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Р What do уоu do?

Lеаrпеrs сап uпdеrstапd and give а shогt basic description of соmmоп jobs.

i ;,-,"i l
а.i: .._ъ i,: "-, l r Look at the photos. Match the реор[е (A-D) with the jobs,

DigitaI Dеsigпег lT Speciatist Рrоduсtiоп Епgiпееr Sales l\Лапаgег



Li*,а;*Lвiаi.,з:,y The wогk we do

Read the iпfоrmаtiоп about реор[е and theiгjobs be[ow. Match the реrsоп, job
and dерагtmепt.
- -*,,--'а*,--,--*-", "" ----*-'
j Nаmе i Job ] Department
i СагLа LоmЬаrdi l Рrоduсtiоп Епgiпееr : sa[es

i Веп Schmidt 1 SaLes Мапаgеr i lT (infoгmation technoLogy)

i Lucas sousa i lT Speciatist i ргоduсtiоп
1IАпп а Robinson ! Digital Dеsigпег i mаrkеtiпg

Comp[ete the sentences with the соrrесt паmе: Саг[а, Веп, Lucas ог Аппа.
1 is Gеrmап. апswеrs рhопе ca[[s.
z works оп pгojects, se[[s trап5роrt services.

Теасhег's геsоцrсеS:
З _ makes website designs. 7 _solves technical ргоЬ[еms.
ехtга activities 4 _ has meetings with clients 8 wогks iп N4i[ап.


carla Lombardi Веп 5chmidt Lucas Sousa Аппа Robinson

ЪVh*l* *r* yt:* 9r*rTr? ',,1сhqг* *-fФ у*u iri]i,ý: l&'fuеге *гс:у** fгs:ffil iThel,* ar* уя:* fr*rт,з?
l'm frоm Flоrепсе iп ltaly. l'm from Hamburg iп !'m from Brasilia, ltЪ the l'm frоrп Manchester iп Eng.-:
беrmапу. capitai of Brazil.
И;'iз*r* ci* уr:i.з v;*rk? Yvh*r* *,: y*r-; vt*гk?
l work for ап e-commerce 1пli:*r* i!* ч*tл fgФгlсi' l,.qJh*ге ** y*t"l лл:сг!сi I wоrk fог а trапsроrt

соmрапу. We sell sports l work for а pharmaceutica| i work for Telefбnica, ltъ соmрапу.
clothes and equipment. соmрапу in Веr!iп, ltЪ the а big telecommunications
Цi ::l':; ij* Ll,, j {з lJ i-
l work in the Milan office. capital of Gеrmапу. соmрапу.
l work as а Sales Manage,
\tilat s T+*i, i*bi Hl:*t ll y*i,lt, j*b? ЦjilаtЪ y*.;rJ*i:?
il* ьjс* d,*. ;lt,"";erk:
l'm а Digital Designer. l work l'm а Production Епgiпееr. |'m an iT Specialist and l

work in the lT department. I manage mу sales team.

in the marketing department
Цh*t d;э ,*r:* .l;: at,y,,l*ii{? l have tr,veive people in t-;
ij* ,/** tjФ эi,дtlrk?
l check the production y*u iJ{: al ьv;.:rig?
\iJlt;l,i rJq; team. l mаkе апd answer
l make designs fоr the processes are safe and l work оп projects for other phone calls, have mееtiг=-,
website and social media cost-effective. departments. l solve with clients and write rег: --
technical problerrrs,
Gгаmmаr rеfеrепсе: page 106

l wоrk iп the mагkеtiпg department. She wоrk: iп the mагkеtiпg depaгtment.

Yоu mапа9е shop assistants. Не write: rероrts.
We wоrk iп а shop, She make: designs.
They se[[ c[othes. Не sellt c[othes.
l/You/We/They have meetings. He/She has meetings.

l 1
Match ].-4 with a-d апd 5-8 with e-h.
lmапаgе а phone caL[s to clients. : 5 lhave е tесhпiса[ргоЬ[еms.

