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A Sample of Presentation 1

Task 1.
Identify the steps in presenting a seminar from the transcript below
(Not all the steps are included in the transcript)

PRESENTATION (see more detail

1. Introduction

a. State what you will do

b. State how you will do it

2. Main body

a. Ordering points

b. Giving examples

c. Emphasizing

d. Referring back to what you have


e. Putting it in other words

f. Using visuals

g. Moving on

3. Conclusion

a. Concluding

b. Invite questions

Okay. Good afternoon everybody. I hope that we are still awake and alert.
And I'll try to make this fun and educational but also I try to be as informative as possible.
And just share a lot of my experiences that I've had over the last several years of just practicing
both traditional as well as alternative medicine.
Along with what was just mentioned, just a couple of things that I like to share about myself
once I go over what our objectives are going to be today.
So, I'd like to essentially describe what we use in my practice as the eight steps for achieving
optimal health.
As we all know we have all practiced different types of medicines in different fields and we're all
there for one common cause and one common result and that is to make our patients well and
keep them well long-term.
I'd like to also go over how to promote that balanced health and balanced hormones and a
balanced life because it's in my mind it's all about balancing our minds or bodies or spirits and
coming up with a very balanced existence.
In the last six years of my practice, enzymes have been a very integral part of my practice and so,
I'll talk a little bit about how enzymes assist with some of the other things that I do which include
bioidentical hormone replacement, weight loss, -----, and overall healing for my patients.
And.. and then I'll speak a little bit about how it adds to your practices from the standpoint of
(A) Yes, helping patients but also (B) keeping your doors open.
And how to help your practice remark it and standpoint as well as business standpoint, so we'll
talk a little bit about that.
So as was mentioned earlier I founded and I'm the medical director of the dr. Shelena Medical
Spa. This is a wellness center here in Sugar Land.
My background is I practiced ob-gyn for over 10 years and much like a lot of you out there and
realized that there is so much that is untouched in traditional medicine.
Yes I delivered thousands of babies and did the hysterectomies and did the surgeries and had a
great time doing it. And I feel like helped a lot of patients but I don't feel like I really got to the
core of their existence, into the core of their issues and their wellness needs.
So, one fine day I told my husband I was going to stop practicing ob-gyn and he nearly had a
heart attack.
And so you know he said “well what are you going to do?” and I said “well I'm going to follow
my passion and I'm going to really take care of people”
And that's kind of difficult to describe when you're leaving something like ob-gyn because you're
really taking care of people there too but in a very different way.
I think the turning point for me was when I had my second child and he is now almost nine.
When I had my second child and felt not so good after postpartum like a lot of women can relate
to. What I was handed by my ob-gyn was a prescription of Prozac and that didn't sit right with
me because she didn't quite listen to what I was going through and what was going on with me.
And there were so many elements missing.
And I was a physician and I was going to a physician but nobody was understanding and I had
no other place to go.
So, of course I tore that in half and started researching what was wrong with me.
You know what was causing all this postpartum issues so I came across hormonal imbalances,
nutritional imbalances.
All the foods that I was eating were all the wrong foods and I wasn't taking enzymes. I wasn't
doing all the things that we promote doing now.
So thus my wellness product just started and I so to speak “hung up my shingle” and started
seeing patients, and you'd be you know quite surprised because we all know this is such a needed
niche. And within one month we were floating.
We were just going and rocking and rolling and it was just wonderful. I planned for about a year
but within one month we were busy so you know it was just really nice way to enter into the
So again, you know what we do is we combine a lot of different practices and there's many
different things that I really believe in and so I speak about.
But in traditional medicine like I mentioned I saw a lot of patients who were really just being
treated based on the lab work, the piece of paper, and prescriptions were being handed out all the
So, I decided that I really wanted to treat the causes of the declining health and not just the result
of declining health. And thus that's why we're here to really focus on prevention and the entire

