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 When choosing a job, the salary is the most important consideration for many.

Others, however, prefer different other aspects of a job over the salary they earn.
In your opinion what are the most important aspects of a job?

It is true, we need money to survive and the salary range is important for every
worker. Unless, you are older, have earned enough in the past, have inherited
money or you live as a minimalist. However, it is more important to have good
working conditions. Principally, a job should make us happy. Overall, flexi time is
more important than money for more and more people. These people want more
time with their families or more time for their hobbies. According to research,
employees prefer more free time instead of money.

From my point of view, a good relationship with your colleagues and your superior
is necessary. Also social benefits and respect among each other. Just like for further
education, that you have the opportunity to take a course after the work. In
addition, a crucial point in my life is to work smart, efficient and environmentally

Last but not least we all know the terrible working conditions in devolving countries.
They work in buildings with a risk of collapse and with harmful chemicals without
protective clothing. It is therefore important to fight for your rights and not allow
others to exploit you.

Seite 1 von 1 13.06.2021

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