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The British West Indies

Volume I
VISITOR October, 1944 Number 4

"God Bless Our Colporteurs!"

Sabbath October 7, is Colporteur most important reason for their exist-
Rally day—one of the high days of ence — the winning of SOULS.
our yearly programme. This is the I have been thrilled with the many
day of days when we should pay fine letters I have received recently
special tribute to the work of our from our colporteurs througout the
faithful Colporteur Evangelists and Union. They breathe a spirit of cour-
to stress the importance of the work age and consecration that fills my
own heart with a greater desire to
they are doing. It is the time, also, be more faithful in the Master's Soul
when we expect the Holy Spirit will Winning work.
call out many other men and women Norman Douglas of Half-way Tree
from different parts of our field to reports that seven have responded to
take their place among the ranks of the preaching of the message that he
our British West Indies Bookmen's has done recently and four of these
army. are at present in the baptismal class.
So far this year we have had to R. B. Wallace of Great Valley
carry on without the leadership of a writes: "Not so long ago a brother
Uunion Field Missionary Secretary, told me that the books I sold him
but we are happy to announce that soon after this won his entire family to the truth." Brother
issue of the VISITOR reaches you, Brother Wallace also relates another interesting ex-
M. E. Lowry and his family will be here perience in which he contacted two persons
in Jamaica to take up their new work with in his book work who ordered books. They
us. Brother Lowry has had many years of became interested. He invited them to Sabbath
very successful experience in the publishing School. Today they are baptized members of
department work and we feel sure he will give a the church.
strong spiritual lead to our book work here in Sister Enid Robinson of Kingston has been
the British West Indies. ill for some weeks but still her heart overflows
In our two Jamaica fields, Brother Hurst with loyalty to the book work as she tells of her
in the West and Brother Campbell in the East, branch Sabbath School work in Gregory Park
have given consecrated and energetic leadership that the Lord has used her and others to build
to the book work and recent comparative reports up.
indicate that the 1944 sales and deliveries in Brother Samuel Horne of Bartons writes of
both fields far exceed anything Jamaica has ever his joy in the soul winning colporteur work: "At
done in the past. Bartons church five young men and one young
Perhaps the most outstanding record in the lady who had been members of the Sabbath School
Union this year has been set by Pastor Colburn for about two years have decided to be baptized.
and his small staff of Colporteurs in the Baha- I found them undecided but after reading with
mas Mission. The Bahamas workers sold well them 'Messages to Young People' it has brought
over £1500 of literature during the first seven their minds closer to Christ."
months of 1944. This is outstanding service in the J. M. King of Coleyville writes: "I now have
literature field. I doubt that any other local many interested people who have not taken their
field in the Union has surpassed it. More power stand as yet but I have the assurance that they
to you brethren in the Bahamas ! will in the near future."
Little British Honduras with only one full Bookman C. H. Thorpe of the Orange church
time colporteur is nearing its yearly goal this has this to say, "We need the s. d. I am sure
early in the year and we feel sure that Brother but I must say if it were not for souls I would
Waller in the Belize Book and Bible House and not be in the work as a colporteur . . . Last year
Brother Musgrave Arnold will hang up a new I conducted an effort at a certain place and as
record for British Honduras this year. a result two souls were baptized."
While our colporteur brethren and sisters Colporteur Evangelist A. A. Dixon of Troy
are establishing enviable records in sales we are writes that he left "The Marked Bible" with a
most happy that they are not overlooking the lady whom he had canvassed, "I am happy to
Page 2 THE B. W. I. VISITOR October, 1944
say now that she is a Seventh-day
Adventist with her husband and five "A Vital Present-day Problem!"
And so we could go on almost in- It is only natural that, while the forth in the Scriptures and in the
world writhes in the death-throes of writings of the Spirit of Prophecy,
definitely with the fine soul winning as relates to the question of temper-
experiences of our British West In- global warfare, the minds of people ance.
dies colporteurs. There can be no should be occupied with world events. "Of all who claim to be numbered
question as to the burden for the But there is another warfare which is among the friends of temperance,
lost resting heavily upon their hearts. going on in our very midst which is Seventh-day Adventists should stand
They are zealous for the message. taking its toll of thousands, yes, in the front ranks. For many years
Let us all pray most earnestly for millions, destroying life, robbing men a flood of light concerning the prin-
these loyal men and women who are of their mental powers, making pau- ciples of true reform has been shin-
labouring so zealously to finish the pers out of multitudes, wrecking ing on our pathway, and we are ac-
