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HM Project 

Group leader/participants:

Muhammad Arham Abid      (2019302)

Measum Raza                  (2019233)
Malik Munib Ur Rehman     (2019225)
Muhammad Ahmad Amjad (2019283)
Muhammad Taha Rasheed (2019379)
Sibghatullah                   (2019480)
Abdul Razaq                   (2019010)

Course: HM-211-B

Submitted to: Dr.

Title: Difference between Islamic concept of

Human Rights and western viewpoint (20 ) 

Introduction:   (2.5-3 pages) *2019225

                    Human rights are the social norms and
standards to which all people are entitled regardless of
nationality, sex, gender, religion, skin color, origin, social or
political beliefs, etc. They dictate how human beings live in a
society and interact with each other and the state. They define
the rights which are owed to the citizens of a state by the
government and protected under a legislative and judicial
system and, in turn, place certain legal and social obligations
which all citizens must abide by. The aim of this study is to
bring to light the major differences between the perspective
and concept of human rights prevalent in western societies as
compared to those put forth by islam. The first and foremost
difference between the western and Islamic viewpoint on
human rights is that the source which entitles human beings to
human rights according to the Islamic teachings is Allah
almighty rather than one’s own personal interests and desires.
In the west, rights are granted to people based on their own
interests and experiences and what they deem appropriate. 

Another key point to note is that Islam has entitled all human
beings to the basic rights without having to wage a struggle for
centuries against the monarchs and aristocrats as opposed to
the struggle for provision and protection of human rights in the
western world over the course of the last 700-800 years which
has been an agonizingly slow process. This goes to show that
according to Islam, no one should have to “fight” or “struggle”
in order to have the basic right to lead a peaceful life and make
an honest living for himself and his family. 

Basic Rights/Fundamental Human Rights:

All Human beings are entitled to basic rights regardless of
which community they belong irrespective of their color, creed or
race. Nationality, age, religion or status do not play a role in
entitlement of rights.

1. The Right to life:

Right to life of an individual is very important and first
basic right. Life is a gift which is given to us by Allah.
Therefore no one has the right to take it from you. In Holy
Quran it is said that:

“Whosoever kills a person without (any reason like) man

slaughter, or corruption on earth, it’s as if he had killed all
mankind …” (5:32)
The right to take a person’s life can only be decided by a
proper and competent court of law only if that person has
committed a murder or is spreading corruption on this earth.

So in any case no human being has the right to take someone’s

life on his own even for retaliation for a murder. If anyone has
killed a human being, it is as if he has murdered the entire
human race. These instruction shave been repeated in Holy
Quran saying

“Do not kill a soul which Allah has made sacred except
through the due process of law …” (6:151)

‘The right to life’ has only been given to man only by Islam.
Even people who talk about human rights haven’t mentioned
them in their constitution or declaration. They apply these
rights to their citizens only. White people penetrated into
Africa and hunted down human beings like wild animals.
Contrary to this, Islam recognizes this right for all human

2. The Right to Safety of Life:

Every human being has the right to have a safe and secure
life. In Holy Quran it is mentioned as

“And whoever saves a life it will be considered as if he had

saved the lives of all mankind” (5:32)

There are several forms in which a person can save a man’s

life. If you find out that an individual is ill or wounded then
regardless of his color, creed or race you should help him. It
becomes your duty to help the needy person or arrange for his
treatment if he is not well. If he is dying of starvation, then
you should help him get food. If a person is drowning or is
about to lose his life, then it is your duty to save him.

Therefore it is our duty to save every human life as we have

been enjoined in the Holy Quran.

3. Respect for the Chastity of Women:

The third most important Human right granted by Islam is
that the women’s chastity should be respected and protected
under all circumstances whether she belongs to our nation or
the nation of our enemy, whether she belongs to some religion
or no religion at all. Irrespective of her color, creed or race a
Muslim cannot outrage her in any circumstances. In this regard
the Holy Quran says that:

“Do not approach (the bounds of) adultery” (17:32)

As violation of chastity is forbidden in Islam therefore a

Muslim who penetrates this crime cannot escape the heavy
punishment whether in this world or in the Hereafter.

