a> (4) Can you offer the large size at the same price?
I eq: g $:cg $. sa gcS sz o::@:c{ aE qp: eo: $ E ocuo: n

(8) I think investing in shares in the dotcom sector may be No. lt's more expensive.
risky now. s) s'lm Q$:eog@:<ioroSrr
--'lrcDe: C ccer-c"-c
l: cDpo" gruo:req qd: E:lg1d s pd:orr
ea a sa a sa (5) When do we need to pay the balance?
{$ g, g$.-,9$8$ 6o:"S{. q1$eo,8coEor,rSrr *"Eq $ 4 o31
e ar8 {.:o<.,3 eco2 e<-,: 8. cS ga 6 o o} rr

By 30 May.
Making Enquires oqJoS m$$*o7$ehdq c€ ?o
c o
qcD €d)c€ tEe,-,'lrr
(l) Can you give me a quote? (6) Are those the best prices you can offer?
\ /l o c C . C\ OC n
$:o:Ea38:goo:6q %$ eo:SEocue;r si s lc%cD a e oJ": sra6cDo e: q: 6oJ3 s f : l.co3 f c o l3)c'Jl:
It will be $ 350.
".64 I

Yes, they are fixed for six months.

dsl e3To" p3o $6clcE5o<-Srr o5 ci rr d
o:L.LLJ tcB G cu cor 6e o co cf c o5 e<.r: co;: <,ilco.:S r
(2) Can you have a higher discount?
a8op:g: QE€ Q 8.r'1 a>nr:: l
It depends on the number you order.
$ s'lcD a E op: e s'5 s1 ?" 4 sa e oS (9 o1o5)" uTg:
1sa % ?
(3) We are thinking of buying your products.
a Eop:
\q$ <-' gdr
q o<r3oQ8: saqcf o p:

ccqpg, ecr$g'
Enquiries for prices and discounts
$qpn|. cclpcqlsqpsslqcfi {o6ron$$$Eqpr

$ ag8 c.nco eor Making Enquires g $: $"e e:
$ $: $
E: $1
q6V g". oe q:<iQ $:cp: (prices)$.eqpeo6cp: (dis-

counts) sae@E: 6Eo4EE:dG6<.'1lo<.S l

(1) Can I order online?

c oc e c o oc .l
%f a?c:cD6f %ll6cDo?"a?. qe co ta)o)": il

(2\ What's your website address?

aE op:{.\ oc8c5{cr5cE6oecn cn:<-"ldrr
(3) I've got your April price list.
ec.rE meo:2 a Eop: \.eo6 I $:cn qE: qco::$: <i$ rr sd s1
3)cDO C3 C cD f G 3J: aD: C\y): I
(a) We usually get a better discouht on a repeat order.
co 6
9o 4
e o5 s1 ca E t,'lp q $ e caE {"cnc cJr: 6 a)" sn:
G€ qqecn"E:g$ Q eqpeo;: q$yr'lco,rSrr
(5) As this is such a major order, we expected a better

goq3cla8) @,rScE$.s,5o96
ccG e<.'l8eo>E $ c3$,(oc6

discount. eo1)cnoqegoo:o3: aEop:eq.<icS$ccrSrr

.l O \ C4Or-C \ C r-- C C C
3 oD sra e cD cr{ c? 6 e) 3 qli g o c? s cB cD 6
19" 9 ofi I e crn co
ei e% 9o 6: eel: $ $:<''{ eo5 g
eo6o $: r 6 ogp6 oJ:
$: eocrro:
())o oo c c\ 6 c
cGcrrcso c? GCDJ? 6oJ:q69?cD9".iloosn e$:a $t (Conversation)c8 eogcuo@d@rlfl.t
I? ?c
(6) WhV have you reduced the discount? Telephone Conversation
-cco\\ ac oJ":cD 6c)J? €oJ: q6 c9j? aJ
?crDcD rr A. PC Delivery. Good morning.
ee o c
(7) Can you quote me a price for that? 6 6 Ee aor Ee q: cne cfi cn<.r'l rr o.5 cuo o5 a E: o1
$g rr