work in our British West Indies homes, corrupting governments, and countable before God to let this light
Union. destroying the moral fiber of the na- shine to others. Years ago we regard.
tions. It is the liquor traffic. ed the spread of temperance prin-
- . 1.11... Seventh-day Adventists have al- ciples as one of our most important
0 ways stood in the forefront of battle
WEST JAMAICA MISSION duties. It should be so today."—
against this foe. In the United States "Gospel Workers," page 384.
E. E. PARCHMENT, Superintendent
15 Market Street, Montego Bay, JaMBICa
of North America, Captain Joseph A special programme has been
Bates, one of our denominational prepared for Sabbath, October 14,
pioneers, founded one of the first tem- to be presented in all our churches.
perance societies in America in the
CHANGE AND DECAY IN This is published in the Home Mis-
year 1827. There were thirteen men
ALL AROUND I SEE sionary Gazette for the fourth quarter
in the initial organization, but it
quickly grew to a membership of of 1944. It deals with the question
It is impossible for one to describe of temperance in a way that we have
the present condition caused by the not presented it to our own people
We in fields outside of North
recent storm in the parishes of St. America have been slow to take this in the past. We would urge our con-
Ann and Trelawney. Where once ve• work seriously. We have failed to or- ference and mission leaders, together
getation flourished and fruits and ganize our forces in order to present
a solid front against this enemy of with all ministers and conference
vegetables could be found in abun- workers, to endeavour to make this
mankind. Many of the leaders in the
dance, there exists now only a bar- republics and dependencies which programme as effective as possible.
ren waste. Scores of houses have been make up our Division territory have The material can well be used for pre-
destroyed and hundreds of people are openly expressed themselves regard-
ing the detrimental effect which in- sentation to non-Adventist groups
homeless. Nine of our churches have also. We would encourage our church-
toxicating liquors are having upon
been completely destroyed and six the people in their lands. From Mexi- es to seek for opportunities to present
have been badly damaged. Fifty- co we hear voices decrying the use this program wherever it may be
two homes have been blown to pieces of these mind-robbing and moral-
shattering evils. possible to do so. Let us now, by the
and over two hundred and eighty wise use of the material which God
of our fellow believers are homeless. This is the time when Seventh-day
Adventists, by voice and pen, in open has placed in our hands present to
As I visited the various churches, forums, in the churches, over the air, men everywhere, in love and kind-
companies and homes, my heart was and through wise distribution of li- ness, the heaven-sent principles for
touched with a feeling of sadness, but terature, should set forth the prin- a better and a more wholesome way
as I talked with these dear believers ciples of true temperance. of life.
I found out that their courage is Whenever possible it would be well WESLEY AMUNDSEN
strong and their morale high. They for every church to have a Temper-
ance Society functioning effectively
are not sitting and worrying over for the promotion of the ideals set INTER-AMERICAN DIVISION
the past, but they have put their
hands to the plough and are erect-
ing booths for places of worship and and we must do all we can to make gether. These are the times when
are making little shacks to house provision for them. I feel sure that we must press together, press to-
their families. These dear brethren the appeal sent out to all our brethren gether, press together, as the Spirit
have expressed themselves by saying: and sisters will meet a hearty res- of Prophecy has said."
"These are some of the things that ponse, and I am asking that all dona- The estimated loss of these brethren
we have been preaching 'for years. tions in money and clothing be sent and their churches amount to about
Now they have come. Let us thank to the West Jamaica Mission at the £3,000. Undoubtedly many of our
God that our lives have been spared earliest date possible. We have form- readers will ask the question: How
so that we can continue to tell the ed committees in every church and can this be replaced? But let us re-
people of what is yet to come." company to dispose with whatever member that the work is the Lord's,
Some have lost all that they pos- help we are able to give, and the and these are God's dear people. The
sessed in this world and some have individuals will be helped accord- world also is His, along with the silver
expresed themselves that the gar- ing to their needs. and the gold, and nothing good will
ments they now wear are all they One of their greatest burdens is to He withold from those that love Him.
have saved. These dear ones are be- secure a place where they can meet As I have listened to the various
ing helped by the Mission and others together on God's holy Sabbath day, experiences of some of these believers
have rushed to their rescue also. Hun- and this is the reason they give for and the marvelous way in which God
ger and nakedness are facing them, this: "The flock must be kept to- has spared their lives, I have been
October, 1944 THE B. W. I. VISITOR Page 3