2 fог Ь hуЬгid апd еlесtгiс сагs.
Yоu wогk : б Yоu solve f the process is safe.
з We se[[ с а team of tweLve реор[е. i 7 We writе g meetings with cLients.
Theymake d amultinationaIcompany ]8 h

4 They check emai[s and герогts.

Complete the texts with the соrrесt fогm of the чегЬs iп the boxes.

have se[[ wоrk wгitе :

David is ап Ассоuпtапt. Не 1_ fог а chemical соmрапу. lt 2

financiaL rероrts.
],--" - -",
. .i::*:: m:па9е 1оlк slLve ,

Теасhеr's rеsоuгсе5:
extra activities
]*fý*Ж* Watch Е[епа iп the video and complete the information iп the tab[e.

Еlепа Еllеп i steve

South епd-оп-Sеа LeicesteL Engtand
i*" 5 10

, 11
, Sепiог Rеsеагсh Мапаgеr

with the team and : the sales tеаm, ;

7 ,1з i

апd give visitoгs with mапаgеL make i meetings with cLients

а ра55 phone ca[[s and

Watch Е[[еп and complete the information in the table.

Watch Steve and complete the iпfоrmаtiоп in the tab[e.

Wоrk iп раiгs. Ask апd апswеr the questions.

What's уоur паmе? ' Whеге аге уоu fгоm? ' Whеге do you work?
What's уоuг job? ' What do уоu do at wогk?
Student А; Read уоur гоLе саrd оп page 114 оr use уоuг оwп iпfогmаtiоп.
Student В: Read уоur го[е сагd оп page 116 ог usе уоur оwп iпfогmаtiоп.

Wоrk iп пеw раirs. Use the questions in Ехеrсisе бА апd iпtrоdчсе yourself to уочr раrtпеп

Wоrk with уочr раrtпеr frоm Ехегсisе бА. Те[[ уочr рагtпег about the регsоп уоч ta[ked
to in Exercise бВ,
ii i,. i |-i i. : ;;;,:;l. i;

lсап understand and give а short basic descгiption of соmmоп jobs.

Do уоч have these products? What Ьгапd is the
саг е-геаdег Laptop/computer mobite phone Tv washing mасhiпе

\fосаЬur[аrу What companies do

2д Match the photos (A-F) With the business activities,

design саrs make clothes make сопsчmеr electronics

pгovidefinanciaIservices se[[productson[ine

в Match the companies with the business activities in Exercise 2д.

3 {l а,01] Choose the соrrесt wоrd. Тhеп listen and check,
1 Qatar Airways designs / provides аir trапsрогt
z ДlLiапz provides / makes financiaI sеrчiсеs.
з Vo[kswagen designs / provides, makes апd se[[s сагs,
4 Аmаzоп makes / sells books and other pгoducts оп[iпе,

5 lnditex makes апd se!!s / proyldes c[othes in shops and оп[iпе,

6 samsung makes / provides mobi[e phones апd home е[есtгопiсs,

4д writе sentences about these companies usin9 the чегьs in Ехеrсisе


Д: What daes Дррlе do? В: lt makes ...

ýд {l z,оz Wгitе the missing пчmЬегs. Тhеп listen апd rереаt,

three huпdгеd апd twenty
647 six huпdгеd _..--fогtу seven

55,з67 fifty-five--,thr.e_#
seventy-eight thousand, опе hчпdгеd and thiгtееп

з60,000 thгее huпdrеd _ sixty

Ъight huпdгеd and ninety -.--

* prg.112 See NчmЬегs

в ф.а,Oз' comptete the sentences with the пчmьеrs iп the Ьох. Тhеп listen апd check,
д[[iапz has очеr 1_
150 22о 7.ш0 174,000
employees in mоrе than Seventy соuпtriеs,
100,000 140,000
Amazon has очег _ wаrеhоusе robots,

Qаtаг Дirwауs has ' _ аirсгаft and fties to очеr _-- destinations.4

lnditex has оVеr _ stores and очеr employees iп пiпеtу-siх соuпtriеs,

5 б

.HT:HJfri,,*", -.--
С Ноw mапу emp[oyees/students аrе there whеrе уоч worklstudy?