\ 4 C
sD3 ls%cD
acoJ":caf ccD?cD
c c o
C c
f :o)oag)c
B. Could I speak toAnita Mc Gary please?
3JOJO:I ecn6epl$: se$ $ oc,5o1eep$.epc8 qS E<Jlocm:rr
(8) I can email our price list to you, or shall I fax it? A. Speaking.
c'loE: ScBL c'lcBLoht e or:{Jils S:q:oE:
se:ee:cS8lolt E t'lo:cS n s'leJ eQaeqcQcoo5l
C C .l \ 4 O C/C\O O
ec?cr)qc c rs)s rcD ocDfo]oL.oqeNos rr B. I'm calling from Computer Sales Ltd. We'd like to
(9) Would you like our special introductory offer? order some DE 960 printers.
oc c c c o t t:,r5,r'locu::ll
rq.q. sacR:ccD€ocDcD€:qo:9q oc:5 oc Computer S ales cE8cocf g nA n-St edleE o:oo'ln DE
$ $:
(10) Those are the best prices we can offer. 960 o qE on saq"69r a;E c8.cirr

sD c'l e q cn e co2 c1
de o : g 6: E
$ Q sa e crn 6 : q: e otr: s
: e q c,11 A. I see. How many would you like?

drr q $ -5 c3 <i$ rr a E op: o trg e oo cf erp: erp: o! a,1 E <.,1 o o) r

(11) You'll find our prices can't be matched. B. Well, it depends on your terms. Is your May price list
e c o c coc o c a oc
ca f 6cD"o),c oJ3
f, f :6% o cg g
c q: q cD" a c oP: 6 %.o o) o
I still valid? '

ooJil ge E: rr d s'l cD eca2 aE op:
\e otr : s $ : o o5 o5 atr.r5 o e <ilo t;
(12)The price includes insurance and delivery lost. o:E!<ior<r5rr eE op:
\. eccueo;s $:ooq8: ocf o6:oqi
e otr:,q$:9rralo5e @:$. aoo8oQoS c,'loE,r1or,-Srr €a):aD:olf8[
(13)You'll find all our prices and terms on the website. A. Oh, yes, until the end of the year.
C C O C . C C O\ C \ C C C
ocD 3D€OCD60 I
GOt:6 5: CCD 5 C)CDOO)
QJLI olc J
s3:rr o2o5<-,1co<$n I s 6q$
ccqpcA, ccqpeg
ern8etn8$Qc3$(*fu -g.$"S) or,$cES.e,5d6

B. What discount would you offer on an order for 100? A. I see. Well, I'd better confirm that with someone in my
I e q (c o o) o q cr5 e sa6
s1 co E d1p eoTgo aE op: co,rS e cuo cB

egpeo6eo:8Eqv:olrr %$ 6cD5e3gr ea8:n c21$nof grtcn o6p:co6e<rnc6$.

You've done business with us before, haven't you? o oo gi$1q8 Q
ecrr:E: c8 $tlcrS rr

aEop:cn oqEq$:m %$
8;gr:espq6c$tq6i B. Yes, please do that, and then perhaps you'll call me
ccccc "-S{.i.
o:cD(})ct?u qo)cD(I) o(4cDctv):ll back.
Yes, and this is our second order for this type ofprinter. q dd rr ecq: p$1$: d s1q6 o1 rr E,n-a a I op:<1 $: $ $ eaT
r2dctlco<S E,noa n s1m 8 ct qE oro sa cJp saor: s'a gd gl $ ecnoE; eeTopc6c,lrr
co\ " "'l<.,1lrr
6cD)?.q. ?cDQJ6sr"3r A. Yes, Cgmputer Sales Ltd, you said. And your name is
A. That's good. We like a higher discount on a repeat ,
order. q ddrr q$ c,tr1cao sa e ep8: cE8cac6<J'ld aE op: ehi ed
d s'l ecm E: o1lo:crS rr o31 eof d m
co 6 g: d sf
e s1) eoTgo eEEr $:ecfo a8op:1:e,'$cn . . . . ?
QQB€-'Q eo;peo6{ ec,:dlo'-Su B. John Draper.
We're thinking in terms of 12%. How does that sound? g$ eqc,Solrr

q1 {.cn c .12" o l: o:: e g <-,1c4,-S rr d sll e cD" .od

ecoS { A. Right'Mr Draper. I'll call you back later this morning.
o:aooolr ecn:E:$r cgcD2 sqcfrilrr q$"oo5 SeEcr5c@aEg" g$t
Oh, we don't normally go over 10%. $$eeToic6,rile<frr
o C CO . c
r cA f e @%cD ? g ? er: $$ c o z ecopeo: GcD e Eo'l co:
sa: rr