4. The Right to a Basic Standard of Life:

If we talk about the right to have basic life standard, the
Holy Quran tells us that:

“And in their wealth there is acknowledged right for the

needy and destitute.” (51:19)
The clear meaning of this verse is that anyone who is suffering
from deprivation has the right in the property and wealth of the
Muslims irrespective of his color creed or race. If you are
strong and powerful enough to help a needy person asks for
help then it is you duty to help him. Allah has established this
right upon you which you have to honour as a Muslim.

5. Right to have freedom:

Every Human being has the equal right to have a life with
freedom. People used to capture free man and made them slaves
or sell them to slavery. This primitive practice is highly forbidden
in Islam. The Holy Prophet (PBUH) said that:

“There are three sorts of people against whom I shall myself

be a plaintiff on the Day of Judgment. Of those three, one is
he who enslaves a free man, then sells him and eats his

(Al-Bukhari and Ibn Majjah)

Before Islam black people were treated as slaves by white people.

There was no freedom for them but Islam established a system in
which everyone irrespective of their color, creed or race can live
their lives freely.

6. The Right to Justice:

This is a very important and valuable right which Islam has
given to a man as Human being. The Holy Quran says that:

“Do not let your hatred of a people incite you to

aggression” (5:2)
“And don’t let ill-will towards any folk incite you so you
swerve from dealing justly. Be just; that’s nearest to
heedfulness” (5:8).

Muslims have to just not only with their allies but also with
their enemies. Justice is meant for all human beings of the
world irrespective of their color, creed or race. A Muslim
cannot be unjust to anyone.

7. The Right to Co-operate and Not to Co-operate:

Islam tells us to co-operate with others. In Quran it is said

“Co-operate with each other for virtue and heedfulness

and do not co-operate with each other for the purpose of
vice and aggression” (5:2).

This means that a person who has a noble profession,

irrespective of where he lives, has all right to expect support
and co-operation from the Muslims.

But if a person commits any deed of aggression, even if he is

our friend or is in close relation with us, loses the right to get
co-operation from Muslims. He should not expect that
Muslims will have any kind of co-operation with him or
support him. Nor it is allowed for Muslims to co-operate with

That wicked person may be your father or even your dear

brother but he is not one of us and he will receive no help from
us unless he repents and reform his ways. On the other hand a
person of good will and doing deeds of virtue will get full
support from the Muslims. They are his companions and
willingly give him full support.

Major Differences between Islamic and Western 

Viewpoint: *2019283
 Human Rights is a wide subject. As we have a number of
schools' thoughts on this subject so every scholar describes Human
Rights in his/her own way. That’s the main reason for differences in

Although the western viewpoint changes (update) after a particular

period. Whereas, Islamic viewpoint remains the same as it was 1400
years ago because Islamic Rules and regulations are equally
applicable now as they were 1400 years ago Since it’s a perfect
religion. The differences may vary from person to person due to the
fact everyone has their own thinking ability and own perspective to
view things. However, here we are choosing here well-known
factors on which we can easily compare Islamic thoughts and
western viewpoints.


On the basis of definition: (3 pages)

As discussed above different Western scholars use
different approaches to define Human Rights from their
own perspective but the Islamic viewpoint is fixed. From
a famous Muslim’s scholar point of view “General rights
are collective rights. These rights can neither be banned
nor stopped by using any sort of power. That’s why we
can’t define them properly due to their large number and
variance. Also, some scholars propose that Right and
Haq are both different words from different languages
i.e.; from English and Arabic. So, there can be numerous
meanings of these two words. However, mostly both
words are exchanged as a compulsory thing. Also from
research, we come to know the rights are used in
different languages i.e., Arabic, English etc but they
denote the same meaning as “immediately” or

Western point of view:

                                   Western scholars define human rights

in their own way which varies from scholar to scholar. From
them, it’s a relative term. Here will quote some famous
Scholars' thoughts on the subject of Human rights. One of the
famous philosophers H.J.Laski defines Human rights as
Specific necessary rules or circumstances of life in the absence
of which life cannot run properly.

