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Suggestion box is used for collecting slips of paper with input from customers and patrons of a

particular organization. Suggestion boxes may also exist internally, within an Establishments,

such as means for garnering employee opinion. Establishments like IT firm, school, hospitals,

government secretarial, financial institutions etc. which have large numbers of customers or

employee received enormous amount of suggestion per day, and these complain has to be

documented and filed for access and stored for future reference. A suggestion box (also known

as a conflict management system, internal conflict management system, integrated conflict

management system, or dispute system) is a set of procedures used in organizations to address

complaints and resolve disputes.

Marchington and Wilkinson (2005) defined method of handling suggestions as a product of labor

relations environment in the 60s and 70s when there was a more explicit struggle for control in

the workplace. This had two main effects. Firstly, it created the requirement for clear techniques

so that all specialists knew and decides that oversee implicit rules, and moves that may be made

against them if these guidelines were charged. Besides, it prompted more prominent clarity and

consistency of executive activities to determination the protests.

 Design and implementation of E-suggestion box is to maintain an effective, timely, and

suggestion handling system which is easily accessible and offered to complainants (customers) at

no charge. This project defines the policy and steps for handling and resolving suggestion made

by customers and also to appeal for an un-favored situation and for this process to take place

there must be an automation of the system that will be handle the suggestion process and appeal

method of registration. Automation can be defined as the aspects involved in using a computer

system for the tasks or process such as circulation, implementation etc.  It is possible for the

design and implementation E-suggestion box to yield substantial benefits for the users. Chapter

one introduces the research work and the problem definition of the research, and to know the aim

of this research work, research justification tells us why it is important to research on this topic;

it also covers areas like scope and limitation of study which entails the boundary of this work.

This issue had created a lot of problems for an organization growth in the various aspects of the

suggestion box system. To support this approach, this project identifies a range of options that

can be used to manage and resolve online suggestion box. This includes, where the opportunity

presents itself, the need for administrator to make every effort to resolve potential or actual

online complaint as informally as possible in the first instance.


The Objective of this research work are to:

i. Design and develop A web-base Anonymous E-suggestion box

ii. Implement (i) Above.


This research work was undertaken to uncover the various problems with conventional

suggestion box Incomprehensive history.

1. Inconsistency in customer interaction.

2. Lack of prompt updating as to when a suggestion issues has been resolved.

3. Lack of legitimate precise, concise data about the customer implicit rules and character.


This research work “design and implementation of E-suggestion box” the system will be a web-

based application and will be implemented on a relational database system (MySQL). HTML

(hypertext markup language), CSS (cascading style sheet) and JavaScript will be used to design

the web-user interface; PHP (hypertext preprocessor) will be used as the serve-side script

language to link the interface and the database.


The significance of this study is to serve better than the existing system which is highly manual

and therefore difficult in terms of monitoring the suggestion made by peoples, it improve

database and enhance effectiveness, efficiency and security of the system. It is also intended that

the study will help in the development of a new and hopefully and standard better computer

aided system.

The new system will save time, reduce improper handling of suggestions system and also

improve relationship between customer, staff and management.

The system is expected to be easy as customer can login their suggestion anytime, staff and

management also can equally response to online suggestion in a more easy way and reduced turn

around time in responding to customers suggestion.


It can be used by any IT firm, Government secretariat, Law firm, SMEs, Health establishment,

Media firms and financial institutions like banks. To manage client suggestions and improve

customer relationship. This research work is limited by time constraints and unavailability of

resources. Design to help client login their suggestion and request for management helps concern

any suggestion.




This chapter focuses on the literature review. The contribution of the researchers pertaining to

the are discussed in this chapter.


According to Wikipedia, A suggestion box is utilized for gathering sheets of paper with

contribution from clients and supporters of a specific association. Suggestion boxes may likewise

exist inside, inside an association, like methods for earning worker assessment. (Mikel, 2013)

stated that suggestion box is a gadget for getting extra remarks, questions, and demands. In its

generally essential and customary structure, it is a container with an opening, similar to a

contribution box or casting a ballot box. The box is utilized for gathering sheets of paper with

contribution from clients and supporters of a specific association. Suggestion boxes may likewise

exist inside, inside an association, for example, implies for accumulating worker input.