Task 2.
Choose a topic relating to health and nursing, and list the sources to back up your topic.
know the symptoms and ways to prevent COVID-19, How does the coronavirus attack our
bodies? and against the stigma of the public regarding Coronavirus

Topic: know the symptoms and ways to prevent COVID-19, How does the coronavirus
attack our bodies? and against the stigma of the public regarding Coronavirus

In December 2019 the Chinese authorities notified the world that a virus was spreading through
their communities. In the following months, it spread to other countries, with cases doubling
within days. This virus is the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome-Related Coronavirus 2 that
causes the disease called Covid-19 and that everyone simply calls coronavirus.

What actually happens when it infects a human and what should we all do?

A virus is really just a hull around genetic material and a few proteins, argauably not even a
living thing. It can only make more of itself by entering a living cell. Corona may spread via
surfaces, but it’s still uncertain how long it can survive on them.

Its main way of spreading seems to be droplet infection when people cough, or if you touch
someone who’s ill and then your face, say rubbing your eyes or nose.

The virus starts its journey here, and then hitches a ride as a stowaway deeper into the body
Its destinations are the intestines, the spleen or the lungs, where it can have the most dramatic
effect. Even just a few corona viruses can cause quite dramatic situation. The lungs are lined
with billions of epithelial cells. These are the border cells of your body, lining your organs and
mucosa waiting to be infected.

Corona connects to a specific receptor on its victim’s membranes to inject its genetic material.
The cell, ignorant of what’s happening, executes the new instructions, which are pretty simple:
copy and reassemble. It fills up with more and more copies of the original virus until it reaches a
critical point and receives one final order, self-destruct.

The cell sort of mets away, releasing new corona particles ready to attack more cells. The
number of infected cells grows exponentially
After about 10 days, millions of body cells are infected, and billions of viruses swarmed the
lungs. The virus has not caused too mch damage yet, but corona is now going to release a real
beast on you, your own immune system.

The immune systems, while there to protect you, can actually be pretty dangerous to yourself and
needs tight regulation. And as immune cells pour into the lungs to fight the virus, Corona infects
some of them and creates confusion. Cells have neither ears nor eyes. They communicate
mostly.via tiny information proteins called cytokines. Nearly every important immune reaction is
controlled by them. Corona causes infected immune cellsto overreact and yell bloody murder. In
a sense, it puts the immune system into a fighting frenzy and sends way more soldiers than it
should, wasting resources and causing damage.

Two kinds of cells in particular wreak havoc. First, neutrophils, which are great at killing stuff,
including our cells. As they arrive in their thousands, they start pumping out enzymes that
destroy as many friends as enemies. The other important type of cells that go into a frenzy are
killer T-cells, which usually order infected cells to commit controlled suicide. Confused as they
are, they start ordering healthy cells to klill themselves too. The more and more immune cells
arrive, the more damage they do, and the more healthy lung tissue they kill.

This might get so bad that it can cause permanent irreversible damage, that leads to lifelong
disabilities. In most cases, the immune system slowly regains control. It kills the infected cells,
intercepts the viruses trying to infect new ones and cleans up the battlefield. The majority of
people infected by Corona will get through it with relatively mild symptoms. but many become
severe or even critical. We don’t know the percentage because not all cases have been identified,
but it’s safe say that there is a lot more than with the flu. In more severe cases, millions of
epithelial cells have died and with them, the lungs’ protective lining is gone. That means that the
alveoli-tiny air sacs via which breathing occurs-can be infected by bacteria that aren’t usually a
big problem.

Patients get pneumonia. Respiration becomes hard or even fails, and patients need ventilators to
survive. The immune system has fought at full capacity for weeks and made millions of antiviral
weapons. And as thousands of bacteria rapidly multiply, it is overwhelmed. They enter the blood
and overrun the body; if this happens, death is very likely. The Corona virus is often compared to
the flu actually, it’s much more dangerous. While the exact death rate is hard to pin down during
an ongoing pandemic, we know for sure that it’s much more contagious and spreads faster than
the flu.

