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Elflines Online Fan Patch v0.

What kind of gonk makes a game about elves then forgets to develop a proper
magic system? Even if the miasma somehow negates all magic within it, surely the places
without miasma would have magic, right? And besides, how does miasma affect magic,
but also biological stuff like healing fast, and then doesn’t just kill you? There’s a lot of
plotholes and rules of cool took the day off, so we at YoHoStudios have been long at
work to fix their mess. And we’ve done this by first introducing our first fan server,
Miasma! (fitting name, I know).

How is miasma different from normal ELO? Well, it’s basically a different game.
Most of the code was “borrowed” or reverse engineered, however we still changed
enough to warrant the installation of a brand new client. This client works with vanilla
servers as well as miasma, but things like magic will only affect miasma. We’d also
recommend not using the same character, as your account might be terminated on vanilla
for having miasma modifications. That being said, the client can be downloaded
standalone or as a patch for your existing ELO installation! Link can be found at [Insert
Website Here].

To start with, let’s look at the changelog:

- Fixed a bug where interacting with NPCs would always start their questline or
- Fixed a bug where horses would disappear when you weren’t looking
- Reduced the user risk of heart attack when getting hurt, you can now change
damage intensity in settings.
- Hand tracking is better, allowing for people to track things like ASL easier.
- Added an alchemy system. tables and tomes are available in every major city, just
look for the alchemist’s shop.
- Added spellcasting, rituals, and general player magic.
- Removed Herobrine
Alchemy in Elflines Online works similarly to drug making in meatspace. To craft an
potion, you first must gather reagents with a cost described on the Alchemical Formulae
table. Then you must spend an amount of time as listed on the table crafting the potion.
Finally, at the end of crafting, you roll Artifice + Tech + 1d10 VS Artifice DV of the
formula. On a success, you now have the potion you made. On a failure, you mess it up
and your reagents are wasted.

Formula Name Reagent Cost Artifice DV Crafting Time

Elixir of Health 10gp 11 1 minute

Vial of Poison 50gp 11 1 minute

Draught of Purity 50gp 13 10 minutes

Flask of Endurance 50gp 13 10 minutes

Draught of Iron 100gp 15 10 minutes

Crow’s Brain 100gp 17 1 hour

Monkey’s Paw 100gp 17 1 hour

Cat’s Tail 100gp 17 1 hour

Fly’s Grace 100gp 17 1 hour

Snake’s Tongue 100gp 17 1 hour

Owl’s Feather 100gp 17 1 hour

Cheetah’s Eye 100gp 17 1 hour

Bear’s Claw 100gp 17 1 hour

Dog’s Nose 100gp 17 1 hour

Spell Scroll 5xDrain DV gp Drain DV 5 x Drain DV minutes

Elixer of Health
This bottle of oil acts as a liquid form of Sacred Herb, and when drunk acts exactly as if
you applied sacred herb to yourself, healing BODY + WILL hp.

Vial of Poison
There’s no fancy tricks here, this is just a regular old vial of poison, only you made it

Flask of Endurance
When you consume a Flask of Endurance, you ignore all effects of the seriously wounded
state for 10 minutes.

Draught of Purity
When you consume a draught of purity, all debuffs put on you are erased.

DrOwl’s Feather
When you consume this potion, Increase WILL by 2 for 10 minutes. You cannot benefit
from this potion more than once a day.

Cheetah’s Eye
When you consume this potion, Increase Move by 2 for 10 minutes. You cannot benefit
from this potion more than once a day.

Bear’s Claw
When you consume this potion, Increase Body by 2 for 10 minutes. You cannot benefit
from this potion more than once a day.

Dog’s Nose
When you consume this potion, Increase EMP by 2 for 10 minutes. You cannot benefit
from this potion more than once a day.

Spell Scroll
If you wish to cast a spell without dealing with drain later, or wish to sell a copy of your
spell, or even give one to another elf in your elfline, you need to make a spell scroll. The
Drain DV is listed in the spell description, and plugs into cost, artifice DV, and crafting
Sometimes you want to do magic that’s more direct than brewing a potion. Any little elf
has heard stories of a great sage who could take an army solo. Blasting fire like their
hands had tiny dragons on them. With the miasma server’s magic system, now you too
can start conjuring!

Learning a spell

To start off, you need to learn spells. This can be done by buying a spell tome and some
spell scrolls. The tome acts as a record of every spell your character can cast and, after
purchase, will soulbind to you, allowing you a quick reference for how to cast your

Spell Scrolls are consumable written records of spells. You can cast the spell directly
from a scroll, and you suffer no drain or cooldown from doing so. However, if you cast a
spell off a scroll, the scroll crumbles to dust in your hands. Instead what you can do is
copy the scroll into your tome. This also destroys the scroll, but teaches you the spell so
you can produce your own spell scroll and cast the spell normally.

Once a spell is learned, you will be given the option to go through a casting tutorial for
the spell. This teaches you the somatic and verbal components you need to perform to
cast the spell, as well as any mental components you may need to add as well.

As an example, let’s take the spell Phantasm. Phantasm will instruct the caster to form
two L shapes with their hand to frame the area the phantasm will go, then imagine the
image within that area. The image will slowly fade in, and look, sound, maybe even feel
real, until someone passes a perception DV 15 check to see through it.

There is no limit to how many spells you can learn, but it might be hard for your
edgerunner to remember how to cast 50-100 spells at once.

Casting a spell
So you got your spell and you’re ready to cast it? Great! Now there’s just a couple steps
more to go through.
First, each spell has a drain value. Drain represents the toll it takes to cast a spell while
plagued by miasma. Each spell also has 1 or more spell components.