Arkalgud (2013), Feedback refers to the response or reaction of receiver to the sender’s message.

Feedback is the essence of communication and is the final step of communication process.

Without feedback from the receiver, communication process remains incomplete. This feedback

may be an oral or written message, or action or simply silence.

Transmitting or sending message is half of the communication process. When messages reach to

the receiver, he decodes the message and sends his response to the sender to complete the

communication process. Feedback enables the sender to evaluate the effectiveness of his

message. If the receiver does not understand what the sender wants to convey, then the sender

refines or repeats the message. According to Wikipedia, Feedback is a data about responses to an

item, an individual's presentation of an errand, and so on which is utilized as a reason for


"all through this cycle we have acquired significant input" the transmission of evaluative or

remedial data about an activity, occasion, or interaction to the first or controlling source.


Oluwafemi, (1992) System is a coordinated assortment of parts (or subsystems) that are

exceptionally incorporated to achieve a general objective. The system has different sources of

info, which experience certain cycles to produce certain yields, which together, achieve the in

general wanted objective for the system. So a system is typically comprised of numerous more

modest systems, or subsystems. For instance, an association is comprised of numerous regulatory

and the board capacities, items, administrations, gatherings and people. On the off chance that

one piece of the system is changed, the idea of the general system is changed too. Systems range

from easy to complex. There are various kinds of systems. For instance, there are organic

systems (for instance, the heart), mechanical systems (for instance, an indoor regulator),

human/mechanical systems (for instance, riding a bike), natural systems (for instance,

hunter/prey) and social systems (for instance, gatherings, market interest and furthermore

kinship) and Oxford dictionary stated system is a gathering of communicating or interrelated

substances that structure a brought together whole. A system, encircled and impacted by its

current circumstance, is portrayed by its limits, design and reason and communicated in its

working. Systems are the subjects of investigation of systems hypothesis.


Every System is designed to solve some particular problems being encountered by management.

For instance, personnel in a functional area may fill that an existing system is out of date, a

manager might desire certain new information which he requires for better decisions. The

moment the problems are articulated , a set of system objectives are developed by the

management to satisfy the users. Objectives are usually set to:

i.) Alleviate the worker’s workload

ii.) Increase in sales and profit

iii.)Increase operational efficiency,

iv.) Improve customer service

v.) Improve employee morale.

vi.) Satisfy government requirement.


Feedback system is the one which uses by and by accomplished yield of the system for causing

variety in the applied info signal to get the necessary yield. All the more basically, we can say

that the presence of a feedback system permits getting the ideal yield with persistent examination

from the reference contribution of the system.

By and large, these systems are utilized to give more remedial reaction, by contrasting the

accomplished yield and the applied information.


Management is an integral part of any organization. The survival of any organization is

dependent largely on the quality of management or administration services available.

Management can be simply defined as the organization and mobilization of all human and

material resources in a particular system for the achievement of identified objectives in the

system. The two key words are ‘human’ and materials. It is the business of management that

both human and material resources within a system should be organized and mobilized so that

the objectives of the system can be achieved to the fullest. Then administration or management

therefore influences the results to be achieved, the direction to be pursued and the priorities to be

regognised. Duker (1994) sees management as denoting a function as well as the people who

discharge it. He further regards management as:

1. Taking place within a structured organizational setting and with prescribed roles.

2. Directed towards the attainment of aims and objectives.

3. Achieved through efforts of other people; and • Using systems and procedure.


In early day of business computing, computers were usually used to replace the existing manual

systems. But in this modern day, managers make decisions to solve problems, and information is

used in making the decisions . Information is presented in both oral and written forms by an

information processor. The computer portion of the information processor contains each of the

following computer-based application areas:

i.) Transaction processing Systems otherwise known as or Accounting Information System,

Electronic Data Processing System.

