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Eilen Joyce S.


            We are now living in a modern world and society where computers and
technology were very important to keep us in trend. Technology helps us to make use of
our time efficiently and become more effective when it comes to the workplace. And as
for my course, I need to know the basics of computers most especially excel. The
knowledge or becoming a master of this field will make a great advantage for me if I will
be applying for a job in the future. And while learning about excel, I was amazed at how
much you can tell the computer and it will just do its work. It helps me to do my work
quickly. And when I was doing my assignment; it was a little bit challenging once we got
into some of the harder ones. 

The webinar was a very interesting experience and it taught me a lot of things
and lessons most especially about excel. Excel also has a wide range of flexibility most
especially when it comes to its use, through its range of templates, tools, and functions.
I have only used Excel to organize data, but not really to the point that I will dig deeper
into it or manipulate it. It makes it easier for me also to understand excel because of
what I had learned from the webinar. It did help me a lot to appreciate excel even more.
It was hard after I tried a few things, but because of some research and practice, I was
able to do such a thing that I thought I could never do. I still have a lot of things to
understand about excel and I guess that is the thing that I should work on.

I had already minimal experience when it comes to excelling a little in my past,

but I had no idea that it could be very useful for me as a student. This kind of stuff will
help me as a student, mistakes are part of the process and I need to improve that or
work on that. I also learned that I should try to be more independent to help me grow as
a person. I also need to work on reading the instructions and research more about it a
lot more thoroughly. And most importantly is that I need to be able to apply the things
that I’ve learned about Excel to other courses because we might be using it.

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