Somatic components are gestures you make with your hands such as “Hold your arms in
a Y shape above your head, hands open. Then swing them into a straight line, closing the
two hands around each other. Finally, slam the hands towards the floor.” (Lightning

Mental components are decisions you make while casting a spell such as “you envision
the illusion you wish to place, and then there it is.” or “you mentally select a target, and
find a psychokinetic grip placed upon it.”

Finally, to cast a spell you must deal with it’s drain. Each spell has a drain value, which
acts as a DV you must pass to cast the spell without harm. Every point under this DV is
1 point of unresisted damage you take. So make sure to not push yourself. Additionally,
if you cast a healing spell on yourself and take drain damage, the spell fails. The roll to
resist drain is Sorcery + INT+ 1d10 vs DV. You take only half drain in an area
unaffected by miasma, such as a town or camp.

Some spells must also be sustained. Unless otherwise stated, you sustain a spell for as
long as you actively concentrate on it, If you get hit, make a Concentration test against
the Drain DV. On a fail, you stop sustaining the spell entirely. Sustaining a spell is a
free action. You can only sustain 1 spell at a time.

If a spell is listed as an attack or otherwise calls for a skill roll, your side of the roll is
always Sorcery + INT + 1d10.

List of Spells

Below is the extensive list of spells within this patch, as well as how much the average
price for a scroll of said spell is.
Faerie Fire
Drain DV 14
Cost: 140gp
You clasp your hands in front of you, and blow into them. This sends out sparks which
illuminate the hidden, giving a +5 to perception checks within a 6 x 6 x 6 m/yd cube in
front of you. It also outlines anything invisible, effectively cancelling invisibility.

Drain DV 14
Cost: 140gp
Speak the name of an object and wave your hand across it., while imagining it isn’t
there. The object will disappear behind your hand. This spell lasts for 10 minutes.

Telekinesis (sustained)
Drain DV 10+
Cost: 100gp

Imagine the presence of an object within 10 m/yds if you. Imagine you have a third
hand upon the object, and are moving it around as if the hand were your own.
Suddenly, you will see the object float there as if you were holding it. Both your head
and the object have a faint colored aura, indicating telekinesis. Additional objects may
be held, with each hand needed adding 2 to the drain DV. if you’d need two hands of
your own to hold an object, you need 2 telekinetic hands to hold it. If you need 2
people to lift it, you’d need 4 hands, and so on.

Lightning Smite
Drain DV 17
Cost: 170gp

Imagine a point anywhere within line of sight. Then, raise your arms in a Y shape
above your head with your hands open. Quickly close the hands together above your
head, then drop your hands down to send in a thunderbolt. This thunderbolt counts as a
ranged attack using Sorcery. On a hit, it deals 3d6 damage. If even 1 point makes it past
armor, DEX, REF, and MOVE are lowered by 1d6 for 1 minute.

Drain DV 17
Cost: 170gp

Form your hands into a hollow ball and imagine a flame held within. Mentally grow the
flame, opening your hands to allow for more room. Then, release the fireball. Fireball
counts as a ranged attack, dealing 3d6 damage. If even 1 point makes it past armor,
your target is engulfed in flame. Until your target spends an Action to put themselves
out, they take 2 damage directly to their HP whenever they end their Turn. Multiple
instances of this effect cannot stack.

Frost weapon (sustained)

Drain DV 17
Cost: 170 gp

Conjure an image of a weapon made of frost, then exhale deeply. This exhalation
carries frost crystals which form the weapon you thought of. The weapon attacks with
melee or archery as normal, but deals 2d6 damage directly to HP on a meat hit, not
ablating armor as it was never interacted with.

Drain DV 16
Cost: 160gp

Point a finger at the target, and then quickly raise your hands to your cheek, close your
eyes, and tilt your head. This will cause an intense drowsiness in the target. Your target
must attempt to beat a DV13 Endurance/Resist Torture/Drugs Check. Anyone who fails
is now Prone (see pg. 169) and Unconscious for 1 minute or until they are woken by
taking damage, or by someone else using an Action that touches them

Shield (sustained)
Drain DV 12
Cost: 120 gp

You assume a defensive position, swinging your arm from your side to across your
chest, summoning a glowing eldritch shield in its place. This counts as SP 10 armor in
your shield slot. If the shield is ablated by even 1 point, it disappears.

Drain DV 15
Cost: 150gp

You make two L shapes with your hands, and arrange them as a painting’s frame.
Through the frame, imagine a phantasm filling it’s space. The illusive image will then
appear. It is indistinguishable from reality unless you pass a DV 15 perception check.
Phantasms are not physically present, however, and can be walked through and deal no
damage. A phantasm takes up a cube 2m/yds on a side, and 2 m/yds can be added to
this area by adding 2 to the drain DV.

Lay on Hands
Drain DV 16
Cost: 160gp

Lay a hand on a target and recite a short prayer, channeling mana into them. Then,
make a First Aid / Paramedic / Surgery check vs DV 13. On a success, the target
regains HP equal to WILL + Body.

Mage Armor
Drain DV 11+
Cost: 110gp

Place your arms in an X shape across your chest, balling your hands into fists. Uncurl
your fists, and you find strings of eldritch force flying out and wrapping around you,
granting SP 1 armor on your head and body. You can add 1 additional SP or more by
adding 1 more to the drain DV per SP of armor. Mage armor lasts for 10 minutes, or
until ablated to SP0. Casting mage armor if you already have mage armor will replace
the old armor with the new armor.

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