There are two futures for a pandemic like Corona: fast and slow. Which future we will see
depends on how we all react to it in the early days of the outbreak. A fst pandemic will be
horrible and cost many lives; a slow pandemic will not be remembered by the history books. The
worst case scenario for a fast pandemic begins with a very rapid rate of infection because there
no cunter measures in place to slow it down.
Why is this so bad? In a fast pandemic, many people get sick at the same time. If the numbers get
to large, health care systems become unable to handle it. There aren’t enough resources, like
medical staff or equipment like ventilators, left to help everybody. People will died untreated.
And as more health care workers get sick themselves, the capacity of health care system falls
even further. If this becomes the case, then horrible decisions will have to be made about who
gets to live and who doesn’t. the number of death rises significantly in such a scenario. To avoid
yhis, the world-that means all of us-needs to do what it can to turn this into a slow pandemic.

A Pandemic is slowed down by the right responses. Especially in the early phase, so that
everyone who get sick can get treatment and there’s no crunch point with overhelmed hospitals.

Since we don’t have a vaccine for Corona, we have to socially engineer our behaviour, to act like
a social vaccine. This simply means two things;
1.Not getting infected; and
2.Not infecting others
Although it sounds trivial, the very best thing you can do is to wash your hands.
The soap is actually a powerfull tool.

The corona virus is encased in what is basically a layer of fat; soap breaks that fat apart and
leaves it unable to infect you. It also makes your hands slippery, and with the mechanical
motions of washing, viruses are ripped away. To do it properly, wash your hands as if you’ve
just cut up some jalapenos and and want to put your contact lenses next. The next thing is social
distancing, which is not a nice experience, but a nice thing t do. This means: no hugging, no

If you can stay at home, stay at home protect those who need to be out for society to function:
from doctors to cashiers, or police offiecers;. You depend on all of them ; they all depend on you
to not get sick.

On a large level, there are quarantines, which can mean different things, from travel restrictions
or actual orders to stay at home. Quarantines are not great to expwerience and certainly not
popular. But they buy us-and specially the researches working on medication and vaccinations-
crucial time
So if you are put under quarantine, you should understand why, and respect it. None of this is
fun. But looking at the big picture, it is a really small price to pay.

The questions of how pandemics end, depends on how they start; if they start fast with a steep
slope, they end badly. If they slow, with a not so-steep slope, they end okay-ish. And, in this day
and age, it really is in all of our hands.literally, and figuratively.

What can you do to fight stigma associated with COVID-19?

Hi, My name is Priscilla, an I am 20 years old.

I have seen on social media that the new coronavirus outbreak has provoked a lot of social
stigma and discrimination.
This is harmful to not only those who suffer from it, but for everyone.
Stigma can isolate people. It can drive people to hide their illness to avoid discrimination and can
even prevent them from seeking medical care. So it is very important to avoid stigmatizing
people. And we can all do this.
Basically, by understanding that words matter.

Talk about the new coronavirus

Attach locations or ethnicity to the disease


Talk about “People who have or who may have COVID-19”

Refer to people with disease as COVID-19 “cases” or “victims”

Talk about people “acquiring” or “contracting” COVID-19

talk about the people “transmitting COVID-19” or “infecting others”
Talk about “spreading the virus” as it implies intentional transmission and assigns


Speak and share accurate information about the risk from COVID-19
Share rumours that are not confirmed, or language that spreads fear

Talk positively and emphasize the effectiveness of preventative measures

Emphasise or dwell on the negative, or threatening messages


GOOD. Use your social media accounts to spreads facts and solidarity
This will help us all prevent the spread of COVID-19.

Catatan: Sources minimal 3 sumber dan harus memuat setidaknya 1 sumber video.

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