greatly strengthened and my hope a part of the house. He lives in the

and courage have been more firmly THE BAHAMAS MISSION 1 rest.
established in the great God above. Through this experience many be-
i H. D. COLBURN, Superintendent
It will take considerable time be- P. 0. Box 356, Nassau, Bahamas
came sympathetic and even those who
" fore these brethren will be able to threatened us, the Lord allowed them
feed and clothe themselves again, and their children to be afflicted and
so let us do all that we can to help "At Work on Andros Island" they had to seek Mrs. Lindo's assist-
them. One of the outstanding characteris- ance. They now wish that we stay
It is not all darkness. Behind tic of the true disciple of Christ is there for ten years.
the darkest cloud there is always his desire to find his brother who is The medical missionary work also
the brightest sunshine. Quite a few outside the fold of safety. Concern- helps to form the entering wedge. As
of these churches are requesting that ing Andrew we are told: "He first a result many hearts are softened to-
we come and hold baptismal services findeth his brother Simon, and saith ward the truth, and some of those
and meetings as usual. They are unto him, 'we have found the Mes- who were baptized accepted the mes-
working hard for their goal in souls siah, which is being interpreted, the sage as a result.
to be reached regardless of circum- Christ.' " After holding services at the house
stances. In the West Mission up to The very first series of meetings for some time, our Sabbath School
the time of writing we have bap- I had the privilege of conducting in grew to be twelve numerically and
tized 301 souls. Many of this num- this field was in the Andros Island our M. V. S. fifteen or eighteen.
ber are from some of the churches district. One of the women who ac- Sometimes our services are so crowd-
that have been destroyed. Although cepted the mesage then and was ed that there is no place to stick a
we are just a little over half of our baptized had an unbelieving husband. seat.
goal for the year, yet very good re- She set to work by the help of the Recently, of this number, there
ports are coming in from the field, Lord to win him to Christ. After a were three who definitely took their
and we feel sure that the calamities period of five years had elapsed, I stand for the truth. One of them was
which are taking place in the world again had the privilege of returning ill-treated and persecuted by many
will not prevent the progress of God's to this same district, and I was happy and was driven from her home several
work. to find this same sister rejoicing in times by her husband, but the more
E. E. PARCHMENT. this blessed hope, and what made my she was persecuted, the more firm she
joy two-fold was to see her husband remained. Because of the stern and
NEWS NOTES united with her in this truth. It was threatening persecution it was not
The West Jamaica Colporteurs' my pleasure to baptize him, and advisable to have them baptized in
honour roll for August is as folows: twelve others at this very place in- their vicinity and so they were bap-
V. Saunders 27 10 0 cluding some who took their stand tized in Nassau by Pastor H. D. Col-
A. E. Dawkins 20 4 0 from a second series of meetings burn, Superintendent of the Bahamas
C. Nebblett 11 15 0 five years after the first." Mission.
Pastor R. H. Pierson, president of M. G. NEMBHARD. One of two were fore-warned that
the British West Indies Union, and should they get baptized, not to re-
Pastor Stanley Bull, principal of the turn home. A few days after their
"Soul Winning on Eleuthera baptism they received letters from
New Hope College, visited a num-
ber of the churches in the West Ja- Island" home saying, "Come home at once,
maica Mission. The messages de- When we first started work at the don't let the first boat leave you!"
livered by these brethren were very Bluff, Eleuthera, we rented a little These dear souls are very zealous
refreshing to the hearers. hall which we used for all services. for Christ and ask us to pray for
Brother Lee Gouldbourne had a As soon as it was noticed that some them. We are inviting you to join
baptism of seventeen souls as the re- were becoming interested, the devil us in prayer for them and for those
sult of an effort that he conducted got into a certain group who threat- who are putting off baptism because
rncentiv. He is also nreparing to start ened the landlord that if he didn't of fear of the enemies of the truth.
another effort in the storm-stricken take the place away from us, they We are anticipating putting up a
area within the next few days. would burn his house down. church building, and so, Satan, in-
Brother E. C. Henriques, our church Notices were written and placed on stead of using his influence to banish
school teacher at March Town, has the outside of the house, pencil and truth, establishes it.
been employed by the Mission for the chalk were used to write on the floor S. G. LINDO.
vacation period to conduct an effort of the hall: "We must get Lindo out 1,, 041.1••14•..0.1M.0411•/.01M00•=0.04.1•1.0••••00.1010.1•••.,