(ii.) Information Reporting Systems

(iii.) Decision Support Systems

(iv) Office Automation System or office information systems or virtual office. This has been

discussed in details in the previous week.

(v) Executive information systems

(vi) Artificial Intelligence or Expert Systems.


Effective feedback has benefits for the giver, the receiver, and the wider organization. Here are

five reasons why feedback is so important.

1. Feedback is always there

If you ask someone in your organization when feedback occurs, they will typically mention an

employee survey, performance appraisal, or training evaluation. In actuality, feedback is around

us all the time. Every time we speak to a person, employee, customer, vendor, etc., we

communicate feedback. In actuality, it’s impossible not to give feedback.

2. Feedback is effective listening

Whether the feedback is done verbally or via a feedback survey, the person providing the

feedback needs to know they have been understood (or received) and they need to know that

their feedback provides some value. When conducting a survey, always explain why

respondents’ feedback is important and how their feedback will be used.

3. Feedback can motivate

By asking for feedback, it can actually motivate employees to perform better. Employees like to

feel valued and appreciate being asked to provide feedback that can help formulate business

decisions. And feedback from client, suppliers, vendors, and stakeholders can be used to

motivate to build better working relations

4. Feedback can improve performance

Feedback is often mistaken for criticism. In fact, what is viewed as negative criticism is actually

constructive criticism and is the best find of feedback that can help to formulate better decisions

to improve and increase performance.

5. Feedback is a tool for continued learning

Invest time in asking and learning about how others experience working with your organization.

Continued feedback is important across the entire organization in order to remain aligned to

goals, create strategies, develop products and services improvements, improve relationships, and

much more. Continued learning is the key to improving


The review of the related literature based on various research paper

Arkalgud (2013) in “on the definition of feedback” This paper discusses the lack of a

commonly accepted definition of the concept of feedback in management theory, dealing with

communications networks and decision processes in living systems at the organization level. It

proposes a general definition. It deals with living systems at the organization level, including the

total system and all subsystems. Implications of the proposed definition to current

conceptualizations of feedback processes in management are explored.

Ismat et. al.,( 2016) stated in their research “The Value and Effectiveness of Feedback in

Improving Students’ Learning and Professionzalizing Teaching in Higher Education” stated that

there is a great importance of feedback in improving learning experience for the students. This

has also significant effect in professionalizing teaching in the higher education level. However,

feedback is considered as a difficult issue in this arena. Most of the lecturers are still continuing

with the tradition form of feedback. This form of feedbacks often unable to satisfy the students in

improving their learning experience. It is high time for the lecturers to re-think about the

feedback providing process. They should avoid traditional way of proving feedback towards the

students and their paper comes with some modern and technology based way of proving

feedback which can eventually help students in improving student learning experience. This can

also help in professionalizing the teaching of lecturers in higher education.

Orluwene,(2016) in their research “differential effects of feedback types on the improvement of

students’ performance in school-based assessment” stated there study investigated the

differential effects of performance feedback types on the improvement of students’ performance

in school-based assessment. It used 145 senior secondary two (SS II) students from five

secondary schools in Emohua Local Government Area of Rivers State, Nigeria. The sample was

drawn via a purposive sampling technique and assigned to four experimental groups and one

control group. The groups were specific positive feedback, (SPF) specific negative feedback

(SNF), non-specific negative feedback (NSNF), nonspecific positive feedback (NSPF) and no

feedback (NF, control). The study took a 5x2 between subjects factorial experimental research

design by pretest post test technique. Two research questions and two null hypotheses guided the

conduct of the study. Two equivalent instruments used for data collection were chemistry

problem solving test form one and form two. They are essay itemed and their equivalent form

reliability coefficient was 0.79. The inter-rater and Alpha coefficients for form1 were 0.68 and

0.73 respectively, while that of forrm2 were 0.71 and 0.76 respectively. Data collected were

analysed using mean, standard deviation, paired t-test two-way analysis of covariance and pair

wise comparison where necessary. The results obtained after data analysis showed a significant

main effects for feedback types, gender and interaction between feedback types and gender. It

was also found that SPF, SNF, NSNF and NSPF had significant effects, while NF had

insignificant effects on the improvement of students’ performance in solving problems in

chemistry. Based on the results, it was recommended among all that teachers should endeavour

to use SPF in the appropriate ratio to SNF while assessing students performance.