B. But we had7% last time, and w'e were told it would be

5% higher for a repeat order.
q1$eof{.cn q$id-81$ a Zv" qfli.lo:oSrr

Ern-a e1:c6coE@6es'fs'loqc6 cbs14 3z Q${eo:

elo5d e@iolooSrr

ecrf,rg, ccqpg:
Passing on Messages
o:6o8prm dlt$&

$:$.e$n { ep p 6o6:ec:$$:ce,rB: (Making
enquiries) 0tq6qrg" messages eq{
o:6aof ocn::.ft8,
oeE@:<-':1 o:r:Sn s1{ passing on messages cS edRllo:,:Srr

Passing on Messages
Messages e g{ o:Eeof ocrr::& ep9a co<.ScEo
$: $. o g Eo:
mJ ep { or o5
e sa-: cf <.,1 o crrr: e p: e q o! e o; cn1 co::
f c.,11 rr

(t) Rosy said she was arriving on flight BA 532.

fl8cn qcoo BA 532 ecuoof,{ eepc8$c8$ocr5d

(2) Mr. Smith told me to send confirmation in writing to
the suppliers.
<-, g$: e<-': o E: S oD 6 T qpg: sa o: g!$1ag cf eo: Q.Q.
o eq
%$.4"F i<.,'lo<.Srr
CJJ eof co8$Qe8$'(""6p9{cS) or$c6g$'ot5c86 cJ?

(3) Mr. Peter told me he would give me an extra 2Ao/o dis- Note Taking
count for such a special order. e mo cf Abbrev iat i on % 4 e o5 cyr; o::
<-,1.l <.,'l rr
8of szq:g:og*%c6 saQ1oz"ecg2coJi oi qf$"tf{ (1) Personal Assistant - PA (4e566fcccr5ecoocf)
co e c cor-..ilO:.$rr (2) and so on - etc (ooE!$E)
6o3co)o5, €gcrrosr"cD cAf Go??cD€tg" ?
(a) The sales manager asked me to tell her we would offer (3) Maximum - Max (oep:ao:)
them a special discount. (4) StampedAddressed Envelope - SAE (o:S6e a18:cn6$:
q1$eo:Edm qd{szq:ec91?coJ: e": Soon: {o:: qo{ c86o:ci$: o:s3o5)
so e ep 5: e oJ" en -'i 4 eo: I ol o: c$ (5) as soon as possible - asap (86$E6tE
G, 0 Q"
$ f "A $ "
(5) Mr. John said he had paicl the account by bank transfer (6) Research and Development - R&D (e2eocrf g.Ef.g)
on l7 October. (7) perannum/year - p.a (o:6s6o918)
cgc"rg$m ocn: egz:o5{-- (c2)qc,5eg.m :actSec (8) for the attention of - attn (sa:erQc8omgc6)
(e) note - Nn (9c69)
*6E'i. ego:qE:c{eo:eatr}$:$ni. {,-,1o:,,SI
(6) Mr. Danial asked me to check if the figures in the file (I O)Estimated Time of Arrival - efa (" $.g $
{ cr5G €pc,5 SJ
were correct. (11) Managing Director - MD (c$eEq6:s1fic,5on)
OC \ O \ OC C O C C O
(12)for example - e.g (Eocr:)
f e
- go,"t"p % e f c) ar8 TcrJl o o € eo: o o B cm
i: o clr)

s E o.:9 co .at$."f
4 "c: | <-'1ocr5 I (l3)thousand-K(eco:E)
Miss Nancy told to the receptionist to tell Mr.Knows (14)especially - esp (oco:o$f)
that she called. (15) Information - trnfo (oco8:sae;er5sao:cf)
egg$8eo qeg$:eaT)o,:5d ogo:r$sSq GG"$q$ cd
@1o:e Ec sro: eQr }oo3 rr { eg(l) Could you ask Tatiana about the invoice as soon as
m po: E $ a1E oz: o> G o:<ScEo $: $. h {W So
or E r cBo; possible?
ocnr:{sap$.gd$Ed Note taking grdecoecf
"t6qrg, GE.8qE E$ rts-et$$E$ "?$ Q.s,- s1E:$.oo5oe6op.
orq:c p e gai.$saa?:$1orc6Q" @E<",lo:<$u cD"Spf"{ a8op:ec:eo:$ E ecu:: n
ccqpg' ecqpg,

cen8eo8ScE$.(*fu -e"lS)