From the Oxford Dictionary: Human rights are those rights

that belong to everyone irrespective of color, creed, or caste.

From Black Law Dictionary: Rights means liberty, specific

moral values, or behavior straightness. It’s just the
contradiction of bad practices or injustice.

It can also be defined as a guarantee or security provided by

the government to run a peaceful life culture.

From the Encyclopedia approach towards Human rights:

Those rights given to a group as they are humans. It’s in wide
E-copy form where all moral values and circumstances are
written and this is named as to be universal in character, and it
is the same for all human beings.

From online Philosophy approach: Those specific rights which

protect humans from any mishap whether it’s social, moral, or
political. For example; every human individual can choose
his/her own specific religion, having a fair trial if found guilty
in some crime, avoid torture, and can perform a political
movement if he/she wants against any government illegal laws
and rules. The UNO (United Nations Organization) has its
own charter of character on this subject and it explains human
rights in its own way: Those rights which we get from birth
and without them, humans cannot live peacefully.

It’s a brief overview of Human Rights definitions from a

Western point of view. One important thing to be noted is that
when defining the term human rights western Scholars did not
take into account its moral or ethical background as they
consider it as a term of social sciences. That’s why some
Western Human Rights definitions have their limitations and
cannot be applied in all circumstances.

          Islamic point of view: 

From the Islamic point of view, Islam and human rights are
equally old and unchanged once it’s made. In Islam Human
rights are found in different places and by different terms, for
example: In Quran, it is mentioned under the context of
HAQOOQ-UL-IBAD. These rights are also mentioned in
different Hadith, in FIQH and we can find some of them in 

the History of Islam too. 

One of the famous Islamic Scholar Dr.Hassan Kerrah

proposed about Human rights that: In Islam, everyone is has a
permanent thing under which he can live known as Right, also
it can be used in the form of a patent for another person of the
society. Such types of rights are associated with a reverse
connection with Duties.

 From HEC online site: Such rights which we adhere to by

birth and are required for the peaceful flow of life. If we
remove these rights it may become difficult to live a successful
life. Also, one thing more important here that all humans have
been given these rights with respect and dignity and for their

        It’s mentioned in Holy Quran that ALLAH (S.W.T)

        Arabic verse 

            “Human beings have been honored and we gave

them both land and sea transport, gave them excellent and
wealthy (pure) things; and gave them special flavors, our
amazing part of creation”    


At another place in Holy Quran the ALLAH said:

Arabic verse

        “Man has been created in the best form”.

   A famous Malaysian scholar Dr.M.Hashim said: An
important human right is freedom of expression. It also gives
humans dignity, also it helps in improving the character and it
also affects the person's personality when it comes to judging
and anything or giving an opinion to someone.
The other important issue for humans from an Islamic
perspective is those rights that have a connection with duties.
Islam is clear and concise in every matter whether for this world
or for the world hereafter. There Islam says that Muslims are
accountable for this world and the world hereafter for the deeds
they are doing in the world the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) said:”
Every individual is responsible for his deeds and activities to
ALLAH Almighty”.
From the above context, we come to know Islamic perspective
Is very much different from the Western perspective, and from
the Islamic perspective, Humans have specific laws and rules
which give surety for a better life. Moreover, the accountability
factor forces Humans to perform their actions sincerely and
provide them a path to be pious and do justice effectively.
The basic difference b/w Western and Islamic perspective on
Human rights is that: The West only put emphasis on Rights,
they don’t have any commitment on duties, whereas in Islamic
perspective there is a correlation between rights and duties
which makes it superior from a Western viewpoint.
 Claims to Human Rights:
There are two major claims regarding human rights issues: the
Western and Islamic. It is not easy to read this story outside its
proper view and context. As for avoiding some confusion
which is usually done after such a discussion. So, of course, a
necessary issue to analyze the two major claims and the means
by which they are addressed human rights.