at Lapland. Pastor Frank Fletcher, of Bluff." Filled with fear of loosing BRITISH HONDURAS
who has assisted him, reports that the his house, he took it away, and we had
interest is good. no place to worship except on the MISSION
Up to the date of writing we have porch of our dwelling house. By then R. Archbold, Acting Superintendent
P. 0. Box 123, Belize, British Honduras
baptized 301 souls. Many of this num- we had two baptized members.
ber are from some of the churches The landlord of the house in which 0•100411•0•MI.04•11.011•MIM.04111.04•Mq••11411=1.41,

4 British Honduras News Notes

that have been destroyed. This num- we lived came along one day, and
ber is just a little over half of our seeing us having Sabbath School on Harvest Ingathering is the pro-
goal, and according to reports corn- the porch, said: "Hold your service gramme of the hour in British Hon-
ing in from the field, we feel sure in the parlour, this is my house and duras just now. Brother Waller writes

that these calamities that are tak- I will see who can come in and molest that he and Elder Archbold are work-
ing place in the earth will not im- you: put up your bell and ring it." ing hard in Belize at present and
pede the progress of God's work. Of course we were paying for only that the prospects are good of their
Page 4 THE B. W. I. VISITOR October, 1944
surpassing 1943's achievements before Let us all pray for Brother von- 1•1•11401M,1,4=•0041M0.41M1•04M.P.IIIIIIIK,01110041111•1•114111.041111049.•

the campaign closes. Pohle in his new and heavy respon-

Plans were being laid for a good sibilities and let us give him the same Oilr Visitor
strong Ingathering campaign in the whole hearted co-operation that all Organ of tine
fine Belize church where our loyal have so generously accorded Prof. of Seventh-day Adventists
members always respond enthusias- Sorenson. R. H. P.
Robert H. Pierson Superintendent
tically to the programme of the church. W. E. Atkin Secy.-Treasurer
We feel sure that soon every Belize Pastor L. S. Crawford has been Secretaries
M. E. Lowry Publishinc
church member will have reached• his spending some time at Southfield Educational
S. S. and Home Mis-
full Ingathering goal and the church with his parents, who have been ill. sionary & Y. P. M. V.
will be "over the top !" More power to We are glad to report that according Robert H. Pierson Editor
W. E. Atkin Assistant Editor
Belize! to latest advices he finds them some- Office Address: General Post Office, Man-
We are confident that Corozal, what improved. deville, Jamaica, B. W. I.
Monkey River, Boston, May Pen, Pastor W. A. Holgate has been 10.0.1M•0404•011.1MPOO.M.0.0.111.M.0111=.0./WO•10.0I