(2) The interest payable will be 18% per year.

e<.,: qQsad:q$:cn o165 6o1E coz
(3) Please send each applicant a stamped addressed enve-
e m6 g $1$: co S 6 e o1 E: m 6$: cS 6or.r1p: or c8o5 $. nogp c6
o:coEaE 8c8c6,irr
1+1 frre M*d;"g Director is expected to arrive at half
past three on Wednesday afternoon. Placing an order
C C nO C C . 6\ C C
()l 6loJc3 aav)(D Gf.o)()) 66PcDco q$os$e:aSil pq?$&
3 lo o
c8" egEor$co::co<-tSrr

q$ <-' g E!: ep: er o $ E: $.<-,

o5 ox-S cB co, $ : $. o 6 or cn1
", "6"8.
ep: { o: c6Q.or E
$ oEol co<-rS n

q $ q g€' goq epq8 gEQ: pq$ E, (ordering)9. oo5o o5


Q o: oS c8,p $ : e $: { g e q o> e on e oo cf o1l sa o8 E : $ 6 o: <-S l <,'1

Person calling

(l) We're ready to order now

q$ n-64. o 2esa6 e1g:Q. saao8 a:f $6cl$ r
(2) We'd like to place an order for 200 packet of printer
{"oe E }. o qE o:a o glsa g 6 (f o) m oR d e ga8 sl

eoqSeg, ecrf,>ca,
c$ ecD8€lnEgf c3${oa6f oq3a?c6) @t$cE$,s6c80

(3) I'm phoning you with a repeat order. Delivery (6,ea:8g)

co6 o e sDE s'lo:6 I oq cB q1 $ e o:Etg $: e :il"e I o:o<Jlrr Person calling

(4) Have you got everything in stock? (1) We need the goods urgently. Can you dispatch them
o6cD?i. <.rd oc,SQo V{SrQ tl8: q$:$cu::rr
lr (5) It's not very urgent order. c co c c r'€ o c c e e
v, cDq) il
t 6 c'}) o?"o? f o B e: c % 3? 6
$ c) [93 o? o 36
f.o c :
ebsl oq$m"qr@rQ eso8s1o,4dc7:rr \ a
gaSt6cD oOC
(6) When will you get more stock in? (2) How soon will the parcel arrive?
c oc c c c c o \
cD(l)c?alfs) oc:cDf ocDcDJf ?qeoJfl <r:leooS o,-rSeo:2 e sptr5 s":o) n

(3) How will the order be sent?

Person called c /\ o c oo \
Ggr"3lcD! 3)Q)CUOoOO)il
(4) When can we expect delivery?
(1) What would you like to order? c c o
orc or.m
o c o c
3c) c € ct) J) ()) 6cr)?
3) o)
c co\ Ql f
e oL.G 6
91" I il

acoJ": .ryfc"eJccuo)fl
Person ca!led
(2) Can I have you customer reference number?
(1) We'll dispatch the goods immediately from stock.
c \ c c c c . 4 c c c oc\
ac oJ": q" c (0" cD c) e qg B I :
I o)
o I ca f 6 oio 6la6 c q.No8 ll cc o c c c c cr-e o o c a c
caf GcrrcD,cocDeql?mloge36%aJcDt3c:oL.o?cDOro(Dil
(3) What's the item number in the catalogue?
(2) We'll send the goods by next day courier.
C C O \ O ..lC \
cDcDo)6c\DfnP $o? sae1: sa0)3 f o ro)cD aDc'Jil c C C \ C C c

f cD ol o c f. 3o cD f, r: l"cD f o E e: c % ca t 6 o, % ol.o? cD q

(4) I'm afraid that item is out of stock.