 The Western scholar declared everything in good manner and

they think the West is involved in providing rights to the
whole world's blessing; otherwise, the world sprang up
unknowingly and completely not knowing all these benefits.

According to Moulana Moududi: It is firmly established that

the world has acquired a sense of the basics of human rights
from the British Magna Carta; even though: The Magna Carta
itself came into existence six centuries later the arrival of
Islam. However, the factor is that until in the seventeenth
century no one knew the Magna Carta

Contained the terms of the Trial by the Jury; Habeas Corpus,

And Parliamentary Administration of Tax Rights. ”

Therefore, it can be said that the people who wrote the

Magna Carta: if were alive today; they would really be

It is amazing to know that their document contains all the

modern versions of human rights and freedoms. Infection, they
had no such intention, either they would have known all the
ideas now given to you in anti-Islamic phobia.

According to western scholar Henry Marsh:

The Magna Carta was no longer just a constitution

Homeowners and Funerals.

 Another important issue is the western human rights

perspective, not the oldest than Islam.

From Mubashir Nazir point of view: Before the Seventeenth

century, Westerners had no idea of civil and human rights in
my opinion.

Even after the seventeenth-century philosophers once

legal scholars even though they present these ideas,

practical evidence and a demonstration of these ideas can only

be found at the end of the eighteenth century in proclamations
and American and French constitutions.

In general, the western human rights claim is different

The Islamic way. Muslims granted human rights without

protest again seek for all mankind without discrimination. 

The problem is that Muslim human rights are equal for all
human beings and are provided for without any need.

A second claim to human rights is the Muslim petition. It

means that human rights are not granted by any king or king
but these rights given by the Almighty Allah.
          According to a research article:

When we talk about human rights to Muslims we really mean

that these rights are given by God; they are not issued by any
king or any legislature.

 Another important factor that separates the claim of Islam

from the west that Muslim human rights are granted to the
people for their dignity and honor from Allah Almighty.

According to the current Islamic scholar Dr. Tahirul-Qadri:

The concept of human rights in Islam embodies human

dignity, human dignity, and equality.

Dr. Muhammad Hashim Kamali said of human dignity:

Human dignity is considered an important and invincible

right, which is universal and essential to life. It has changed

too it could change with the changing times again

generations. This reminds us of the Islamic concept of human

rights different in the west for some good reason.

As a famous Islamic scholar, Shafique Ali khan said in his

book: The Islamic concept of thinking cannot and should not
be learned from the light of western ideas… both old and new.

Islam being a unique ideology has its own values of goodness

truth and efficiency, right and wrong.

In the Islamic way, human rights are given equally to everyone

because there is no racism in Islam.

Holy Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W)

he said:

There is no difference between Arab non-Arab. There is no

superiority of the non-Arab over the Arab. No superiority

redder (racial) than white. Similarly, it does not

superiority white than a red person (race), except

devotion and reverence for God.

It means that the Islamic approach to human rights is

different .From the western way because the Islamic way
contains revelation as well.The western way contains the
human mind. As the above statements prove the matter is
firmly established.

Human Rights in UDHR vs Human Rights in

Last Sermon Of Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) :
Background: The most important and most notable text has
been developed on human rights by the international
declaration of Human Rights, 1948. This is done mainly after
Earth World War II and the extraordinary development that
took place after the colonies as

independence and partition of India and the formation of a new

State of Pakistan. The greatest human suffering and the
greatest human displacement in 1947 was seen by humanity
forcing countries to improve the law a document that
undermines human morality on Earth. Globalization needed to
create wider human society rights and actions defining the
boundaries or set of reunification

individual responsibility.