Stann Creek, Stann Creek Valley, San visiting the various churches in Ja- "NOTES AND NOTICES"
Pedro, Calcutta, Pembroke Hall, maica contacting yourg people who At present Elder Atkin, our Union
Douglas, and Cowhead Creek churches are interested in attending the col- Secretary-Treasurer, is away in the
will all rally to the support of God's lege. Bahamas where he will spend some
work and reach their goals in re- Work is progressing in connection time auditing the Mission books and
cord time this year. with the erection of a second large giving such counsel and help as is
Pastor Archbold reports a fine in- brick oven' for the Bakery. This will possible to the work and workers
trest among the towns of the north- enable that department to increase its there.
ern District and we are hoping that output, as well as a reserve in case Our Inter-American Division Secre-
a large number of souls will be fol- the first oven, which has not been cool tary-treasurer, Elder C. L. Torrey,
lowing their Lord in baptism before for 12 years, should need overhaul- arrived in Jamaica some days ago
the year closes. ing. and spent almost a week at the Union
Brother Musgrave Arnold is at pre- Miss Marion Brodie, a graduate of office giving much seeded counsel.
sent working in El Cayo. He reports the college who has been doing steno- This has really been Elder Torrey's
that he is doing well in his canvas- graphic work at her Alma Mater, first visit to the Bt itish West Indies
sing work and that his courage is has left to connect with the Book Union since its organization, and we
good. and Bible House in Kingston. welcome Elder '1 orrey to our field
Word from Aston Davis, a member again soon.

of lasts year's graduating class who The Union office was also graced
THE WEST INDIAN is now working in the Cayman Is- with the presence of Elders C. Les-
TRAINING COLLEGE lands, is most encouraging. He states ter Bond and A. H. Roth for a few
C. L. von Pohle, Acting President that while there are difficulties there
P. 0. Box 22, Mandeville, Jamaica moments immediately following our
to be met, the work is progressing recent Youth's Congress.
nicely, and he sends the names of MISS LILY HERON.
"PROF. C. L. VONPOHLE ACTING prospective students.
PRESIDENT" Mr. Alwyn Parchment, a former CORRECTION
It was with deep regret that we re- faculty member, is again working in In the September issue of the VISITOR
cently said Goodbye to Prof. M.J. Sor- the Printing Department. He plans the Ingathering total of £1025 was credit-
enson, for the past four years our suc- to enter the Loma Linda School of ed to the West Jamaica Mission. This was
cessful president of W. I. T. C. Sure- Medicine in January. intended to come under the Fast Jam-
ly our prayers and best wishes go A new college catalogue is now in aica news notes as this was the amount
with him as he returns to old Ethio- preparation and will be ready for collected in East Jamaica.
pia to help hold our work together distribution shortly. In it will be
in that important field during these found the latest information in re- OBITUARY
days of stress. gard to clagses and fees for the school
year %of 1945 and anyone who is in- We regret to announce the death
The College Board, after much of the wife of Brother E. Powell,
careful and prayful consideration to terested in attending the West Indian
Training College should write for his leader of the Porter's Mountain com-
the question of a replacement for pany. Sister Powell fell asleep in
Elder Sorenson has chosen Prof. C. copy.
School has now begun for the third Jesus August 22, at her home in
L. vonPohle, B. A., to act as Pre- Porter's Mountain, leaving to mourn
sident of the College until perma- term of 1944. Students have return-
ed refreshed from the holiday, and her loss Brother Powell, six children,
nent arragements are made. and many relatives and friends. We
Prof. vonPohle is well and favour- are eager to get back at their studies.
Many have used the opportunity af- greatly sympathize with them in
ably known to the West Indian Train- their loss. E. E. PARCHMENT.
ing Coller::e constituency having been forded by the vacation to take ad-
connected with the Institution for the ditional classes; others have worked 11M1111111MMENIMININIMEIMINIIMM
past eight years as a member of the faithfully, both at the college and in work in English, has been awarded
faculty and as a successful depart- the canvassing field, and have suc- to Herbert Holness, now in his junior
ment head. We believe that Prof. ceeded in earning a good share of year at the college.
vonPohle's scholastic attainments as their expenses for this term. Miss Mary Vaz, Miss Kathleen
well as his pleasant and energetic A one-ye;,r's scholarship at W. I. Brodie, and Mr. Curtis Parchment,
disposition will fit him admirably to T. C., given by a prominent business members of the graduating classes of
carry thh important work for the man of Kir. gston to the student who '42 and '43, were recent visitors at
balance o: the year at least. has done Ole most outstanding school the college.

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