sd 8 o o:: cn o c,5 cn1 $ c fl e o:2 c.r: o 6: g g!:
o cip <-r1 oo <$ rr
(3) The consignment will be sent by air freight.
(5) The order will be processed this week. C C C O (- C \O O C i C
sroc?f oEe9: 6%q eo)clgo c3 t oL.cPcD() ro()) ll
c.) o e c c c c c c n oc c
GgaO3lcD 3 sDoCDo"cDoC l:O g CeOrC ScDo lo)gC())il
(4) It should arrive by the end of the week.
(6) New stock is due in next month. \ie C C C C C C
sr3 r s 3)o)c:oo)ccDf 3c €6PcDcJ9s)(Dil

oco)osDcJocD 6l:rcrScuer
r eocrlo.r3rr

. ecr4Scg, ccrf,>cg,
crnEeea8ScS$(o{&@q3a?c.5) cDoScE$,s6cEE cJg

1::cugig c'$ g::etlpr eg:E g::$E: order now

(Avoiding misunderstandings)
Person callingl Person called
q@: o E:
\ e q:q $
: co 8 e38: go m qc6 ecq: g..: <-,11 D rr
% $ nc.:5
d salesa8 s1co6q
(2) I need to note down the reference number.
I (l) Sorry. I didn't hear what you said.
ec':f me * i. qd g
$' $ 11 d d 9 o5 oo: Q.oi sa 6.jlco,:S
$ rr

o6: q p!:..icooSrr aE op: cooes i oo)$o,l q1 $

eco8c@: (3) When you'order you need to give the item number
i"8,u1rl from the latest catalogue.
(2) Could you repeat the price, please? op: 6
9o Q sa a1 e q: o5 ao. : cn co e o:o cr5 c og p!: mdp sa oo:
eq:g:$1$: erys $:f coSe@$E<iooy:: rr 11"64 eo:8,c8 ga6<.,'lo:cr5
$ rr

(3 ) I couldn't catch what you said. Could you repeat it more (4) We're under pressure from our customer. Can you send
slowly? the order urgently, please?
:oceQ:)od{oz: cg$ec.rEe@::d<.ilr d"14 q1 $ e o:5 o Ei co c fu,o: e o: e c{
.c ofe t€ c r- oc 4 {.crr: % $
-5 4.\.e <o-:.r5
acoj":o[g: es:es:lg:cooe[grE co locm:l
t i. * gry(er5
q$: ecn6 g $ffi : q@: c E: d.s> e
5 eE
(4) It's a very bad line, I'm afraid. Can I call you back? saeE or@: E <_,1oor:: l
o8: g p!: <,i)o oS rr o
$: o9E: c36cecrrc8: o3o1 rr q1
eor5a E op: (5) I don't need to pay by ciedit card because I've got a
4 o,$:0$ 6aTo?. qS E<ioor::rr monthly account.
(5) I ca.n hardly hear you. Can you speak up, please? cq,lecoScn eqcfs6cno5$. egeo:eatrQ. eroflea8X:n oo I
q1 $
e coE a E op: e@ ca: c3 S o
@:,r qo?<.,l rr e cop p $1$: a E qp: n@c€ q1 $ eorS cn or qE: o:
"; 4 epoo:$:
cu o p e g E
sao$$$: e$:$ Ecilocv::rr
"o? 7-
es-:c6o1epocDls6%cD q$ o gdr g""B$E: @lacing 16) The[*.oice will be enclosed with the goods.
order) {E ep o:o5c8<1 $:epocrr::eqd
q $,.l g g!:eq i. ?:€q"o?c6,,1x
'16 9.g,4
$6<ico<$ lr

eogcuo@Ei<ir (7) I'm atraid it's out of stock, so it won't be sent for two
(1) Thank you for your quotation. We'd like to place an weeks.

ceo8etn8$f c3$(t"Spg.$cs)

d sl q $ o g$:$ o5eq o:: o6: g p!: <-,1orc.t3rr. sD 6

"1e@r€ 9
od@osDsl{ Q..8Ed$g" ooo5q;rr
(8) We'll send it by air freiglrt, so it will arrive tomorrow
gl $
"-5 4. "D "1
4 e o: e@: E:
$.Q.oi.6 ql c
cS n sD s1 e@c I
i''t' d s'lor" o
c6@$ e epcAcue,-,1c8$ o..S rr

(9) I'm calling to make a repFat order. We'd like exactly

the same as last month. I help you?
co6a9cQ e oE {lo:6E ql $
a^18.r3".il Ir g$ id- AE rE r{ rtrqp'qd{. q$Eoo)
s"{E: sa d mqq $ eo:E
cQ a1 E cjlo:,":S n