Victor (2016) in his research “Suggestion Box as Tool for Improving Construction Site Health

and Safety Performance in Nigeria” stated that The importance of suggestion box for

organisational efficiency has received much research attention in the banking, hospitals and

manufacturing companies. In contrast, little or no research into suggestion box and construction

site health and safety performance has been conducted in Nigeria. Suggestion box is one of the

simplest and most cost effective tools management has used and still using to collect information

from workers, customers and the general public on how to improve products, services and

workers’ welfares. This simple management technique has the added advantage that allows

anonymity of the worker or the public to make suggestion(s) on how to improve organisational


Moguluwa and Onyiaji (2013) in their research “Effective Management of Corporate

Organizations Through The use Of Suggestion Box: An Empirical Insight from Nigeria Banking

Industry” stated that information is very essential in every human enterprise. More importantly,

in the corporate business world, information gathering and utilization cannot be ruled out in the

onerous effort to manage organizations effectively. Whereas many organizations use the

suggestion box to elicit information from their publics, others use diverse covert and overt means

to gather their information. This study however, was an attempt to investigate how the use of

suggestion box has been instrumental to the effective management of information in Nigeria

Banking Industry. To address this issue empirically, 17 commercial banks operating within

Enugu State, Nigeria were used as the target population for corporate organizations while 170

staff of the various banks constituted the respondents. The objective of this paper was to

ascertain, among others whether the use of suggestion box has facilitated corporate

organizational decision-making process and whether the use of suggestion box has increased

corporate organizational effectiveness. Four research hypotheses were formulated and

statistically tested using Chi-square decision rule.




Systems are created to solve problems. One can think of the systems approach as an organized

way of dealing with a problem. In this dynamic world, the subject System Analysis and Design

(SAD), mainly deals with the software development activities. According to Williams (2010),

Systems analysis is a process of collecting factual data, understand the processes involved,

identifying problems and recommending feasible suggestions for improving the system

functioning. This involves studying the business processes, gathering operational data,

understand the information flow, finding out bottlenecks and evolving solutions for overcoming

the weaknesses of the system so as to achieve the organizational goals. System Analysis also

includes subdividing of complex process involving the entire system, identification of data store

and manual processes.


The analysis of the current system in nigeria. All the steps currently for Writing of suggestion

inside of paper, dropping of the suggestion paper inside the suggestion in completely manual and

offline. The problems of the current system are: There is no efficient means of updating,

checking of the suggestion for papers whether the suggestion paper have been attend to , some

organisation that are not in state or nearby states and even outside Nigeria may what to drop

suggestion. Also sending suggestion papers by post is another problem because the contributor

may have wrong address or it can be delayed by the post officials.


The input requirements include information that must be presented to the system by the user to

enable it performs its operations properly.

The input requirements for the current system include:

i. Name of Person

ii. Name of the organisation

. iii. Address or the person to attend to the the suggestion

. iv. Email Address of person that make the suggestion

v. Phone Number of person that make the suggestion.

vi. Reference Number (used to identify every suggestion submitted).


Output is what the system gives back to you or the result of your process when the right inputs

are in place. The output of the current system is through the respondent of the or the owner of the

organisation (ADMIN)


Procedures are concerned with the processes or steps taken while working with the system to

obtain maximum benefit. In the current system, all the processes of making suggestion,

collecting, reviewing of the suggestion make the suggester are done following the below


i. Collect suggestion paper

. ii. Fill all the appropriate space (Name, Address, phone number and your suggestion)

. iii. Drop the suggestion paper inside the suggestion box

iv. The person in-charge of suggesttion box will pick it from the box

v. Assessment of the suggestion paper.

vi. Review of suggestion by personal in charge

The above procedures are followed to ensure successful submission of suggestion paper in the