) pag.97 See Ргопчпсiаtiоп Ьапk: NumЬеrs

Жеаdýmg аmd Соmрапу iпfоrmаtiоп
6 look at the соmрапу profite. Comptete the tabte.
Аьочt Тrаmчпtапа
we аФапi;сомййё]:.,r.],,l ..
соmрапу. We sell ciothes llEad office
аndshoeqlЙoirrоЯliпа,,' е_.
,,, :.i

We wоrk with top brands.

rve are based iп paris and have
эffiсеs in eighteen countries. *ipsabs,'
iYe have 700 staff all очег the ::

.,.сdd. Mo_stof, l,ýaЬ:qe,iф.,

3tazil, Mexico, Spain, Poland, ::.' v Read the соmрапу ргоfilе а9аiп. Аrе the sепtепсеs rrие (Т) or false (F)? Соггесt
Ъrmапу and lreland.

the false sentences.
1 Тrаmuпtапа designs саrs. 4 lt is ап iпtеrпаtiопа[ соmрапу.
2 lt se[[s ргоdшсts оп the iпtеrпеt. 5 Тhеrе аге 700 staffin Рагis.
3 lt se[[s fаmоus Ьrапds. 6 The top sales аге iп Asia.

$ dза.а+ Listen to А[ап Мчrrау talking about his соmрапу. Match 1-5 with а-е.
1 Wе аrе а iп Вопп, Gегmапу.
2 Wе ргоvidе Ь ап iпtеrпаtiопа[ trапsроrt соmрапу.
3 0ur g[obaI head оfГiсе is based с in 22О сочпtriеs.
4 We have оvег З60 offices d 85,О00 stafг and 250 аirсгаft,
5 we have е gtobatl,ogistics services.

А/АN ф Gгаmmаг геfеrепсе; page 106 ]

,'. -,1 We usе ап with а wоrd Ьеgiлпiпg with а vowet sоuпd: ап аir[iпе, ап е.-соmmеrсе
соmрапу, ап iпtеrпаtiопаI trапsроrt соmрапу, ап МВД, ап hout, ап опliпе
соmрапу, elc.
теасhеrз геsочгсеý:
ехtга activities We use а with оthеr wo rds: а Ьапk, а саr соmрапу, а mапufасturеt, е|с.

wrýtýпзg 9д took at the tabte about the lпtегсопtiпепtа[ Hotels Grочр. write а short
dеsсгiрtiоп of the соmрапу. Use some of the phrases ]п the Ьох.

.С_qfiрiпч:паmЕ lпtегСопtiпепtа[ Hote[s Grоuр (lНG)

Bgsin€is hospita[ity services
Denham, Епg[апd
ноtёь,, 0vег 5,З00
Фuпtriеs 100
ýtaff Ovеr З75,000 peopLe iп hote[s and соrроrаtе offices globatly

We аrе а/ап ... соmрапу. We make/sell... We рrочidе ... sеrчiсеs.

We аrе based in ... We have (offices) iп .,, We have оvеr ... staff/offices/etc.

wоrk iп.раirs. writе а similar description about а different соmрапу. use some
ofthe рhrаsеs iп the Ьох.
Student А: tUгп to page 114.
Student В: turп to page 115.

Соmраrе уочr descriptions frоm Exercise 9В with уочr раrtпеr.

!,i'аl uпсеjsцапd:qп{:givе,аsh]огt,Ь ,
:Зý Аwееk iп the 1ife
CgrncmLý}TEcatiwe ) тлt-кlruс ABouT RоuтlшЕs ф Grаmmаr rеfегепсе: ра9е 106
grаrrrmа!, + lДоu/WеЛhеу wоrkfог а Gеrmап He/She designs sоftwаге рrоgrаms.
сOmрапУ, He/She spends а week in Munich every
l/Yоu/WеЛhеу live in Аustга[iа. thгее months.

- l/You/We/They do поt trачеl fоr wогk. He/She does поt wоrk iп the head office.
l/Yоu/WеЛhеу don'twork оп Monday He/She doesn't study in the аftегпооп,
апd Tuesday.

? Do уоu travel fог wогlС Does he/she шоrk at the weekend?

