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Group Yale

Aria Ananda (29120418)

Josua Christian Simamora (29120411)
Talitha Assyura (29120506)
Satriyo Wibowo (39020902)
Faisal Rusdi (29120585)
Anton Herutomo (39020905)

Group Assignment 1
Analyze ‘Nike Abuse in Indonesia’ and ‘Greedy Starbucks’, further, propose a solution

Case Propose a Solution

“Nike Abuse in Indonesia” Nike’s Solution :

● Create code of conduct.
● Create a new approach to suppliers in the factory
monitoring system.

Group’s Solution:

● Keep Improving Suppliers Monitoring System

● Create a Public Relation strategy to resolve
● Make a Press and Media Statement regarding the
problem based on the strategy.
● Pressure Pou Chen factory or suppliers to adapt
to the Code of Conduct that Nike has

“Greedy Starbucks” Group’s Solution:

● Keep the expansion program as long as not

violating regulation.
● Create PR campaigns localized in Dublin Ireland
to minimize problem or brand image risk.
● Offer Partnership to Community, e.g. creating
barista skill improvement programs.

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