The files maintained takes care of records that requires some information about contributor

which include contributor name, address, email and phone number etc. The essence of file

maintenance is to enable easy retrieval of information when needed. In the current system, all

suggestions submitted for review before assessment are recorded and given a reference number

for easy identification


The new system to be developed for this research project is a web-based system. The

methodology used in this research is Web-site Design Methodology (WSDM). Achebe (2002)

stated that there are five phases in web-site design methodology which are:

1. Mission Statement

2. Audience Modeling

3. Conceptual Modeling

4. Implementation design

5. Actual Implementation

3.4.1 MISSION STATEMENT: The Mission statement also known as the “Mission Statement

specification, is the first phase in web-based design methodology. It attempts to provide answer

to the questions; what is the purpose of the web application, what is its subject and ho are the

target audience? Once the above questions are answered, that means the mission statement phase

is completed.

3.4.2 AUDIENCE MODELING: This phase comprises of two sub-phases which are audience

classification and audience characterization; At Audience classification, Audience classes are

identified by considering only the activities of the organization related to the purpose of the

project and identifying the people involved; these people can now be grouped into audience

classes by looking at those information and functional requirements that are similar to them.

Lastly, at the Audience characterization, the characteristics of the various audience classes are


3.4.3 CONCEPTUAL MODELING: This is also known as the conceptual design phase. It

consist of three parts that can be performed simultaneously; Information modeling, functional

modeling and navigational design. Information modeling is mainly intended for data intensive

web sites; it deals with the “conceptual what” i.e. the type of information and how it is

structured. Functional modeling consists of the interaction between the users and the system. For

the purpose of the interaction, the functional requirements are listed according to the various

audience classes based on how they are related to the system. Lastly, Navigational Design

addresses how to navigate through the information. Each audience class is considered and the

various information components external that are related to it are considered. The integration of

Information, functional modeling and navigational model is known as Conceptual Modeling.


The Implementation Design Phase is a three phase model that comprises Page structure design,

Presentation design and Logical Database design. Page structure design entails packaging

information in form of chunks in the right proportions. Presentation Design deals with the „look

and feel’ of the web site. And may constitute a lot of literature. Lastly, Logical Database Design

is the design of the underlying database that may be used to maintain the data in case of data

intensive web applications. The output of the implementation design is an implementation

model. 3.4.5 IMPLEMENTATION PHASE: The implementation phase is concerned with

realizing the web applications by using the design made in the previous phases. This project

research is going to use the above methodology for the design of the E-suggestion box.

Figure 3.1 The implementation phase


Retrieving Information electronically tend to overcome all these weakness present in the current

manual system of Suggestion box. This could be seen in terms of:

i. Speed

ii. Accuracy

iii. Provision of Information from databank.

E- suggestion box using an automated system means that all submission, review and publication

process will be done online which will make it faster instead of the current manual system.

Accuracy refers to the state of being exact. This is the ability to retrieve particular submission

and publication information that is needed by either a suggested or contributor without mistakes.

For instance it is possible to search for suggestion of a specific contributor, but retrieving it

manually will not give accurate result or will take too much time. All information saved on an

online system are stored in a database, therefore it will be stored there will be kept for as long as

it is needed. Time sharing is also another advantage of an online system. In a network

environment, more than one person could read the information about a particular Suggestion at

the same time but it varies in current manual system. The aim of any information system is to

improve the efficiency of already existing system irrespective of the system type i.e. manual or

automated . This efficiency can be achieved by proper planning. E-suggestion box may be

complex to design and program because it is like training a computer to behave like human

being, so the process of designing an E-suggestion box is a complex task that requires its own



In a use-case diagram, we try to show the important users (actors) and the functionality of the

system (use-case). Actors are represented by a stick figure and the functionalities are represented

by an oval. Figure 3.1 shows the use case of the new system showing two actors which are the

Admin and the User with their functionalities.







Figure 3.2 The System Use Case Diagram of Anonymous E-suggestion Box




The System Design Document describes the system requirements, operating environment,

system and subsystem architecture, files and database design, input formats, output layouts,

human-machine interfaces, detailed design, processing logic, and external interfaces.