 The text generated as a result is known as

“The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, 1948

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights is fundamental

International declaration of

the inseparable and inseparable rights of all members of the

human family. The proclamation was announced in a
resolution of the UNO General Assembly December 10, 1948
as “the standard for people and nations ”in relation to human
rights. Global Declaration Of Human Rights, he says all
people to protect dignity and self-respect should enjoy
freedom of speech and belief, too

freedom from fear. Lay down the foundations of the world

again non-discrimination of human rights in the legal and legal
frameworks of communities

and the government.

The principle of indivisibility is an integral part of

philosophy, ethics and the legal basis of human rights. In

addition, human rights are not for individuals, but for the
system of to ensure each other's commitment, therefore, the
Universal Declaration is a two-way street document method.
This Declaration is considered a great achievement for man he
is kind on the issue of human rights because according to
western experts this is

prosperity and the dignity of human freedom.

Important Human Rights in UDHR: 

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) defines
the name of the importance of human rights in these terms:

The National Assembly announces this Global Declaration of

Human rights as an equal benefit for all
people and nations all the way, until one man again

all members of the public.

Those human rights are given below in points:

1. The right to freedom and security

2. The Right to Freedom from slavery and servitude.

3 .. Freedom from torture and punishment.

4. The Right to Equality in any case and position.

5. Right to Justice.

6. The right to a fair trial by an independent and impartial


7. The right to remain innocent until proven guilty.

8. Right to privacy, family, house or documents.

9. The Right to Refuge in the event of political and social


10. The right to citizenship.

11. The right to a marriage contract and obtained a family.

12. Own property right.

13. Freedom of thought, conscience, and religion.

14. Freedom of expression and expression.

15 .. Freedom of association and peace.

16. Participation in the government of the human world.

17. The right to work and the free choice of employment

18. The right to a fair reward to ensure that something is right

human dignity

19. The right to rest, recreation and peace

20. The right to health and medical care.

21. The right to protection in the event of unemployment,

illness, disability, widowhood, old age or other less severe
circumstances human control.

22. The Right to Maternal and Child Protection

23. The Right to Education.

24. Freedom to Participate in Cultural Life

the community.

25. Right to Protection of moral and physical interests

from the human invention of scientific, literary art


Human rights in the Last Sermon of the Holy prophet(S.A.W):

Background: The final journey of the Holy Prophet may be

appropriate he called the last point of his work as a Prophet. It
was sixty-three the year of the Prophet's life corresponding to
the 10th closing of the Hijra

that he has decided to perform the Hajj, in history, going by

the name of Khutba-e-Hajjatul-Wada The work of the Prophet,
had been, at this time completed for all purposes.

According to renowned Islamic scholar Khalid Aalvi:

The Prophet (S.A.W) now wanted to give final instructions to

his followers for his end life was near, at the end of 10 Hijrah.
 “To people who were deep in ignorance, he gave them light
and encouragement by believing in Allah, the Creator alone,
the Master and Sustainer of the Universe.

In a divided crowd, which was in a constant battle, he gave the

unity of thought and action. He had also demonstrated God's
love and will for mankind

gave it a visible presence by establishing a community on the

basis of righteousness, godliness and the knowledge of God,
which are not to be found found throughout human history. In
short, Hazrat Muhammad (S.A.W) had passed on to the finalist
.The truth and all its necessary consequences.