1i0) Sorry, I didn't quite catch what you said. Could you o:o5c'3o$:ocrr::e$:g9: Can I help you? (q@:el8:*
say that again? rn elp : q pQ c8. q$ 6 e d) { 4 c, c c: o cDo: cD q E q E q oS cn1.-f
o6: E E!:
<.r11o:oS rr a 6 o,p: :n:eQr oo} { on q $ eor5 e@: c,7: cS,e g <-r1$ rr d 8 o! ecuo cn o oS o cn::
$. q g c8c Receptionist
d s1 coSe$r$$E,lc)o)'?:rr
oic8qop.olrr aSop: eqr Secretary c%r Personal Assistant eq e$:dcoo55.
ds1e@:€ qga8o?6c $:on:s'aqc6 o g$top:cnqop"r coE$op<icooSrr
op Eo:entr $t E F"F 4E StB e c,,26c $: op: sz aoE eP g: e ao:E gc6

8E<.rloc.Sn How can I help you?

c c.r/ c c
e,,gq eE!ollcp!og[gr9$6e@a8:6EG?68: I
(1) Hello, this is Aye Aye. .

cD{u raaepelo:a esa:ega:<,r'lrr

(2) My name's Kyaw Kyaw.
q$ eof grepi emlSem,pcirr
(3) Good morning. It's Nyomi here.

ecrf,>g, ccr4%gt
. c?J crn8co8S cE$(o.E?og1a?cS) o,rscE$'o5ct96 c??

o5o> $EcBaE:<-,11rr
rrqe$ $lEcirr q$:eaT,iqq
(l) Hold the line, please?
c ,Yr.
qf:car eqc) ecq: e$1$:,1$:cBEcoa:cile
95 rr

(l) Hello, Phyupyar Soe. (2) Hold on, please. I'll see.
\ O l-'f- O a
())o? eq: g:Qffi : o cB E cor: u
lglt8ao:oilr o'1 c,5 o1p: c.-,S
(2) Can I help you? (3) Yes, I'll
just get her.
% $
" @ E$cS n

.rrcp: q$qo1oc0rr cpo5Qo8rr q1$csaae cu:orE o:r:e fc",3cf r_,1o,-,Srr

(3) Marketing Service PLC. Good afternoon. (4) I'll just transfer you.
o:mdo:E: o$eac':Eg PLC cngc8cooln gl $ o,q€ 4 ooeo::coE g $:o? &€{c$,:'le<-,5 rr

(5) Yes, just a moment"

co 6
f : o 6 ecr:r o8 cn g c,r3 9c $ o ao:: { c,r: e el:
$ :
$ Q q cb"D u a cn eo>: eorE crle gE rr

(1) Could I speak to Win Win, please? 6&€qt€fCcfiecnoa'l
e cq: ip$fi : o E: o E: o oc:
$. o crrc: e Qr cS q$ g$:edl^5qc>
E <-'1 rr

(2) Hello is Aung Aung there? (l) I'm afraid she isn't in at the moment.
dofrr eo:Eesn8 dEp $.-,locu::rr cicr eo:reoc o.-Sr
o5: g g!:o1or<rS rr

(3) Hi, it's Mg Mg here. Is Wah Wah in? (2) Sorry, he's just gone out. Would you like to call back
,{E:2e$:e g c.n eer8 ery:E cjl rr o1lo1l $<.,'l ocor:
rr sa rr later?
(4) Could you put me through to Su Su, please? oi: f q!3 olcD.r5 rr f,) s, a ecu: cD E m$ E qef g:: c8<Jr o@: E
rrfe e o c oc o c oc n
c cDf G: : eo q I i : o) c : aJ o) 6 o:
[g[g I I a6
c o I cJ c\]): rr
qE f $:$ $ eoTal8,jloor: r
(5) Could I speak to someone in Marketing, please? (3) She's away for a few days. Can I givp her a message,?
ecn1: p $ffi : er: cn o5 o: E: gr I cn ot E f : p: $.eQo ofl. q$ E,r1 a) otl ga eo: cB qc,5 o q E!; c oS @: c3r, d.<.,1 rr cg1 eq o cB
+ $
s) o 6nz e$:eo: sloor:: rr

