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At the end of the lesson, the students can:
A. Describe the elements of drama and the types of plays sss
B. Enumerate the elements in drama and types of plays
C. Create an original scripted role play or short drama
Topic: Play and Drama
 Evaluating and Selecting Plays
 Elements of Plays and Drama
 Types of Plays
References: Teaching English in Elementary Grades through Literature, module. Page 70-75.
Materials: Worksheets, Visual Aids, emoji, paper and pen.
Teaching Strategies: Inquiry, Collaboration, Actively participation
III. Procedure
 Prayer
 Greetings
 Checking of attendance
 Short conversation
-A Teacher group the students into three. Each group choose a performer to act according to
the emoji and apply in any situation.
-The group with a wonderful performance has 10 points and the rest has 5 points.
 Feedbacks
Presentation of Lesson
Teacher ask what students notice about their activity presented.
Lesson Proper
 What is play and drama?
 Play is a work of drama, usually consisting mostly of dialogue between
characters and intended for theatrical performance rather than just
reading. Drama is the specific mode of fiction represented in
performance: a play, opera, mime, ballet, etc., performed in a theatre, or
on radio or television.
 These essential elements of drama include the plot of the story, the
theme, the genre in which the story belongs, the characters, the setting,
and the audience.
 Elements of Plays and Drama
 Plot- referring to the basic storyline of the play, is the structure of a play
which tells what happens as the story goes. The plot structure can be
divided into six stages: exposition, inciting incident, rising action,
climax, falling action, and denouement.
 Characters- are the people, or sometimes animals, subjected in the
drama, and are portrayed by the actors and actresses in the play. They are
one of the main components that move the action of the play forward.
 The setting is the place, together with other conditions, such as time and
the environment, involved in which the events occur.
 The theme refers to the message that is intended to be expressed through
the story.
 Genre is the type of play. The examples of genre in which the play can
be classified include tragedy, comedy, sromantic, mystery, and historical
 Audience is a group of people who watch the play.
Types of Plays
Shakespeare wrote nearly 40 plays during his life. These plays can be divided into four types:
 Tragedies –these kind of play ends with the death of the central
character but also involves the death of a number of other characters.
 Comedies – this kind of play involves humor and often confusion,
disguise, mistaken identity etc.
 Histories – this kind of play is based on historical events and characters,
often on kings or important figures from Roman history.
 Romances – involve magical worlds and happenings, mysterious events
and moral lessons contained within a ‘happy’ ending.
 The same group; In 15 minutes, students choose either drama or play and
write their own script with different elements of drama or types of play
that discussed previously.
 Teacher ask students what they learn from the lesson.
 Teacher summarize the lesson.
IV. Evaluation
 Teacher conduct quiz about the lesson.
V. Assignment
 Answer the learning activity on page 75.

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