 The sermon of the Holy Prophet is not only remarkable

because of it good speaking, but also a high message for
everyone race. It was a declaration of human rights and moral
values, the volume of Women's Rights. The world could not
bring about better values moral and ethical than it is written.
All of its names breathe the spirit of greatness and aim at it to
establish fairness and justice among the people in an effective

Establishes brotherhood among Muslims regardless of

their geographical origins, ethnicity and colors and provides a

framework for social order, completely free from oppression
and injustice. In fact, it was a proclamation of the Final of
Hazrat Muhammad's

(S.A.W) Prophet hood, religion existed they are perfected by

this Last Message from the Creator of all His creatures

future times. The last sermon of the Holy Prophet (S.A.W) is

the most important book in human history

human rights perspective. It is very important for Muslims too

as a non-Islamic view because the text and language of the
Sermon standard and not specified. It was brought to the end
of the prophet's hood Holy Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W).
 As Moulana Safi-Ur-Rahman states in his Book:

It was given on 632 AD / 10 AH in the Last Holy Hajj

The Prophet (S.A.W).

Important Human Rights for the Final Sermon

given below:
These rights are found in the famous Seerah book of the

(S.A.W) Rahmatul-lil-Alameen33 written by a

renowned author Qazi M Selman Mansur Puri.

1. Human rights equality

2. Obedience to Rights

3. The right to health

4. Abolition of Nationalism

5. Property Rights

6. The Right of Members of the Community

7. Rights of Slaves and Slaves

8. Elimination of Lawlessness

9. Economic rights

10. Inheritance right

11. Infants The right to the sanctity of ancestors

12. Right to Public Identity

13. Right to credit

14. Copyright

15. Women's Rights

16. Husband's Rights

17. Constitutional Rights

18. Kingdom Rights

19. Right to law

20. Justice Rights

21. Right to awareness

22. Divines Rights (Rights of Allah, the Book and the Prophet


Comparison of Human Rights in UDHR and the

Last Sermon: 

Now we will take different scenarios and compare UDHR and

the Last sermon :Islam is a religion of Rights and Works and
saves the Rights of All collective and individual communities.
The last Holy Sermon The Prophet (S.A.W) is a very
important document in human history in view of human rights.
UDHR too is regarded as a human rights theme in human
history. At this point I will try to compare human rights with
the light of the UDHR and the Last

Sermon of the Holy Prophet (S.A.W).

From an ancient and commencement point of view:

With this in mind, Muslims offer the greatest human rights

Years ago the Last Sermon was delivered on 10 AH / 632 AD.

 As a well-known Islamic scholar, Dr. Selman bin Abdul

Rehman said:

The history of Western Human Rights is new, as we know it

the first western history was Magna Carta in 1215.The

Uninvited Demolition of National Rights was launched in

According to another Muslim scholar:Muslims are legal by

law of fourteen rights centuries ago. Its law was perfect and
deep. Muslims provides the full assurance and protection of
human rights on the basis of the imposition of Islamic

In the view of a Muslim scholar, the UDHR does not

introduced something new. All UDHR provisions are already

available in Islam for details. Intervention is a revival of
Islamic teachings from the perspective of

human rights.

According to the famous Islamic scholar Sultan Hussein

Tabandeh:Most of its [UDHR] provisions are already in place

Muslims, and are proclaimed by Islamic law enforcers and

administrators. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights
has never announced anything new or unpopular ”from then
on “All its stages were already in place

form in Islam ”.In this way the human rights of the Last
Sermon are very ancient than UDHR for 1309 years. Even
Some Scholars Say The Last Sermon for The Holy Prophet is
the First Bill of Rights in Earth. We can therefore say that
these rights are not new but these are renascence
of Islamic Rights. In terms of practical and enforcement:

Another important aspect of the human rights of Muslims is

that these they are effective and have the potential to enforce
western human rights.

From the implementation point of view:

The UNO Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) is simple

a well-written statement of wishes and wishes of the people;

is not supported by an ethical, legal or enforceable authority

maintenance is important. UNO does not have the capacity to

use it .

From a Muslim perspective, these rights are morally and

legally binding

officially possible and enforced by the Islamic State.