ccrf,rg, ecrf,>cat
@r$cEFs6cr96 c?3
(3) She's due baek tomorrow.
.r"68$4q8 qc ggqcEeeolpn
(4) He's out of the office this week' I'm afraid' (a) Why don't you try in a couple of hours?
q I s4.., 6 qlt-% c6 a3o:'i$ rr q1$ e o6: I p!:r''1lcoo5n
g6 q: Qm q E: c": a E up: r:o € tg
$: e aT$p oo: ca: ob l
"@o @p
(s) You can contact her on her mobile' The number is q$:eaT{Qsaa"l gaecnc8:ao'q"0$ g{
"F{-dE -S
095124413. <ilcocrSrr

: 1i e \.Q { e' E'i or':3 rr o1 d co

qS: c E S:
t $
}. eo cB ut
$ $ Best Responses (oecnoE:{ :c6"8
€ g"Jr,)
oe3cJ99c? $Ec,lox$rr (1)A: I'd like to speak to Mr. peter, "F{
eq:q:$1$: o gco:8o:e$. ocno: eQ: a.1E o8.<-,1r

.&{{qt{1c'5 ooso{$e" fig:c}r B: I'm afraid she's not here at the moment.
<1$:eaTq ecmeoy:eocS qer I
9:c fior o 6: E g!:,r.lorc.S n

(1) What time will she be back? {2) Can I speak to Mr.Srnith, please?
qc o,-'5ca31$ G$*gr"; a8oPrr acq: g
$1$: c g oc ooE
$. o ca:: e
$: cS qS E o o:: <.,'l rr

(2) Will he be back later todaY? F{oid on, please.

8eq o@a8 q$$ePc6o:?o:":rr ecn6qepl$: rp$:{E co::,ie g5 r
(3) Can I contact her tomorrow? (3) Who's speakine?
na$" eEcE$$aocB"d{" q$E'-'1ococ:rr cr o o cryr: e $r e E o-r: oi
"t"4 be a good time to call again? <rS

(4) When would My name's Su Hta Hlaing"

g$:co6eaTQ. o<Ssa 81$ co sa3tr $ ecnoE:$6 oc} rr
q1$ c a:opi g-:,.88.iirr
(4) Could I speak to Mya Mya, please?
q$:eaT,iqq e mJ: g:
$1$: $ $ r\ o o::: ep: cB. q$ I <_,1 o oo:: rr

(1) She should be back bY 4 o'clock' Who's calling?

cR€cr, g f"q.g" $$o::of ot''Srr -de o$:ejlegu'looin
(2) We're expecting him at around 11:00' (5) Can I call you back later?
cc egPo€e olcDq)ll
E:{o$:qEg" --4%$n-6tfl "@8,A$,,0F6aTd q$6c,'lou::l
Yes, please do.
qdQo em,pg$1p:
(6) When will she be back?

qe cocSeo4p $
eePc6ec'J n

In an hour's time'
coEq:{ so 81$ raq8: u:o'ln
t.o",nfr, eqo:@$olrr
e smc,5oll
Conversation (1)
A. Hello, is that Motor SYstems UK?
cbc8n eoEccoogco8 qem c2gc8cnt't1lov::rr

B. Yes, It is. Can I helP You?

qo5,.,'loxSrr :',eJ": q$qc'lo
o) 9b rr

A. Can I speak to Mark Wheeler' piease?

eq:p$1$: e2(5)$o:o: $. ococ:e$cc8. qS E rr

B. I'm afraid he's in a meeting at the moment'

or6cv)6ND€o.$ sao$szno: a$:dp eqc6eq d o6:

A. OK. Do you know what time he
will be free?
s! e cn rr q :a,tS sa 81 $ sn: e o) {
ctro c3 t-"l t: ont'r

B. From about three this afternoon'

I e g.e 1cu p! cq: 9: {a $.gr o$; s'':: t.>'lc8 Q c <'$

A. Right. I'll call again then. Thanks very mueh'

aToi c6 tril c t:5 n
n.- E, ut gn e g: c5 e co2 q1 $ e c':5 tg
: co 6 e

€ cDJ: o: eJ": go at E.-t'l o:,-S I

B. You're welcome. GoodbYe'

cBgc$o1q:g8rr 9o5{61
. Goodbye.

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