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READING PASSAGE: The use of metaphorical language in Engineering journal articles

In practice, first the workpieces were sheltered inside the furnace to raise their
temperatures to about 900–960 °C, then they were shoveled into the die cavity, and
finally forming operations were carried out. Because of this transfer, heat loss
handicapped the billets. For this reason, operations landed in a split end where they were
performed in two stages periodically. For the transfer stage, by assuming a 6-s transfer
time, heating distributions were gathered for billets. Then, using this heat distribution,
extrusion processes went through a deep analysis. Figure 4 depicts the preform forming
process; the ram moving forward envelopes the hot billet (Figure 4(a)), and then presses it
into die’s cavity. In Figure 4(b) the stroke of ram towards the die is 14.5 mm and billet is
in the necking step; and finally, in the stroke of 18 mm the process will reach its
destination (Figure 4(c)). The process drives in different ram velocities and friction
coefficient in order to observe their impacts on process’s force and damage of produced
a) Objective type: Encircle the closest option among the given four options in
each question
Choose the correct synonym for the phrase in bold “the workpieces were sheltered
inside the furnace”

 Placed
 Covered
 Concealed
 Settle
Choose the correct synonym for the phrase in bold “they were shoveled into the die

 Spooned
 Grabbed
 Shifted
 Whiffed
Choose the correct synonym for the word in bold “Because of this transfer, heat loss
handicapped the billets”

 Dried
 Disabled
 Hampered
 Veered
What type of figure of speech is the word landed in line 3 ?

 Metaphor
 Personification
 Simile
 Oxymoron
What type of figure of speech is the phrase in a split end in line 3 ?

 Metaphor
 Personification
 Simile
 Oxymoron

b) Subjective type: Answer the following questions based on your understanding

What does the writer mean when he says, “Because of this transfer, heat loss
handicapped the billets. For this reason, operations landed in a split end where they
were performed in two stages periodically.” ?
As the workpieces were moved in at a very high temperature, the heat loss extracted the billets
affected and the workpiece lost its touch. To cover up for the loss, the operation had to be carried
out in two steps. But before the operation, the workpiece landed in a split end and the whole
thing got carried out over a momentous period.

What does the writer mean when he says, “Figure 4 depicts the preform forming
process; the ram moving forward envelopes the hot billet (Figure 4(a)), and then
presses it into die’s cavity.” ?
  Actually writer want to tell about the process which is being carried out in the furnace. The ram
in the furnace moves forward and as it does that , it unified all the hot billets with it which is
eventually pressed into the die cavity.

Explain the personification used in line 8, “The process drives in different ram
velocities and friction coefficient in order to observe their impacts on process’s force
and damage of produced preform.” ?
The personification used is DRIVES , which is a human action but the writer is using to indicate the
process during which the proper amount of ram velocity and friction acquired to observe the required
impact and damage of produced product.

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