Do they like theirjobs?

? Whеrе do уоu wоrk? What days does he/she wоrk?

What do they do at wоrlС

* prg.97 See Рrопчпсiаtiоп Ьапk Questions

4А Choose the соrrесt wоrd.

L Не don't / dоеsлt wоrk in ап office. 5 Yоч don't / dоеsлt wоrk оп Monday,
2 ldоп't/dоеsлtliчеiпМuпiсh. б Shеdоп't/dоеsп'tsрепdаmопthiпGегmапу.
З We don't / dоеsлt have visas. 7 They dоп't / doesn't go to the beach at the wееkепt
4 Hedon't/ dоеsлttгаvеlfогwогk. 8 ThelTdepaгtmentdon't/doesn'thavean office
in London.
в put the words iп the соrrесt оrdеr to make sentences,

1 not/ websites / Не / does / design 4 does / [anguage / The / рrоvidе / col[ege

/ nOt / classes
z [ike /job / She / not / hеr / does
pizzas/have/The/does/not/гestauгant 5 fог / does / Не / поt/ wоrk/ trаvеl
6 does /food / She / not/ the / ргераrе

5д Complete the questions with do оr does.

1 Whаt_А[чаго and РаЬ[о study?
z Charlotte Thomas wогk in London?
з Whеге _ А[чаrо апd РаЬ[о wогk?
ц How often_ Сhагlоttе go to Мuпiсh?
5 What davs А[чаrо and РаЬ[о wоrk?
6 what charlotte do at wогk?

В Work iп раiгs. Ask апd апswеr the questions in Ехеrсisе 5А.

бД Write questions with уоu.

2. ,ilУhёге/,{iче?

з,. Whаtlidb at Wоiи?

л,.,Wtjat,davs l wагk?

6, ifavel fоr wогk?

? :,like уоuгjоЬ?
Теасhег's ге5оurсе5:
в Wоrk iп раirs. Ask and апswеr the questions iп Ехеrсisе бА.

ýfrfв,ýtýrвg 7 Wгitе а shоrt b[og post fоr уочr соmрапу iпtгапеt. Choose опе option.
1 Write аЬоut а пеw со[[еаguе at wогk.
2 Yоu have а пеw job. Wгitе about yourse[f.

l_ca п wгitеjj цrрtе'sелiепсg-iФoutwo]гk routine-s,aпd actiцitie5, ф-ф

Lеагпеrs сап taLk about their jobs апd wогk гоutiпеs in а simple

Match the photos with the situations,


Look at the situations а9аiп. what do peopte ta[k about in each situation?

, famil,y frее-timе activities heatth home town :

Think of sоmе mоrе things to tatk аьочt fоr each situation,

use the рhrаsеs to complete the diatogue fоr photo д iп Exercise
(What/ уоuг паmе)?
Т: |'m Топу,

5: Hi, l'm Susan. Nice to meet you

) (Which dераrtmепt / уоu wогk iп, Susan)?
S: Sales. l'm iп Mark's team.
з (What / you do)?
(Whеrе / you wогk)?
What about уоu? 5

Т: l wогk iп the lT department.

.: ,] . Watch the video without sочпd. Do the peopte in the video kпоw each
оthеr wе[t?

watch the video with sound. what do Апdгеа and Jack talk about?

Watch the video again апd complete the table.

r'' !д Jack дпdrеа
: l nahrF+Maht

the : team апd big clients

оrочidе imaces апd videos fог
йi.ьr,t. апd-fог social to sаlеs сопfегепсеs
o_messages fгоm iП ЕuГОРе еVеГУ Уеаг

Which job do you рrеfеr; Апdrеа's оr Jack's? Why?