Drs. Abdul Qadir Khan highly commended:In contrast, the

sermon of the Prophet (S.A.W) does not limit the details of

fundamental rights are basic, and they provide the means to do

so make the implementation possible. All Islamic provinces
are obligated exercise these rights and all Muslims
individually he is accountable to Allah concerning them.38

According to Dr. Anis Ahmad:

The fact is that the UN has failed to make it happen

human rights in its member states emphasize the need to

a critical study of human rights in the West, focused on

problems in their use, and in it as well philosophy and ideals

on which it is based.

          3.In terms of depth and universe:     

Another very important aspect of the rights of the Last Sermon
depth and breadth. We find more depth and University in
Human rights in the Last Sermon of the Holy Prophet
(S.A.W). We see the language and the text of the Sermon is
familiar not Specified. Another important issue is the source of
Islamic Rights is The Revelation but the Source of UDHR is
human thinking. According to Islamic scholar Abu Salman
Deya ud-Deen Eberle:

These rules and regulations were set by the Messenger of

Allah fourteen hundred years ago in a very good way too

in a way and will always work forever. ”40

As a result, after this discussion it can easily be seen that

Islamic rights are deep and common from the UDHR.

4. From a security and guarantee perspective:

 Another important thing is the rights of Muslims are very
protected as well guaranteed than UDHR because these Rights
are given by the Almighty Allah and was proclaimed by the
Holy Prophet (S.A.W). Allah again His Prophet is the
Guaranteer of these Rights. It means these are Rights

provided for constitutionally and ethically. The proclamation

of Prophet SAW the realization of these Human Rights on
their empowerment day. However

UDHR rights do not have these protections and guarantees,

because Islamic and Western rights sources are different.

As we read in the Cairo Declaration of Human Rights

(CDHR41) of OIC: The Islamic Shari'ah is the only source of
reference for

the meaning or clarification of any of the articles of this


 5.From a limitations point of view:

The most important aspect of the human rights of Muslims is

that does not interfere with other rights due to its limitations
and limitations. It means from the Islamic point of view, there
is no such thing as a free debate and no other fundamental
rights because each issue has certain limitations as well


6.From limitations point of view:

Muslim human rights are not granted by the emperor either

change; these are given by the Creator of all mankind,

Almighty Allah, so we see a kind of balance in the Rights as

well Jobs.

According to Dr. Mohammad Hamad khoder: Rights are not

the end in themselves; they are simply a means to an end

complete health activities.

From a Western point of view, there is a sense of conflict

freedom because of the infinite sense of freedom and rights.

A lot disputes between freedom and other basic western

belief in rights and freedoms. For example; freedom of speech
and freedom religion, freedom of criticism and human dignity,
freedom of information and state security, media and privacy
rights etc.In terms of binding and limitations:Withdrawal of
UDHR rights they have active parameters and parameters. So
we find a kind of disrespect in these rights because these rights
are invalid. But Muslims Employment Rights. It means if you
have more rights than you have other activities. If you violate
these functions, you do not have such Rights . It means that the
Islamic concept of human rights is a thous and Duties and the
rights of a peaceful society. This is something to keep in mind
what Islam has to offer many human rights but most of them
are unknown to us.

According to Dr. Abdullah bin Abdul Muhsin Al-Turki:

In fact, due to ignorance about these human rights and

shortcomings of relevant information about them, the reputation
of the Muslims as well the decision and rule of Islam is
distorted in the eyes of the whole world.

According to Islamic teachings and Islamic scholars point

to it see The Last Sermon of the Prophet (S.A.W) is a
complete human rights code forever.

As Dr. Sultan Khan states in his book: From the above-

mentioned facts, we can simply understand  Last Sermon
of the Holy Prophet(S.A.W) is comprehensive and
complete human rights charter. In this document he
provides equality for all kind of person. All forms of
prejudice are eliminated. 

Conclusion(1.5 page):

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