Prototyping vehicles particulars expiration sms reminder system requires a website to work and

can be accessed by a standard PC that supports XAMPP.


XAMPP Software installs on a standard PC system. Minimum Hardware requirements are as


i. Processor –Celeron (R) Dual –Core CPU T3100@1.90GHz 1.90 GHz;

ii. Installed Memory (RAM) – at least 350 MB;

iii. System type-32 bit Operating System;

iv. Model-Presario CQ42 Notebook PC; Resolution-1366/768;


XAMPP for Windows

The distribution for Windows 2000, 2003, XP, Vista, 7, 8 and 10. This version contains: Apache,

MySQL, PHP, phpMyAdmin.

Programming Language


ii. CSS

iii. PHP

iv. MySQL


We divided the system development specification into Three categories. These provide

components of the development phase that can construct the program and including a list of the

programs needed to meet the systems objectives and complete documentation.

To complete our system development we have three type of specification. These are:

i. Admin specification.

ii. Files and database.

iii. User specification.


The proposed systems are physically developed in this stage. User specification or output

specification provides the proposed system goals. User specification stage fulfilled the user need

by preparing building blocks of the system .User specification are developed by based on output

design. It provides total outlook of the system and offer various features for user.

After going to http://localhost/mumuni/feedback a student can see the view.

Figure 4.1 The User Login Page

After user successful access the page, the student can now have access to the homepage. The

homepage consists of Where the user can submit their suggestions. user can submit by clicking

on “Submit Feedback”


This is the input panel of the Anonymous e-suggestion box. We have developed this panel so

that we can dynamically control the e-suggestion box. It is fully secured system. Without being

admin or knowing user name and password no one can access it. It is fully protected from

unauthorized access.

Figure 4.2 The Admin Login Page

this page is used by the admin to login into the system in other to carry out operations like

Reading of the suggestion . The admin always logs in with a pre-assigned and re-modified

username and password

Figure 4.3 The Admin Dashboard

It shows the dashboard after the login is successful. The admin can view the suggestion made by

the user.


Figure 4.4 The File and Database




The system for E-suggestion box has been successfully designed. This project research work

consists of five chapters are will be summarized below:

In chapter one, background of the study, statement of the problem, aims and objectives,

motivations, scope of the study, limitations of the study and definition of some terms were


In chapter two, relevant literatures were discussed; concept of Suggestions box, E-suggestion

box review of existing and software tools that were used in the development of the system such

as HTML, PHP, JavaScript, MySQL etc.

In chapter three, analysis was carried out in terms of; analysis of the current manual system,

analysis of the input, analysis of the output, analysis of the existing system procedure, files

maintained, web-design methodology and the expectations of the new system were discussed.

In chapter four, a detailed explanation of the new proposed system was given in a general term

covering; new input requirements, new system procedure, new output requirements, new files

maintained, new system requirement (both hardware and software), use case modeling, database

design(modeling), system implementation which include all user interface implementations were

all discussed.

Finally, chapter five gives us a brief summary of all the previous chapters. Also in this chapter,

all necessary documents used in the course of carryout this research will be well referenced. The

chapter also contains conclusion, recommendation and suggestions for further research,

references and appendices.


The effort being putten together for this project research have finally yielded a positive result.

The E-suggestion box will now have a positive impact on the current manual system being used

by the Administrators. This lead to the conclusion of saying that the aim of the project has

successfully been achieved. Proper and well usage of the developed system will facilitate and

ease almost all the processes involved from the stage of submission of suggesstion. The

developed system also need to be hosted onto the World Wide Web (www) so as to be accessed

and used by other researchers and users around the world.


Having developed the new system for E-suggestion box, below are my


i. The designed system should be hosted on the World Wide Web (www) so that other

researchers and users around the world can fully use the system.

ii. If hosted on the www, the system should be periodically updated with latest information about

call for Suggestions, review process or any other information concerning the suggestions.


Arkalgud, T. (2007): Introduction to Web-Development using HTML, PHP and JavaScript: 3rd

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