. ] Grаmmаг rеfеrепсе: page 107

Маrk's tеаm = l\4аrk has а team, the соmрапу'з image = the соmрапу has ап image
-,> The еmрLоуееý' сапtееп = the employees have а canteen
,:' Теасhег'srеsоurсе5;
extra activities The сustоmегs' еmаiI addresses = the сustоmегs have emaiIaddгesses

Complete the sentences with опе wоrd iп each gap. Watch the video again if necessary.
1 Yоu'rе _ hеге, right?
2 Yes, that's _ . lt's mу first week.
з Nice to vou
4 Which _ аге vou in?
5 What .- а Соmmuпitу Мапаgеr do?
6 l wгitе b[ogs апd _ images апd videos.
7 That sounds
8 do уоu wогk?
9 yoU trаVе[ fог Wоrk?
10 ta[king to you.

wоrk iп pairs. Рrасtisе saying the sentences iп Exercise 5А.

''.":т а _ ,l ,";
.-:i/l,].;:: l: i:-l _l +]:]

Hi! Му паmе's.,, Rea[ty?

Не[[о, l'm ... 0h, l see.
Nice to meet you (аgаiп). That sounds iпtегеstiп g/Ьогiпg/gооd/9rеаt, etc.
That's iпtеrеstiпg/Ьоriп g/good/great, etc.
What about you? / Апd уоu?
Which dераrtmепt аге you in?
What do you do?
Do уоu wоrk (in finance / with Nice ta[king to yoU.
Sy[via, etc.)?
Теасhег's геsоuгсеS: See you later
Do you know (Jack/Susan, etc.)?
ехtrа activities See уоu soon.

Wоrk iп pairs. Choose а rо[е ог сотпр[еtеthе tab[e fоr

уочгsе[f. Write а diatogue
Ьеtwееп these реор[е Ьу the coffee mасhiпе at wоrk.'Usе the Speaking box"to
he[p уоч.
Student А: Yоu аrе Апdrеа, Jack оr уоursе[f.
student В: You аrе а пеW регSоп in the соmрапу. Choose а го[е: OscaI Vегопiса ог

Oscar vеrопiса i ме
: Job l nte гп Admin Assistant ]

ап5wег phones. make рhопе suррLiегs,

photocopies, take mаkе оrdегs, wгitе
notes at meetings, ; emai[s, solve ргоЬlеms
Lеагп fгоm coLI'eagues : with огdеrs, check

Practise the dia[ogue.

BUSlNESS At а сопfегепсе

companies and jobs iп а simp[e way,

,,;& **t,l8'*t,*i];*: Look at the website. Апswеr the questions,

iai.i {* lЗ $ ! i-;]:: 1 Whеrе is it? 2 When is it?

{{j|.i i' I iitýai PRO€ltAM МЕ

._irl,.jFi]Р!t]{Ё 5РЕАкЕRS

i 1i1:,i.;,{TloN

i* li п i'{: ;, ;,,, i-l ;._;;,: Do уоч go to сопfеrепсеs? Do уоч have а business
;*:;:ii i_;;ri.. ,:$: ,; ,,,:|: Listen to а сопчегsаtiоп at the Gtobal mагkеtiпg сопfегепсе,, Complete
Неrе's mу сагd

::Ia. GRоUр polriciq willioms

Anthony Kowalski
&frъ i

,,.-]ж -

, Апthопу.Кrэwаlski
ъ +44 2о 7946 о316
жФ &
] .1.; 19"
ffiч ]ý-' +49 зо 2оо67974о

Listen to the сопчеrsаtiоп аgаiп. What do they talk

about? Tick (/) five options
frоm the Ьох.

. tt,'l. t,,ot.r theiгjobS thеiг nationa[ities the wеаthег .

z{:, : .',
Listen and complete the questions frоm the сопvегsаtiоп.
Use опе wоrd iп
each gap.
6 Sоrгу, what's уоur паmе

z What _--.- right?

you? Yоu'ге Аmегiсап, 7 Patricia, do уоu do?

3 What do you Апthопу? 8 What_а DigitaLРгоjесt

4 What do уоu do at --.-.-- ?
Мапа9еr do?

5 What -.=-.- уоuг соmрапу do? 9 Do you -._--- fог wогk?

Listen again and rереаt the questions in Ехегсisе 4А,

]._,- .т-;, ." ]::._i Look at page 122 and foltow the instructions,

mу соmрапу and job

l сап iпtгоduСе mysetf in fогmа[ situations апd ta[k aboUt
in а simple way.

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